29 research outputs found

    Exploring study profiles of Computer Science students with Social Network Analysis

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    Information technology is widely adapted in all levels of education. The extensive information resources facilitate enhanced human capacity and the social environment to support learning. In particular, Social Network Analysis (SNA) has been broadly used in teaching and learning practices. In this paper, we perform community detection analysis to identify the learning behavior profiles of undergraduate computer science students in a Nordic university. The social network was created using 273 responses to an online survey. The students themselves provided their social connections at the university, and node attributes were created based on responses to questions regarding Educational Values, Goals Orientation, Self-efficacy, and the university teaching methods. We analyze the biggest communities to identify the factors that characterize the learning strategy and preferences of undergraduate computer science students

    Making the Most of Slides and Lecture Captures for Better Performance: A Learning Analytics Case Study in Higher Education

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    The provision of educational material in higher education takes place through learning management systems (LMS) and other learning platforms. However, little is known yet about how and when the students access the educational materials provided to perform better. In this paper, we aim to answer the research question: ‘How do the high achievers use the educational material provided to get better grades?’. To answer this question, the data from two educational platforms were merged: a LMS, and a lecture capture platform. We based our analysis on a series of quizzes to understand the differences between high and non high achievers regarding the use of lecture recordings and slides at different moments: (1) before and (2) while solving the quizzes, and (3) after their submission. Our analysis shows significant differences between both groups and highlights the value of considering all the educational platforms instead of limiting the analyses to a single data source

    El arte de la disección a través del tiempo.

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    Los cambios culturales, los avances en la ciencia y las nuevas tendencias en la educación médica han ocasionado modificaciones en las técnicas de disección y enseñanza de la anatomía, pues hasta hoy es impartida en las escuelas de medicina. En la actualidad, existe una forma regulada y legal de obtener cadáveres para la enseñanza e investigación; sin embargo, el papel de la disección ha sido objeto de debate en los últimos 30 años. La disección se analiza desde diversos puntos de vista: el educativo, el bioético y el de valores humanos; además, cuenta con variadas opiniones de profesores y estudiantes. Su práctica en algunas universidades de Estados Unidos y Europa muestra la situación actual y la tendencia de disección como herramienta de aprendizaje

    Lifestyle dependent Parasitic diseases

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    Objective. Determine the presence of parasites in vulnerable groups and venture into the exploration regarding lifestyles and their correlation with contracting parasitic diseases. Material and methods. An exploratory study was conducted by project with medical students, for this investigation a survey was applied to 90 vulnerable people, as well as coproparasitoscopic analysis and fresh amiba to 20 more people from different social groups; students, housewives, workers and infants. Results. 1% of the sample presented Entamoeba histolytica, among others blastocysts was detected Giardia lamblia and as Endolimax nana 6 (6/20). Discussion. Governments invest a lot of resources in the construction of hospitals or health units and invest much less in working on the lifestyles of the population, which has a negative impact on the health of the community. the importance of building knowledge about improving lifestyles and the population understands the direct relationship that these lifestyles have on the health and disease process, spending on health institutions will continue to increase and vulnerable populations that do not have access to health services will continue to be isolated. Conclusions. There is a correlation between lifestyles and present amebiasis, with hand washing and the presence of Entamoeba histolytica with key symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea


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    Hoy en día es imprescindible abordar el problema de los derechos desde una perspectiva holística que integre la posición que el individuo ocupa en la sociedad y el impacto de los hechos sociales sobre su persona. Esta perspectiva va por lo tanto más allá del enfoque clásico de las violaciones a los derechos civiles y políticos de los ciudadanos sino, también incluye sus derechos económicos, sociales y culturales. Cualquier enfoque de tipo holístico debe entender al ser humano en su ambiente, social, cultural, natural y en función a todas las estructuras existentes, por más sutiles que sean o invisibles que parezcan. Precisamente este libro permite apreciar la dimensión amplia y compleja del ser en sociedad y las interacciones que de ambas partes se generan y las ramificaciones que producen. No es un ejercicio fácil y los editores de este volumen han logrado un salto cuántico al poder congregar en un solo espacio miradas que en otras circunstancias podrían haber sido opuestas y hasta contrarias a nuestra comprensión de problemas que, en efecto, tienen raíces comunes. El libro está dividido en 5 secciones, El espíritu de los tiempos actuales y los Derechos Humanos, Construcción ciudadana y ejercicio de los Derechos Humanos, Violaciones a Derechos Humanos, victimizaciones y su atención, Ejercicio de los Derechos Humanos y situaciones disruptivas y Defensa y defensores de Derechos Humanos.Manuel Gutiérrez Romero Jessica Ruiz Magañ


