111 research outputs found

    "E a minha vida foi dentro do carro, taxiando". Trajetórias e ofício de "velhos" taxistas no mundo urbano de Belém (PA)

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    O presente artigo é fruto de uma pesquisa realizada no contexto urbano de Belém entre os anos de 2007-2008, que consistiu no acompanhamento do cotidiano – através da observação e convívio – e em uma a série de entrevistas junto a antigos taxistas ainda na ativa ou aposentados. Esses motoristas foram provocados pelos pesquisadores a refletir sobre o mundo urbano em que atuam como profissionais, cuja dinâmica de labuta consiste em um constante ir e vir marcado pelo deslocamento e deriva no espaço citadino durante décadas.   Tais senhores, através do exercício de rememoração – e a partir da elasticidade de sua memória – foram capazes de narrar algumas mudanças sofridas na paisagem belemense. Durante tais relatos, as modificações, os dilemas, as possibilidades e os limites do ofício de taxista vieram à tona como elementos indissociáveis do processo de expansão urbana e mudança no/do espaço, vivenciados pelos habitantes da cidade de Belém.   O olhar atento sobre as práticas relacionadas ao ofício de taxista na cidade de Belém ao longo do tempo é capaz de remontar a uma série de questões atuais relativas às transformações ocorridas na metrópole amazônica, ou ainda, indicam as modificações que tomaram assento no mundo urbano belemense desde o século passado. Portanto, tais processos transformativos remontam às formas de viver e praticar os diversos lugares que compõem as paisagens citadinas que sofreram alterações mediante os jogos complexos entre a desterritorialização e a reterritorialização2 vividos por seus habitantes. Partimos do pressuposto segundo o qual esses jogos podem ser evidenciados a partir da memória dos taxistas que atuam na capital paraense

    Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children

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    This study investigates risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in a population of children in public schools, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. A total of 727 children aged 6 to 11 years old from 12 schools were evaluated between March and June 2008. A form addressing socio-demographic data, body mass index, blood pressure, capillary blood glucose and waist circumference was applied. A total of 54.1% of the children were female, 21.7% were overweight, 6.6% were obese, 27% had central obesity, 6.2% showed altered capillary glucose, and 17% high blood pressure. In relation to risk factors, 53.4% presented no risk factors; 24.3% had at least one factor and 18.8% two risk factors. Nurses can intervene in schools through educational health programs encouraging the adoption of healthy habits and identifying children at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.O estudo teve como objetivo identificar fatores de risco para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 numa população de crianças de escolas públicas de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. Foram avaliadas 727 crianças de 6 a 11 anos de 12 escolas, nos meses de março a junho de 2008. Foi aplicado formulário abordando aspectos sociodemográficos, índice de massa corporal, pressão arterial, glicemia capilar e circunferência da cintura. Dos sujeitos, 54,1% eram do sexo feminino, 21,7% tinham excesso de peso, 27% obesidade central, 6,2% alterações glicêmicas e 17,9% pressão arterial elevada. Em relação aos fatores de risco, 53,4% não apresentavam, 24,3% tinham pelo menos um fator e 18,8%, dois. A enfermagem pode atuar nas escolas por meio de ações de educação em saúde, incentivando a adoção de hábitos de vida saudáveis e na identificação de crianças com risco para diabetes mellitus tipo 2.El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar factores de riesgo para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en una población de niños de escuelas públicas de Fortaleza, Brasil. Fueron evaluadas 727 niños de 6 a 11 años, de 12 escuelas, en los meses de marzo a junio de 2008. Fue aplicado un formulario abordando aspectos sociodemográficos, índice de masa corporal, presión arterial, glucemia capilar y, circunferencia de la cintura. Fue identificado que 54,1% de los sujetos eran del sexo femenino, 21,7% tenían exceso de peso, 27% obesidad central, 6,2% alteraciones en la glucemia y 17,9% presión arterial elevada. En relación a los factores de riesgo, 53,4% no lo presentaban, 24,3% tenían por lo menos un factor y 18,8% dos factores. La enfermería puede actuar en las escuelas por medio de acciones de educación en salud, incentivando la adopción de hábitos de vida saludables y identificando niños con riesgo para diabetes mellitus tipo 2

    Fatores de risco para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em universitários: associação com variáveis sociodemográficas

