29 research outputs found

    Offentlig budgetering - En fallstudie av budgetprocessen i Malmö stad stadsdel Centrum

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    Syfte: Syftet Ă€r att beskriva och analysera budgetprocessen i en kommun indelad i stadsdelsnĂ€mnder och speciellt diskutera budgetprocessen internt inom en stadsdelsnĂ€mnd. Metod: VĂ„r studie av budgetprocessen i Stadsdel Centrum Ă€r att karaktĂ€risera som en fallstudie. Teoretiska perspektiv: Litteraturen behandlar budgetprocessens olika delar. I huvudsak anvĂ€nds litteratur inriktad pĂ„ offentlig verksamhet. Även allmĂ€n företagsekonomisk litteratur anvĂ€nds dock för att visa pĂ„ skillnader mellan offentlig och privat verksamhet. Empiri: Datainsamlingen har i huvudsak baserats pĂ„ intervjuer av politiker och tjĂ€nstemĂ€n inom stadsdel Centrum och observationer av Centrum stadsdelsfullmĂ€ktiges sammantrĂ€den. Slutsatser: Stadsdel Centrum misslyckas med att konkretisera kommunens och sina egna mĂ„lsĂ€ttningar och saknar dĂ€rmed riktlinjer för de ekonomiska prioriteringarna i budgetarbetet. Budgetprocessen i stadsdelen Ă€r nedbrytningsorienterad, vilket medför bristande engagemang i processen och skapar bristande helhetsförstĂ„else för stadsdelens ekonomiska situation. Det politiska spelet i en parlamentarisk organisation medför en, ur ett budgetperspektiv, ineffektiv beslutsprocess

    Ekonomistyrning i svensk elitfotboll, En fallstudie av Malmö FF

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    Vi har valt att analysera och arbeta fram förslag till förÀndringar för ekonomistyrningen inom Malmö FF. En mer utföjlig sammanfattning komme

    Living with life-saving technology : Long-term follow up of recipients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator

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    The evidence that treatment of life-threatening arrhythmia (LTA) with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) can prolong life is convincing. Living with a lifelong heart disease will gradually influence the everyday life and encompasses some or all aspects of life. In order to influence health outcomes, the impact of the ICD must be considered in a broader context including not only the physical, but also the psychological and social functioning of the individual. The general aim of this thesis was to describe everyday life in recipients living with an ICD in a longterm perspective. The aim in Paper I was to describe changes in the life situation of recipients’ with an ICD over a period of 1 year. The aim in Paper II was to describe quality of life (QOL) and uncertainty in recipients who have an ICD and to predict QOL at long-term follow-up. Fifty-six recipients participated (I) and 35 of these recipients, who had survived at least five years, were further included (II). The Quality of Life Index-Cardiac version (I, II), Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale-Community version (I, II), Patient ICD Questionnaire (I) and multiple regression analysis (II) were used. Higher scores indicate higher QOL and uncertainty. The questionnaires were completed before implantation, three and twelve months after implantation (I) and also five years after implantation i.e. long-term follow up (II). At the long-term follow up, the average ICD recipient had lived with an ICD for six years and nine months (6.9 years). The results showed the overall QOL and QOL in the health/functioning domain were unchanged over time. QOL in the socio-economic (p= .002) and psychological/spiritual domains (p= .012) decreased in the first year. From baseline to long-term follow up, the QOL in the family domain (p= .011) and overall uncertainty (p= .002) decreased. Uncertainty related to the information decreased at year 1 in relation to baseline (p= .001). The aim in Paper III was to illuminate the main concern of recipients living with an ICD and how they handle this in their daily life. Sixteen recipients who had lived with an ICD between six to twenty-four months were interviewed. Data was collected and analysed in a simultaneous process according to guidelines for classical grounded theory. In the analysis, a substantive theory was generated explaining the main concern of ICD recipients and how they handle this in their daily life. The core category, labelled “Striving to resume command”, illuminates the main concern of ICD recipients. To manage this main concern, the recipients used the following strategies: Economizing resources, Distracting oneself, Submitting to one’s fate and Re-evaluating life. The aim in Paper IV was to explore relationships between OQL, coping strategies, anxiety, depression and perceived control in recipients living with an ICD and to compare those having received an ICD less or more than one year ago and those with a primary or secondary preventive indication. A cross-sectional, correlational, multicenter design was used, and 147 recipients who had lived with an ICD between six to twenty-four months completed Quality of Life Index-Cardiac version, Jalowiec Coping Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Control Attitude Scale. The results showed that anxiety, depression and perceived control were predictors of QOL. Anxiety was also a predictor of coping with optimistic coping being the most used coping strategy. There was no relationship between QOL and coping. No differences were found in QOL, coping, anxiety, depression and perceived control between recipients implanted either on a primary or secondary preventive indication or having the device less or more than one year. In this thesis, it was concluded that the ICD recipients strived to resume command over their life (III) and the more control the recipients perceived the more satisfied they were with their QOL (IV) and the more symptoms of anxiety, depression and uncertainty they experienced the less satisfied they were with their QOL (II, IV). Coping strategies were used more frequently by ICD recipient perceiving more anxiety (IV). QOL was fairly good 6,9 years after implantation and ICD recipients felt less uncertain once they had passed the first year of their illness

