28 research outputs found

    Seleção de linhagens de sorgo granífero eficientes e responsivas à aplicação de fósforo

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    The objective of this work was to select sorghum lines simultaneously responsive to phosphorus fertilization and with high productive efficiency regarding this nutrient. Thirty six sorghum inbred lines were evaluated in a randomized complete block design, with two replicates. The traits used to evaluate the productive efficiency were average yield and efficiencies of absorption, utilization, and use of phosphorus, with and without phosphorus fertilization. For the analysis of the responsivity to the nutrient, the evaluated traits were relative yield and apparent recovery, physiological, and agronomic efficiencies. The lines were genetically divergent as to the efficiencies of absorption, utilization, and use of phosphorus, and to the responsivity to the nutrient, suggesting the possibility of producing hybrids destined to different market niches. The most responsive lines were P9401, BR007B, BR008B, SC414‑12E, and SC566, and the most efficient ones under low phosphorus availability were ATF40B, SC566, BR005R, CMSXS225, and BR012 (R6). The ATF40B, ATF54 (f61), ATF54 (f596), QL3, and SC566 lines showed better simultaneous performance for the different evaluated efficiencies and for the responsivity to phosphorus. The evaluation of productivity alone, under different phosphorus availabilities, already makes it possible to identify efficient and responsive lines to phosphorus.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar linhagens de sorgo simultaneamente responsivas ao fósforo e com elevada eficiência produtiva quanto a esse nutriente. Foram avaliadas 36 linhagens endogâmicas, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com duas repetições. Os caracteres usados para avaliação da eficiência produtiva foram produtividade média e eficiências de absorção, de utilização e de uso de fósforo, com e sem adubação fosfatada. Para análise da responsividade ao nutriente, foram avaliados caracteres de produtividade relativa e de eficiências de recuperação aparente, fisiológica e agronômica. Há variabilidade genética entre as linhagens quanto às eficiências de absorção, de utilização e de uso do fósforo, e quanto à responsividade ao nutriente, o que sugere a possibilidade de produção de híbridos destinados a nichos de mercado diferentes. As linhagens mais responsivas foram P9401, BR007B, BR008B, SC414‑12E e SC566, e as mais eficientes, sob baixa disponibilidade de fósforo, foram ATF40B, SC566, BR005R, CMSXS225 e BR012 (R6). As linhagens ATF40B, ATF54 (f61), ATF54 (f596), QL3 e SC566 apresentaram melhor desempenho simultâneo das diferentes eficiências avaliadas e da responsividade ao fósforo. Apenas a avaliação do caráter produtividade, sob diferentes disponibilidades de fósforo, já permite identificar linhagens eficientes e responsivas ao fósforo

    Selection index and molecular markers in reciprocal recurrent selection in maize

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    Reciprocal recurrent selection among full-sib families is one of the outstanding methodologies of maizeimprovement, since gains are possible in the per se and/or in cross populations. Here the selection index proposed by Smithand Hazel was used in the cited methodology; besides, an additional phase involving RAPD markers was introduced topreserve the genetic variability of the selected genotypes and identify contaminants before their recombination. Multivariatetechniques of grouping and discriminant analyses were used for this purpose, to assure the continuance of the improvementprogram and amplify the genetic distance between the populations Cimmyt and Piranão, which were used for an intervarietalhybrid. The molecular technique proved useful to identify contaminants and helpful in the choice of the genotypes to berecombined to maximize heterosis among populations. The technique can be included in recurrent selection programs, mainlythose that target the development of hybrids

    Adaptability and stability of sweet sorghum cultivars

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic stability and adaptability of 25 sweet sorghum cultivars of EmbrapaMaize and Sorghum. The experiments were conducted in five Brazilian environments, three in the state of Minas Gerais, and theothers in Sinop, Mato Grosso and Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Fresh biomass yield (FBY), and total soluble solids (TSS) of the juicewere evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Analysis of variance showed significant genotype byenvironment interaction for both traits. According to the Annicchiarico methodology analysis, genotypes CMSXS634, BRS506, andCMSXS646 were the most stable and adapted for FBY and TSS concomitantly; CMSXS634 being more adapted to favorable environmentsand CMSXS646 being more adapted to unfavorable environments

    Genetic evaluation of grain sorghum hybrids in Brazilian environments using the REML/BLUP procedure

