20 research outputs found

    Graphical statistics to explore the natural and anthropogenic processes influencing the inorganic quality of drinking water, ground water and surface water

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    Plots of cumulative distribution functions (CDF) are a simple but powerful exploratory data analysis (EDA) tool to evaluate and compare statistical data distributions. Here, empirical CDF plots are used to compare results of four large (476 to 884 samples) national- to continental-scale inorganic water chemistry data sets: (1) European surface water, (2) European tap water, (3) European bottled waters as a proxy for groundwater and (4) Norwegian crystalline bedrock rock groundwater, all analysed at the same laboratory, albeit at different times. For many parameters (e.g., Ba, Cl-, K, SO4 2-) median values and ranges are, given the differing origins and, in some cases, treatment processes of the waters, surprisingly comparable. Unusually high concentrations of some other elements (e.g., B, Be, Br, Cs, F-, Ge, Li, Rb, Te and Zr) appear to be characteristic of deeper-seated, mature groundwaters. Other influences that can be inferred include contamination from well construction or plumbing materials (Cu, Pb, Zn – in tap waters, bottled waters and Norwegian groundwaters), water treatment (Fe, Mn – in tap- and Norwegian groundwater), bottle materials (Sb - bottled waters). The empirical CDF plots also reveal analytical issues for some elements (excessive rounding, element interferences). The best reference for natural and uncontaminated ’water’ is probably provided by the mineral water samples, representing ’deep groundwater’ at the European scale

    Inorganic chemical quality of European tap-water: 1. Distribution of parameters and regulatory compliance

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    579 tap water samples were collected at the European scale and analysed in a single laboratory for more than 60 parameters. This dataset is evaluated here in terms of the statistical distribution of the analysed parameters and compliance with EU and international drinking water regulations. For most parameters a 99% (or better) degree of compliance was achieved. Among the parameters with the higher rates of non-compliance are: arsenic (1% non-compliance in EU member states, 1.6% when samples from non-EU states are also considered) and sodium (0.6%/1.0%). The decision by the WHO to raise its provisional guideline from 15 μg/L (WHO, 2004) to 30 μg/L (WHO, 2011) has reduced non-compliance for uranium from 1.0% to 0.2%. Despite the fact that tap water (i.e. presumed treated water) was collected, many observations can still be interpreted in terms of hydrogeochemical processes. The dataset demonstrates the potential value of very cost-effective, low-density sampling approaches at a continental (European) scale

    Composición isotópica del Pb en sedimentos de llanura de inundación en diversos ambientes antropogénicos

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    Congreso Nacional de Geoquímica (12º. 2017. Linares, Jaén). Congreso Ibérico de Geoquímica (11º. 2017. Linares, Jaén)Los metales en los depósitos de llanuras de inundación pueden tener su origen tanto en fuentes naturales como antropogénicas y su movilidad depende de su origen así como de las condiciones en las que se encuentran. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la influencia antropogénica sobre ellos, mediante el estudio de los contenidos de Pb, así como de los ratios isotópicos de este elemento. Se han analizado tanto los contenidos totales en Pb, U y Th (ICP-MS + INAA), como los ratios de los isótopos: 206 Pb, 207 Pb y 208 Pb (ICP-SFMS). Se han seleccionado 16 perfiles de sedimentos de llanuras de inundación en diversas cuencas fluviales a lo largo de la Península Ibérica. Cada uno de estos perfiles tiene unas características concretas, bien por los usos del suelo (actividad antropogénica desarrollada en el área donde se encuentran), bien por las litologías que aportan el material a estos sedimentos. En todos los perfiles se espera algún tipo de influencia antropogénica. Se ha comprobado que la actividad antropogénica se refleja en algunos de estos sedimentos de llanura de inundación, ya que muchos de ellos muestran una variación de los contenidos totales de Pb, que coincide con cambios en los ratios isotópicos. Por lo general, un aumento en los contenidos de Pb en el perfil coincide con una firma isotópica menos radiogénica (ratios 206 Pb/207 Pb más bajos), mientras que menores contenidos presentan firmas más radiogénicas. En las zonas urbanas estos cambios son más evidentes, mientras que en zonas afectadas por actividades mineras las variaciones son más tenues. RESUMEN Metals in overbank deposits can have their origin in natural as well as in anthropogenic sources and their mobility depends on their origin and the way they are associated to sediments. The objective of this work is to characterize the anthropogenic influence over these deposits through the study of Pb contents as well as Pb isotopic ratios. The elements Pb, U and Th have been analyzed (ICP-MS + INAA) and the isotopic ratios of 206 Pb, 207 Pb y 208 Pb (ICP-SFMS). Sixteen overbank profiles have been selected in several basins along the Iberian Peninsula. Each of the profiles have specific characteristics, due to the land use (anthropogenic activity developed in the area surrounding the sampling location), as well as the lithologies that supply material to the sediments. It is expected that all the profiles present some kind of anthropogenic influence due to mining, industrial, urban or agricultural activities. Two profiles were sampled in areas where population is scarce and no significant impact is expected. It has been proven that the anthropogenic activity is reflected in some of the overbank profiles, since they show a variation in the Pb contents, which agrees with the isotopic ratios shifts. In general, profiles show a shift in the 206 Pb/207 Pb ratio, closely following the shift in lead concentrations. These changes are more relevant in urban areas, while in mining areas, changes are weaker.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Españ

