9 research outputs found


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    Penelitiandilatarbelakangiolehadanyaindikasigejalastresakademik di kalangansiswa. Stresakademikmerupakanstres yangberhubungandengankegiatanbelajarsiswa di sekolah. Penelitianinibertujuanmendeskripsikantingkat stress akademiksiswa di SMA Negeri 1 Lembangberdasarkantingkatankelasdanjurusan. Pendekatanyang digunakanadalahpendekatankuantitatifdenganmetodekomparatifdandesainpenelitiansurvei. Subjekpenelitianiniadalahsiswakelas X, XI dan XII SMA Negeri 1 Lembangyang berjumlah 635 siswa,denganmenggunakantekniksampelproportionate stratified random sampling. Metodepengumpulan data menggunakaninstrumen. Pengolahan data denganmenggunakan model Raschpadaaplikasiwinstep. Temuanpenelitianmenunjukkan: (1) stress akademiksiswaberadapadakategorisedangdenganpersentasesebesar65,67%;(2) terdapatperbedaan yang signifikantingkat stress akademiksiswaberdasarkantingkatankelas, siswakelas X memilikitingkatstress akademiktertinggi, sementarasiswakelas XII memilikitingkatstress akademiktertinggikedua, dansiswakelas XI memilikitingkat stress akademikterendah; (3) tidakterdapatperbedaan yang signifikanantaratingkat stress akademiksiswakelas X jurusan MIPA denganjurusanIPS; (4) terdapatperbedaan yang signifikanantaratingkat stress akademiksiswakelas XIjurusan MIPA denganjurusanIPS, siswajurusan IPS memilikitingkat stress akademiklebihtinggidaripadasiswajurusan MIPA; (5) tidakterdapatperbedaan yang signifikanantaratingkat stress akademiksiswakelas XII jurusan MIPA denganjurusan IPS.Rekomendasipenelitianditujukankepada guru bimbingandankonselingdanpenelitiselanjutnya;---The research motivated by indication of academic stress in students. Academic stress is stress related to student’s learning activities at school. This research aims to describe the academic stress level of students at SMA Negeri 1 Lembangbased on grade level and major.The approach used in this researchis quantitative approach with a comparative method and survey research design.The subject of this research were 10th, 11th and 12thgrade students at SMA Negeri 1 Lembang, totaling 635 students, using aproportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data in this research collected using instrument of academic stress. Processing data using the Rasch model in the Winstep application. The results of thisresearch have shown: (1) academic stress of students is in the medium category with a percentage of 65.67%;(2) there are significant differences of student’s academic stress levels based on grade level, students in 10th grade have the highest academic stress level, while students in 12th grade are in the second highest academic stress level position, and students in 11th grade have the lowest academic stress level; (3) there are not significant difference between academic stress level in 10th grade students in science major with in social major; (4) there are significant differences between student’s academic stress level in science major with social major in 11th grade students, students in social major have higher academic stress level than students in science major; (5) there isnot significant difference between student’s academic stress level in science major and social major in12th grade.Recommendations for future research are addressed to counseling teachers, and future researcher


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    The development of an increasingly advanced industry has an impact on the development of transactions in an increasingly complex economy so that many transaction activities require ijtihad to find solutions to problems that may arise. The hope is that the transaction can run smoothly and in accordance with Islamic law. This study aims to discuss matters relating to how 'urf becomes a method and source of Islamic law in economic activities by using a qualitative research methodology with a library research approach. The results showed that 'urf' is a thing that is known and has become a habit of the community, either in the form of words or actions. So that 'urf can be used as a method and legal basis in economic transaction activities


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    The background of this research is the researcher's connection to the phenomonology of the role of peer groups in the communication behavior of inter-school student organizations. This research aims to determine the role of peer groups in interactions in inter-school student organizations, changes in attitudes and communication behavior among inter-school student organizations at SMP Negeri 1 Pagelaran. The subjects of this research consisted of 10 members of the inter-school student organization at SMP Negeri 1 Pagelaran. The theoretical basis used is the theory of Symbolic Interactionism. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomonological approach. The data collection activities used were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research found that the role of peer groups in the Intera Student Organization of SMP Negeri 1 Pagelaran has a very important role in the lives of student council members inside and outside of school because peers can have a positive or negative impact on the student council members themselves depending on the influence of attitudes. and the behavior and environment of their peers, changes in attitude, communication behavior of members of the inter-school student organization at SMP Negeri 1 Performance. The change in attitude desired by each member of the student council has different opinions, both verbal and non-verbal communication, but with the same goal of wanting to change themselves in positive things and getting bette

