1,033 research outputs found

    Effect of short range order on electronic and magnetic properties of disordered Co based alloys

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    We here study electronic structure and magnetic properties of disordered CoPd and CoPt alloys using Augmented Space Recursion technique coupled with the tight-binding linearized muffin tin orbital (TB-LMTO) method. Effect of short range ordering present in disordered phase of alloys on electronic and magnetic properties has been discussed. We present results for magnetic moments, Curie temperatures and electronic band energies with varying degrees of short range order for different concentrations of Co and try to understand and compare the magnetic properties and ordering phenomena in these systems.Comment: 15 pages,17 postscript figures,uses own style file

    Neutrino emission rates in highly magnetized neutron stars revisited

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    Magnetars are a subclass of neutron stars whose intense soft-gamma-ray bursts and quiescent X-ray emission are believed to be powered by the decay of a strong internal magnetic field. We reanalyze neutrino emission in such stars in the plausibly relevant regime in which the Landau band spacing of both protons and electrons is much larger than kT (where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature), but still much smaller than the Fermi energies. Focusing on the direct Urca process, we find that the emissivity oscillates as a function of density or magnetic field, peaking when the Fermi level of the protons or electrons lies about 3kT above the bottom of any of their Landau bands. The oscillation amplitude is comparable to the average emissivity when the Landau band spacing mentioned above is roughly the geometric mean of kT and the Fermi energy (excluding mass), i. e., at fields much weaker than required to confine all particles to the lowest Landau band. Since the density and magnetic field strength vary continuously inside the neutron star, there will be alternating surfaces of high and low emissivity. Globally, these oscillations tend to average out, making it unclear whether there will be any observable effects.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Research frontiers in the analysis of coupled biogeochemical cycles

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (2011): 74–80, doi:10.1890/100137.The analysis of coupled biogeochemical cycles (CBCs) addresses the scientific basis for some of today's major environmental problems. Drawing from information presented at a series of sessions on CBCs held at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America and from the research community's expertise, we identify several principal research themes that justify action and investment. Critical areas for research include: coupling of major element cycles to less studied yet equally important trace element cycles; analyzing CBCs across ecosystem boundaries; integrating experimental results into regional- and global-scale models; and expanding the analysis of human interactions with CBCs arising from human population growth, urbanization, and geoengineering. To advance the current understanding of CBCs and to address the environmental challenges of the 21st century, scientists must maintain and synthesize data from existing observational and experimental networks, develop new instrumentation networks, and adopt emerging technologies.We thank the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Ecological Society of America (ESA) for their financial and logistical support of the Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles sessions held at the 2009 ESA Annual Meeting, and the publication of this special feature issue of Frontiers. ACF was supported by the NSF (DEB- 0743564) and the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Biological and Environmental Research (10- DOE-1053). SCD was supported by the Center for Microbial Oceanography, Research and Education (NSF EF-0424599). RBJ was supported by the NSF (DEB #0717191) and by the DOE’s National Institute for Climate Change Research

    A generalized theory of semiflexible polymers

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    DNA bending on length scales shorter than a persistence length plays an integral role in the translation of genetic information from DNA to cellular function. Quantitative experimental studies of these biological systems have led to a renewed interest in the polymer mechanics relevant for describing the conformational free energy of DNA bending induced by protein-DNA complexes. Recent experimental results from DNA cyclization studies have cast doubt on the applicability of the canonical semiflexible polymer theory, the wormlike chain (WLC) model, to DNA bending on biological length scales. This paper develops a theory of the chain statistics of a class of generalized semiflexible polymer models. Our focus is on the theoretical development of these models and the calculation of experimental observables. To illustrate our methods, we focus on a specific toy model of DNA bending. We show that the WLC model generically describes the long-length-scale chain statistics of semiflexible polymers, as predicted by the Renormalization Group. In particular, we show that either the WLC or our new model adequate describes force-extension, solution scattering, and long-contour-length cyclization experiments, regardless of the details of DNA bend elasticity. In contrast, experiments sensitive to short-length-scale chain behavior can in principle reveal dramatic departures from the linear elastic behavior assumed in the WLC model. We demonstrate this explicitly by showing that our toy model can reproduce the anomalously large short-contour-length cyclization J factors observed by Cloutier and Widom. Finally, we discuss the applicability of these models to DNA chain statistics in the context of future experiments

