637 research outputs found

    Streaming Services, Binging, and Cultural Consequences

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    This article discusses how streaming services such as Netflix are affecting cultural ideas and attitudes towards media

    Stress and depression among veterinary medical students

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    While existing literature suggests that professional students (e.g., medical, dental, law, nursing, etc.) experience high levels of stress and depression, the experiences of veterinary medical students have been less well examined. The purpose of this study was to explore the levels of stress and depression among veterinary medical students and to examine the relationship between these variables. Study participants were 1,245 veterinary medical students from North America. The findings provide support for the assertion that veterinary medical students experience high levels of stress and depression. Results also indicated that there is a correlation between stress and depression for veterinary medical students and that female students experience higher levels of stress and depression than their male counterparts.Accepted manuscrip

    Perceived influences on the career choices of children and youth: an exploratory study

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    Children’s understanding of factors influencing their career choices was examined. Seventy-two children, in grades kindergarten, 4, and 8, responded to questions about their perceptions of career influences. Responses were coded to capture the nature of the influences identified, including the global versus specific and linear versus interacting nature of these influences. Further, influences were coded as existing proximal versus distal to the child. Results indicate that older children identified more career influences that were either specific or categorical and interacted in dynamic ways. No evidence was found for older children offering influences that existed at a systems level of organization.Accepted manuscrip

    Tourists\u27 Photographic Constructions of Place in Ireland

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    This chapter explores notions of authenticity in terms of the photographs taken by tourists while on holiday. Some tourists photograph attributes of the host’s culture that they perceive as “authentic”, while ignoring, editing, or erasing aspects that conflict with their “imagined” views. Drawing upon methods of participant-informed photo-ethnography used in a study of US tourists’ holiday photographs of Ireland, tourists will be resituated in this chapter as “editors” in their own photographic reproductions of place. Moreover, by focusing attention to how they confer meaning on destinations and the people who live in them, through the embodied performance of photography, this chapter explores tourists’ notions of authenticity


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    The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the progress made concerning the development of a solution aimed at the transportation issues faced by residents of Puebla, Mexico, and specifically the community of Colonia Puebla. Colonia Puebla is a low-income community on the outskirts of Puebla. The overall goal is to develop and prototype a product that will alleviate some of the pressure due to the lack of accessibility of transportation and then field test said product in the target community. Ideally, the product would be able to stimulate a micro-economy to provide a source of income to residents. The project consists of an attachment that includes four subsystems, axle, trailer hitch, suspension and frame. The trailer hitch will connect frame to various types of bicycles. The suspension will alleviate bumpiness and axle will hold selected wheels

    Probing Compressed Top Squarks at the LHC at 14 TeV

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    A feasibility study is presented for the search of the lightest top squark in a compressed scenario, where its mass is approximately equal to the sum of the masses of the top quark and the lightest neutralino. The study is performed in the final state of two b-jets, one lepton, large missing energy, and two high-ETE_{\rm T} jets with large separation in pseudo-rapidity, in opposite hemispheres, and with large dijet mass. The LHC could discover compressed top squarks with mass up to approximately 340 GeV (390 GeV) with an integrated luminosity of 1000 ifb (3000 ifb).Comment: Version updated with major changes: (a) 3-body stop decay (to b+W+n1) analyzed for first time (b) systematics calculation and discussion significantly upgraded (c) new kinematic and mass reach plots for the 3-body decay scenario added (d) discussions clarified throughou

    The yeast orthologue of GRASP65 forms a complex with a coiled-coil protein that contributes to ER to Golgi traffic

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    The mammalian Golgi protein GRASP65 is required in assays that reconstitute cisternal stacking and vesicle tethering. Attached to membranes by an N-terminal myristoyl group, it recruits the coiled-coil protein GM130. The relevance of this system to budding yeasts has been unclear, as they lack an obvious orthologue of GM130, and their only GRASP65 relative (Grh1) lacks a myristoylation site and has even been suggested to act in a mitotic checkpoint. In this study, we show that Grh1 has an N-terminal amphipathic helix that is N-terminally acetylated and mediates association with the cis-Golgi. We find that Grh1 forms a complex with a previously uncharacterized coiled-coil protein, Ydl099w (Bug1). In addition, Grh1 interacts with the Sec23/24 component of the COPII coat. Neither Grh1 nor Bug1 are essential for growth, but biochemical assays and genetic interactions with known mediators of vesicle tethering (Uso1 and Ypt1) suggest that the Grh1–Bug1 complex contributes to a redundant network of interactions that mediates consumption of COPII vesicles and formation of the cis-Golgi

