618 research outputs found

    Myths of a Near Past: Envisioning Finance Capitalism anno 2007

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    This paper seeks to extend earlier work on particular features and manifestations of capitalism (De Cock et al., 2001). Our 2001 Myths of a Near Future paper offered ephemera readers a large depository of images concerning the New Economy. Eight years later our focus has shifted to Finance Capitalism. Over the course of the year 2007 we cut out and scanned 81 ads placed by financial institutions in the Financial Times. Our analysis of these aims to provide a sense of how the financial world ?showed up? in this pivotal year, whilst illustrating how its representations were interwoven with fantasy throughout. We also hope that the ensemble of images associated with the paper will be creatively reassembled by its readers and possibly provide a useful teaching aid

    The effect of gravitational-wave recoil on the demography of massive black holes

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    The coalescence of massive black hole (MBH) binaries following galaxy mergers is one of the main sources of low-frequency gravitational radiation. A higher-order relativistic phenomenon, the recoil as a result of the non-zero net linear momentum carried away by gravitational waves, may have interesting consequences for the demography of MBHs at the centers of galaxies. We study the dynamics of recoiling MBHs and its observational consequences. The ``gravitational rocket'' may: i) deplete MBHs from late-type spirals, dwarf galaxies, and stellar clusters; ii) produce off-nuclear quasars, including unusual radio morphologies during the recoil of a radio-loud source; and iii) give rise to a population of interstellar and intergalactic MBHs.Comment: emulateapj, 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the ApJ Letter

    How black holes get their kicks: Gravitational radiation recoil revisited

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    Gravitational waves from the coalescence of binary black holes carry away linear momentum, causing center of mass recoil. This "radiation rocket" effect has important implications for systems with escape speeds of order the recoil velocity. We revisit this problem using black hole perturbation theory, treating the binary as a test mass spiraling into a spinning hole. For extreme mass ratios (q = m1/m2 << 1) we compute the recoil for the slow inspiral epoch of binary coalescence very accurately; these results can be extrapolated to q ~ 0.4 with modest accuracy. Although the recoil from the final plunge contributes significantly to the final recoil, we are only able to make crude estimates of its magnitude. We find that the recoil can easily reach ~ 100-200 km/s, but most likely does not exceed ~ 500 km/s. Though much lower than previous estimates, this recoil is large enough to have important astrophysical consequences. These include the ejection of black holes from globular clusters, dwarf galaxies, and high-redshift dark matter halos.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, emulateapj style; minor changes made; accepted to ApJ Letter

    The Assembly and Merging History of Supermassive Black Holes in Hierarchical Models of Galaxy Formation

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    We assess models for the assembly of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the center of galaxies that trace their hierarchical build-up far up in the dark halo `merger tree'. We assume that the first `seed' black holes (BHs) formed in (mini)halos collapsing at z=20 from high-sigma density fluctuations. As these pregalactic holes become incorporated through a series of mergers into larger and larger halos, they sink to the center owing to dynamical friction, accrete a fraction of the gas in the merger remnant to become supermassive, form a binary system, and eventually coalesce. The merger history of dark matter halos and associated BHs is followed by cosmological Monte Carlo realizations of the merger hierarchy. A simple model, where quasar activity is driven by major mergers and SMBHs accrete at the Eddington rate a mass that scales with the fifth power of the velocity dispersion, is shown to reproduce the optical LF of quasars in the redshift range 1<z<4. Binary and triple BH interactions are followed in our merger tree. The assumptions underlying our scenario lead to the prediction of a population of massive BHs wandering in galaxy halos and the intergalactic medium at the present epoch, and contributing <10% to the total BH mass density. At all epochs the fraction of binary SMBHs in galaxy nuclei is of order 10%, while the fraction of binary quasars is less than 0.3%Comment: revised version, accepted for publication in the ApJ, emulateapj, 15 pages, 16 figure

    Recoil velocity at 2PN order for spinning black hole binaries

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    We compute the flux of linear momentum carried by gravitational waves emitted from spinning binary black holes at 2PN order for generic orbits. In particular we provide explicit expressions of three new types of terms, namely next-to-leading order spin-orbit terms at 1.5 PN order, spin-orbit tail terms at 2PN order, and spin-spin terms at 2PN order. Restricting ourselves to quasi-circular orbits, we integrate the linear momentum flux over time to obtain the recoil velocity as function of orbital frequency. We find that in the so-called superkick configuration the higher-order spin corrections can increase the recoil velocity up to about a factor 3 with respect to the leading-order PN prediction. Furthermore, we provide expressions valid for generic orbits, and accurate at 2PN order, for the energy and angular momentum carried by gravitational waves emitted from spinning binary black holes. Specializing to quasi-circular orbits we compute the spin-spin terms at 2PN order in the expression for the evolution of the orbital frequency and found agreement with Mik\'oczi, Vas\'uth and Gergely. We also verified that in the limit of extreme mass ratio our expressions for the energy and angular momentum fluxes match the ones of Tagoshi, Shibata, Tanaka and Sasaki obtained in the context of black hole perturbation theory.Comment: 28 pages (PRD format), 1 figure, reference added, version published in PRD, except that the PRD version contains a sign error: the sign of the RHS of Eqs.(4.26) and (4.27) is wrong; it has been corrected in this replacemen