    Model for Gravitational Interaction between Dark Matter and Baryons

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    We propose a phenomenological model where the gravitational interaction between dark matter and baryons is suppressed on small, subgalactic scales. We describe the gravitational force by adding a Yukawa contribution to the standard Newtonian potential and show that this interaction scheme is effectively suggested by the available observations of the inner rotation curves of small mass galaxies. Besides helping in interpreting the cuspy profile of dark matter halos observed in N-body simulations, this potential regulates the quantity of baryons within halos of different masses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    Soil respiration in a northeastern US temperate forest: a 22‐year synthesis

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    To better understand how forest management, phenology, vegetation type, and actual and simulated climatic change affect seasonal and inter‐annual variations in soil respiration (Rs), we analyzed more than 100,000 individual measurements of soil respiration from 23 studies conducted over 22 years at the Harvard Forest in Petersham, Massachusetts, USA. We also used 24 site‐years of eddy‐covariance measurements from two Harvard Forest sites to examine the relationship between soil and ecosystem respiration (Re). Rs was highly variable at all spatial (respiration collar to forest stand) and temporal (minutes to years) scales of measurement. The response of Rs to experimental manipulations mimicking aspects of global change or aimed at partitioning Rs into component fluxes ranged from −70% to +52%. The response appears to arise from variations in substrate availability induced by changes in the size of soil C pools and of belowground C fluxes or in environmental conditions. In some cases (e.g., logging, warming), the effect of experimental manipulations on Rs was transient, but in other cases the time series were not long enough to rule out long‐term changes in respiration rates. Inter‐annual variations in weather and phenology induced variation among annual Rs estimates of a magnitude similar to that of other drivers of global change (i.e., invasive insects, forest management practices, N deposition). At both eddy‐covariance sites, aboveground respiration dominated Re early in the growing season, whereas belowground respiration dominated later. Unusual aboveground respiration patterns—high apparent rates of respiration during winter and very low rates in mid‐to‐late summer—at the Environmental Measurement Site suggest either bias in Rs and Re estimates caused by differences in the spatial scale of processes influencing fluxes, or that additional research on the hard‐to‐measure fluxes (e.g., wintertime Rs, unaccounted losses of CO2 from eddy covariance sites), daytime and nighttime canopy respiration and its impacts on estimates of Re, and independent measurements of flux partitioning (e.g., aboveground plant respiration, isotopic partitioning) may yield insight into the unusually high and low fluxes. Overall, however, this data‐rich analysis identifies important seasonal and experimental variations in Rs and Re and in the partitioning of Re above‐ vs. belowground

    Soil respiration in a northeastern US temperate forest: a 22‐year synthesis

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    To better understand how forest management, phenology, vegetation type, and actual and simulated climatic change affect seasonal and inter‐annual variations in soil respiration (Rs), we analyzed more than 100,000 individual measurements of soil respiration from 23 studies conducted over 22 years at the Harvard Forest in Petersham, Massachusetts, USA. We also used 24 site‐years of eddy‐covariance measurements from two Harvard Forest sites to examine the relationship between soil and ecosystem respiration (Re). Rs was highly variable at all spatial (respiration collar to forest stand) and temporal (minutes to years) scales of measurement. The response of Rs to experimental manipulations mimicking aspects of global change or aimed at partitioning Rs into component fluxes ranged from −70% to +52%. The response appears to arise from variations in substrate availability induced by changes in the size of soil C pools and of belowground C fluxes or in environmental conditions. In some cases (e.g., logging, warming), the effect of experimental manipulations on Rs was transient, but in other cases the time series were not long enough to rule out long‐term changes in respiration rates. Inter‐annual variations in weather and phenology induced variation among annual Rs estimates of a magnitude similar to that of other drivers of global change (i.e., invasive insects, forest management practices, N deposition). At both eddy‐covariance sites, aboveground respiration dominated Re early in the growing season, whereas belowground respiration dominated later. Unusual aboveground respiration patterns—high apparent rates of respiration during winter and very low rates in mid‐to‐late summer—at the Environmental Measurement Site suggest either bias in Rs and Re estimates caused by differences in the spatial scale of processes influencing fluxes, or that additional research on the hard‐to‐measure fluxes (e.g., wintertime Rs, unaccounted losses of CO2 from eddy covariance sites), daytime and nighttime canopy respiration and its impacts on estimates of Re, and independent measurements of flux partitioning (e.g., aboveground plant respiration, isotopic partitioning) may yield insight into the unusually high and low fluxes. Overall, however, this data‐rich analysis identifies important seasonal and experimental variations in Rs and Re and in the partitioning of Re above‐ vs. belowground
