37 research outputs found

    Tryptophan 121 of Subunit II Is the Electron Entry Site to Cytochrome-c Oxidase in Paracoccus denitrificans INVOLVEMENT OF A HYDROPHOBIC PATCH IN THE DOCKING REACTION

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    To investigate the contribution of hydrophobic residues to the molecular recognition of cytochrome c with cytochrome oxidase, we mutated several hydrophobic amino acids exposed on subunit II of the Paracoccus denitrificans oxidase.KM and kcat values and the bimolecular rate constant were determined under steady- or presteady-state conditions, respectively. We present evidence that Trp-121 which is surrounded by a hydrophobic patch is the electron entry site to oxidase. Mutations in this cluster do not affect the binding of cytochrome c as the KMremains largely unchanged. Rather, the kcat is reduced, proposing that these hydrophobic residues are required for a fine tuning of the redox partners in the initial collisional complex to obtain a configuration optimal for electron transfer

    Sulfolobus acidocaldarius terminal oxidase. A kinetic investigation and its structural interpretation.

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    Abstract The thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius possesses a very unusual terminal oxidase. We report original kinetic experiments on membranes of this microorganism carried out by stopped flow, using time-resolved optical spectroscopy combined with singular value decomposition analysis. The reduced-oxidized kinetic difference spectrum of the Sulfolobus membranes is characterized by three significant peaks in the visible region at 605, 586, and 560 nm. The 605-nm peak and part of the 586-nm peak (cytochrome aa3-type quinol oxidase) are reduced synchronously by both ascorbate plus N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylendiamine (TMPD) and dithionite, and they are very rapidly oxidized by molecular oxygen. A second pool of cytochromes seems to contribute to the 586-nm peak which is not reduced by ascorbate plus TMPD and reacts very slowly with dithionite. The b-type cytochromes (560 nm peak) are reduced by both reductants and are essentially "non-autoxidizable" at room temperature. Only one CO binding site with spectral features, kinetic properties, and ligand affinity not very dissimilar from those of mammalian cytochrome oxidase can be detected in the ascorbate-reduced membranes. On the contrary, a second CO binding site having unusual properties for aa3 terminal oxidases can be detected in the dithionite-reduced membranes

    Community-acquired invasive liver abscess syndrome caused by a K1 serotype Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate in Brazil: a case report of hypervirulent ST23

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Divisão de Doenças InfecciosasUNIFESP, Depto. de MedicinaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Divisão de Doenças InfecciosasSciEL

    Aggressiveness pattern and second primary tumor risk associated with basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx

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    Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is a rare, aggressive and distinct variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the upper respiratory and digestive tract. We have evaluated disease specific survival (DSS) and overall survival (OS) through Kaplan-Meier method and mortality risk through univariate statistical analysis of Cox in 42 cases of BSCC and other 42 of laryngeal SCC (LSCC) matched for both age and sex. We demonstrated that laryngeal BSCC is a more aggressive tumor than LSCC as is associated to higher nodal recurrence of pathology (5 vs 2 patients, median survival, OR 2.7), a reduced survival (median survival 34 vs 40 months, OR 3.2 for mortality); in addition, basaloid patients have a higher risk to be affected by second primary tumors (13 vs 3 patients, OR 5.8) and a higher probability to die for this second tumor (Hazard Risk, HR 4.4). The analysis of survival shows an increased mortality risk concurrent with the parameters assessed by univariate analyses that assume a predictive and statistical significance in second tumor and grading in basaloid LSSC.Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is a rare, aggressive and distinct variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the upper respiratory and digestive tract. We have evaluated disease specific survival (DSS) and overall survival (OS) through Kaplan-Meier method and mortality risk through univariate statistical analysis of Cox in 42 cases of BSCC and other 42 of laryngeal SCC (LSCC) matched for both age and sex. We demonstrated that laryngeal BSCC is a more aggressive tumor than LSCC as is associated to higher nodal recurrence of pathology (5 vs 2 patients, median survival, OR 2.7), a reduced survival (median survival 34 vs 40 months, OR 3.2 for mortality); in addition, basaloid patients have a higher risk to be affected by second primary tumors (13 vs 3 patients, OR 5.8) and a higher probability to die for this second tumor (Hazard Risk, HR 4.4). The analysis of survival shows an increased mortality risk concurrent with the parameters assessed by univariate analyses that assume a predictive and statistical significance in second tumor and grading in basaloid LSSC