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    La Guía de Atención Psicológica Virtual “GAPV_COVID-19” se presenta al lector como una herramienta necesaria para los profesionales de la salud y la salud mental. A pocos meses de tener frente a nosotros una problemática de salud pública mundial desatada por el brote de una nueva cepa de coronavirus, médicos, enfermeros, gobiernos y una sociedad cada vez más informada han buscado materiales médicos-psicológicos de apoyo que logren dar atención y orientación oportuna y científica a personas que no sólo padecen o padecieron la infección por la COVID-19, sino a aquellos individuos que temen infectarse o que han visto frustrados sus días debido al encierro prolongado. En México a más de siete meses del inicio de la cuarentena y de los repuntes constantes de personas infectadas por la nueva cepa, un grupo de científicos sumaron esfuerzos para crear una guía útil, práctica y de distribución electrónica gratuita para sus colegas. Su motivación es atender de manera expedita y con altos niveles de calidad los síntomas y padecimientos de las personas en el entorno actual. Estrés, depresión, ansiedad, preocupación, temor y agresividad, o apatía e incredulidad, son factores que se han acentuado a lo largo de estos meses, y que deben ser atendidos con la mayor celeridad posible. En esta Guía se demuestra que la atención y orientación a los padecimientos y síntomas que ha traído consigo el virus SARS-CoV-2, pueden ser oportunos al trabajar on line, pues los paradigmas de la atencion médica se han transformado. Ya no es necesario, en ciertas zonas del país, acudir personalmente con los profesionales de la salud. Una de las enormes ventajas de contar con dispositivos electrónicos y conexión a Internet, es el acortamiento de distancias entre pacientes y psicólogos, con lo que la atención psicológica virtual se convierte en una poderosa herramienta para el tratamiento urgente. Este esfuerzo por conectar a las personas con los profesionales de la salud mental a través de las nuevas tecnologías digitales, pronto verá sus resultados al dar tratamiento adecuado y puntual a las personas que lo soliciten.CONACyT. Apoyo 000000000312728

    Learning about learning : unravelling interactions in higher education with learning analytics

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    Learning is a multidimensional process that evolves and changes, influenced and affected by several elements. The sudden shift in teaching modality when the pandemic hit implied changes in social interactions, digital platforms use, and collaboration dynamics; potentially impacting the students' learning experience. This research, initially motivated by the unknown effect of the pandemic on teaching and learning practices, lies on the grounds of the Learning Analytics (LA) research field, focused on analysing and understanding learning processes and the environments in which they occur. The dissertation takes the standpoint of interactions with the aim of furthering our understanding of how different types of interactions occurring in higher education inform and relate to students' learning strategies and behaviours. In this dissertation, quantitative and qualitative approaches, as well as a variety of data sources, are used to explore the research question: How and to what extent can the analysis of interactions be used to inform features and changes in undergraduates' learning strategies and behaviours? In educational contexts, interactions correspond to the various ways of communication and engagement that occur between learners, instructors, learning material, and technology. The dissertation thereby presents five chapters focused on exploring several interaction types in the context of higher education, including interactions between humans (student, instructor) and systems (digital ecosystem, content). The results presented in the chapters provide insights into the presence and evolution of study profiles, the relationship between usage of digital platforms and resources, assignment solving, and academic performance, the effect of a data-driven intervention of class schedules and its effect on students' learning activity and experiences, the design and adoption of an institutional programme for supporting instructors, as well as insights on the dynamics of discussion forum interactions in different teaching modalities, and their value and limitations for informing the identification of students at risk of failing. Three main contributions are highlighted in this dissertation. Firstly, by analysing different types of interactions in higher education, the dissertation provides an overview of how these interactions influence each other as well as their relationship with students' learning strategies and behaviours. Furthermore, these insights are helpful for informing the development and adoption of LA research on interactions, which are illustrated in a conceptual framework integrating the dissertation findings, implications and recommendations. Secondly, the dissertation contributes to addressing shortcomings of LA research. It provides insights into students' behaviours and strategies, interactions, learning material usage, course improvements, and interventions in educational settings. Furthermore, practical recommendations in regards to data, resources, and support are provided. Finally, by taking into consideration students, instructors, and digital ecosystems, the dissertation offers insights into the effect of the pandemic on teaching and learning practices in higher education.This research was supported by the Department of Computer Science at Reykjavik University, the Icelandic Research Fund (Doctoral grant No. 239408-051), the Bluenotes Global (Project Learning outside the box: A data-driven, cross-sectional learner behaviour analysis), and Echo360 (Academic Champions Programme 2021 and EchoImpact Grants Programme 2022)

    Explainable Learning Analytics: assessing the stability of student success prediction models by means of explainable AI