    The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Concentration on the Physical and Electrochemical Properties of Vanadyl Solutions

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    The effects of sulfuric acid concentration in VO2+ solutions were investigated via electrochemical methods and electron paramagnetic resonance. Viscosity of solutions containing 0.01 M VOSO4 in 0.1–7 M H2SO4 was measured. Diffusion coefficients were independently measured via electrochemical methods and EPR with excellent agreement between the techniques employed and literature values. Analysis of cyclic voltammograms suggest the oxidation of VO2+ to VO2+ is quasi-reversible at high H2SO4 concentrations (\u3e5 mol/L) and approaching irreversible at lower H2SO4 concentrations. Further analysis reveals a likely electrochemical/chemical (EC) mechanism where the H2SO4 facilitates the electrochemical step but hinders the chemical step. Fundamental insights of VO2+/H2SO4 solutions can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the concentration effects in electrolyte solutions

    Where Do We Go Next? Youth Insights on the High School Experience During a Year of Historic Upheaval

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    Where Do We Go Next? presents findings from a national survey focused on understanding the experiences, assets, and conditions that have shaped young people's high school experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where Do We Go Next? aims to characterize young people's school-based experiences (in-person or remote) over the past year to inform youth-centered policy, practice, and recovery efforts moving forward.America's Promise Alliance partnered with Research for Action (RFA) to conduct a national survey (n=2,439) of young people as part of its GradNation campaign. The survey was designed to assess young people's experiences during an unprecedented school year that was shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic and a swelling movement for racial justice. Specifically, the present study sought to take a holistic approach to better understanding young people's high school experiences over the past year, all amidst an uncertain economic, social, and educational landscape. This study, thus, serves two related purposes. First, it adds to a growing knowledge base on high schoolers' learning experiences over the past year. And second, it explores a diverse set of young people's schoolbased and out-of-school experiences in an effort to better understand how the past year has impacted learning and development, specifically students' overall wellbeing, access to opportunities to learn about — and act upon — social issues like race and racism, and postsecondary readiness for life after high school.Survey respondents included young people ages 13-19 years who were enrolled in high school in the United States during the 2020-2021 school year. The survey was administered over a six-week period in March and April 2021 using a multi-pronged sampling strategy that included an online panel, targeted recruitment through supporting organizations, and youth-oriented social media advertisements. A non-probability quota sampling strategy was used to approximate the U.S. population distributions of high school students along dimensions of education level, gender, ethnicity, and race. Parameter estimates were referenced according to the most recently available national education statistics published by the National Center for Educational Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. The resulting 2,439 survey responses were weighted by grade-level, race, ethnicity, and gender to account for differences between the study sample and the overall national population

    Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease (MOGAD): A Review of Clinical and MRI Features, Diagnosis, and Management

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    Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibody-associated disease (MOGAD) is the most recently defined inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Over the last decade, several studies have helped delineate the characteristic clinical-MRI phenotypes of the disease, allowing distinction from aquaporin-4 (AQP4)-IgG-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (AQP4-IgG+NMOSD) and multiple sclerosis (MS). The clinical manifestations of MOGAD are heterogeneous, ranging from isolated optic neuritis or myelitis to multifocal CNS demyelination often in the form of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), or cortical encephalitis. A relapsing course is observed in approximately 50% of patients. Characteristic MRI features have been described that increase the diagnostic suspicion (e.g., perineural optic nerve enhancement, spinal cord H-sign, T2-lesion resolution over time) and help discriminate from MS and AQP4+NMOSD, despite some overlap. The detection of MOG-IgG in the serum (and sometimes CSF) confirms the diagnosis in patients with compatible clinical-MRI phenotypes, but false positive results are occasionally encountered, especially with indiscriminate testing of large unselected populations. The type of cell-based assay used to evaluate for MOG-IgG (fixed vs. live) and antibody end-titer (low vs. high) can influence the likelihood of MOGAD diagnosis. International consensus diagnostic criteria for MOGAD are currently being compiled and will assist in clinical diagnosis and be useful for enrolment in clinical trials. Although randomized controlled trials are lacking, MOGAD acute attacks appear to be very responsive to high dose steroids and plasma exchange may be considered in refractory cases. Attack-prevention treatments also lack class-I data and empiric maintenance treatment is generally reserved for relapsing cases or patients with severe residual disability after the presenting attack. A variety of empiric steroid-sparing immunosuppressants can be considered and may be efficacious based on retrospective or prospective observational studies but prospective randomized placebo-controlled trials are needed to better guide treatment. In summary, this article will review our rapidly evolving understanding of MOGAD diagnosis and management
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