517 research outputs found

    Vaterschaftsurlaub - eine Chance für die ganze Familie? : eine Sekundäranalyse zum Thema Väter im Wochenbett

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    Hintergrund: Die Rolle der Väter hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark gewandelt. Mit der Einführung von Vaterschaftsurlaub oder Elternurlaub haben diverse europäische Länder auf diesen Wandel reagiert. In der jüngsten Forschung wird auf die vielfältigen Chancen des Vaterschaftsurlaubes hingewiesen. Aufgrund der Gegenwärtigkeit des Forschungsgegenstandes ist weiterführende Forschung unumgänglich. Ziel: Das Hauptinteresse liegt darin, die Effekte einer arbeitsfreien Zeit des Vaters in der postpartalen Periode auf die Familie aufzuzeigen, indem die arbeitsfreie Zeit des Vaters in Relation zur elterlichen Wahrnehmung des Kindes und zur mütterlichen psychischen Gesundheit gestellt werden. Methode: Im Rahmen einer Sekundäranalyse wurde Daten aus einer prospektiven, zweiphasigen Befragung analysiert. Die Analyse umfasste sowohl parametrische als auch nichtparametrische Tests. Ergebnisse: Es konnte kein Zusammenhang der Art und Dauer der arbeitsfreien Zeit des Vaters auf die Wahrnehmung des Kindes sowie auf die mütterliche psychische Gesundheit gezeigt werden. Deutlich wird hingegen, dass sich Väter, welche von einer Hebamme Hilfe erhielten, gesamthaft besser unterstützt fühlten. Schlussfolgerung: Der Hebamme kommt in der Unterstützung der Väter in der postpartalen Zeit eine Schlüsselrolle zu. Die aktuelle Studienlage deutet auf unzählige positive Effekte von Vaterschaftsurlaub oder Elternurlaub auf das Wohlbefinden der Familie hin. Weitere Forschung in diesem Bereich scheint jedoch notwendig zu sein

    A Three-pronged View on Organizational Agility

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    The ability of organizations to sense and respond to changes–defined as organizational agility–is considered by senior executives among their top information technology (IT) concerns as an important ability for organizations on their quest toward sustained competitive advantage. However, every transformation toward agility also comes at a cost, requiring resource commitment and IT landscape changes. We present examples of successful and unsuccessful attempts at achieving agility while leveraging IT. Our presented cases focus on information systems development agility, customer agility, and entrepreneurial agility. Our findings suggest that agility is neither achieved easily, nor is a guarantor for success. Depending on the context and implementation of organizational agility, however, it can significantly improve process and product performance. We develop a three-pronged view consisting of a functional, temporal, and ambidextrous view to resolve these challenges. We end with three recommendations for practitioners that seek to shape their organization’s journey toward agility

    A Three-pronged View on Organizational Agility

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    The ability of organizations to sense and respond to changes–defined as organizational agility–is considered by senior executives among their top information technology (IT) concerns as an important ability for organizations on their quest toward sustainedcompetitive advantage. However, every transformation toward agility also comes at a cost, requiring resource commitment and IT landscape changes. We present examples of successful and unsuccessful attempts at achieving agility while leveraging IT. Our presented cases focus on information systems development agility, customer agility, and entrepreneurial agility. Our findings suggest that agility is neither achieved easily, nor is a guarantor for success.Depending on the context and implementation of organizational agility, however, it can significantly improve process and product performance. We develop a three-pronged viewconsisting of a functional,temporal,andambidextrous viewtoresolve thesechallenges. We end with three recommendations for practitioners that seek to shape their organization’s journey toward agility

    Audit Sistem Informasi Pada Perusahaan Dagang Aneka Gemilang Bandar Lampung Menggunakan Framework Cobit 4.1

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    Aneka Gemilang Trade Enterprises is a trading company that engaged in the trade field, particularly in learning tool needs from primary school to college. Now days, there are many the same type of business, it is certainty tighten the competition, as well as in the product quality side until the quality of services to customers. To measure the quality and service which are provided by the Aneka Gemilang Trade Enterprises can be focused and balanced with the company business objectives, it is needed to determine the alignment level of TI objectives with company objectives. In order to achieve the alignment between TI objectives and company objectives, it is required a measurement of balance level between company objectives with TI objectives using COBIT 4.1. By this audit decision, it is expected there is a significant progress toward the company. The optimum of service and provide of qualified goods are the activities that must be priority to strengthen the available business partner and try to add the business partner in the future, therefore Aneka Gemilang Trade Enterprise be able to open the branches in other potential district

