1,409 research outputs found

    A Concept of Complexity for the Social Sciences

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    While most approaches to the idea of “complexity” attempt to handle this concept as an inherent property of the system under observation, this article considers complexity to be a property of the relationship between a system and its observer. It is argued that the concept of complexity must be used to measure the reliability attached by an individual to the classification model that he or she adopted in order to extract 'events' from empirical experiences. Complexity cannot be defined without previously modelling the individual’s cognitive processes. By assuming the knowledge of the mental categories by which an individual perceives reality, a quantitative measure of complexity is defined, and it is shown that its numerical value can be used to evaluate alternative patterns of behaviour. In particular, complexity is able to account for the features of decision-making in situations where empirical reality continuously generates facts of novel kind, as it is usual in the social sciences. Finally, a comparison is drawn with theories of complexity diffused in physics, computer science and biology. Although most of these theories consider complexity a

    Flexibility out of standardization

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    Purpose: This article aims to provide a theoretical unifying framework for flexible organizational forms, such as so-called adhocracies and network organizations. Design/methodology/approach: In this article, organization practices that are typical of the software industry are analyzed and re-interpreted by means of foundational concepts of organization science. It is shown that one and the same logic is at work in all flexible organizations. Findings: Coordination modes can be fruitfully employed to characterize flexible organizations. In particular, standardization is key in order to obtain flexibility, provided that a novel sort of coordination by standardization is added to those that have been conceptualized hitherto. Research limitations/implications: This article highlights one necessary condition for organizations to be flexible. Further aspects, only cursorily mentioned in this paper, need to be addressed in order to obtain a complete picture. Practical implications: A theory of organizational flexibility constitutes a guide for organizational design. This article suggests the non-obvious prescription that the boundary conditions of individual behavior must be standardized in order to achieve operational flexibility. Social implications: This theoretical framework can be profitably employed in management classes. Originality/value: Currently, flexible organizations are only understood in terms of lists of instances. This article shows that apparently heterogeneous case-studies share common features in fact

    X-ray view of four high-luminosity Swift/BAT AGN: Unveiling obscuration and reflection with Suzaku

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    The Swift/BAT nine-month survey observed 153 AGN, all with ultra-hard X-ray BAT fluxes in excess of 10^-11 erg cm^-2 s^-1 and an average redshift of 0.03. Among them, four of the most luminous BAT AGN (44.73 < Log L(BAT) < 45.31) were selected as targets of Suzaku follow-up observations: J2246.0+3941 (3C 452), J0407.4+0339 (3C 105), J0318.7+6828, and J0918.5+0425. The column density, scattered/reflected emission, the properties of the Fe K line, and a possible variability are fully analyzed. For the latter, the spectral properties from Chandra, XMM-Newton and Swift/XRT public observations were compared with the present Suzaku analysis. Of our sample, 3C 452 is the only certain Compton-thick AGN candidate because of i) the high absorption and strong Compton reflection; ii) the lack of variability; iii) the "buried" nature, i.e. the low scattering fraction (<0.5%) and the extremely low relative [OIII] luminosity. In contrast 3C 105 is not reflection-dominated, despite the comparable column density, X-ray luminosity and radio morphology, but shows a strong long-term variability in flux and scattering fraction, consistent with the soft emission being scattered from a distant region (e.g., the narrow emission line region). The sample presents high (>100) X-to-[OIII] luminosity ratios, confirming the [OIII] luminosity to be affected by residual extinction in presence of mild absorption, especially for "buried" AGN such as 3C 452. Three of our targets are powerful FRII radio galaxies, making them the most luminous and absorbed AGN of the BAT Seyfert survey despite the inversely proportional N_H - L_X relation.Comment: A&A paper in press, 17 page

    Optimized production of large Bose Einstein Condensates

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    We suggest different simple schemes to efficiently load and evaporate a ''dimple'' crossed dipolar trap. The collisional processes between atoms which are trapped in a reservoir load in a non adiabatic way the dimple. The reservoir trap can be provided either by a dark SPOT Magneto Optical Trap, the (aberrated) laser beam itself or by a quadrupolar or quadratic magnetic trap. Optimal parameters for the dimple are derived from thermodynamical equations and from loading time, including possible inelastic and Majorana losses. We suggest to load at relatively high temperature a tight optical trap. Simple evaporative cooling equations, taking into account gravity, the possible occurrence of hydrodynamical regime, Feshbach resonance processes and three body recombination events are given. To have an efficient evaporation the elastic collisional rate (in s−1^{-1}) is found to be on the order of the trapping frequency and lower than one hundred times the temperature in micro-Kelvin. Bose Einstein condensates with more than 10710^7 atoms should be obtained in much less than one second starting from an usual MOT setup.Comment: 14 page

