22 research outputs found

    Brand influence in children's economic choices

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    La investigación tiene como objetivo verificar si la elección de los consumidores jóvenes depende de la marca de los productos. En particular, estudiamos las preferencias de los niños en lo que se refiere a cuatro tipos de productos (nombres de marca y no de marca): juguetes, artículos escolares, aperitivos y ropa. Nuestra hipótesis es que los niños optan por productos de marca y, en especial, que prefieren juegos y ropa, mientras muestran menos interés hacia los artículos escolares y refrigerios. Hemos llevado a cabo un estudio sobre una muestra de 106 niños de entre 6 y 11 años de edad; el cuestionario fue diseñado para entender las opciones y preferencias económicas de los niños. Se analizaron los datos a través del método de Thurstone de comparación por parejas (Pedon, 2005), que permitió la creación de una escala de intervalo en un continuo que representa el grado de preferencia de los estímulos dados. Los resultados confirman que los jóvenes consumidores prefieren productos de marca y, en especial, eligieron juegos. La investigación demuestra la utilidad del método que nos ha permitido describir con precisión el nivel de preferencia hacia los diferentes estímulos. Aunque muchos estudios ya habían demostrado que los jóvenes consumidores prefieren productos de marca, los resultados de éste mostraron que algunos productos, como los juegos y ropa, se eligen entre otros sin importar la marca.The research aims to verify if the choice of young consumers depends on the brand of products. In particular, we studied the children’s preferences referred to four kinds of products (brand and non-brand names): toys, school items, snacks and clothing. Our hypothesis is that children choose brand-name products and, they especially prefer games and clothes while they show less interest in school items and snacks. We carried out a study on a sample of 106 children between 6 and 11 years of age; the questionnaire was designed to understand the children’s economic choices and prefer- ences. We analysed the data through Thurstone’s method of paired comparison (Pedon, 2005) that allowed the creation of an interval scale on a continuum which represents the degree of preference of the given stimuli. The results confirm that young consumers prefer brand-name products and, in particular, they chose games. The research demonstrates the usefulness of the method that has allowed us to describe accurately the level of preference of the various stimuli. Although many studies had already shown that young consumers prefer branded products, the results of this study showed that some products, like games and clothes, are chosen over other regardless of brand.peerReviewe

    Job crafting and job satisfaction in a sample of Italian teachers: the mediating role of Perceived Organizational Support

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    We aimed to explore the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) on the relationship between job crafting and job satisfaction, which is considered as an important outcome for the development of well being at work. Participants were 263 teachers from public schools in the South of Italy. Results indicated that POS fully mediated the relationship between job crafting and job satisfaction. Implications for management educational practice and limitations of the study are discussed

    The relationship between dark triad personality traits and sexting behaviors among adolescents and young adults across 11 countries

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    Background: Sexting is an increasingly common phenomenon among adolescents and young adults. Some studies have investigated the role of personality traits in different sexting behaviors within mainstream personality taxonomies like Big Five and HEXACO. However, very few studies have investigated the role of maladaptive personality factors in sexting. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between Dark Triad Personality Traits and experimental (i.e., sharing own sexts), risky (i.e., sexting under substance use and with strangers), and aggravated sexting (i.e., non-consensual sexting and sexting under pressure) across 11 countries. Methods: An online survey was completed by 6093 participants (Mage = 20.35; SDage = 3.63) from 11 different countries which covered four continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, and America). Participants completed the Sexting Behaviors Questionnaire and the 12-item Dark Triad Dirty Dozen scale. Results: Hierarchical regression analyses showed that sharing own sexts was positively predicted by Machiavellianism and Narcissism. Both risky and aggravated sexting were positively predicted by Machiavellianism and Psychopathy. Conclusions: The present study provided empirical evidence that different sexting behaviors were predicted by Dark Triad Personality Traits, showing a relevant role of Machiavellianism in all kinds of investigated sexting behaviors. Research, clinical, and education implications for prevention programs are discussed.WOS:000628193900001Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072PMID : 33806314Science Citation Index Expanded - Social Sciences Citation IndexQ1 - Q2ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETMarch2021YÖK - 2020-2

    The mediating role of organizational identification in the relationship between qualitative job insecurity, OCB and job performance

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    Purpose: – Employees need to feel secure to perform their job effectively, therefore job insecurity has an effect on organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and job performance; however, some organizational attitudes may reduce these negative effects. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating role of organizational identification (OID), as a process underlying the relationship between qualitative job insecurity, OCB and job performance. Design/methodology/approach: – Using social exchange theory (SET) and social identification theory (SIT), this study reports the responses of 201 white and blue collar Italian employees. Data were collected through a self-report questionnaire that used standard scales on qualitative job insecurity, OID, OCB and job performance. Findings: – Results of structural equation modelling revealed that the effect of job insecurity on OCB and job performance was completely mediated by OID. Fit indices of mediated model are very good and indirect effects, by bootstrapping, are significant. Research limitations/implications: – The research design was cross-sectional, and thus, cause-effect relationships cannot be discerned. Practical implications: – Organizations may address HRM policies to reduce job insecurity (e.g. through actions to organizational communication), and to increase OID (e.g. involving workers to the decision-making process and promoting team work). Originality/value: – For the first time in a Western context, OID was tested as mediator in order to explain the relationship between job insecurity, OCB and job performance. Furthermore, Drawing on SET, this study tried to integrate SIT to explain behavioural responses to job insecurit