    Efficacy and safety of growth hormone treatment in children with short stature: the Italian cohort of the GeNeSIS clinical study

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    Purpose: We examined auxological changes in growth hormone (GH)-treated children in Italy using data from the Italian cohort of the multinational observational Genetics and Neuroendocrinology of Short Stature International Study (GeNeSIS) of pediatric patients requiring GH treatment. Methods: We studied 711 children (median baseline age 9.6 years). Diagnosis associated with short stature was as determined by the investigator. Height standard deviation score (SDS) was evaluated yearly until final or near-final height (n = 78). Adverse events were assessed in all GH-treated patients. Results: The diagnosis resulting in GH treatment was GH deficiency (GHD) in 85.5 % of patients, followed by Turner syndrome (TS 6.6 %). Median starting GH dose was higher in patients with TS (0.30 mg/kg/week) than patients with GHD (0.23 mg/kg/week). Median (interquartile range) GH treatment duration was 2.6 (0.6\u20133.7) years. Mean (95 % confidence interval) final height SDS gain was 2.00 (1.27\u20132.73) for patients with organic GHD (n = 18) and 1.19 (0.97\u20131.40) for patients with idiopathic GHD (n = 41), but lower for patients with TS, 0.37 ( 120.03 to 0.77, n = 13). Final height SDS was > 122 for 94 % of organic GHD, 88 % of idiopathic GHD and 62 % of TS patients. Mean age at GH start was lower for organic GHD patients, and treatment duration was longer than for other groups, resulting in greater mean final height gain. GH-related adverse events occurred mainly in patients diagnosed with idiopathic GHD. Conclusions: Data from the Italian cohort of GeNeSIS showed auxological changes and safety of GH therapy consistent with results from international surveillance databases

