179 research outputs found

    Complexidade textual em artigos científicos : contribuições para o estudo do texto científico em português

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    This text presents the basis of a research project that deals with the issue of textual complexity (TC), examining aspects of Pediatrics papers against newspaper articles. In the literature review, it is mobilized works related to the subject of TC in Applied Linguistics, Terminology studies that follow a textual point of view, Computational Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics. Some highlighted elements in the contrast between the examination of texts and the literature reviewed are the measures to TC ratio and degrees of text specialization, which would preview differences between specialized language and everyday language. The paper concludes with the presentation of prospects for the treatment of the issue of TC among the studies on scientific discourse


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    Words and their secrets

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    Terminology resources to support the training of French translators in Brazil

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    Este artigo apresenta um recurso on-line denominado Catálogo de Construções Recorrentes em Pediatria – Francês construído como material didático de apoio para a formação universitária de tradutores brasileiros. O recurso, um glossário diferenciado que vai além da apresentação de usos de terminologias, foi elaborado com a participação de estudantes de tradução do francês da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul a partir de um pequeno corpus de artigos publicados na revista francesa Archives de Pédiatrie. O trabalho pode ser ampliado para um corpus de textos de revista semelhante, publicada no Canadá, de modo a ilustrar possíveis variantes da escrita científica em francês.Cet article présente une fonctionnalité en ligne appelée «Catalogue de constructions linguistiques récurrentes em Pédiatrie – Français» construite pour apporter du matériel pédagogique à l’enseignement universitaire de traducteurs brésiliens. Cette ressource, qui est un type différencié de glossaire, car elle présente plus que des usages de terminologies, a été préparée avec la participation d’étudiants de la traduction en français de l’Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Sul à partir d’un petit corpus composé par un échantillon de textes publiés dans la revue Archives de Pédiatrie. Le travail peut être étendu à un corpus de textes publiés dans des revues au Canada, afin d’illustrer les variantes possibles de rédaction scientifique en français.This paper presents an online resource called “Catalog of recurrent linguistic constructions in Pediatrics – French” built to bring pedagogical support to the training of undergraduate students of translation in Brazil. Such resource is a differentiated glossary, presenting more than mere terminology uses. It was prepared with the participation of students of translation (French language) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul using a small corpus of articles published in the journal Archives de Pédiatrie. This work can be extended to a similar corpus of texts published in Canadian journals in order to illustrate the possible variants of French scientific writing

    Apresentação : estudo do léxico e ensino

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    Elementos lexicográficos e enciclopédicos na definição terminológica : questões de partida

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    This paper concerns the apprehension conditions of the nature and functioning of the terminological definition (TD) viewed beyond the genus proximum and differentia specifica categories. In this way, it suggests perspectives to investigate the possible similarities between lexicographic and encyclopaedic definitions which are presumably manifested on TDs. Drawing from the tendencies observed on environmental legal TDs, and from the features observed on definition samples collected from lexicographic, encyclopaedic and terminological works, it discusses the application of the encyclopaedic tradition to the formulation of terminological definitions

    18th century medicine in Portuguese: challenges relating to diachronic terminology in a Digital Humanities context

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    El objetivo de este artículo es informar sobre aspectos de una investigación lingüístico-terminológica diacrónica, aún en su fase inicial, alineada con el campo de las humanidades digitales, con la que estamos organizando un corpus histórico del lenguaje de la medicina en portugués. Se tratará de una colección en línea de textos impresos en el siglo xviii sobre el macrotema «enfermedades y sus tratamientos».This article reports on aspects of a diachronic linguistic and terminological study in the Digital Humanities, which is still in its initial phase. Part of the study is to compile a historical corpus of medical language in Portuguese. The online collection comprises printed texts from the 18th century on the broad theme of diseases and their treatment

    Marcadores textuais do artigo científico em comparação português-inglês – um estudo sob a perspectiva da tradução

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    Viviane Possamai. Marcadores textuais do artigo científico em comparação português-inglês – um estudo sob a perspectiva da tradução. Dissertação de Mestrado. Orientadora: Maria de Graça Krieger. Porto Alegre: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2004

    Reconhecimento da metaforização em línguas técnicas e científicas : desafios e perspectivas

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    This article aims to show, in a summarized way, how different studies on metaphor can positively converge to a cognitive-linguistically perception of this phenomenon. This perception surpasses a merely stylistic vision of the metaphor. The paper also reports the research that was done by Huang (2005) about metaphors in scientific texts o f Medicine which is related to the topic AIDS. The results and difficulties of Huang's research have given examples in the treatment o f the theme of metaphor in Terminology and in studies o f scientific texts
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