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    When it comes to recommending sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars, it is essential to carry out a genetic evaluation of the agronomic traits of promising genotypes from several common environments where the crop is cultivated. This study consisted of a genetic evaluation of 52 experimental grain sorghum hybrids and eight commercial cultivars. Hybrids were evaluated in 19 experiments representing the most varied cultivation conditions in Brazil. Traits of agronomic interest such as grain yield, flowering and plant height were analysed. Genotypic evaluation was performed following the REML/BLUP (Restricted Maximum Likelihood/Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) procedure; the MHPRVG (Harmonic Mean of Relative Performance of Genotypic Values) method was also employed to study stability and adaptability. Hybrids which stood out in terms of highest grain yield based on genotypic values, stability and adaptability were 0306037, 1G150, DKB 599, 0306039, 1G282 and 0307671. Of these, only 1G282 showed restrictions as to plant height. For flowering, experimental hybrids showed shorter cycles than commercial cultivars, confirming the efficiency of genetic improvement for this trait. With the analysis of grain yield considering days to flowering and plant height as covariates, it was observed that most of the hybrids of greater performance, showed grain yield to be positively influenced by plant height and days to flowering


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    The aim of this work was to evaluate 50 genotypes of teak based on molecular markers ISSR. Among the genotypes studied, 12 were candidate trees, 36 were surrounding the candidates and 02 trees were considered superior based on the phenotype, according to the assessment of the producers. These genotypes were propagated through seminal via and are 10 to 12 years old in the field. For this study, young and expanded leaves of each genotype were collected in the field. Total DNA was extracted and the amplifications were made by PCR with 12 primers ISSR, previously selected. The samples were applied in agarose gel 1.5% and subjected to electrophoresis running. For visualization of the amplified products, the gel was stained with ethidium bromide and photodocumented in UV transilluminator. Data were analyzed using the program POPGENE 1.31 and diversity parameters were estimated. Dissimilarity analyzes were estimated by Jaccard Index and the dendrogram construction was made based on the UPGMA method. At the same time, the phenotypic analysis of morphological data regarding the candidate trees was conducted by multicategorical analysis. All analyzes were performed with the assistance of Genes Program. The 12 primers amplified 56 fragments. For polymorphic information content the indicators UBC 841, UBC 857 and UBC 807 provided higher values, 0.329, 0.327 and 0.303, respectively. The genetic diversity of the candidate trees (H = 0.1601 and I = 0.2301) was similar to the neighbors (H = 0.1507, I = 0.2178). The dendrogram generated by the UPGMA method formed 14 groups, while the grouping based on Tocher, 15 groups were formed. For the phenotypic analysis, the variable that most contributes to the diversity was the formation of catana. These results reflect that there is variability among the genotypes. It is possible to note, therefore, the need to expand the variability of the material, by introducing genotypes of different origins and genetically unrelated.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar 50 genótipos de teca com base em marcadores moleculares ISSR. Dentre os genótipos estudados, 12 eram árvores candidatas, 36 vizinhas às candidatas e 02 árvores consideradas superiores com base no fenótipo, segundo a avaliação dos produtores. Esses genótipos foram propagados via seminal e possuem de 10 a 12 anos em campo. Para tal estudo foram coletadas em campo folhas jovens e expandidas de cada genótipo. O DNA total foi extraído e as amplificações foram feitas via PCR com 12 primers ISSR, previamente selecionados. As amostras foram aplicadas em gel de agarose 1,5% e submetidas à corrida de eletroforese. Para visualização dos produtos amplificados, o gel foi corado com brometo de etídeo e fotodocumentados em transiluminador UV. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se o programa POPGENE 1.31 e os parâmetros de diversidade foram estimados. As análises de dissimilaridade foram estimadas pelo Índice de Jaccard e a construção do dendrograma foi feita com base no método UPGMA. Paralelamente, foi realizada a análise fenotípica de dados morfológicos referentes às árvores candidatas pela análise multicategórica. Todas as análises foram realizadas com auxílio do Programa Genes. Os 12 primers amplificaram 56 fragmentos. Para o índice de conteúdos polimórfico, os iniciadores UBC 841, UBC 857 e UBC 807 proporcionaram maiores valores, 0,329, 0,327 e 0,303, respectivamente. A diversidade genética das árvores candidatas (H = 0,1601 e I = 0,2301) foi similar à das vizinhas (H = 0,1507; I = 0,2178). O dendrograma gerado pelo método UPGMA formou 14 grupos, enquanto que no agrupamento com base em Tocher, 15 grupos foram formados. Quanto à análise fenotípica, a variável que mais contribuiu para a diversidade foi a formação de catana. Esses resultados refletem que há variabilidade entre os genótipos. Nota-se, portanto, a necessidade da ampliação da variabilidade do material, através da introdução de genótipos de diferentes procedências e não relacionados geneticamente