    La mirada il·lustrada

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    Pensar el museu únicament com un edifici monumental que acull unes col·leccions de valor patrimonial és, sens dubte, una idea periclitada. Avui entenem el museu com el resultat d’una pluralitat d’intencions, de mirades i d’experiències que protagonitzen tant els que l’administren com els que el visiten. De fet, la mirada exterior adquireix cada dia que passa més rellevància en la vida del museu, cosa que va molt més enllà de les xifres de visitants amb les que algunes vegades -potser massa- la política cultural avalua la rendibilitat de les assignacions pressupostàries. Per descomptat, la vocació pública i formativa són supòsits ineludibles de la missió d’un museu, però no tot s’acaba en la quantitat de públic visitant, ni tan sols en les condicions de qualitat en què s’ofereix la recepció d’obres i discursos museogràfics. “Anar al museu” implica també maneres de viure l’entorn urbà i arquitectònic, propicia formes de concurrència i sociabilitat específiques i valida una pràctica cultural en la qual es fa indestriable l’accés al coneixement, l’abundància d’oci massiu o el gaudi individual i compartit. Anar al museu resulta ara un tipus d’experiència difícilment classificable on es barregen expectatives intel·lectuals amb ganes de passar l’estona, mirades atentes i distretes, atracció per l’art i per les coses banals... No necessàriament prima una jerarquia d’intencions i, en tot cas, la combinació d’aquestes és tan heterogènia com ho és el trànsit de persones i la profusió d’estímuls. La col·lecció de dibuixos que presenten els participants en la Diplomatura de postgrau d’Il·lustració creativa i tècniques de comunicació visual d’EINA apareix com una mena de prospecció etnogràfica d’aquesta realitat. Als seus mèrits tècnics i creatius de realització s’hi suma la capacitat de captar la diversitat de persones i situacions que conformen la quotidianitat del museu, amb aquest aiguabarreig de vulgaritat i poesia que desprenen les escenes que construïm sense adonar-nos-en. Així, les il·lustracions són el resultat de mirades sense prejudicis que enregistren, amb enquadraments insospitats, els comportaments menys canònics que cal esperar en un museu, o paren atenció sobre “altres” focus d’interès que no passen necessàriament per les obres. D’aquesta manera, aquests treballs operen com a reportatges d’aquest nou territori ambigu que, entre el sagrat i el profà, ocupen ara els museus. Des d’EINA hem de celebrar l’audàcia i l’entusiasme amb el qual Pepe Serra, director del Museu Nacional, i l’equip del museu han incentivat i afavorit aquesta iniciativa que ara esdevé exposició i publicació. Una col·laboració d’aquestes característiques és un exemple molt notable del ventall de possibilitats que s’obre de cara a la confluència entre els joves creadors i el món del patrimoni en l’espai comú de la contemporaneïtat.Pensar el museo únicamente como un edificio monumental que alberga unas colecciones de valor patrimonial es sin duda, una idea periclitada. Hoy entendemos el museo como el resultado de una pluralidad de intenciones, de miradas y de experiencias que protagonizan tanto los que lo administran como los que lo visitan. De hecho, la mirada exterior adquiere cada día que pasa más relevancia en la vida del museo, lo que va mucho más allá de las cifras de visitantes con las que algunas veces -quizás demasiadas- la política cultural evalúa la rentabilidad de las asignaciones presupuestarias. Por supuesto, la vocación pública y formativa son supuestos ineludibles de la misión de un museo, pero no todo se acaba en la cantidad de público visitante, ni siquiera en las condiciones de calidad en que se ofrece la recepción de obras y discursos museográficos. “Ir al museo” implica también maneras de vivir el entorno urbano y arquitectónico, propicia formas de concurrencia y sociabilidad específicas y valida una práctica cultural en la que se hace inseparable el acceso al onocimiento, la abundancia de ocio masivo o el disfrute individual y compartido. Trasladarse a un museo resulta hoy un tipo de experiencia difícilmente clasificable en la que se mezclan expectativas intelectuales con ganas de pasar el rato, miradas atentas y distraídas, atracción por el arte y por las cosas banales... No necesariamente prima una jerarquía de intenciones y, en todo caso, la combinación de éstas es tan heterogénea como lo es el tráfico de personas y la profusión de estímulos. La colección de dibujos que presentan los participantes de la Diplomatura de postgrado de Ilustración creativa y técnicas de comunicación visual de EINA aparece como una especie de prospección etnográfica de esta realidad. A sus méritos técnicos y creativos de realización, se suma la capacidad de captar la diversidad de personas y situaciones que conforman la cotidianidad del museo, incorporando esa confluencia de vulgaridad y poesía que desprenden las escenas que construimos cuando no nos damos cuenta de ello. Así, las ilustraciones son el resultado de miradas sin prejuicios que registran, con encuadres insospechados, los comportamientos menos canónicos que cabe esperar en un museo, o prestan atención sobre “otros” focos de interés que no pasan necesariamente por las obras. De esta manera, estos trabajos operan como reportajes de este nuevo territorio ambiguo que, entre lo sagrado y lo profano, ocupan los museos hoy en día. Desde EINA debemos celebrar la audacia y el entusiasmo con el que Pepe Serra, director del Museu Nacional, y el equipo del museo han incentivado y favorecido esta iniciativa, que ahora se convierte en exposición y publicación. Una colección de estas características es un ejemplo muy notable del abanico de posibilidades que se abre de cara a la confluencia entre los jóvenes creadores y el mundo del patrimonio, en el espacio común de la contemporaneidad.Thinking of a museum only as a monumental building that houses a series of collections of valuable heritage is certainly an idea that has become outmoded. Today we understand a museum as the result of a plurality of intentions, views and experiences featuring, both those who administer and those who visit it. In fact, the outside vision becomes more important in the life of museums each passing day, going far beyond from the relevance of the numbers of visitors -which perhaps too often- is the sole factor contemplated by the cultural policy that evaluates the profitability of budgetary allocations. Of course, the public vocation and education are essential assumptions of the mission of a museum, but it does not all end in the number of visitors, not even in the terms of quality offered in the reception of the museum’s works and discourses. “Going to a museum” also implies ways of living the urban and architectonic environment, fostering specific forms of audience and sociability and validating a cultural practice that is inseparable of aspects such as: the access to knowledge, the competition to mass-market leisure or the individual and shared enjoyment. Going to a museum today, is a kind of experience that is difficult to classify; a hybrid of the intellectual expectations, the wanting to hang gaze distracted, or the “simple” attraction for art and trivial things... Not necessarily a premium hierarchy of intentions and, in any case, the combination of such being as heterogeneous as it is the movement of surrounding people and the profusion of stimuli. The collection of drawings presented by the participating students of the Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques at EINA, appears as a kind of ethnographic exploration of this reality. To its technical merits and creative realization, is added the ability to capture the diversity of people and situations that make of everyday life in the museum, an immix of vulgarity and poetry scenes, spontaneously created by all characters unaware. Thus, the illustrations are the result of unprejudiced eyes that record, under unexpected frames, the less canonical behavior you would expect in a museum, paying attention to “other” focus of interest, not necessarily the art works. In this sense, these graphic pieces operate as reports of this new ambiguous territory, between the sacred and the profane, that museums occupy today. From EINA we celebrate the courage and the enthusiasm with which Pepe Serra, director of the Museu Nacional, and the museum staff have encouraged and supported this initiative, now becoming an exhibition and a publication. A co-operation of these characteristics is a notable example of the range of possibilities that opens towards the junction between young artists and the common space and patrimony that is the world of the contemporary