    Due Diligence in International Law

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    Due diligence is a quite old concept. Already in the end of the 19th century, it was discussed in matters concerning neutrality. Since then, the concept of due diligence has extended to other areas of law. The fields of international law under examination in this thesis are international environmental law, the protection of the marine environment, diplomatic law, the treatment of aliens and the security of foreign States (terrorism). The intention with the thesis was to describe the possible existence of due diligence in these various fields of law and make a comparison of the concept between the areas. The main question was whether due diligence has a uniform content and function or whether any differences can be displayed. Due diligence is a generally accepted concept in international environmental law. States must behave in such a way as to ensure that no damage will occur to the environment of other States or other areas, as a result of the activities under their jurisdiction and control. Thus, the necessary measures should be taken in order to prevent environmental harm. Due diligence has a comparable content in the field of marine protection. States are also obliged to act appropriately to maintain the inviolability of the diplomatic agent and the diplomatic mission. The receiving State must therefore identify, understand, and manage possible hazards and carry out appropriate corrective action to prevent injuries or damage arising from these hazards. Whether there is such a principle as due diligence concerning the treatment of aliens is uncertain. Nonetheless, it is sufficient that a State treat aliens according to international minimum standards. Regarding terrorism, due diligence is merely at issue when it comes to State tolerance of activities carried out against other States. In my opinion, due diligence could well function as the one and only fundamental principle within all these areas of international law because of its uncomplicated content: a minimum level of efforts which a State must undertake to fulfil its international responsibilities. However, the examination of these areas demonstrates that the concept of due diligence has a flexible character and its content is thus not uniform. The largest similarity between the various areas is that due diligence is solely at issue when it comes to the duty of protection. There are indications in State practice that the degree of effectiveness of the State's control over its territory, the importance of the interests to be protected and the predictability of harm are factors a State should consider before taking action. A significant difference emerges concerning the various levels of strictness in the behaviour of a State. Often it is enough if a State behaves according to the standard of due diligence, but sometimes the State needs to follow a stricter standard, or even an absolute one. Due diligence can also be measured by technical and scientific standards of behaviour, for example regarding polluting industrial activities. In conclusion, obligations with a precise content can reduce the general and flexible nature of due diligence


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    Long-term quality of life and uncertainty in patients living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator

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    PURPOSE: This study describes the quality of life (QOL) and uncertainty in patients who have an l implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and predicts QOL at long-term follow-up. METHODS: Long-term follow-up was defined as 6.9 years 1 year (range 4.11-8.7 years). QOL was measured with the Quality of Life Index, and uncertainty was measured with the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale. RESULTS: The overall QOL and health/functioning were unchanged over time. QOL in the socioeconomic (P = .002) and psychologic/spiritual domains (P = .012) decreased in the first year. From baseline to long-term follow-up, the QOL in the family domain (P = .011) and uncertainty (P = .002) decreased. Uncertainty was a predictor of low QOL. CONCLUSION: QOL was reasonably good 6.9 years post-ICD implantation. Patients felt less uncertain once they had passed the first year of their illness