    'Paluma' guava trees under different cultivation systems, times and intensities of fructification pruning

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção e a qualidade dos frutos da goiabeira 'Paluma', em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, épocas e intensidades de poda de frutificação, em Pedro Canário, ES. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas sub-subdivididas. As parcelas foram os sistemas de cultivo irrigado e sequeiro; as subparcelas foram as épocas de poda (10/11/2005, 9/12/2005, 13/1/2006 e 10/2/2006); e as sub-subparcelas foram as intensidades de poda (curta, média e longa). A produção, o número de frutos e o peso médio dos frutos foram maiores nas plantas cultivadas com irrigação. Independentemente da época de poda, as plantas submetidas à poda curta apresentaram as menores produções e números de frutos por planta, entretanto produziram os frutos mais pesados. As maiores produções e número de frutos por planta ocorreram nas plantas submetidas às podas médias e longas, em fevereiro, enquanto os frutos mais pesados, independentemente da intensidade da poda, foram produzidos pelas plantas podadas em dezembro. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT) e relação SST/ATT dos frutos não foram influenciados pela intensidade da poda de frutificação, porém foram influenciados pelo sistema de cultivo e a época de poda.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of different fructification pruning times and intensities on the yield and fruit quality of 'Paluma' guava trees in two cultivation systems, in Pedro Canário, ES, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks in a split split plots scheme. The main plots were the cultivated systems (with and without irrigation), the split plots were the pruning times (November 10, 2005; December 9, 2005; January 13, 2006; and February 10, 2006), and the split split plots were the pruning intensities (heavy, medium and light). Plant yield, number of harvested fruits, and fruits medium weight were higher in irrigated plants. Independently of pruning time, plants subjected to heavy pruning provided the smallest yield and number of fruits per plant, however produced the higher fruit weight. The largest yield and number of fruits per plant occurred in plants subjected to medium and light pruning in February, while higher fruit weight occurred in plants pruned in December, regardless pruning intensity. Total soluble solids, titratable acidity and ratio were not affected by pruning intensity; however, those characteristics were affected by cultivate systems and pruning time


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    A great advantage of sorghum its xerophytic characteristics, which gives the potential, as a succession to summer crops in grain production. Therefore, it is fundamental to choose cultivars adapted and productive to different growing conditions. The objective of this study was to provide information about adaptive capacity of sorghum hybrids by the GGE biblot method. The trials were conducted, in 2017 as a second crop, no-tillage system, in four environments, Rio Verde, Sete Lagoas, Teresina and Sinop. All trials were conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and 36 treatments. The characteristics of flowering, plant height and grain yield were evaluated, being the data applied to the individual and joint analyses of variance, being applied the test of Scott-Knott measures and estimated the parameters of adaptability and stability. Promising hybrids for the characteristics evaluated were 1610001, 1610006, 1610051 and 1G100.Uma grande vantagem do sorgo são suas características xerófitas, o que lhe atribui um potencial, como sucessão às culturas de verão, na produção de grãos, sendo fundamental a utilização de híbridos adaptados aos diferentes ambientes de cultivo. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi gerar parâmetros a respeito da capacidade adaptativa de híbridos de sorgo granífero pelo método GGE biplot. Os ensaios foram conduzidos, na safrinha de 2017, em sistema de plantio direto, em quatro ambientes, Rio Verde, Sete Lagoas, Teresina e Sinop. Todos os ensaios foram conduzidos, no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições e 36 tratamentos. Foram avaliadas as características florescimento, altura de plantas e produtividade de grãos, sendo os dados submetidos às análises de variância individuais e conjunta, sendo aplicado o teste de comparação de médias de Scott-Knott e estimados os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Os híbridos promissores quanto às características avaliadas foram 1610001, 1610006, 1610051 e  1G100

