6,693 research outputs found

    Light attenuation characteristics of glacially-fed lakes

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    Transparency is a fundamental characteristic of aquatic ecosystems and is highly responsive to changes in climate and land use. The transparency of glacially-fed lakes may be a particularly sensitive sentinel characteristic of these changes. However, little is known about the relative contributions of glacial flour versus other factors affecting light attenuation in these lakes. We sampled 18 glacially-fed lakes in Chile, New Zealand, and the U.S. and Canadian Rocky Mountains to characterize how dissolved absorption, algal biomass (approximated by chlorophyll a), water, and glacial flour contributed to attenuation of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm). Variation in attenuation across lakes was related to turbidity, which we used as a proxy for the concentration of glacial flour. Turbidity-specific diffuse attenuation coefficients increased with decreasing wavelength and distance from glaciers. Regional differences in turbidity-specific diffuse attenuation coefficients were observed in short UVR wavelengths (305 and 320 nm) but not at longer UVR wavelengths (380 nm) or PAR. Dissolved absorption coefficients, which are closely correlated with diffuse attenuation coefficients in most non-glacially-fed lakes, represented only about one quarter of diffuse attenuation coefficients in study lakes here, whereas glacial flour contributed about two thirds across UVR and PAR. Understanding the optical characteristics of substances that regulate light attenuation in glacially-fed lakes will help elucidate the signals that these systems provide of broader environmental changes and forecast the effects of climate change on these aquatic ecosystems

    Visions, values, and videos: Revisiting envisionings in service of UbiComp design for the home

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    UbiComp has been envisioned to bring about a future dominated by calm computing technologies making our everyday lives ever more convenient. Yet the same vision has also attracted criticism for encouraging a solitary and passive lifestyle. The aim of this paper is to explore and elaborate these tensions further by examining the human values surrounding future domestic UbiComp solutions. Drawing on envisioning and contravisioning, we probe members of the public (N=28) through the presentation and focus group discussion of two contrasting animated video scenarios, where one is inspired by 'calm' and the other by 'engaging' visions of future UbiComp technology. By analysing the reasoning of our participants, we identify and elaborate a number of relevant values involved in balancing the two perspectives. In conclusion, we articulate practically applicable takeaways in the form of a set of key design questions and challenges

    Comment on “Using NMR to Test Molecular Mobility during a Chemical Reaction” ()

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    A study reported inThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters(Wang et al.,2021,12, 2370) of “boosted mobility” measured by diffusion NMR experiments contains significant errors in data analysis and interpretation. We carefully reanalyzed the same data and find no evidence of boosted mobility, and we identify several sources of error

    Magnetic tunnel junction magnetic field sensor design tool

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    A spreadsheet-based magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) sensor design tool is presented in this paper. The system is developed using Excel and Visual Basic Application. It allows users to optimize the various parameters of the sensor design with the goal of SQUID-like sensitivity. Users can input parameters of the design including magnetic properties, junction areas, and free layers thicknesses. The design tool will then calculate and display automatically various noise sources including Johnson noise, shot noise, 1/f noise, and thermal magnetic noise that must be considered when building MTJ magnetic field sensors. Graphs predicting the sensitivities, operating current and power of the finished sensors are shown and fine tuning of each design parameter is allowed using the scrollbars provided. Using this design tool, effects of changes made to any design parameter can be clearly observed and detailed noise analysis can be studied without manually repeating complex calculations. ©2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC 2010), Hong Kong, China, 3-8 January 2010. In Proceedings of the 3rd INEC, 2010, p. 1149-115

    Response to Comment on "following Molecular Mobility during Chemical Reactions: No Evidence for Active Propulsion" and "molecular Diffusivity of Click Reaction Components: The Diffusion Enhancement Question"

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    In their Comment (DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c02965) on two related publications by our groups (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 20884-20890; DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c09455) and another (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1380-1388; DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c11754), Huang and Granick discuss the diffusion NMR measurements of molecules during a copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) "click"reaction. Here we respond to these comments and maintain that no diffusion enhancement was observed for any species during the reaction. We show that the relaxation agent does not interfere with the CuAAC reaction kinetics nor the diffusion of the molecules involved. Similarly, the gradient pulse length and diffusion time do not affect the diffusion coefficients. Peak overlap was completely removed in our study with the use of hydrazine as the reducing agent. The steady-state assumption does not hold for these diffusion measurements that take several minutes, which is the reason monotonic gradient orders are not suitable. Finally, we discuss the other reactions where similar changes in diffusion have been claimed. Our conclusions are fully supported by the results represented in our original JACS Article and the corresponding Supporting Information