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    Beyond managing student dropout, higher education stakeholders need decision support to consistently influence the student learning process to keep students motivated, engaged, and successful. At the course level, the combination of predictive analytics and self-regulation theory can help instructors determine the best study advice and allow learners to better self-regulate and determine how they want to learn. The best performing techniques are often black-box models that favor performance over interpretability and are heavily influenced by course contexts. In this study, we argue that explainable AI has the potential not only to uncover the reasons behind model decisions, but also to reveal their stability across contexts, effectively bridging the gap between predictive and explanatory learning analytics (LA). In contributing to decision support systems research, this study (1) leverages traditional techniques, such as concept drift and performance drift, to investigate the stability of student success prediction models over time; (2) uses Shapley Additive explanations in a novel way to explore the stability of extracted feature importance rankings generated for these models; (3) generates new insights that emerge from stable features across cohorts, enabling teachers to determine study advice. We believe this study makes a strong contribution to education research at large and expands the field of LA by augmenting the interpretability and explainability of prediction algorithms and ensuring their applicability in changing contexts.</p

    Perfil de expresión de Ki67 en lesiones melanocíticas palmoplantares: estudio de casos y controles

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    El melanoma acral lentiginoso es una neoplasia maligna que afecta a población predominantemente no caucásica. Debido al diagnóstico tardío suele tener mal pronóstico, además de que se considera una neoplasia biológicamente más agresiva, incluso cuando se detecta tempranamente. Objetivo: Determinar la expresión de Ki67 en el melanoma acral lentiginoso invasor y compararla con los nevos acrales. Método: Estudio transversal, descriptivo, observacional. Se realizó inmunohistoquímica con marcador Ki67 en 17 biopsias de melanoma acral lentiginoso invasor (casos) y 17 biopsias de nevos palmoplantares (controles). Se determinó la expresión nuclear de Ki-67 y se comparó entre ambos grupos. Resultados: La media de expresión de Ki67 fue del 8.5% en el grupo control y del 34% en el grupo de melanomas, siendo esta diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p < 0.0001). Discusión: La expresión de Ki67 en los melanomas acrales es considerablemente mayor que en los nevos acrales. El valor pronóstico del marcador Ki67 sigue siendo considerado controversial. Sin embargo, hay estudios en los que en combinación con otros marcadores se refuerza su valor pronóstico. Conclusiones: Por la gran diferencia en inmunorreactividad de Ki67 entre melanomas y nevos, la expresión de Ki67, referida como índice proliferativo, podría ser considerada como factor pronóstico incluso más objetivo que el índice mitótico

    Enfermedades parasitarias dependientes de los estilos de vida

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    Objective. Determine the presence of parasites in vulnerable groups and venture into the exploration regarding lifestyles and their correlation with contracting parasitic diseases. Material and methods. An exploratory study was conducted by project with medical students, for this investigation a survey was applied to 90 vulnerable people, as well as coproparasitoscopic analysis and fresh amiba to 20 more people from different social groups; students, housewives, workers and infants. Results. 1% of the sample presented Entamoeba histolytica, among others blastocysts was detected Giardia lamblia and as Endolimax nana 6 (6/20). Discussion. Governments invest a lot of resources in the construction of hospitals or health units and invest much less in working on the lifestyles of the population, which has a negative impact on the health of the community. the importance of building knowledge about improving lifestyles and the population understands the direct relationship that these lifestyles have on the health and disease process, spending on health institutions will continue to increase and vulnerable populations that do not have access to health services will continue to be isolated. Conclusions. There is a correlation between lifestyles and present amebiasis, with hand washing and the presence of Entamoeba histolytica with key symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de parásitos en grupos vulnerables e incursionar en la exploración respecto a estilos de vida y su correlación para contraer enfermedades parasitarias. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio por proyecto con estudiantes de medicina. Para dicha investigación se aplicó una encuesta a 90 personas vulnerables, así mismo se efectuó análisis coproparasitoscópico y amiba en fresco a 20 personas más de diferentes grupos sociales; estudiantes, amas de casa, trabajadores e infantes. Resultados. El 1% de la muestra presentó Entamoeba histolytica, entre otros se detectó blastocitos y en Giardia lamblia así como Endolimax nana en 6 (6/20). Discusión. Los gobiernos invierten muchos recursos en la construcción de hospitales o unidades de salud e invierten mucho menos en trabajar en los estilos de vida de la población; esto repercute negativamente en la salud de la comunidad. Al no generar conciencia a través de la educación sobre la importancia de construir conocimiento acerca de mejorar los estilos de vida y la población comprenda la relación directa que tienen dichos estilos de vida sobre el proceso de salud y enfermedad, el gasto en las instituciones de salud seguirá aumentando y las poblaciones vulnerables que no cuentan con acceso a los servicios de salud seguirán quedando aisladas. Conclusiones. Existe correlación entre estilos de vida y presentar amibiasis, con el lavado de manos y la presencia de Entamoeba histolytica, con síntomas clave como vómitos y diarrea