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    OBJECTIVE: identify the modifiable risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in college students and associate these factors with their sociodemographic variables. METHOD: cross-sectional study, involving 702 college students from Fortaleza-CE, Brazil. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, physical exercise data and blood pressure and fasting plasma glucose levels were collected. RESULTS: the most prevalent risk factor was sedentariness, followed by overweight, central obesity, high fasting plasma glucose and arterial hypertension. A statistically significant association was found between overweight and sex (p=0.000), age (p=0.004) and marital status (p=0.012), as well as between central obesity and age (p=0.018) and marital status (p=0.007) and between high fasting plasma glucose and sex (p=0.033). CONCLUSION: distinct risk factors were present in the study population, particularly sedentariness and overweight.OBJETIVO: identificar los factores de riesgo modificables para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en universitarios y asociar estos factores con las variables sociodemográficas. MÉTODO: estudio trasversal desarrollado con 702 universitarios de Fortaleza-CE, Brasil. Fueron recolectados datos sociodemográficos, antropométricos, sobre la práctica de actividad física, niveles de presión arterial y glucosa plasmática en ayunas. RESULTADOS: el factor de riesgo más prevalente fue el sedentarismo, seguido por el exceso de peso, obesidad central, glucosa plasmática en ayunas elevada y hipertensión arterial. Fue encontrada asociación estadísticamente significante entre exceso de peso y sexo (p=0,000), edad (p=0,004) y estado civil (p=0,012), y también entre la obesidad central y la edad (p=0,018) y estado civil (p=0,007), y entre la glucosa plasmática en ayunas elevada y el sexo (p=0,033). CONCLUSIÓN: distintos factores de riesgo estuvieron presentes en la población investigada, destacándose el sedentarismo y el exceso de peso.OBJETIVO: identificar os fatores de risco modificáveis para diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em universitários e associar esses fatores com as variáveis sociodemográficas. MÉTODO: estudo transversal realizado com 702 universitários de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. Coletaram-se dados sociodemográficos e antropométricos sobre a prática de atividade física, níveis de pressão arterial e glicemia plasmática de jejum. RESULTADOS: o fator de risco mais prevalente foi o sedentarismo, seguido pelo excesso de peso, obesidade central, glicemia plasmática de jejum elevada e hipertensão arterial. Houve associação estatisticamente significante entre excesso de peso com o sexo (p=0,000), idade (p=0,004) e estado civil (p=0,012), bem como da obesidade central com a idade (p=0,018) e estado civil (p=0,007) e, também, da glicemia plasmática de jejum elevada com o sexo (p=0,033). CONCLUSÃO: distintos fatores de risco estiveram presentes na população investigada, com destaque para o sedentarismo e o excesso de peso

    Indicadores de saúde associados com a má qualidade do sono de universitários

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    Objective To associate the sleep quality of Brazilian undergraduate students with health indicators. Method A cross-sectional study was developed with a random sample of 662 undergraduate students from Fortaleza, Brazil. The demographic data, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and health data indicators (smoking, alcoholism, sedentary lifestyle, nutritional condition and serum cholesterol) were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. Blood was collected at a clinical laboratory. In order to estimate the size of the associations, a Poisson Regression was used. Results For students who are daily smokers, the occurrence of poor sleep was higher than in non-smokers (pObjetivo Asociar la calidad del sueño de los universitarios brasileños con los indicadores de salud. Método Estudio transversal desarrollado con una muestra aleatoria de 662 estudiantes universitarios de Fortaleza, Brasil. Fueron recogidos datos sociodemográficos, indicadores de salud (tabaquismo, alcoholismo, sedentarismo, estado nutritivo y niveles séricos de colesterol) y el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado. Las muestras sanguíneas fueron analizadas en un laboratorio clínico y para evaluar la magnitud de las asociaciones se adoptó la Regresión de Poisson. Resultados En los universitarios que fuman diariamente la ocurrencia de mala calidad del sueño fue superior en su relación con los no fumadores (pObjetivo Associar a qualidade do sono de universitários brasileiros com indicadores de saúde. Método Estudo transversal desenvolvido com uma amostra aleatória de 662 estudantes universitários de Fortaleza-Brasil. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, indicadores de saúde (tabagismo, alcoolismo, sedentarismo, estado nutricional e níveis séricos de colesterol) e o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh através de um questionário autoadministrado. As amostras sanguíneas foram analisadas em um laboratório clínico e para estimar a magnitude das associações foi adotada a Regressão de Poisson. Resultados Nos universitários que fumam diariamente a ocorrência de má qualidade do sono foi superior em relação aos não fumantes (

