69 research outputs found

    A Modern School

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    A Modern School is a 23-page occasional paper, written by Abraham Flexner and published in 1916 by The General Education Board. Flexner (1866-1959) was an American educator and education reformer. The occasional paper presented here addresses many of the perceived failings of the public school system circa 1916 and suggests several reforms. The General Education Board was established by John D. Rockefeller in 1903. According to the Rockefeller Foundation, the board was established to aid education in the U.S. without distinction of race, sex or creed, and was active in promoting the public school movement in the early part of the 20th century. The General Education Board ceased activities in 1964.https://scholarworks.uni.edu/education_history/1000/thumbnail.jp

    A utilidade do conhecimento inútil

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    Abraham Flexner, intellectual promoter of the Institute of Advanced Studies of Princeton and who was its director between 1930 and 1939, published this writing days after the start of World War II, when irrational hatred threatened civilization, as democracy threatens today under the ultra rational impulse of immediate utility. In this paper Flexner points out that the intellectual and spiritual life - appropriate of the centers where knowledge is sought and cultivated - is a useless form of activity that provides greater satisfactions than they would otherwise obtain. And it shows that the search for stories satisfactions is an unexpected source of utility. The author argues that in the history of science the great discoverers have not been motivated by the desire to be useful but to satisfy their curiosity. Today, when the search for practical and immediate utility enjoys the widest acceptance, it is still relevant to ask if you can have a full life if you continue to suppress the elements that give it spiritual meaning, and if our conception of what is useful does not It is even narrower than in the Flexner era. Although these questions do not appear on the agenda of those who trace and follow, consciously or unconsciously, current educational and scientific policies.Abraham Flexner, promotor intelectual del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de Princeton y quien fuera su director entre 1930 y 1939, publicó este escrito días después del inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando el odio irracional amenazaba a la civilización, así como la democracia hoy peligra bajo el impulso ultra racional de la utilidad inmediata. En este escrito Flexner señala que la vida intelectual y espiritual –propia de los centros donde se busca y se cultiva el conocimiento– es una forma inútil de actividad que brinda mayores satisfacciones de las que se obtendrían de otra manera. Y muestra que la búsqueda de tales satisfacciones es una fuente de utilidad inesperada. El autor argumenta que en la historia de la ciencia los grandes descubridores no han sido motivados por el deseo de ser útiles sino por el de satisfacer su curiosidad. Hoy, cuando la búsqueda de la utilidad práctica e inmediata goza de la más amplia aceptación, sigue siendo relevante preguntar si puede haber una vida plena si se siguen suprimiendo los elementos que le dan significado espiritual, y si nuestra concepción de lo que es útil no es aún más estrecha que en la época de Flexner. Aunque estas preguntas no figuren en la agenda de quienes trazan y siguen, consciente o inconscientemente, las actuales políticas educativas y científicas.Abraham Flexner, promotor intelectual do Instituto de Estudos Avançados de Princeton e que foi seu diretor entre 1930 e 1939, publicou este artigo dias após o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando o ódio irracional ameaçou a civilização, como a democracia ameaça hoje sob a lógica ultra-racional. impulso de utilidade imediata. Neste artigo, Flexner salienta que a vida intelectual e espiritual - apropriada dos centros onde o conhecimento é procurado e cultivado - é uma forma inútil de atividade que fornece maiores satisfações do que elas obteriam. E mostra que a busca por satisfação de histórias é uma fonte inesperada de utilidade. O autor argumenta que na história da ciência os grandes descobridores não foram motivados pelo desejo de serem úteis, mas de satisfazer sua curiosidade. Hoje, quando a busca por utilidade prática e imediata desfruta de uma aceitação mais ampla, ainda é relevante perguntar se você pode ter uma vida plena se continuar suprimindo os elementos que lhe dão significado espiritual e se nossa concepção do que é útil é útil. Não é ainda mais estreito do que na era Flexner. Embora essas questões não apareçam na agenda de quem rastreia e segue, consciente ou inconscientemente, as atuais políticas educacionais e científicas

    Politics ahead of patients: The battle between medical and chiropractic professional associations over the inclusion of chiropractic in the American Medicare System

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    Health care professions struggling for legitimacy, recognition, and market share can become disoriented to their priorities. Health care practitioners are expected to put the interests of patients first. Professional associations represent the interests of their members. So when a professional association is composed of health care practitioners, its interests may differ from those of patients, creating a conflict for members. In addition, sometimes practitioners’ perspectives may be altered by indoctrination in a belief system, or misinformation, so that a practitioner could be confused about the reality of patient needs. Politicians, in attempting to find an expedient compromise, can value a “win” in the legislative arena over the effects of that legislation. These forces all figure into the events that led to the acceptance of chiropractic into the American Medicare system. Two health care systems in a political fight lost sight of their main purpose: to provide care to patients without doing harm. Dans leur recherche de légitimité, de reconnaissance et d’une juste part sur le marché de la santé, les professionnels de la santé peuvent perdre de vue leurs priorités. Ces praticiens doivent donner préséance aux intérêts des patients tandis que les associations professionnelles représentent ceux de leurs membres. Lorsqu’une association professionnelle regroupe des praticiens de la santé cependant, ses intérêts s’opposent parfois à ceux des patients, créant ainsi un conflit pour les membres. De plus, les praticiens peuvent être endoctrinés par un système de valeurs ou mal informés, au point de se tromper dans l’évaluation des besoins réels des patients. De leur côté, les politiciens peuvent préférer une « victoire » dans l’arène législative à une juste appréciation des impacts d’une loi. Ces forces ont toutes participé aux évènements qui ont mené à l’acceptation de la chiropraxie par le système américain Medicare. Dans cette bataille politique, deux systèmes de santé ont négligé leur principal objectif : soigner des patients sans leur nuire

