377 research outputs found

    Reliability of two behavioral tools to assess pain in preterm neonates

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    CONTEXT: One of the main difficulties in adequately treating the pain of neonatal patients is the scarcity of validated pain evaluation methods for this population. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the reliability of two behavioral pain scales in neonates. TYPE OF STUDY: Cross-sectional. SETTING: University hospital neonatal intensive care unit. PARTICIPANTS: 22 preterm neonates were studied, with gestational age of 34 ± 2 weeks, birth weight of 1804 ± 584 g, 68% female, 30 ± 12 hours of life, and 30% intubated. PROCEDURES: Two neonatologists (A and B) observed the patients at the bedside and on video films for 10 minutes. The Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Clinical Scoring System were scored at 1, 5, and 10 minutes. The final score was the median of the three values for each observer and scale. A and B were blinded to each other. Video assessments were made three months after bedside evaluations. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: End scores were compared between the observers using the intraclass correlation coefficient and bias analysis (paired t test and signal test). RESULTS: For the Neonatal Facial Coding System, at the bedside and on video, A and B showed a significant correlation of scores (intraclass correlation score: 0.62), without bias between them (t test and signal test: p > 0.05). For the Clinical Scoring System bedside assessment, A and B showed correlation of scores (intraclass correlation score: 0.55), but bias was also detected between them: A scored on average two points higher than B (paired t test and signal test: p 0,05). Para a Escala de Conforto Clínico à beira do leito, os escores obtidos por A e B mostraram uma correlação significante (0,55), foi detectado: o escore obtido por A foi, em média, dois pontos superior ao de B (teste t e do sinal: p < 0,05). Para a mesma escala aplicada em vídeo, os escores obtidos por A e B não mostraram correlação (0,25) e detectou-se viés (teste t e do sinal: p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados reforçam a confiabilidade do Sistema de Codificação da Atividade Facial Neonatal aplicado à beira do leito para a avaliação da dor no recém-nascido pré-termo.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Neonatal DivisionUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of EpidemiologyUNIFESP, EPM, Neonatal DivisionUNIFESP, EPM, Department of EpidemiologySciEL

    Reduction of Dopamine Level Enhances the Attractiveness of Male Drosophila to Other Males

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    Dopamine is an important neuromodulator in animals and its roles in mammalian sexual behavior are extensively studied. Drosophila as a useful model system is widely used in many fields of biological studies. It has been reported that dopamine reduction can affect female receptivity in Drosophila and leave male-female courtship behavior unaffected. Here, we used genetic and pharmacological approaches to decrease the dopamine level in dopaminergic cells in Drosophila, and investigated the consequence of this manipulation on male homosexual courtship behavior. We find that reduction of dopamine level can induce Drosophila male-male courtship behavior, and that this behavior is mainly due to the increased male attractiveness or decreased aversiveness towards other males, but not to their enhanced propensity to court other males. Chemical signal input probably plays a crucial role in the male-male courtship induced by the courtees with reduction of dopamine. Our finding provides insight into the relationship between the dopamine reduction and male-male courtship behavior, and hints dopamine level is important for controlling Drosophila courtship behavior

    The search for transient astrophysical neutrino emission with IceCube-DeepCore

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    We present the results of a search for astrophysical sources of brief transient neutrino emission using IceCube and DeepCore data acquired between 2012 May 15 and 2013 April 30. While the search methods employed in this analysis are similar to those used in previous IceCube point source searches, the data set being examined consists of a sample of predominantly sub-TeV muon-neutrinos from the Northern Sky (-5 degrees < delta < 90 degrees) obtained through a novel event selection method. This search represents a first attempt by IceCube to identify astrophysical neutrino sources in this relatively unexplored energy range. The reconstructed direction and time of arrival of neutrino events are used to search for any significant self-correlation in the data set. The data revealed no significant source of transient neutrino emission. This result has been used to construct limits at timescales ranging from roughly 1 s to 10 days for generic soft-spectra transients. We also present limits on a specific model of neutrino emission from soft jets in core-collapse supernovae

    Weight outcomes audit in 1.3 million adults during their first 3 months' attendance in a commercial weight management programme

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    Background: Over sixty percent of adults in the UK are now overweight/obese. Weight management on a national scale requires behavioural and lifestyle solutions that are accessible to large numbers of people. Evidence suggests commercial weight management programmes help people manage their weight but there is little research examining those that pay to attend such programmes rather than being referred by primary care. The objective of this analysis was to evaluate the effectiveness of a UK commercial weight management programme in self-referred, fee-paying participants. Methods: Electronic weekly weight records were collated for self-referred, fee-paying participants of Slimming World groups joining between January 2010 and April 2012. This analysis reports weight outcomes in 1,356,105 adult, non-pregnant participants during their first 3 months’ attendance. Data were analysed by regression, ANOVA and for binomial outcomes, chi-squared tests using the R statistical program. Results: Mean (SD) age was 42.3 (13.6) years, height 1.65 m (0.08) and start weight was 88.4 kg (18.8). Mean start BMI was 32.6 kg/m² (6.3 kg/m²) and 5 % of participants were men. Mean weight change of all participants was −3.9 kg (3.6), percent weight change −4.4 (3.8), and BMI change was −1.4 kg/m² (1.3). Mean attendance was 7.8 (4.3) sessions in their first 3 months. For participants attending at least 75 % of possible weekly sessions (n = 478,772), mean BMI change was −2.5 kg/m² (1.3), weight change −6.8 kg (3.7) and percent weight change −7.5 % (3.5). Weight loss was greater in men than women absolutely (−6.5 (5.3) kg vs −3.8 (3.4) kg) and as a percentage (5.7 % (4.4) vs 4.3 % (3.7)), respectively. All comparisons were significant (p < 0.001). Level of attendance and percent weight loss in the first week of attendance together accounted for 55 % of the variability in weight lost during the study period. Conclusions: A large-scale commercial lifestyle-based weight management programme had a significant impact on weight loss outcomes over 3 months. Higher levels of attendance led to levels of weight loss known to be associated with significant clinical benefits, which on this scale may have an impact on public health
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