    Treatment of acromegaly patients at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM): Experience Report

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of acromegaly patients at the Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro. METHODS: Cross-sectional and retrospective study of thirty cases treated over a period of two decades. RESULTS: 17 men (56.7%) aged 14-67 years and 13 women aged 14-86 years were analyzed. Twenty-one patients underwent transphenoidal surgery, whichwas associated with somatostatin receptor ligands in 11 patients (39.3%), somatostatin receptor ligands + radiotherapyin 5 patients (17.8%), radiotherapy in 3 patients (10.7%), and radiotherapy + somatostatin receptorligands + cabergoline in 1 patient (3.6%). Additionally, 2 patients underwent radiotherapy and surgeryalone. Six patients received somatostatin receptor ligands before surgery, and 2 were not treated due to refusal and death. Nine patients have died, and 20 are being followed; 13 (65%) have growth hormonelevels o1 ng/mL, and 11 have normal insulin-like growth factor 1 levels. CONCLUSION: The current treatment options enable patients seen in regional reference centers to achieve strict control parameters, which allows them to be treated close to their homes

    Estudo Socioambiental na Amazônia Brasileira com foco na Qualidade da Água

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    Este trabalho aborda sobre a potabilidade da água consumida por uma municipalidade situada na Amazônia Brasileira. Procurou-se conhecer a satisfação da população local sob a ótica das Teorias Institucional e do Ecodesenvolvimento, a partir do Método do Estudo de Caso, de natureza quali-quantitativa e descritiva. O Objetivo geral é estudar a relação socioambiental com foco na qualidade da água ofertada à população; e tem como objetivos específicos levantar informações de natureza socioambiental relacionadas à água ofertada à população, interpretar os principais parâmetros de aceitabilidade relacionados à qualidade da água, e analisar a satisfação percebida do usuário em face da qualidade dos serviços de abastecimento. Como resultado indica-se que a maioria dos respondentes da consulta se declara parcialmente satisfeita com a qualidade da água, revelando a preferência pelo consumo de água mineral comercializada, que consideram mais benéfica à sua saúde do que a água encanada que ofertam pelo sistema de distribuição. Levantamento documental aponta que a água fornecida à população não atende aos principais parâmetros de potabilidade, mas a falta de conhecimento e de cidadania dos residentes impedem os indivíduos de interpretar a realidade dos fatos. Este trabalho interessa a gestores socioambientais, administradores, políticos e demais estudiosos em temáticas afins

    Standard Electrocardiographic Data of Peccaries (Tayassu tajacu)