    Four-Body Effects in Globular Cluster Black Hole Coalescence

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    In the high density cores of globular clusters, multibody interactions are expected to be common, with the result that black holes in binaries are hardened by interactions. It was shown by Sigurdsson & Hernquist (1993) and others that 10 solar mass black holes interacting exclusively by three-body encounters do not merge in the clusters themselves, because recoil kicks the binaries out of the clusters before the binaries are tight enough to merge. Here we consider a new mechanism, involving four-body encounters. Numerical simulations by a number of authors suggest that roughly 20-50% of binary-binary encounters will eject one star but leave behind a stable hierarchical triple. If the orbital plane of the inner binary is strongly tilted with respect to the orbital plane of the outer object, a secular Kozai resonance, first investigated in the context of asteroids in the Solar System, can increase the eccentricity of the inner body significantly. We show that in a substantial fraction of cases the eccentricity is driven to a high enough value that the inner binary will merge by gravitational radiation, without a strong accompanying kick. Thus the merged object remains in the cluster; depending on the binary fraction of black holes and the inclination distribution of newly-formed hierarchical triples, this mechanism may allow massive black holes to accumulate through successive mergers in the cores of globular clusters. It may also increase the likelihood that stellar-mass black holes in globular clusters will be detectable by their gravitational radiation.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letters (includes emulateapj.sty

    Rates and Characteristics of Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals Detectable by Advanced LIGO

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    Gravitational waves (GWs) from the inspiral of a neutron star (NS) or stellar-mass black hole (BH) into an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) with mass between ~50 and ~350 solar masses may be detectable by the planned advanced generation of ground-based GW interferometers. Such intermediate mass ratio inspirals (IMRIs) are most likely to be found in globular clusters. We analyze four possible IMRI formation mechanisms: (1) hardening of an NS-IMBH or BH-IMBH binary via three-body interactions, (2) hardening via Kozai resonance in a hierarchical triple system, (3) direct capture, and (4) inspiral of a compact object from a tidally captured main-sequence star; we also discuss tidal effects when the inspiraling object is an NS. For each mechanism we predict the typical eccentricities of the resulting IMRIs. We find that IMRIs will have largely circularized by the time they enter the sensitivity band of ground-based detectors. Hardening of a binary via three-body interactions, which is likely to be the dominant mechanism for IMRI formation, yields eccentricities under 10^-4 when the GW frequency reaches 10 Hz. Even among IMRIs formed via direct captures, which can have the highest eccentricities, around 90% will circularize to eccentricities under 0.1 before the GW frequency reaches 10 Hz. We estimate the rate of IMRI coalescences in globular clusters and the sensitivity of a network of three Advanced LIGO detectors to the resulting GWs. We show that this detector network may see up to tens of IMRIs per year, although rates of one to a few per year may be more plausible. We also estimate the loss in signal-to-noise ratio that will result from using circular IMRI templates for data analysis and find that, for the eccentricities we expect, this loss is negligible.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; revised version reflects changes made to the article during the acceptance proces

    Gravitational Radiation from Intermediate-Mass Black Holes

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    Recent X-ray observations of galaxies with ROSAT, ASCA, and Chandra have revealed numerous bright off-center point sources which, if isotropic emitters, are likely to be intermediate-mass black holes, with hundreds to thousands of solar masses. The origin of these objects is under debate, but observations suggest that a significant number of them currently reside in young high-density stellar clusters. There is also growing evidence that some Galactic globular clusters harbor black holes of similar mass, from observations of stellar kinematics. In such high-density stellar environments, the interactions of intermediate-mass black holes are promising sources of gravitational waves for ground-based and space-based detectors. Here we explore the signal strengths of binaries containing intermediate-mass black holes or stellar-mass black holes in dense stellar clusters. We estimate that a few to tens per year of these objects will be detectable during the last phase of their inspiral with the advanced LIGO detector, and up to tens per year will be seen during merger, depending on the spins of the black holes. We also find that if these objects reside in globular clusters then tens of sources will be detectable with LISA from the Galactic globular system in a five year integration, and similar numbers will be detectable from more distant galaxies. The signal strength depends on the eccentricity distribution, but we show that there is promise for strong detection of pericenter precession and Lense-Thirring precession of the orbital plane. We conclude by discussing what could be learned about binaries, dense stellar systems, and strong gravity if such signals are detected.Comment: Minor changes, accepted by ApJ (December 10, 2002

    Perturbative effects of spinning black holes with applications to recoil velocities

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    Recently, we proposed an enhancement of the Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli formalism for first-order perturbations about a Schwarzschild background that includes first-order corrections due to the background black-hole spin. Using this formalism, we investigate gravitational wave recoil effects from a spinning black-hole binary system analytically. This allows us to better understand the origin of the large recoils observed in full numerical simulation of spinning black hole binaries.Comment: Proceedings of Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios (NRDA/Capra 2010), Perimeter Institute, June 2010 - 12 page

    Quasars at z=6: the survival of the fittest

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    The Sloan Digital Sky survey detected luminous quasars at very high redshift, z>6. Follow-up observations indicated that at least some of these quasars are powered by supermassive black holes (SMBHs) with masses in excess of billion solar masses. SMBHs, therefore, seem to have already existed when the Universe was less than 1 Gyr old, and the bulk of galaxy formation still has to take place. We investigate in this paper to which extent accretion and dynamical processes influence the early growth of SMBHs. We assess the impact of (i) black hole mergers, (ii) the influence of the merging efficiency and (iii) the negative contribution due to dynamical effects which can kick black holes out of their host halos (gravitational recoil). We find that if accretion is always limited by the Eddington rate via a thin disc, the maximum radiative efficiency allowed to reproduce the LF at z=6 is of order 12%, when the adverse effect of the gravitational recoil is taken into consideration. Dynamical effects cannot be neglected in studies of high-redshift SMBHs. If black holes can accrete at super-critical rate during an early phase, reproducing the observed SMBH mass values is not an issue, even in the case that the recoil velocity is in the upper limits range, as the mass ratios of merging binaries are skewed towards low values, where the gravitational recoil effect is very mild. We propose that SMBH growth at early times is very selective, and efficient only for black holes hosted in high density peak halos.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 9 pages, 6 b/w figure