    Implementasi Penilaian Diri Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Cooperative Learning Tipe STAD Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    This study aimed to describe the understanding teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo on student self-assessment, describing the implementation of self-assessment of students in mathematics-based cooperative learning STAD, describing the obstacles in the learning of mathematics-based cooperative learning type STAD with student self-assessment. Based on this research approach is qualitative descriptive study. This research subject is class VIIID SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo totaling 25 students. data collection techniques using questionnaires, observai, tests, interviews, and documentation. Data validation was done by triangulation technique by comparing the data results of the questionnaire, observai, tests, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis technique is done by means of data reduction, data presentation, and verification of data and drawing conclusions. Based on the research we concluded that: (1) teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo already know about the self-assessment but not yet apply to students optimally (2) the results of completeness at the first meeting by 36% (8 students) with an average marginal 70 and self assessment percentage of 50% (11 students) obtain criteria Very Good (SB), 32% (7 students) obtain criteria Good (B), and 18% (4 students) gain criterion Enough (C). The second meeting by 61% (11 students) with an average marginal 77 and the percentage of Penialain themselves 50% (9 students) obtain criteria Very Good (SB), 33% (6 students) obtain criteria Good (B), and 17% ( 3 students) gain criterion Enough (C). at the third meeting of 37% (9 students) with an average marginal 68 and the percentage of Penialain themselves 54% (13 students) obtain criteria Very Good (SB), 29% (7 students) obtain criteria Good (B), and 17% (4 students) gain criterion Enough (C) (3) obstacles encountered in the study is that students do not pay attention to the explanation the researchers, the lack of enthusiasm of students, The valuation technique used is a new thing for students

    Combining biochar with sediment in the treatment for the effectiveness of sulfate and heavy metal Pb reduction of acid mine drainage

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    The increasing mining activities have led to the problem of acid mine drainage (AMD) pollution. A method that combines biochar treatment as an adsorbent with wetland sediment treatment as a source of sulfate-reducing bacteria is used to address AMD effectively. This research aimed to determine the ability of biochar in combination with wetland sediment treatment to reduce sulfate and heavy metal content in acid mine drainage wastewater. This research was conducted on a laboratory scale in an AMD wastewater treatment reactor with the following treatments of biochar mixed with wetland sediment. Observations included sulfate content, pH, and heavy metal content. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis was also performed on the biochar. SEM observations revealed the presence of small, dense, and irregularly shaped pores on the surface of the biochar. The results on day 30 showed that biochar mixed with wetland sediment was able to reduce sulfate concentration by 74.19% and reduced Pb by 73.79%, compared with treatment sediment only to 64.81% sulfate concentration and reduced Pb by 53.85%, treatment biochar only had reduced sulfate of 46.90% and reduced Pb by 58.67% and control 1.79% sulfate concentration and reduced Pb by 1.87%


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    Psychological problems that occur in the elderly is the decrease in cognitive function and affective function. The role of nurses in preventing the decrease in cognitive function and affective function of the elderly is to give social support. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between social support with cognitive function and affective function in Sumberejo, Geger, Madiun. The study method was quantitative descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The measuring instruments used are social support questionnaire (SSQ), cognitive function questionnaire (MMSE), affective function questionnaire. The number of research sample is 113 with Proportional Random Sampling technique. The results obtained 59% of respondents have bad social support. The elderly cognitive function obtained 37.2% of respondents had mild cognitive impairment and 26.6% had moderate cognitive impairment. Respondents who have affective function are not good as much as 65,5%. The result of chi square test showed there was a correlation between social support with cognitive function with (p value: 0,000; p value < 0,005). Analysis of chi square test there is a relationship between social support with affective function show (p value: 0,000; p value < 0,005). This study is expected to elderly nurture more relationships with family and with the nearest person to prevent decrease in cognitive function and affective function

    Pengaruh Current Ratio Dan Debt To Equity Ratio Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Semen Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the Current Ratio and Debt To Equity Ratio on Stock Prices in Cement Sub-Sector Manufacturing Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used in this study were obtained on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample in this study is the Cement Sub-Sector Manufacturing Company. This research is a type of quantitative research, and collected using secondary data, the data processed is 80. The data is processed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 26. The results of this study are in hypothesis 1 there is a significant influence between the Current Ratio on Stock Prices in The Cement Sub-Sector Manufacturing Company obtained results with a significant level (0.00 &lt; 0.05) having a t-count of 5.284 with a t-table 1,991 Means, t-count &gt; t-table. Hypothesis 2 there is no significant effect between the Debt To Equity ratio on the Stock Price in the Cement Sub-Sector Manufacturing Company, the results are obtained with a significant level (0.061 &gt; 0.05) having a t-count of -1.900 with t-table 1,991 Means, t-count &lt; t-table. And hypothesis 3 there is a significant effect between Current ratio and Debt To Equity Ratio on Stock Prices in Manufacturing Companies in the Cement Sub-Sector which has a significant level (0.000 &lt; 0.05) and an F-count value of 30.154 with a sig = 0, 05. Can be described by the value of F-count 30.154 &gt; F- table 3.11.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Current Ratio dan Debt To Equity Ratio terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Semen yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Semen. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif, dan dikumpulkan mengggunakan data sekunder, data yang diolah adalah 80. Data diolah menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 26. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pada hipotesis 1 terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara Current Ratio terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Semen diproleh hasil dengan tingkat signifikan (0,00 &lt; 0,05) mempunyai t-hitung 5,284 dengan t-tabel 1,991 Berarti, t-hitung &gt; t-tabel. Hipotesis 2 tidak ada pengaruh signifikan antara Debt To Equity ratio terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Semen diproleh hasil dengan tingkat signifikan (0,061 &gt; 0,05) mempunyai t-hitung -1.900 dengan t-tabel 1,991 Berarti, t-hitung &lt; t-tabel. Dan hipotesis 3 terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara Current ratio dan Debt To Equity Ratio terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Semen yang memiliki hasil dengan tingkat signifikan (0,000 &lt; 0,05) dan nilai F-hitung sebesar 30,154 dengan nilai sig = 0,05. Dapat diuraikan dengan nilai F-hitung 30,154 &gt; F-tabel 3,11


