22 research outputs found

    The upper Paleozoic regional development of the Ottar basin from seismic 2D interpretation

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    The Ottar basin is not yet formally defined, but is a known structural element situated under the Bjarmeland Platform in the southwestern Barents Sea, buried beneath thick, flay-lying Mesozoic strata. This thesis focuses on delineating the informal upper Paleozoic Ottar basin. The delineation presented, is based on lateral/vertical variations in lithology and the surrounding tectonic setting of the Ottar basin. Several 2D seismic surveys were utilized and interpreted for this task, with the aid of well-ties from two wells penetrating the upper Paleozoic succession (7226/11-1 and 7124/3-1) located at the Norsel High and the Nysleppen Fault Complex, in close proximity to the Ottar basin. The study includes three seismic units encompassing four different lithostratigraphic units of the upper Paleozoic succession (Billefjorden-, Gipsdalen-, Bjarmeland- and Tempelfjorden- Groups). An enclosed delineation and a geological development model of the Ottar basin has been proposed

    Kumada-Corriu coupling in synthesis of PAHs

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    The thesis explores the Kumada-Corriu coupling reaction as a possible handle to further functionalize PAHs. The starting material used was different types of triflate bearing PAHs. An attempt at preparing phenanthren-9-yl trifluoromethanesulfonate as starting material failed. The compound was attempted synthesised using a DoM/DreM approach. The preparation of naphthalen-2-yl trifluoromethanesulfonate (5b) and chrysen-3-yl trifluoromethanesulfonate (6c) from naphthalen-2-ol (5a) and chrysen-3-ol (6b) was a success. The synthesised triflates were reacted with ethylmagnesium bromide (14), vinylmagnesium bromide (15), isopropylmagnesium chloride lithium chloride complex solution (16) and benzylmagnesium bromide (10a) using different catalysators. Yields are given in figure 1. The Ni(dppp)Cl2 catalysator (general procedure A) gave good yields with both Grignard reagent 14 and 16. Ni(dppe)Cl2 (general procedure B) and Pd(dppf)Cl2 (general procedure D) were somewhat suitable catalysators when reacting with Grignard reagent 15, but in most attempts 2-vinylnaphthalene (5d) was lost during workup. A sustainable Fe(acac)3 catalyst (general procedure C) was also used to couple the majority of the Grignard reagents with triflate 5b and 6c. The iron catalyst did not seem suitable for the reaction of alkenyl Grignard reagents, nor the self-generated benzylmagnesium bromide (10a). Further investigation could lead to a successful procedure for the coupling of styrylmagnesium bromide, made from (2-bromovinyl)benzene, whose product can be further cyclised to expand the skeletal structure of PAHs

    Kumada-Corriu coupling in synthesis of PAHs

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    The thesis explores the Kumada-Corriu coupling reaction as a possible handle to further functionalize PAHs. The starting material used was different types of triflate bearing PAHs. An attempt at preparing phenanthren-9-yl trifluoromethanesulfonate as starting material failed. The compound was attempted synthesised using a DoM/DreM approach. The preparation of naphthalen-2-yl trifluoromethanesulfonate (5b) and chrysen-3-yl trifluoromethanesulfonate (6c) from naphthalen-2-ol (5a) and chrysen-3-ol (6b) was a success. The synthesised triflates were reacted with ethylmagnesium bromide (14), vinylmagnesium bromide (15), isopropylmagnesium chloride lithium chloride complex solution (16) and benzylmagnesium bromide (10a) using different catalysators. Yields are given in figure 1. The Ni(dppp)Cl2 catalysator (general procedure A) gave good yields with both Grignard reagent 14 and 16. Ni(dppe)Cl2 (general procedure B) and Pd(dppf)Cl2 (general procedure D) were somewhat suitable catalysators when reacting with Grignard reagent 15, but in most attempts 2-vinylnaphthalene (5d) was lost during workup. A sustainable Fe(acac)3 catalyst (general procedure C) was also used to couple the majority of the Grignard reagents with triflate 5b and 6c. The iron catalyst did not seem suitable for the reaction of alkenyl Grignard reagents, nor the self-generated benzylmagnesium bromide (10a). Further investigation could lead to a successful procedure for the coupling of styrylmagnesium bromide, made from (2-bromovinyl)benzene, whose product can be further cyclised to expand the skeletal structure of PAHs

