10 research outputs found

    The Influence of Limited Face-Face Learning on Student Learning Effectiveness in Fiqih Subjects

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    The objectives of this study were: 1) to find out the reality of face-to-face learning limited to class VIII Fiqh subjects at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung; 2) To find out the effectiveness of student learning in class VIII fiqh subjects at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung. 3) Examine only the effectiveness of student learning in Fiqh Class VIII at MTs YPP Sukamiskin Bandung to determine the effect of face-to-face meetings on student learning.The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The techniques or methods of data collection used in this study were questionnaires, observation, and document studies. In taking the sample, we used purposive cluster random sampling. The data analysis technique used in this research is instrument analysis, the classic assumption test, descriptive statistics, and the t test for hypothesis testing. To find out the influence of the learning effectiveness variable on private madrasah tsanawiyah students when face-to-face learning is limited to student learning effectiveness, the researcher used a simple linear regression analysis. The results in this study are as follows: 1) The results of the descriptive statistical test on variable X get an average result of 53.90, with the most answers being "strongly agree." 2) The results of the descriptive statistical test on variable X give an average result of 57.80, with the most answers agreeing. 3) Based on the analysis conducted, the coefficient value of the independent variable is positive, which means that limited face-to-face learning has a positive effect on student learning effectiveness of 21.5% (very weak)

    Readiness of Islamic Religious Education Teachers for Digital Learning Post Pandemic Covid 19

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    The consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic is an increase in the use of digital-based information technology, which also applies to education. Learning was obligated to use the internet network during the Covid 19 pandemic. Regarding the Covid 19 pandemic, digital-based learning would become a necessity for teachers and students to be able to use digital-based learning devices. Teachers and students must be able to use digital devices for learning process. But the state of the problem is whether Islamic Religious Education teachers are already ready to meet the requirements of digital learning. Therefore, It is necessary to investigate the extent to which Islamic Religious Education teachers are equipped to confront all-digital learning in the future. The purpose of this study was to investigate the preparedness of Islamic Religious Education teachers in Madrasa` for digital-based learning. This study's research method is a descriptive reserach. This study's data source is Islamic Religious Education teachers in the Madrasa` in West Java, with a 15 Madrasa and 42 teachers as source of data. According to the findings of this study, as many as 26.18% of teachers were "very capable" of using computer devices. As many as 21.43% of teachers were "very capable" of using Microsoft office. As many as 4.76% were "very ready" for e-learning on Islamic Religious Education. An average of 9.52 teachers are "very ready" to learn through video conferencing applications. Islamic Religious Education teachers are still unprepared to deal with digital-based learning. This is due to the fact that not all teachers have mastered the software applications used for learning, as well as the limited facilities available in schools to support digital-based learning. The findings of this study suggest that teachers should improve their skills in using software for e-learning and creating digital learning tools, teaching materials, and learning documents. Madrasa provide adequate facilities to support the digital-based learning process to keep up with current technological and information developments

    Peternakan Udang Hias Air Tawar Neocaridinas dengan Metode Alami

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    As the development of the modern era, the beauty has a benefits for a healthy quality of life. The beauty is able to bring a sense of excitement, relaxation, and harmony in someone\u27s feelings. The phenomenon of public awareness about the importance of beauty is a big opportunity in the business, one of them is the ornamental aquarium containing shrimp which is a exclusive product of the room decoration to get profit, as well as a pioneer hobby, ornamental shrimp supplier for the hobbyists and stores. Through this ornamental shrimp farms, is expected to have a positive impact for traders shrimp or fish store that sells ornamental shrimp, is expected to reduce postage or transportation cost. Implementation through some process / method that structuring the location and design of the farm, where the second stage is the monitoring of water parameters and breed shrimp with natural methods because basically shrimp just need water parameters like their habitat to breed that is on the water with a ph range between 5 , 5-7.5, the third stage is the harvest. After the harvest is in the 4th month of the program, expected that shrimp are ready for sale. The Expectation outcomes are a product can be produced in the form of ornamental shrimp with good quality (brightly colored and bright as or better than the parent) and in the presence of ornamental shrimp farm business, the welfare of the members of the group can attempt to earn a profit, the future may be new jobs and can be ornamental shrimp supplier for resellers, shops, and hobbyists

    Implementation of Feature Selection Strategies to Enhance Classification Using XGBoost and Decision Tree