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    Introduction: Health literacy is an ability of people to get, process and understand the health information and services to make a health decision. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is known as one of major health problem around the world. Decreasing the new cases of DM can be done by applying healthy lifestyle. Health literacy affects to people’s life style. This study aims to examine health literacy level of civil administration servant in Central Kalimantan with Diabetes risk factors score. Methods: Totally 42 respondents were recruited in this study. HLS-EU-Q16 was used to measure health literacy level and Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) questionnaire was used to measure diabetes risk factors score. The data was analyzed in univariate and bivariate analysis used Chi-square. Results: Majority of respondents had aged under 45 years old (85.7%) and male (54.8%). The health literacy level of respondents was high (59.5%) and most of them had low risk of diabetes (69.0%). By using Chi-square, health literacy level was statistically significant with diabetes risk factors score (p=0.028). The risk factors for diabetes that mostly found were overweight, low physical activity, family history of diabetes and not consumed fruit and vegetables every day. Conclusion: Health literacy level was statistically significant with diabetes risk factors score. The government should promote healthy lifestyle to decrease the risk of getting non-communicable disease such as Diabetes Mellitus not only for civil servant but also general population. Keywords Health literacy, Diabetes risk factors, Civil servant, Central Kalimanta

    Home visit dan support group sebagai upaya pengendalian stroke pada lanjut usia

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    [Bahasa]: Data Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa penyebab kematian kedua setelah serangan jantung adalah penyakit stroke. Stroke memiliki dampak terhadap aspek sosioekonomi akibat disabilitas yang diakibatkannya. Deteksi dini faktor risiko dan promosi hidup sehat sejak usia dini diperlukan untuk memperkecil kejadian faktor risiko dan stroke. Upaya penanggulangan ini dapat dilakukan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat yaitu melalui kader dan keluarga melalui home visit dan support group. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melakukan home visit dan support group guna meningkatkan pengetahuan lansia dengan stroke, lansia dengan faktor risiko stroke, keluarga lansia penderita stroke, kader dalam penatalaksanaan dan pecegahan stroke, serta stroke berulang pada lansia dengan faktor risiko. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini meliputi pelatihan dengan metode ceramah dan praktik deteksi dini faktor risiko stroke serta  implementasi home visit dan support group. Hasil program ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan pada klien stroke sebesar 50%, lansia dengan faktor risiko stroke dan keluarga lansia penderita stroke sebesar 45%, dan kader dalam penatalaksanaan dan pecegahan stroke serta stroke berulang pada lansia dengan faktor risiko sebesar 40%. Dengan demikian home visit dan support group dapat menjadi alternatif intervensi dalam penatalaksanaan dan pecegahan stroke pada lansia dengan faktor risiko Kata Kunci: home visit, lansia, stroke, support group [English]: The data of Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia shows that the second cause of death after heart attack is stroke. Stroke has an impact on the socioeconomic aspect due to the disability it causes. Early detection of risk factors and promotion of healthy living from an early age need to be done in order to minimize the incidence of risk factors and stroke. This prevention effort can be done by empowering the community through cadres and families by doing home visits and support groups. This community service program aims to conduct home visits and support groups for increasing the knowledge of stroke’s client, elderly with risk of stroke, families of stroke’s client and cadres in the management and prevention of stroke and recurrent stroke in the elderly with risk factors. The method employed in this program was a training with lecturing approach, early detection of stroke risk factor and implementation of home visits and support groups. The results showed the participants’ increasing knowledge of stroke client was 50%, elderly with risk of stroke and families of stroke’s clients was 45%, and cadres in the management and prevention of stroke and recurrent stroke in the elderly with risk factors was 40%. Therefore, home visits and support groups can be alternative interventions in the management and prevention of stroke and recurrent stroke in the elderly with risk factors. Keywords: home visit, elderly, stroke, support grou