    Valutare la salute dei lavoratori a tempo determinato: validazione del Precariousness of Life Inventory (PLI-9) - versione breve

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    Negli ultimi anni, l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica e degli studiosi verso il concetto di precarietà è cresciuta considerevolmente di pari passo all’instabilità e alle turbolenze del mercato del lavoro. Diviene quindi necessario comprendere tale fenomeno data la sua pervasività per una quota crescente e significativa della forza lavoro, da cui l’obiettivo del presente studio: validare una scala breve sulla precarietà di vita a 9 item (Precariousness of Life Inventory, PLI-9). A tale scopo hanno partecipato allo studio 721 lavoratori a tempo determinato, che hanno compilato una batteria self-report contenente il PLI-9 e altre scale riguardanti costrutti convergenti. I risultati dell’analisi fattoriale esplorativa, condotta su 341 partecipanti, e confermativa, condotta su 380 partecipanti, hanno confermato la struttura tridimensionale dello strumento (i.e., disinteresse verso il lavoro attuale, sfiducia verso il futuro professionale, conseguenze emotive nella vita quotidiana). L’analisi della validità convergente delle tre dimensioni, le quali presentano altresì adeguati indici di coerenza interna, ha mostrato correlazioni significative con costrutti inerenti la salute ed il lavoro. Infine, il calcolo dei criteri interpretativi consente di individuare i lavoratori con alta precarietà di vita. Il PLI-9 ha esibito qualità psicometriche che ne fanno al contempo uno strumento completo e snello per valutare un fenomeno, quale quello della precarietà di vita, che interessa (e plausibilmente continuerà ad interessare), in termini negativi, una quota importante della popolazione attiva

    The impact of qualitative job insecurity on identification with the organization. The moderating role of overall organizational justice

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    The detrimental effects of job insecurity are well recognized in the scientific literature. In this paper, we investigate the impact of qualitative job insecurity on an outcome that has been somewhat neglected to date: organizational identification. In addition, we test the moderating role of organizational justice in the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and organizational identification. A group of 170 workers completed a questionnaire assessing qualitative job insecurity, overall organizational justice, and identification with the organization. We found that qualitative job insecurity was negatively related to organizational identification as well as to organizational justice. Organizational justice buffered the negative impact of qualitative job insecurity on organizational identification. When organizational justice was low, qualitative job insecurity was significantly negatively related to organizational identification. However, when organizational justice was high, qualitative job insecurity and organizational identification were unrelate

    Promoting Flow at Work through Proactive Personality: A Sequential Mediation Model with Evidence from Italian Employees

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    In recent years, organizations have increasingly become aware of the importance of employee happiness as well as the role of HRM practices and personal resources in promoting well-being at work. Based on the Job Demand–Resources model, we investigated ways in which proactive personality may predict flow at work through sequential mediation via job crafting and work engagement. A total of 362 Italian employees completed an online questionnaire. The results showed a positive correlation between proactive personality, job crafting, and work engagement and flow at work. Additionally, proactive personality had a positive total effect on work engagement and flow at work. However, the significant effect on flow at work disappeared in favor of the sequential indirect effect. These results suggest that proactive employees experience flow at work through the mediating role of job crafting and work engagement. This paper contributes to scientific knowledge by filling a gap in the literature around the mechanisms which underly the relationship between proactivity and flow at work. Furthermore, it provides new evidence and new insights about the role of personal resources in promoting flow in the workplace. Our results here can provide practical implications for organizations

    Promoting Flow at Work through Proactive Personality: A Sequential Mediation Model with Evidence from Italian Employees

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    In recent years, organizations have increasingly become aware of the importance of employee happiness as well as the role of HRM practices and personal resources in promoting well-being at work. Based on the Job Demand–Resources model, we investigated ways in which proactive personality may predict flow at work through sequential mediation via job crafting and work engagement. A total of 362 Italian employees completed an online questionnaire. The results showed a positive correlation between proactive personality, job crafting, and work engagement and flow at work. Additionally, proactive personality had a positive total effect on work engagement and flow at work. However, the significant effect on flow at work disappeared in favor of the sequential indirect effect. These results suggest that proactive employees experience flow at work through the mediating role of job crafting and work engagement. This paper contributes to scientific knowledge by filling a gap in the literature around the mechanisms which underly the relationship between proactivity and flow at work. Furthermore, it provides new evidence and new insights about the role of personal resources in promoting flow in the workplace. Our results here can provide practical implications for organizations

    Job crafting and job satisfaction in a sample of Italian teachers: the mediating role of Perceived Organizational Support

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    We aimed to explore the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) on the relationship between job crafting and job satisfaction, which is considered as an important outcome for the development of well being at work. Participants were 263 teachers from public schools in the South of Italy. Results indicated that POS fully mediated the relationship between job crafting and job satisfaction. Implications for management educational practice and limitations of the study are discussed