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    Grades in the world of education are often a benchmark for students to be considered successful or not during the learning period. The facilities and teaching staff provided by schools with the same portion do not make student grades the same, the value gap is still found in every school. The purpose of this research is to produce a better accuracy rate by applying feature selection Information Gain (IG), Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), Lasso, and Hybrid (RFE + Mutual Information) using XGBoost and Decision Tree models. Methods: This research was conducted using 649 Portuguese course student data that had been pre-processed according to data requirements, then, feature selection was carried out to select features that affect the target, after that all data can be classified using XGBoost and Decision tree, finally evaluating and displaying the results. Results: The results showed that feature selection Information Gain combined with the XGBoost algorithm has the best accuracy results compared to others, which is 81.53%. Novelty: The contribution of this research is to improve the classification accuracy results of previous research by using 2 traditional machine learning algorithms and some feature selection


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    Di Kabupaten Gresik sendiri masih banyak tanah yang belum bersertifikat, oleh karena itu BPN (Badan Pertanahan Nasional) bekerja sama dengan UMG (Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik) dengan melibatkan mahasiswa untuk melangsungkan kegiatan tersebut. Sesuai dengan Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi yang ketiga yaitu pengabdian kepada masyarakat, oleh karena itu KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) sebagai wadah untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan sertifikasi tanah, yang dilaksanakan di Desa Banjaragung, Sekarputih, Wontansari, dan Dapet Kecamatan Balongpanggang, Kabupaten Gresik. Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) merupakan kegiatan pemberian kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum hak atas tanah rakyat secara pasti, sederhana, cepat, lancar, aman, adil, merata dan terbuka serta akuntabel, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran masyarakat. Pendaftaran tanah secara sistematis lengkap dianggap dapat memberikan hasil lebih besar dengan kurun waktu yang lebih relatif singkat, dengan pengumpulan data pendaftaran tanah dilakukan serentak mengenai semua bidang tanah yang terdapat dalam suatu wilayah desa/kelurahan. Penyelenggaran Pendaftaran tanah dalam masyarakat merupakan tugas negara yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah bagi kepentingan rakyat dalam rangka memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum dibidang pertanahan serta tertib administrasi pertanahan. BPN (Badan Pertanahan Nasiona) merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintah yang menangani pemohonan sertifikat Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL).Dari kegiatan KKN Gelombang 5 Kelompok 3 dapat menyelesaikan 223 dari 284 (78,52% ) target yang diberikan oleh pihak BPN dengan rincian Desa Banjaragung mampu menyelesaikan 5 pendaftar dan 4 yang tidak terdaftar dari 9 target ( 55,56% ) pendaftar yang diberikan, lalu Desa Sekarputih mampu menyelesaikan 125 pendaftar dan 44 tidak terdaftar dari 169 target ( 74% ) pendaftar yang diberikan, Desa Wotansari mampu menyelesaikan 86 pendaftar dan 11 tidak terdaftar dari 97 target ( 88,6% ) pendaftar yang diberikan, dan Desa Dapet mampu menyelesaikan 7 pendaftar dan 2 tidak terdaftar dari 9 terget ( 77,78% ) yang diberikan, sehingga yang mengikuti kegiatan PTSL di Kecamatan Balongpanggang Desa Banjaragung, Wotansari, Sekarputih serta Dapet sebanyak 223 ( 78,52% ) surat tanah

    Pengembangan Model Pengelolaan Pendidikan Karakter di Pesantren Berbasis Tradisi dan Tadzkiroh

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    Pesantren tidak dapat memanage lembaganya menjadi sebuah lembaga yang memiliki role model untuk pengelolaan lembaga pendidikan yang berkarakter, misalnya. Padahal Pesantren acap kali disebut sebagai sebuah tempat yang menjadi bengkel akhlak bagi para santri/peserta didiknya..Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode library research dengan menggunakan beberapa literatur buku-buku Kepesantrenan, Manajemen Pendidikan serta Pendidikan Karakter sebagai bahan rujukan untuk kemudian penulis bahas dan tindaklanjuti hasil pembahasan ini menjadi studi kritis dan analitik berdasarkan eksperimen penulis dalam upaya berijtihad menciptakan salah satu alternatif model pengelolaan Pendidikan Karakter yang penulis tawarkan. Semoga salahsatu solusi alternatif ini dapat diterapkan di lembaga-lembaga pendidikan terutama pesantren dalam membangun pendidikan yang berkarakter. Model pengelolaan pendidikan berbasis “TADZKIROH” merupakan salah satu ikhtiar model pengelolaan pendidikan karakter yang bisa menjadi solusi alternatif untuk mengembangkan Model Pengelolaan Pendidikan Karakter di Pesantren ataupun lembaga pendidikan lainnya