    Whither Capitalism? Financial externalities and crisis

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    As with global warming, so with financial crises – externalities have a lot to answer for. We look at three of them. First the financial accelerator due to ‘fire sales’ of collateral assets -- a form of pecuniary externality that leads to liquidity being undervalued. Second the ‘risk- shifting’ behaviour of highly-levered financial institutions who keep the upside of risky investment while passing the downside to others thanks to limited liability. Finally, the network externality where the structure of the financial industry helps propagate shocks around the system unless this is checked by some form of circuit breaker, or ‘ring-fence’. The contrast between crisis-induced Great Recession and its aftermath of slow growth in the West and the rapid - and (so far) sustained - growth in the East suggests that successful economic progress may depend on how well these externalities are managed

    Discrete R-symmetries and Anomaly Universality in Heterotic Orbifolds

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    We study discrete R-symmetries, which appear in 4D low energy effective field theory derived from hetetoric orbifold models. We derive the R-symmetries directly from geometrical symmetries of orbifolds. In particular, we obtain the corresponding R-charges by requiring that the couplings be invariant under these symmetries. This allows for a more general treatment than the explicit computations of correlation functions made previously by the authors, including models with discrete Wilson lines, and orbifold symmetries beyond plane-by-plane rotational invariance. Surprisingly, for the cases covered by earlier explicit computations, the R-charges differ from the previous result. We study the anomalies associated with these R-symmetries, and comment on the results.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes, typos corrected. Matches JHEP published versio

    The Lippmann–Schwinger Formula and One Dimensional Models with Dirac Delta Interactions

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    We show how a proper use of the Lippmann–Schwinger equation simplifies the calculations to obtain scattering states for one dimensional systems perturbed by N Dirac delta equations. Here, we consider two situations. In the former, attractive Dirac deltas perturbed the free one dimensional Schrödinger Hamiltonian. We obtain explicit expressions for scattering and Gamow states. For completeness, we show that the method to obtain bound states use comparable formulas, although not based on the Lippmann–Schwinger equation. Then, the attractive N deltas perturbed the one dimensional Salpeter equation. We also obtain explicit expressions for the scattering wave functions. Here, we need regularisation techniques that we implement via heat kernel regularisation

    A cost effectiveness and capacity analysis for the introduction of universal rotavirus vaccination in Kenya : comparison between Rotarix and RotaTeq vaccines

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    Background Diarrhoea is an important cause of death in the developing world, and rotavirus is the single most important cause of diarrhoea associated mortality. Two vaccines (Rotarix and RotaTeq) are available to prevent rotavirus disease. This analysis was undertaken to aid the decision in Kenya as to which vaccine to choose when introducing rotavirus vaccination. Methods Cost-effectiveness modelling, using national and sentinel surveillance data, and an impact assessment on the cold chain. Results The median estimated incidence of rotavirus disease in Kenya was 3015 outpatient visits, 279 hospitalisations and 65 deaths per 100,000 children under five years of age per year. Cumulated over the first five years of life vaccination was predicted to prevent 34% of the outpatient visits, 31% of the hospitalizations and 42% of the deaths. The estimated prevented costs accumulated over five years totalled US1,782,761(directandindirectcosts)withanassociated48,585DALYs.FromasocietalperspectiveRotarixhadacost−effectivenessratioofUS1,782,761 (direct and indirect costs) with an associated 48,585 DALYs. From a societal perspective Rotarix had a cost-effectiveness ratio of US142 per DALY (US5forthefullcourseoftwodoses)andRotaTeqUS5 for the full course of two doses) and RotaTeq US288 per DALY ($10.5 for the full course of three doses). RotaTeq will have a bigger impact on the cold chain compared to Rotarix. Conclusion Vaccination against rotavirus disease is cost-effective for Kenya irrespective of the vaccine. Of the two vaccines Rotarix was the preferred choice due to a better cost-effectiveness ratio, the presence of a vaccine vial monitor, the requirement of fewer doses and less storage space, and proven thermo-stability

    Validation of RNA Extraction Methods and Suitable Reference Genes for Gene Expression Studies in Developing Fetal Human Inner Ear Tissue

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    \ua9 2024 by the authors.A comprehensive gene expression investigation requires high-quality RNA extraction, in sufficient amounts for real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and next-generation sequencing. In this work, we compared different RNA extraction methods and evaluated different reference genes for gene expression studies in the fetal human inner ear. We compared the RNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue with fresh tissue stored at −80 \ub0C in RNAlater solution and validated the expression stability of 12 reference genes (from gestational week 11 to 19). The RNA from fresh tissue in RNAlater resulted in higher amounts and a better quality of RNA than that from the paraffin-embedded tissue. The reference gene evaluation exhibited four stably expressed reference genes (B2M, HPRT1, GAPDH and GUSB). The selected reference genes were then used to examine the effect on the expression outcome of target genes (OTOF and TECTA), which are known to be regulated during inner ear development. The selected reference genes displayed no differences in the expression profile of OTOF and TECTA, which was confirmed by immunostaining. The results underline the importance of the choice of the RNA extraction method and reference genes used in gene expression studies
