4,146 research outputs found

    Investigation of foamed metals for application on space capsules annual report, 29 jun. 1963 - 15 aug. 1964

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    Foamed metal development for space capsules - brazing, variable density beam, thermal testing, mechanical tests, and machinin

    Notorious places: image, reputation, stigma: the role of newspapers in area reputations for social housing estates

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    This paper reviews work in several disciplines to distinguish between image, reputation and stigma. It also shows that there has been little research on the process by which area reputations are established and sustained through transmission processes. This paper reports on research into the portrayal of two social housing estates in the printed media over an extended period of time (14 years). It was found that negative and mixed coverage of the estates dominated, with the amount of positive coverage being very small. By examining the way in which dominant themes were used by newspapers in respect of each estate, questions are raised about the mode of operation of the press and the communities' collective right to challenge this. By identifying the way regeneration stories are covered and the nature of the content of positive stories, lessons are drawn for programmes of area transformation. The need for social regeneration activities is identified as an important ingredient for changing deprived-area reputations

    Estimating long-term volatility parameters for market-consistent models

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    Contemporary actuarial and accounting practices (APN 110 in the South African context) require the use of market-consistent models for the valuation of embedded investment derivatives. These models have to be calibrated with accurate and up-to-date market data. Arguably, the most important variable in the valuation of embedded equity derivatives is implied volatility. However, accurate long-term volatility estimation is difficult because of a general lack of tradable, liquid medium- and long-term derivative instruments, be they exchange-traded or over the counter. In South Africa, given the relatively short-term nature of the local derivatives market, this is of particular concern. This paper attempts to address this concern by: — providing a comprehensive, critical evaluation of the long-term volatility models most commonly used in practice, encompassing simple historical volatility estimation and econometric, deterministic and stochastic volatility models; and — introducing several fairly recent nonparametric alternative methods for estimating long-term volatility, namely break-even volatility and canonical option valuation. The authors apply these various models and methodologies to South African market data, thus providing practical, long-term volatility estimates under each modelling framework whilst accounting for real-world difficulties and constraints. In so doing, they identify those models and methodologies they consider to be most suited to long-term volatility estimation and propose best estimation practices within each identified area. Thus, while application is restricted to the South African market, the general discussion, as well as the suggestion of best practice, in each of the evaluated modelling areas remains relevant for all long-term volatility estimation

    Relative Roles of TGF-β and IGFBP-5 in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Although most evident in the skin, the process of scarring, or fibrosis, occurs in all major organs because of impaired epithelial self-renewal. No current therapy exists for Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The major profibrotic factor is TGF-β1 and developing inhibitors is an area of active research. Recently, IGFBP-5 has also been identified as a profibrotic factor, and studies suggest that, while both TGF-β1 and IGFBP-5 activate mesenchymal cells to increase collagen and fibronectin production, their effects on epithelial cells are distinct. TGF-β1 induces cell death and/or EMT in the epithelial cells, exacerbating the disruption of tissue architecture. In contrast, IGFBP-5 induces epithelial cell spreading over collagen or fibronectin matrices, increases secretion of laminin, the epithelial basement membrane, and enhances the survival of epithelial cells in nutrient-poor conditions, as exists in scar tissue. Thus, IGFBP-5 may enhance repair and may be an important target for antifibrotic therapies

    Governor versus Colonial Office: An Anatomy of the Richards Constitution for Nigeria, 1939 to 1945

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    La constitution Richards a posé la base de tout le processus de décolonisation du Nigeria, voire même, de toute l'Afrique britannique. Pour la première fois, le pays entier était soumis à une même constitution et des assemblées régionales étaient établies. Le pays s'acheminait vers un statut fédéral et tout indiquait clairement que la décolonisation était amorcée. Toutefois, la façon dont elle fut imposée fit en sorte que les politiciens nationalistes refusèrent de s'y rallier.L'auteur examine ici les modes d'implantation différents que préconisèrent, à l'époque, le « Colonial Office » à Londres, d'une part, et le gouverneur Sir Arthur Richards, d'autre part. Il soutient, de fait, que la philosophie réactionnaire de Richards fut en opposition constante avec les idées mises de l'avant par le « Colonial Office ». Il démontre, de plus, que la résistance offerte par Richards a effectivement détruit les chances qu'avait la Grande Bretagne d'organiser et de diriger le mouvement nationaliste, voire même, que ce faisant, il a suscité l'apparition des partis nationalistes au Nigeria

    Exploring User Interface Improvements for Software Developers who are Blind

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    Software developers who are blind and interact with the computer non-visually face unique challenges with information retrieval. We explore the use of speech and Braille combined with software to provide an improved interface to aid with challenges associated with information retrieval. We motivate our design on common tasks performed by students in a software development course using a Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages (MIPS) architecture simulation tool. We test our interface via a single-subject longitudinal study, and we measure and show improvement in both the user’s performance and the user experience

    Ecological Impacts of the 2015/16 El Niño in the Central Equatorial Pacific

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    The authors thank Cisco Werner (NOAA/NMFS) for proposing this special issue and encouraging our submission. We thank each of the editors, Stephanie Herring, Peter Stott, and Nikos Christidis, for helpful guidance and support throughout the submittal process. We also thank each of the anonymous external reviewers for thoughtful guidance and suggestions to improve the manuscript. REB, TO, RV, AH, and BVA are grateful for support from the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. AC acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation for the following awards: OCE 1537338, OCE 1605365, and OCE 1031971. This is PMEL contribution no. 4698. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. government. The views expressed in the article are not necessarily those of the U.S. government. (NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program; OCE 1537338 - National Science Foundation; OCE 1605365 - National Science Foundation; OCE 1031971 - National Science Foundation