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Musim Tropis Terhadap Kadar Blood Urea Nitrogen Dan Produksi Protein Susu Pada Sapi Perah

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    Negara Indonesia adalah suatu negara yang mempunyai suhu udara dan kelembapan yang tinggi. Ini dikarenakan Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki iklim tropis. Suhu udara serta kelembapan yang tinggi berakibat terhadap peningkatkan resiko sapi mengalami kondisi heat stress. Heat stress merupakan suatu kondisi dimana hewan tidak mampu untuk mengeluarkan panas dari dalam tubuhnya, sehingga dapat menyebabkan berbagai perubahan fisiologis pada sapi perah serta dapat menurunkan produktivitasnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh yang diakibatkan oleh perbedaan musim tropis terhadap kadar BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) dan protein susu pada sapi perah. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah sapi perah peranakan FH pada periode multiparous milk lactation dengan berat badan ±450 kg, yang kemudian diamati parameter darah dan produktivitas sapi perah pada musim hujan dan kemarau. Data kemudian diolah dengan analisis statistika menggunakan aplikasi SAS (Statistical Analysis System). Dari data tersebut, kemudian akan dibandingkan kadar BUN dan protein susu pada musim yang berbeda, yaitu pada musim hujan dan kemarau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musim hujan menyebabkan penurunan kadar BUN yang signifikan dibandingkan musim kemarau (p=0.02). Musim hujan juga dapat menyebabkan turunnya produksi protein susu sapi namun tidak menyebabkan penurunan yang signifikan

    Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan terhadap Produktivitas Telur Ayam Kampung Unggulan Balitbangtan (KUB) Fase Layer

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    Kecepatan angin, pencahayaan, kelembaban dan suhu merupakan faktor lingkungan yang berpengaruh dalam produksi telur. Ayam KUB atau Ayam Kampung Unggulan Balitbangtan adalah strain ayam petelur baru yang mempunyai kemampuan maksimal dalam berproduksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh kecepatan angin, pencahayaan, kelembaban, dan suhu terhadap produktivitas telur Ayam KUB Fase layer pada umur minimal 43 minggu. Data diperoleh dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional melalui pengukuran dan perhitungan terhadap data populasi. Rata-rata faktor lingkungan berupa kecepatan angin, pencahayaan, kelembaban dan suhu adalah secara berurutan yaitu 1.46 m/s, 17.53 lux, 72.11%, dan 27.71oC. Produktivitas telur Ayam KUB Petelur umur 43-46 minggu adalah 66.11%. Seluruh faktor lingkungan secara bersama-sama memberikan pengaruh sebesar 31.4% terhadap produktivitas telur Ayam KUB

    Increasing Teacher Skills in Supporting Students with Special Needs

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    The education sector in Indonesia is still colored by various problems. These are caused by several factors, such as the lack of effectiveness of education, the lack of efficiency of learning implementation, and the lack of standardization of learning for students with special needs. This study aimed to develop effective competencies in the identification of and intervention with students with special needs in schools. This study used a quantitative approach with a one-group pre-test post-test experimental design. Material presented in the training sessions included the basic concepts of inclusive education, the characteristics of students with special needs, how to teach students with special needs, and how to make individual learning programs. The instruments used in this study for the purposes of the pre-test and post-test were developed by the researchers based on theories and models. A total of 10 items were used in the instrument. Data were analyzed using the Cohen's D t-test method, which produced a p-value of 0.843; as this is > 0.05, this indicated that there was no difference between before and after the training. Based on the research and workshops conducted by the researchers, it was found that most teachers lacked the motivation to apply training materials for working with students with special needs, even though the level of teachers' participation in the trainings was high. The results showed that the trainings were not able to significantly influence the skills of teachers in teaching students with special needs. Therefore, other methods are needed to improve the knowledge and abilities of teachers in supporting students with special needs. Keywords: teaching skills, training, students with special need