    Sorghum genotypes for cereal bar production

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma barra de cereais com pipoca de sorgo e avaliá‑la quanto à aceitação do produto por consumidores, assim como identificar genótipos de sorgo e distintos modos de processamento para a produção de pipoca visando maior rendimento. Foram avaliados os processamentos sem (STH) e com tratamento hidrotérmico (CTH) dos grãos antes do pipoqueamento. O tratamento CTH reduziu o percentual de piruás em cerca de 36% e aumentou o rendimento da produção de pipoca em cerca de 80%. No STH, os genótipos BRS 310, BR 501, BR 506 e CMSXS 283 produziram menor percentual de piruás e maior capacidade de expansão. No CTH, 'BRS 310' e 'CMSXS 283' apresentaram melhor desempenho. Uma pesquisa sobre a aceitação e a intenção de compra das barras de cereais foi realizada em Londrina, PR e no Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Verificou-se que o produto foi aceito por 98,4 e 76,5% dos consumidores, e a média de aceitação, em uma escala de 1 a 9, foi de 7,7 em Londrina e de 7,1 no Rio de Janeiro. Quanto à intenção de compra, verificou-se que 88,8% dos londrinenses e 80,6% dos cariocas atribuíram notas acima de 4 (“talvez não comprasse, talvez comprasse”) na escala de 7 pontos utilizada.The objective of this work was to develop a cereal bar with pop sorghum and evaluate it for consumer acceptance, as well as to identify sorghum genotypes and processing methods for pop sorghum production, in order to obtain a higher yield. Processing methods without (STH) and with hydrothermal treatment (CTH) of grains before expansion were evaluated. The CTH treatment reduced the percentage of nonexpanded grains in about 36% andincreased pop sorghum yield in about 80%. In the STH process, the genotypes BRS 310, BR 501, BR 506 andCMSXS 283 yielded the lowest percentage of nonexpanded grains and the greatest pop sorghum expansion capacity.In the CTH, 'BRS 310' and 'CMSXS 283' genotypes showed the best performance. A survey on acceptance and the purchasing intention was performed in Londrina, PR, and in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. It was found that the cereal bar with pop sorghum was accepted by 98.4 and 76.5% of consumers, and the average scores, in a 1‑9 scale, was 7.7 for Londrina and 7.1 for Rio de Janeiro. As for the purchasing intention, 88.8% of Londrina’s testers and 80.6% of "Cariocas" attributed above‑4 scores ("maybe do not buy, maybe buy") on the 7‑point scale used

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de híbridos de milho para o sul do bioma Amazônia via GGE biplot

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    The objective of this work was to select maize hybrids using the GGE biplot analysis, as well as to evaluate their stability and adaptability in different environments of the North and Midwest regions of Brazil. Thirty-six maize hybrids were evaluated in 2018, in the following five environments in the Northern and Midwestern regions, respectively: in the municipality of Vilhena, in the state of Rondônia; and in the municipalities of Sorriso, Sinop, Alta Floresta, and Carlinda, in the Northern region of the state of Mato Grosso. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design. The analysis of variance was performed, and adaptability and stability were estimated by the GGE biplot method based on grain yield performance. A significant interaction between genotypes and environments was detected, and the biplot analysis was efficient in explaining 62.74% of the total variation in the first two principal components, with the formation of three macroenvironments. The 1P2227, 'BRS 3042', and 1P2265 hybrids showed high yield, responsiveness, and stability in the evaluated environments. The DKB310VTPRO2 hybrid was the most unstable genotype. The recommended hybrids are: DKB310 for the Sorriso and Vilhena macroenvironment; 1M1810 and 1O2106 for the Carlinda environment; and 1M1807 for the Sinop environment.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar híbridos de milho, por meio da análise GGE biplot, bem como avaliar sua estabilidade e adaptabilidade em diferentes ambientes das regiões Centro-Oeste e Norte do Brasil. Trinta e seis híbridos de milho foram avaliados em 2018, nos seguintes cinco ambientes das regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste, respectivamente: no município de Vilhena, no estado de Rondônia; e nos municípios de Sorriso, Sinop, Alta Floresta e Carlinda, na região norte do estado de Mato Grosso. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos ao acaso. Realizou-se a análise de variância, e estimaram-se a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade pelo método GGE biplot com base na produtividade. Detectou-se interação significativa entre genótipos e ambientes, e a análise biplot foi eficiente para explicar 62,74% da variação total nos dois primeiros componentes principais, com a formação de três macroambientes. Os híbridos 1P2227, 'BRS 3042' e 1P2265 apresentam alta produtividade, capacidade de resposta e estabilidade nos ambientes avaliados. O híbrido DKB310VTPRO2 foi o genótipo mais instável. Os híbridos recomendados são: DKB310 para o macroambiente Sorriso e Vilhena; 1M1810 e 1O2106 para o ambiente Carlinda; e 1M1807 para o ambiente Sinop