    Histopathological evaluation of Onchocerca volvulus nodules by microscopy and by digital image analysis for the study of macrofilaricidal drug efficacy

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    BACKGROUND: Novel drugs or drug combinations that kill or permanently sterilize adult MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two expert microscopists independently assessed 605 nodules by direct microscopy. At least two sections with two different stains hematoxylin & eosin (H&E, APR immunostain) of paraffin-embedded, ethanol-fixed whole-nodule cross-sections were analyzed. After variables were identified prone to observer discrepancies, we performed a second study to compare consolidated results for 100 nodules obtained by the two readers by microscopy and by analysis of scanned, high resolution digital images (20x magnification). The last data set analyzed was a quality panel of 100 nodules that has been previously examined by microscopy, and included additional immunostains for RESULTS: The degree of agreement between assessors varied for different parameters. Agreement for female worm counts in nodules was approximately 80%, while agreement regarding female worm viability was 98%. There were no major differences observed between results obtained by microscopy or digital images. Good agreement for important parameters was also observed for the nodules of the quality panel. CONCLUSION: Nodule analysis by experienced microscopists was reproducible with regard to important parameters such as identification of living female worms or detection of normal embryogenesis. Assessments varied more for other parameters, and we recommend continued use of two independent readers for detailed analyzes. Analysis of scanned images provided similar results to direct microscopy. This facilitates training and comparison of nodule findings by readers in different locations. Analysis of high quality digital images that can be viewed remotely should improve the quality and availability of nodule assessments that are primary endpoints for onchocerciasis clinical trials

    Analysis of blood coagulation factors in patients undergoing surgery due to endometrial cysts

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    Objectives: The study was undertaken to evaluate selected blood coagulation factors in patients undergoing surgery, due to endometrial cysts and other ovarian benign cysts. Materials and Methods: Women involved in our study had not received any previous treatment for endometriosis and they had no history of any prior haemostatic disorders. Blood samples were collected before surgery and investigated for plasminogen, α2-antyplasmin, PAI-1 and tPA activity. As a control group, we have analyzed patients with benign gynecological diseases treated in our Department. Results: We have noticed higher mean concentration of plasminogen and α2-antyplasmin and lower mean concentration of PAI-1 and tPA activity in our patients in comparison with control group. Obtained results did not show any statistical significance. Conclusions: Our analysis of haemostatic factors in blood samples did not show coagulation disorders in patients with endometriosis. Maybe there are only local coagulation disorders in endometrial tissue and its surrounding. In our opinion this problem requires further research and taking into consideration other factors

    Psychological restoration depends on curiosity, motivation, and species richness during a guided bird walk in a suburban blue space

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    Urban and suburban green and blue spaces are important places for human recreation, and the impact of biodiversity on psychological and recalled restoration has received much attention. This study addresses the relationship between bird species richness and restoration in a controlled field experiment (guided bird walk) applying a battery of individual trait scales (need for cognition, personality) as predictors of restoration. We found a significant positive relationship between the number of bird species present and recalled restoration. Personality, bird species knowledge, bird related interest as test measures, demographics and birding specialization as self-report had no influence on psychological restoration. However, need for cognition correlated positively with psychological restoration, thus providing a new predictive variable. All subscales of the intrinsic motivation scale (enjoyment, perceived competence, perceived choice, pressure/tension) were positively correlated with restoration except of pressure/tension. Learning emotions like interest and well-being were positively related to restoration, while boredom was negatively related. Therefore, we suggest research to examine the restorative function of more cognitive-oriented programs because people may also need cognition when it comes to restoration. We also suggest a broader focus on education and cognitive aspects when it comes to linking biodiversity and health within the framework of ecosystem services

    Dynamic walking features and improved walking performance in multiple sclerosis patients treated with fampridine (4-aminopyridine)