    Composición isotópica del Pb en sedimentos de llanura de inundación en diversos ambientes antropogénicos

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    Los metales en los depósitos de llanuras de inundación pueden tener su origen tanto en fuentes naturales como antropogénicas y su movilidad depende de su origen así como de las condiciones en las que se encuentran. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la influencia antropogénica sobre ellos, mediante el estudio de los contenidos de Pb, así como de los ratios isotópicos de este elemento. Se han analizado tanto los contenidos totales en Pb, U y Th (ICP-MS + INAA), como los ratios de los isótopos: 206 Pb, 207 Pb y 208 Pb (ICP-SFMS). Se han seleccionado 16 perfiles de sedimentos de llanuras de inundación en diversas cuencas fluviales a lo largo de la Península Ibérica. Cada uno de estos perfiles tiene unas características concretas, bien por los usos del suelo (actividad antropogénica desarrollada en el área donde se encuentran), bien por las litologías que aportan el material a estos sedimentos. En todos los perfiles se espera algún tipo de influencia antropogénica. Se ha comprobado que la actividad antropogénica se refleja en algunos de estos sedimentos de llanura de inundación, ya que muchos de ellos muestran una variación de los contenidos totales de Pb, que coincide con cambios en los ratios isotópicos. Por lo general, un aumento en los contenidos de Pb en el perfil coincide con una firma isotópica menos radiogénica (ratios 206 Pb/207 Pb más bajos), mientras que menores contenidos presentan firmas más radiogénicas. En las zonas urbanas estos cambios son más evidentes, mientras que en zonas afectadas por actividades mineras las variaciones son más tenues. RESUMEN Metals in overbank deposits can have their origin in natural as well as in anthropogenic sources and their mobility depends on their origin and the way they are associated to sediments. The objective of this work is to characterize the anthropogenic influence over these deposits through the study of Pb contents as well as Pb isotopic ratios. The elements Pb, U and Th have been analyzed (ICP-MS + INAA) and the isotopic ratios of 206 Pb, 207 Pb y 208 Pb (ICP-SFMS). Sixteen overbank profiles have been selected in several basins along the Iberian Peninsula. Each of the profiles have specific characteristics, due to the land use (anthropogenic activity developed in the area surrounding the sampling location), as well as the lithologies that supply material to the sediments. It is expected that all the profiles present some kind of anthropogenic influence due to mining, industrial, urban or agricultural activities. Two profiles were sampled in areas where population is scarce and no significant impact is expected. It has been proven that the anthropogenic activity is reflected in some of the overbank profiles, since they show a variation in the Pb contents, which agrees with the isotopic ratios shifts. In general, profiles show a shift in the 206 Pb/207 Pb ratio, closely following the shift in lead concentrations. These changes are more relevant in urban areas, while in mining areas, changes are weaker

    Composición isotópica del Pb en sedimentos de llanura de inundación en diversos ambientes antropogénicos

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    Los metales en los depósitos de llanuras de inundación pueden tener su origen tanto en fuentes naturales como antropogénicas y su movilidad depende de su origen así como de las condiciones en las que se encuentran. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la influencia antropogénica sobre ellos, mediante el estudio de los contenidos de Pb, así como de los ratios isotópicos de este elemento. Se han analizado tanto los contenidos totales en Pb, U y Th (ICP-MS + INAA), como los ratios de los isótopos: 206 Pb, 207 Pb y 208 Pb (ICP-SFMS). Se han seleccionado 16 perfiles de sedimentos de llanuras de inundación en diversas cuencas fluviales a lo largo de la Península Ibérica. Cada uno de estos perfiles tiene unas características concretas, bien por los usos del suelo (actividad antropogénica desarrollada en el área donde se encuentran), bien por las litologías que aportan el material a estos sedimentos. En todos los perfiles se espera algún tipo de influencia antropogénica. Se ha comprobado que la actividad antropogénica se refleja en algunos de estos sedimentos de llanura de inundación, ya que muchos de ellos muestran una variación de los contenidos totales de Pb, que coincide con cambios en los ratios isotópicos. Por lo general, un aumento en los contenidos de Pb en el perfil coincide con una firma isotópica menos radiogénica (ratios 206 Pb/207 Pb más bajos), mientras que menores contenidos presentan firmas más radiogénicas. En las zonas urbanas estos cambios son más evidentes, mientras que en zonas afectadas por actividades mineras las variaciones son más tenues. RESUMEN Metals in overbank deposits can have their origin in natural as well as in anthropogenic sources and their mobility depends on their origin and the way they are associated to sediments. The objective of this work is to characterize the anthropogenic influence over these deposits through the study of Pb contents as well as Pb isotopic ratios. The elements Pb, U and Th have been analyzed (ICP-MS + INAA) and the isotopic ratios of 206 Pb, 207 Pb y 208 Pb (ICP-SFMS). Sixteen overbank profiles have been selected in several basins along the Iberian Peninsula. Each of the profiles have specific characteristics, due to the land use (anthropogenic activity developed in the area surrounding the sampling location), as well as the lithologies that supply material to the sediments. It is expected that all the profiles present some kind of anthropogenic influence due to mining, industrial, urban or agricultural activities. Two profiles were sampled in areas where population is scarce and no significant impact is expected. It has been proven that the anthropogenic activity is reflected in some of the overbank profiles, since they show a variation in the Pb contents, which agrees with the isotopic ratios shifts. In general, profiles show a shift in the 206 Pb/207 Pb ratio, closely following the shift in lead concentrations. These changes are more relevant in urban areas, while in mining areas, changes are weaker