    Morphology of Tjoarvekrajgge, the longest cave of Scandinavia

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69256/1/FinnesandCurl_2009.pd

    Building Precision: Efficient Encoder-Decoder Networks for Remote Sensing Based on Aerial RGB and LiDAR Data

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    Precision in building delineation plays a pivotal role in population data analysis, city management, policy making, and disaster management. Leveraging computer vision technologies, particularly deep learning models for semantic segmentation, has proven instrumental in achieving accurate automatic building segmentation in remote sensing applications. However, current state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques are not optimized for precisely extracting building footprints and, specifically, boundaries of the building. This deficiency highlights the need to leverage Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data in conjunction with aerial RGB and streamlined deep learning for improved precision. This work utilizes the MapAI dataset, which includes a variety of objects beyond buildings, such as trees, electricity lines, solar panels, vehicles, and roads. These objects showcase diverse colors and structures, mirroring the rooftops in Denmark and Norway. Due to the aforementioned problems, this study modified UNet and CT-UNet to use LiDAR data and RGB images to segment buildings using Intersection Over Union (IoU) to evaluate building overlap and Boundary Intersection Over Union (BIoU) to evaluate precise building boundaries and shapes. The proposed work changes the configuration of these networks to streamline with LiDAR data for efficient segmentation. The batch data in training is augmented to improve model generalization and overcome overfitting. Batch normalization inclusion also improves overfitting. Four backbones with transfer learning are employed to enhance convergence and parameter efficiency of segmentation: ResNet50V2, DenseNet201, EfficientNetB4, and EfficientNetV2S. Test-Time Augmentation (TTA) is employed to improve the predicted mask. Experiments are performed using single and ensemble models, with and without Augmentation. The ensemble model outperforms the single model, and TTA also improves the results. LiDAR data with RGB improves the combined score (average of IoU and BIoU) by 13.33% compared to only RGB images.publishedVersio

    Livshistorier i omsorgsarbeid. Utfordringer og muligheter ved bruk av livshistoriedokumentasjon på sykehjem

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    Nyere helse- og omsorgspolitiske dokumenter løfter fram livshistorier som en viktig kilde til kunnskap i eldreomsorgen, og et relevant verktøy for profesjonelt omsorgsarbeid på sykehjemmet. Men hvilke utfordringer og muligheter ligger i livshistorier som omsorgsverktøy i praksis? Denne artikkelen er basert på et tverrfaglig samarbeidsprosjekt mellom forskere innenfor praksisfeltet, sykepleierstudenter, samfunnsvitere, helsevitere og humanister. Vår hensikt er å få ny kunnskap om utbredelse av livshistorier som omsorgsverktøy på sykehjem, og hva som karakteriserer slike verktøy. Ved hjelp av en kartleggingsstudie om livshistorier som et verktøy for dokumentasjon og kommunikasjon ved sykehjem i en region på Vestlandet, fant vi stor variasjon i utforming av skjemaene som brukes til å dokumentere pasientenes livshistorie. Gjennom en komparativ nærlesning av skjemaenes stilistiske utforminger og kommunikasjonsformer, drøfter vi implikasjonene av det vi ser som en utfordrende sammenblanding av instrumentelle og relasjonelle hensikter ved bruk av livshistorier i profesjonell omsorg.publishedVersio

    C’ek’aedi Hwnax, the Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive

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    We discuss the development of the C’ek’aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive, located in the Copper River valley of south central Alaska. C’ek’aedi Hwnax is the first OLAC-compliant, Indigenously-administered digital language archive in North America. Against the backdrop of the history of language archiving at the Alaska Native Language Center in Fairbanks, we present the Ahtna community’s voiced desire for local control over decades’ worth of irreplaceable linguistic and cultural recordings, along with the steps we took to build the archive. These include the aggregation of recordings from various locations, the process by which they were digitized, and the increase of access to their contents. The Ahtna archive follows guidelines for best practices already undertaken by established university-based archives around the world. At the same time, the archive represents a new model of distributed linguistic archiving in Alaska via a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, which provides permanent off-site backup of the Ahtna collection on its servers and allows C’ek’aedi Hwnax full administrative control over access to the collection at the university. In this model, the responsibility for administration of language materials traditionally held in a central location is apportioned to different parties according to their needs and resources.National Foreign Language Resource Cente