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    Background: Impaired walking capacity is a frequent confinement in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Patients are affected by limitations in coordination, walking speed and the distance they may cover. Also abnormal dynamic walking patterns have been reported, involving continuous deceleration over time. Fampridine (4-aminopyridine), a potassium channel blocker, may improve walking in MS. The objective of the current study was to comprehensively examine dynamic walking characteristics and improved walking capacity in MS patients treated with fampridine. Methods: A sample of N = 35 MS patients (EDSS median: 4) underwent an electronic walking examination prior to (Time 1), and during treatment with fampridine (Time 2). Patients walked back and forth a distance of 25 ft for a maximum period of 6 min (6-minute 25-foot-walk). Besides the total distance covered, average speed on the 25-foot distance and on turns was determined separately for each test minute, at Time 1 and Time 2. Results: Prior to fampridine administration, 27/35 patients (77 %) were able to complete the entire 6 min of walking, while following the administration, 34/35 patients (97 %) managed to walk for 6 min. In this context, walking distance considerably increased and treatment was associated with faster walking and turning across all six test minutes (range of effect sizes: partial eta squared = .34-.72). Importantly, previously reported deceleration across test minutes was consistently observable at Time 1 and Time 2. Discussion: Fampridine administration is associated with improved walking speed and endurance. Regardless of a treatment effect of fampridine, the previously identified, abnormal dynamic walking feature, i.e. the linear decline in walking speed, may represent a robust feature. Conclusions: The dynamic walking feature might hence be considered as a candidate for a new outcome measure in clinical studies involving interventions other than symptomatic treatment, such as immune-modulating medication. Trial registration: DRKS00009228 (German Clinical Trials Register). Date obtained: 25.08.2015

    Complete surgical resection improves outcome in INRG high-risk patients with localized neuroblastoma older than 18 months

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    Background: Although several studies have been conducted on the role of surgery in localized neuroblastoma, the impact of surgical timing and extent of primary tumor resection on outcome in high-risk patients remains controversial. Methods: Patients from the German neuroblastoma trial NB97 with localized neuroblastoma INSS stage 1-3 age > 18 months were included for retrospective analysis. Imaging reports were reviewed by two independent physicians for Image Defined Risk Factors (IDRF). Operation notes and corresponding imaging reports were analyzed for surgical radicality. The extent of tumor resection was classified as complete resection (95-100%), gross total resection (90-95%), incomplete resection (50-90%), and biopsy (<50%) and correlated with local control rate and outcome. Patients were stratified according to the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) staging system. Survival curves were estimated according to the method of Kaplan and Meier and compared by the log-rank test. Results: A total of 179 patients were included in this study. 77 patients underwent more than one primary tumor operation. After best surgery, 68.7% of patients achieved complete resection of the primary tumor, 16. 8% gross total resection, 14.0% incomplete surgery, and 0.5% biopsy only. The cumulative complication rate was 20.3% and the surgery associated mortality rate was 1.1%. Image defined risk factors (IDRF) predicted the extent of resection. Patients with complete resection had a better local-progression-free survival (LPFS), event-free survival (EFS) and OS (overall survival) than the other groups. Subgroup analyses showed better EFS, LPFS and OS for patients with complete resection in INRG high-risk patients. Multivariable analyses revealed resection (complete vs. other), and MYCN (non-amplified vs. amplified) as independent prognostic factors for EFS, LPFS and OS. Conclusions: In patients with localized neuroblastoma age 18 months or older, especially in INRG high-risk patients harboring MYCN amplification, extended surgery of the primary tumor site improved local control rate and survival with an acceptable risk of complications

    Single cell sequencing reveals endothelial plasticity with transient mesenchymal activation after myocardial infarction.

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    Endothelial cells play a critical role in the adaptation of tissues to injury. Tissue ischemia induced by infarction leads to profound changes in endothelial cell functions and can induce transition to a mesenchymal state. Here we explore the kinetics and individual cellular responses of endothelial cells after myocardial infarction by using single cell RNA sequencing. This study demonstrates a time dependent switch in endothelial cell proliferation and inflammation associated with transient changes in metabolic gene signatures. Trajectory analysis reveals that the majority of endothelial cells 3 to 7 days after myocardial infarction acquire a transient state, characterized by mesenchymal gene expression, which returns to baseline 14 days after injury. Lineage tracing, using the Cdh5-CreERT2;mT/mG mice followed by single cell RNA sequencing, confirms the transient mesenchymal transition and reveals additional hypoxic and inflammatory signatures of endothelial cells during early and late states after injury. These data suggest that endothelial cells undergo a transient mes-enchymal activation concomitant with a metabolic adaptation within the first days after myocardial infarction but do not acquire a long-term mesenchymal fate. This mesenchymal activation may facilitate endothelial cell migration and clonal expansion to regenerate the vascular network
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