    La utilidad de los conocimientos inútiles

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    Abraham Flexner, intellectual promoter of the Institute of Advanced Studies of Princeton and who was its director between 1930 and 1939, published this writing days after the start of World War II, when irrational hatred threatened civilization, as democracy threatens today under the ultra rational impulse of immediate utility. In this paper Flexner points out that the intellectual and spiritual life - appropriate of the centers where knowledge is sought and cultivated - is a useless form of activity that provides greater satisfactions than they would otherwise obtain. And it shows that the search for stories satisfactions is an unexpected source of utility. The author argues that in the history of science the great discoverers have not been motivated by the desire to be useful but to satisfy their curiosity. Today, when the search for practical and immediate utility enjoys the widest acceptance, it is still relevant to ask if you can have a full life if you continue to suppress the elements that give it spiritual meaning, and if our conception of what is useful does not It is even narrower than in the Flexner era. Although these questions do not appear on the agenda of those who trace and follow, consciously or unconsciously, current educational and scientific policies.Abraham Flexner, promotor intelectual do Instituto de Estudos Avançados de Princeton e que foi seu diretor entre 1930 e 1939, publicou este artigo dias após o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando o ódio irracional ameaçou a civilização, como a democracia ameaça hoje sob a lógica ultra-racional. impulso de utilidade imediata. Neste artigo, Flexner salienta que a vida intelectual e espiritual - apropriada dos centros onde o conhecimento é procurado e cultivado - é uma forma inútil de atividade que fornece maiores satisfações do que elas obteriam. E mostra que a busca por satisfação de histórias é uma fonte inesperada de utilidade. O autor argumenta que na história da ciência os grandes descobridores não foram motivados pelo desejo de serem úteis, mas de satisfazer sua curiosidade. Hoje, quando a busca por utilidade prática e imediata desfruta de uma aceitação mais ampla, ainda é relevante perguntar se você pode ter uma vida plena se continuar suprimindo os elementos que lhe dão significado espiritual e se nossa concepção do que é útil é útil. Não é ainda mais estreito do que na era Flexner. Embora essas questões não apareçam na agenda de quem rastreia e segue, consciente ou inconscientemente, as atuais políticas educacionais e científicas.Abraham Flexner, promotor intelectual del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de Princeton y quien fuera su director entre 1930 y 1939, publicó este escrito días después del inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando el odio irracional amenazaba a la civilización, así como la democracia hoy peligra bajo el impulso ultra racional de la utilidad inmediata. En este escrito Flexner señala que la vida intelectual y espiritual –propia de los centros donde se busca y se cultiva el conocimiento– es una forma inútil de actividad que brinda mayores satisfacciones de las que se obtendrían de otra manera. Y muestra que la búsqueda de tales satisfacciones es una fuente de utilidad inesperada. El autor argumenta que en la historia de la ciencia los grandes descubridores no han sido motivados por el deseo de ser útiles sino por el de satisfacer su curiosidad. Hoy, cuando la búsqueda de la utilidad práctica e inmediata goza de la más amplia aceptación, sigue siendo relevante preguntar si puede haber una vida plena si se siguen suprimiendo los elementos que le dan significado espiritual, y si nuestra concepción de lo que es útil no es aún más estrecha que en la época de Flexner. Aunque estas preguntas no figuren en la agenda de quienes trazan y siguen, consciente o inconscientemente, las actuales políticas educativas y científicas

    Prostitution in Europe

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    The usefulness of useless knowledge

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    Abraham Flexner, promotor intelectual del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de Princeton y quien fuera su director entre 1930 y 1939, publicó este escrito días después del inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando el odio irracional amenazaba a la civilización, así como la democracia hoy peligra bajo el impulso ultra racional de la utilidad inmediata. En este escrito Flexner señala que la vida intelectual y espiritual –propia de los centros donde se busca y se cultiva el conocimiento– es una forma inútil de actividad que brinda mayores satisfacciones de las que se obtendrían de otra manera. Y muestra que la búsqueda de tales satisfacciones es una fuente de utilidad inesperada. El autor argumenta que en la historia de la ciencia los grandes descubridores no han sido motivados por el deseo de ser útiles sino por el de satisfacer su curiosidad. Hoy, cuando la búsqueda de la utilidad práctica e inmediata goza de la más amplia aceptación, sigue siendo relevante preguntar si puede haber una vida plena si se siguen suprimiendo los elementos que le dan significado espiritual, y si nuestra concepción de lo que es útil no es aún más estrecha que en la época de Flexner. Aunque estas preguntas no figuren en la agenda de quienes trazan y siguen, consciente o inconscientemente, las actuales políticas educativas y científicas.Abraham Flexner, intellectual promoter of the Institute of Advanced Studies of Princeton and who was its director between 1930 and 1939, published this writing days after the start of World War II, when irrational hatred threatened civilization, as democracy threatens today under the ultra rational impulse of immediate utility. In this paper Flexner points out that the intellectual and spiritual life - appropriate of the centers where knowledge is sought and cultivated - is a useless form of activity that provides greater satisfactions than they would otherwise obtain. And it shows that the search for stories satisfactions is an unexpected source of utility. The author argues that in the history of science the great discoverers have not been motivated by the desire to be useful but to satisfy their curiosity. Today, when the search for practical and immediate utility enjoys the widest acceptance, it is still relevant to ask if you can have a full life if you continue to suppress the elements that give it spiritual meaning, and if our conception of what is useful does not It is even narrower than in the Flexner era. Although these questions do not appear on the agenda of those who trace and follow, consciously or unconsciously, current educational and scientific policies

    The usefulness of useless knowledge

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    Medical education in the United States and Canada

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