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    Background:Peccaries (Tayassu tajacu, Linnaeus, 1758) are wild suiformes that belong to the Tayassuidae family. Electrocardiography is an important technique for cardiovascular evaluation. Analysis of various intervals, segments, complexes and waveforms of electrocardiographic (ECG) traces aids in the diagnosis of cardiac alterations and in the differentiation of congenital and acquired heart diseases from physiological cases. However, in wild animal medicine, the various patterns of normality and the evaluation of electrical traces associated with heart disease have not yet been sufficiently elucidated. The purpose of this study was to characterize the electrocardiographic (ECG) traces of peccaries sedated using ketamine and xylazine.Materials, Methods & Results:Fourteen healthy adult animals that were subjected to digital ECG examination were used. Animals with evidence of systemic diseases, cardiovascular abnormalities (murmurs or arrhythmias), or any degree of valve insufficiency observed on echocardiogram and animals that exhibited excessive stress during the examination were excluded from the study. All animals presented with a normal sinus rhythm. A combination of 15 mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride and 3 mg/kg of midazolam maleate was applied intramuscularly for chemical immobilization. The animals were manipulated after 15 min, when the onset of the anaesthetic effect was verified, for a duration of 45 min, and no reinforcement dose was necessary to complete the electrocardiographic examination.  No significant differences were observed in the P-wave duration, PR interval and QT interval between genders (P > 0.05). No significant differences were found between the amplitudes of the P and R waves between males and females (P > 0.05). The observed P waves were small, monophasic and positive. The QRS complex was positive in the DI, DII, DIII, aVF, V4 and V10 derivations and negative in the aVR, aVL, V1 and V2 derivations. In 71% of the animals, the T wave showed negative polarity in the DI, DII, DIII, aVL, aVF, and V10 derivations and positive polarity in the aVR, V1, V2 and V4 derivations. The ST segment was isoelectric in 100% of the animals. GraphPad Prism 7 (La Jolla, CA, USA) software was used to analyze the data, with non-parametric tests used to test for differences in the variables between the sexes. In these tests, a P-value of 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.Discussion:Although studies on the cardiac electrophysiology of wild animals have previously shown good results for several species, this is the first study concerning the standardization ECG traces for peccaries. However, due to the wild nature of these animals, their manipulation for handling and data collection purposes is only feasible under chemical containment, although other studies have used non-anaesthetized agoutis. It is not known to what extent these results may have been influenced by the effects of stress. Drugs used for this function may have direct effects on cardiac function. Therefore, the presumed normal ECG values, as well as the recognition of changes due to drug or iatrogenic interactions, are of fundamental importance.  This protocol provided high-quality anaesthetized peccary ECG traces, allowing reliable measurements of waves and intervals and assessment of the cardiac rhythm and heart rate. The surface registry digital ECG recording technique used with chemical containment allowed good monitoring and rapid acquisition and was well tolerated by the animals. 

    Ocular Echobiometry and Resistivity Index of External Ophthalmic Artery in Agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha)

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    Background: Veterinary Ophthalmology provides complementary information for the diagnosis of ocular pathologies. Studies in wild species are essential. Among the diagnostic techniques in ophthalmology, two-dimensional ultrasonography stands out. The agouti is a rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family that has been widely used as an experimental model. For these animals, sight is one of the crucial senses for their survival. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the two-dimensional ocular ultrasound technique to obtain anatomical measurements and the external ophthalmic artery resistivity index, presumably normal in the species Dasyprocta prymnolopha.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty eye bulbs of 20 adult rodents of the species were evaluated by ultrasonography. In these animals, B-mode echobiometry was performed using the transpalpebral approach and the hemodynamic study of the external ophthalmic artery using the color Doppler technique. All examinations were initiated by the left eye bulb and all measurements were performed by only one examiner. The collected data related to echobiometry were analyzed using Bioest 5.0 for Windows. Initially, normality was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test for each parameter, then the paired t-test was performed, comparing right and left eyes, and a significance level of 5% (P < 0.05) was adopted. Based on the methodology used, the following values were obtained for the right and left eyeballs, respectively: anterior chamber thickness - mean of 1.28 ± 0.3 mm and 1.22 ± 0.1 mm; lens thickness - 8.27 ± 0.9 mm and 8.11 ± 0.9 mm; vitreous chamber thickness - 5.35 ± 0.48 mm and 5.30 ± 0.47 mm and axial length - 12.7 ± 0.9 mm and 13 ± 0.68 mm. The mean external ophthalmic artery resistivity values were 0.4305 ± 0.0390 and 0.4258 ± 0.0387 (right and left eye, respectively), characterizing a low resistance. There was no statistical difference between the right and left eyeballs in any of the studied parameters.Discussion: The use of the convex transducer was feasible, promoting adequate contact with the ocular surface and images of satisfactory quality for obtaining measurements, similar to what was observed in studies evaluating the ocular biometry of primates and dogs. The anterior chamber thickness values in this experiment did not differ statistically between the antimers, as well as observed for dogs. The data obtained for lens thickness did not differ statistically for antimers, like those obtained for other rodent species evaluated with the same methodology. The mean values of vitreous chamber thickness were like those observed in chinchillas but correspond to about half of that obtained for capybaras. In this study, the external ophthalmic artery was characterized in all animals, but obtaining the spectral tracing was difficult due to its fine caliber. In wild animals, and especially in wild rodents, there are few data reporting the resistivity of the ophthalmic artery, and there is a lack of studies, which can be explained by the behavioral characteristics of defense and by the high susceptibility to stress in capture, since the performing the technique requires, as in other procedures, the use of chemical containment.Keywords: Doppler flow, ultrasound, eye, agouti