    Welcome to the jungle

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    La jungla és diversa, la il·lustració també. Ens belluguem entre infinitat d’estils, traços, formes, textures i colors, on cadascú vol deixar la seva pròpia petjada. En això ens hem basat per a donar forma a “Welcome to the jungle”, la nostra mostra final del postgrau d’Il·lustració Creativa i Tècniques de Comunicació Visual d’EINA 2014-2015, per la qual hem seleccionat els nostres millors treballs del curs. A més a més ens hem posat a la pell de diferents animals de la jungla, aquells que d’alguna manera ens identifiquen i cadascú hem il.lustrat la nostra elecció. En aquest catàleg hi trobareu les il·lustracions. Benvinguts!La jungla es diversa, la ilustración también. Nos movemos entre infinidad de estilos, trazos, formas, texturas y colores, donde cada uno quiere dejar su huella. En esto nos hemos basado para dar forma a “Welcome to the Jungle”, nuestra muestra final del postgrado de Ilustración Creativa y Técnicas de Comunicación Visual de EINA 2014-2015, para la que hemos seleccionado nuestros mejores trabajos del curso. Además nos hemos puesto en la piel de distintas especies de la jungla, aquellas que nos identifican, y cada uno ha ilustrado la suya. Este catálogo reúne dichas ilustraciones. ¡Bienvenido!The jungle is diverse, so is illustration. We move amongst an infinity of styles, strokes, shapes, textures and colors, where everyone wants to make an impression. This is the inspiration for “Welcome to the Jungle”, the final show of our postgraduate course in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques at EINA 2014 - 2015, for which we have chosen our best work from the course. Also, we have put ourselves in the skin of different species of the jungles, those that identify us, and each of us has illustrated their own. This catalogue brings together these illustrations. Welcome