    Inorganic chemical quality of European tap-water: 2. Geographical distribution

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    579 tap water samples were collected at the European scale and analysed at a single laboratory for more than 60 parameters. This dataset is analysed here in terms of the spatial and national distribution of the analysed inorganic chemical parameters. The distribution of most parameters is controlled by various artificial and natural factors (land use, distribution network, water source and treatment, geographical location and geology). The distribution of nitrate can be interpreted in terms of land use and climate. Water treatment affects the distribution of phosphorus in tap water; especially the policy of adding phosphate to potable water in the UK to suppress plumbosolvency. The distribution of alkalinity, Ca, Mg, Sr and Li appears to reflect both water source (low in surface waters) and the geological contrast between base-poor crystalline rock terrains and carbonate rich sedimentary rock. The Scandinavian nations’ tap water shows the highest concentrations of most of the rare earth elements, probably reflecting their geological availability and mobility in low pH raw water sources. The distribution of fluoride, uranium and arsenic also appear to exhibit geological and source (groundwater versus surface water) controls. Hungary returns several high As results, which may reflect As-rich reducing groundwaters of the Pannonian basin. Much Estonian tap water reflects a very specific hydrochemical environment, namely Palaeozoic near-coastal aquifers, which yield deep, reducing or saline groundwater (possibly influenced by marine intrusion), enriched in Ba, B, Br−, Cl−, Eu, F−, I, Li, K, Mn and Na

    Competitiveness of pig and poultry production in Vietnam: Outcome of policy analysis matrix

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    The policy analysis matrix (PAM) approach was applied to assess the competitiveness of poultry and pig production (using local, crossbred and exotic breeds) in North and South Vietnam using data collected in 1999 from a stratified sample of 2213 farms. Results show that poultry meat and egg production is generally competitive except meat and egg production with local breeds, and egg production with crossbreeds in the North, and egg production with local breeds in the South, due to low productivity and high per unit cost. There are economies of scale in the North but it is not so clear in the South. Domestic prices of both outputs and inputs are higher than the world prices. If output prices fall moderately due to withdrawal of protective policies and domestic demand slows down from the current high levels, poultry breeds that are profitable under the existing situation would still remain competitive. Pig production under existing technologies and market conditions is highly competitive, especially with local and crossbreeds in the North and exotic breeds in the South. Currently the producers in the South are apparently benefiting more due to market conditions and policy that make input cost higher and output price lower in the North. There are economies of scale in pig production. Medium farms are more cost effective, and small farms are least competitive. Unless targeted support is provided to small farms, they are likely to be pushed out of business in a more liberalized economic environment

    Lead and lead isotopes in agricultural soils of Europe: the continental perspective

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    Lead isotopes are widely used for age dating, for tracking sources of melts, sediments, Pb products, food and animals and for studying atmospheric Pb contamination. For the first time, a map of a Pb isotope landscape at the continental-scale is presented. Agricultural soil samples (Ap-horizon, 0–20 cm) collected at an average density of 1 site/2500 km2 were analysed for Pb concentration and Pb isotopes (206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb). Lead concentrations vary from 1.6 to 1309 mg/kg, with a median of 16 mg/kg. Isotopic ratios of 206Pb/207Pb range from 1.116 to 1.727 with a median of 1.202. The new data define the soil geochemical Pb background for European agricultural soil, providing crucial information for geological, environmental and forensic sciences, public health, environmental policy and mineral exploration. The European continental-scale patterns of Pb concentrations and Pb isotopes show a high variability dominated by geology and influenced by climate. Lead concentration anomalies mark most of the known mineralised areas throughout Europe. Some local Pb anomalies have a distinct anthropogenic originGeological Survey of Norway, NoruegaBundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, AlemaniaGeological Survey of Sweden, SueciaService Métrologie Monitoring Analyse, Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, FranciaInstitute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, GreciaOritain Global Ltd, Nueva Zeland