    Simbol-X Background Minimization: Mirror Spacecraft Passive Shielding Trade-Off Study

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    The present work shows a quantitative trade-off analysis of the Simbol-X Mirror Spacecraft (MSC) passive shielding, in the phase space of the various parameters: mass budget, dimension, geometry, and composition. A simplified physical (and geometrical) model of the sky screen, implemented by means of a GEANT4 simulation, has been developed to perform a performance-driven mass optimization and evaluate the residual background level on Simbol-X focal plane.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the second Simbol-X International Symposium "Simbol-X - Focusing on the Hard X-ray Universe", AIP Conf. Proc. Series, P. Ferrando and J. Rodriguez ed

    Tertiary pegmatite dikes of the Central Alps

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    The largest field of Alpine Oligocene pegmatite dikes is in the Central Alps within the Southern Steep Belt (SSB) of the Alpine nappes; it extends for about 100 km in an E–W direction and 15 km in a N–S direction north of the Periadriatic Fault, from the Bergell pluton (to the east) to the Ossola valley (to the west). The pegmatite field geographically overlaps (1) the highest temperature domain of the Lepontine Barrovian metamorphic dome and (2) the zone of Alpine migmatization. We have studied pegmatites in two areas: (1) the Codera area on the western border of the Bergell pluton and (2) the Bodengo area between the Mera and the Mesolcina valleys. Most pegmatites show a simple mineral assemblage consisting of K-feldspar, quartz, and muscovite ± biotite, and only a minor percentage of the dikes (< 5%) contains Sn-Nb-Ta-Y-REE-U oxide, Y-REE phosphate, Mn-Fe-phosphate, Ti-Zr-silicate, Be-Y-REE-U-silicate and oxide minerals (beryl, chrysoberyl, bertrandite, bavenite, and milarite), garnet (almandine-spessartine), tourmaline (schorl to rare elbaite), bismuthinite, magnetite, and rarely dumortierite and helvite. The mineral assemblages, geological context, and chemical compositions allow the distinction between LCT (lithium, cesium, tantalum) and mixed LCT-NYF (niobium, yttrium, fluorine) pegmatites (with only one exception of an NYF dike in the Bodengo area). The LCT pegmatites of the Central Alps did not reach a high degree of geochemical evolution. The most fractionated pegmatites are found in the Codera area and contain Mn-rich elbaite, triplite, pink-beryl, and Cs-Rb-rich feldspar. In the Bodengo area pegmatites locally contain miarolitic cavities and the most evolved pegmatites correspond to the beryl-columbite-phosphate type. From a structural point of view two main types of pegmatites can be distinguished: (1) pegmatites that were involved in ductile deformation and (2) pegmatites that postdated the main ductile deformation of the SSB. Many pegmatites of the Codera valley belong to the first structural type: they were emplaced at relatively high ambient temperature (ca. 500 °C) and locally show a pervasive recrystallization of quartz and a mylonitic structure. The Codera dikes trend about 70° and are steeply dipping. In the Bodengo area the main set of pegmatites (trending approximately N–S to NNE–SSW) crosscuts the ductile deformation structures of the SSB, but the area also includes an earlier generation of boudinaged and folded pegmatite dikes. The undeformed pegmatites from this area may contain miarolitic pockets. There is no systematic difference in the mineral assemblage between the two structural types of pegmatites. However, the chemistry of pegmatite minerals, especially of garnet, in addition to field data suggests that the dikes of the Codera and Bodengo areas represent two distinct generations of pegmatites. Structural data and the few existing radiometric ages suggest that pegmatites were emplaced over a time span between 29 and 25 Ma (and possibly as young as 20 Ma), with the youngest dikes postdating the ductile deformations of the Alpine nappes. The present work presents a first comprehensive field description and geochemical – mineralogical characterization of the Alpine pegmatite field of the Central Alps
