69 research outputs found

    Las fuentes de la futura calificación del crimen de agresión por parte de la Corte Penal Internacional

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    At the Review Conference of the Rome Statute - which created the International Criminal Court – in 2010, a concept of the crime of aggression was adopted that leaves many aspects to interpretation, so in case it comes into force, the organs of the Court when assessing a concrete case should not only refer to the discussion of the concept established in Kampala, but also to its previous legal development. The author explores in relation to these developments as well on primary sources that the Court should bear in mind when rating the act, corresponding to Resolution 3314 (XXIX) AG United Nations and the Statutes of the International Military Courts and its subsequent judgments, both background models for the creation of the concept of crime of aggression in Kampala. Furthermore, they will have to analyse the cases in which UN bodies havedetermined the existence of previous acts of aggression as crime qualifying precedent.En la Conferencia de Revisión del Estatuto de Roma, que crea la Corte Penal Internacional, del año 2010, se adoptó un concepto del crimen de agresión que deja múltiples aspectos a la interpretación, por lo que de entrar este en vigencia, los órganos de la Corte al efectuar la cali$cación de un caso concreto deberán, no sólo remitirse al análisis del concepto mismo establecido en Kampala, sino también a sus elaboraciones jurídicas anteriores. El autor indaga respecto de dichos desarrollos como asimismo respecto de las fuentes primarias que la Corte deberá tener presente al momento de calificar el acto, correspondiendo a la Resolución 3314 (XXIX) A.G. de Naciones Unidas y los Estatutos de los Tribunales Militares Internacionales y sus posteriores fallos, ambos antecedentes modelos para la creación del concepto de crimen de agresión de Kampala. Asimismo, se analizan los casos en los cuales los órganos competentes de Naciones Unidas han determinado la existencia de actos de agresión como precedente calificatorio del crimen para la Corte

    CMOS compatible integrated all-optical radio frequency spectrum analyzer

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    We report an integrated all-optical radio frequency spectrum analyzer based on a ~4cm long doped silica glass waveguide, with a bandwidth greater than 2.5 THz. We use this device to characterize the intensity power spectrum of ultrahighrepetition rate mode-locked lasers at repetition rates up to 400 GHz, and observe dynamic noise related behavior not observable with other technique

    Perinatal preterm brain injury. Risk assessment, antenatal surveillance and managing

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    This work reports the results of two different lines of research: 1. On the employment of ultrasound in the management of fetuses with intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR); 2. On management of preterm birth for prevention of neurological impairment in high-risk pregnancies and low risk pregnancies. Pre-natal flow data and post-natal neurological outcome in IUGR fetuses have been evaluated. Doppler ultrasound in obstetrics has allowed the detection of the early signs of fetal demise, involving the management of pregnancies at risk of fetal hypoxia. The second line of research focuses on the need to identify strategies to predict preterm birth in asymptomatic low-risk women as well as in those presenting with threatened preterm labor (symptomatic high risk women) and underlines the importance to prevent brain injury and long-term neurological sequelae related to preterm deliveries. Neurological insults result in significant immediate and longterm physical, emotional, and financial costs. Advances in obstetrical and neonatal care have led to survival at earlier gestational ages and consequently increasing numbers of periviable infants who are at significant risk for long-term neurological deficits. Therefore, efforts to decrease and prevent cerebral insults attempt not only to improve neurological outcomes in infants delivered preterm but also primarily to decrease preterm delivery

    Las fuentes de la futura calificación del crimen de agresión por parte de la Corte Penal Internacional

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    At the Review Conference of the Rome Statute - which created the International Criminal Court – in 2010, a concept of the crime of aggression was adopted that leaves many aspects to interpretation, so in case it comes into force, the organs of the Court when assessing a concrete case should not only refer to the discussion of the concept established in Kampala, but also to its previous legal development. The author explores in relation to these developments as well on primary sources that the Court should bear in mind when rating the act, corresponding to Resolution 3314 (XXIX) AG United Nations and the Statutes of the International Military Courts and its subsequent judgments, both background models for the creation of the concept of crime of aggression in Kampala. Furthermore, they will have to analyse the cases in which UN bodies havedetermined the existence of previous acts of aggression as crime qualifying precedent.En la Conferencia de Revisión del Estatuto de Roma, que crea la Corte Penal Internacional, del año 2010, se adoptó un concepto del crimen de agresión que deja múltiples aspectos a la interpretación, por lo que de entrar este en vigencia, los órganos de la Corte al efectuar la cali$cación de un caso concreto deberán, no sólo remitirse al análisis del concepto mismo establecido en Kampala, sino también a sus elaboraciones jurídicas anteriores. El autor indaga respecto de dichos desarrollos como asimismo respecto de las fuentes primarias que la Corte deberá tener presente al momento de calificar el acto, correspondiendo a la Resolución 3314 (XXIX) A.G. de Naciones Unidas y los Estatutos de los Tribunales Militares Internacionales y sus posteriores fallos, ambos antecedentes modelos para la creación del concepto de crimen de agresión de Kampala. Asimismo, se analizan los casos en los cuales los órganos competentes de Naciones Unidas han determinado la existencia de actos de agresión como precedente calificatorio del crimen para la Corte

    Li7La3Zr2O12Li_7La_3Zr_2O_{12} based all solid state thin film batteries

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    Liquid organic electrolytes cause safety problems due to an insufficient thermal and electrochemical stability. One approach to avoid such disadvantages is the replacement of the liquid electrolyte by a solid one. Next to sulfides and phosphates, current research is focused on Li conducting ceramic oxide materials like Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZ), a promising garnet-structured material with a Li ion conductivity of about 10-4 S/cm. Li ion conductivity can increased by partial substitution of Li or Zr. Since the ionic conductivity is about two orders of magnitude lower compared to liquid electrolytes, thin electrolyte layers are necessary for a low internal resistance of the cell. Complete thin film batteries based on a current collector substrate, a thin cathode, LLZ electrolyte layer and Li or a Li alloy thin film as anode are deposited by physical vapor deposition techniques. The deposition conditions are optimized for each compound and adjusted to the overall system. The resulting thin film batteries are analyzed with regard to electrochemical behavior, structural and morphological properties and element distribution

    Separate amygdala subregions signal surprise and predictiveness during associative fear learning in humans

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    It has recently been suggested that learning signals in the amygdala might be best characterized by attentional theories of associative learning [such as Pearce-Hall (PH)] and more recent hybrid variants that combine Rescorla-Wagner and PH learning models. In these models, unsigned prediction errors (PEs) determine the associability of a cue, which is used in turn to control learning of outcome expectations dynamically and reflects a function of the reliability of prior outcome predictions. Here, we employed an aversive Pavlovian reversal-learning task to investigate computational signals derived from such a hybrid model. Unlike previous accounts, our paradigm allowed for the separate assessment of associability at the time of cue presentation and PEs at the time of outcome. We combined this approach with high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging to understand how different subregions of the human amygdala contribute to associative learning. Signal changes in the corticomedial amygdala and in the midbrain represented unsigned PEs at the time of outcome showing increased responses irrespective of whether a shock was unexpectedly administered or omitted. In contrast, activity in basolateral amygdala regions correlated negatively with associability at the time of cue presentation. Thus, whereas the corticomedial amygdala and the midbrain reflected immediate surprise, the basolateral amygdala represented predictiveness and displayed increased responses when outcome predictions became more reliable. These results extend previous findings on PH-like mechanisms in the amygdala and provide unique insights into human amygdala circuits during associative learning

    Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry study of lithium intercalation process in LiCoO2_2 thin film

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    A detailed time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) analysis of the lithium de-/intercalation in thin films of the insertion cathode material lithium cobalt oxide is presented. The LiCoO2 (LCO) thin films are deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering at 600 °C, having a (003) preferred orientation after the deposition. The thin electrode films are cycled with liquid electrolyte against lithium metal, showing 80-86% extractable capacities. After disassembling the cells, the depth resolved elemental distribution in the LCO is investigated by ToF-SIMS and glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy. Both techniques show a stepwise lithium distribution in charged state, leading to a lithium depleted layer close to the surface. In combination with the electrochemical results, the qualitative comparison of the different lithium depth profiles yields a reversible lithium extraction in the depleted area below the stability limit for bulk materials of LCO. For bulk LCO, a phase change normally occurs when the lithium concentration in LixCoO2 is lower than x=0.5. As a possible cause for the inhibition of the phase change, the preferred orientation and thus pinning of the crystal structure of the film by the substrate is proposed

    Li7_{7}La3_{3}Zr2_{2}O12_{12} electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries

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    A major drawback of conventional Li-ion batteries is the use of organic liquid electrolytes. As an alternative, batteries with solid lithium conducting electrolytes are investigated. One of the promising oxide materials is the garnet-structured Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZ) with a competitive Li-ion conductivity of about 10-4 S/cm. Furthermore, the material has a good thermal stability (up to 1250°C), is chemical compatible to metallic lithium, and electrochemically usable up to 8V vs. Li/Li+. The structural stability and ion conduction performance can be improved by partial substitution (e.g. Al, Ta, Y). Furthermore, the sintering temperature, required to achieve the high conductive cubic phase, is reduced by doping. An additional approach is to reduce the thickness of the electrolyte layer to increase battery performance. At IEK1, we investigate two main approaches for solid state electrolyte fabrication. Very thin layers are synthesized by PVD. The aim is to achieve a thin film battery in the range of a few micrometers. For large scale fabrication of functional layers tape casting of LLZ is investigated