676 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Iot Temperature Controller Untuk Enclosure Bts Berbasis Microcontroller Wemos Dan Android

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    Enclosure atau sering disebut sebagai Panel Box adalah kotak berbahan plastik atau logam, yang merupakan tempat di mana komponen-komponen utama sebuah perangkat ditempatkan. Seperti perangkat komputer, perangkat router, bahkan perangkat sinyal dan lain sebagainya. Enclosure pada perangkat Base Transceiver Station (BTS) dirancang dan didesain untuk kondisi outdoor terutama cuaca panas. Alat ini dirancang menggunakan sensor suhu DHT11 sebagai sumber informasi data untuk diolah mikrokontroler Wemos, apabila suhu melebihi batas suhu yang ditentukan maka akan otomatis menggerakkan kipas DC dan bila suhu kembali normal maka secara otomatis kipas DC akan berhenti berputar. Selain itu alat ini juga dirancang dapat bekerja secara manual dan dikontrol melalui App Blynk dari smartphone Android secara wireless.Alat pengontrol suhu ini bekerja berdasarkan Perubahan suhu ruangan sekitar yang berubah-ubah dengan error rata-rata 1.15oC sesuai dengan nilai toleransi datasheet sensor suhu DHT11 sebesar ± 2.0oC untuk kondisi “sebelum dipanaskan” dan “sedang dipanaskan”. Dengan dirancangnya alat ini, diharapkan mengurangi resiko kerusakan perangkat pada enclosure mini BTS akibat dari cuaca panas.Kata Kunci— Enclosure, DHT11, Wemos, Android, Blyn

    Communication Analysis of Swadaya Rubber Farmers in Subdistrict XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar District

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    This research aims to determine the internal characteristics and external characteristics of rubber farmers in self-help patterns and the communication process in Subdistrict XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar District.. Based on data on the area of ​​rubber plantations and the amount of rubber production in Riau Province has decreased in the last four years. This is caused by various factors, one of which is due to farmers' communication processes that are running poorly or not as expected. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the internal and external characteristics of independent smallholder rubber farmers and the communication process through the elements of communication using survey methods, sample selection with purposive sampling method and Likert scale analysis tools and descriptive analysis. Based on Likert scale analysis, internal characteristics and external characteristics of rubber farmers in District XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar Regency are in the moderate category (quite good). The communication process in this study is seen from the elements of communication, namely communicators, messages, media, communicants, effects, feedback, place and time dimension

    Lentera UMKM-Pendampingan UMKM Regie’s Production Berbasis Teknologi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 IEEE HAC & SIGHT Project

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    Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu penggerak pembangunan dan perekonomian Indonesia. Di tengah kondisi pandemi Covid19 UMKM ditantang untuk dapat eksis dan bertahan menghadapi segala bentuk ancaman yang ada. Mulai dari merosotnya daya beli masyarakat hingga berakibat jatuhnya UMKM karena kondisi yang tidak pasti ini. Selain itu ancaman kesehatan juga tidak luput. Pelaku UMKM melayani dan bertransaksi dengan pembeli, adanya kontak fisik menjadi salah satu penyebab penularan virus Covid19. Rumusan masalah dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah bagaimana pelaku UMKM dapat memasarkan produknya di masa pandemi dan dapat memanfaatkan platform atau teknologi sehingga tidak perlu melakukan kontak langsung dengan pembeli. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan   pembinaan terus menerus secara terpadu dengan bantuan teknologi yang direkomendasikan (Halosis, Canva, Web lentera-umkm.com)

    Lentera UMKM-Pendampingan UMKM Regie’s Production Berbasis Teknologi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 IEEE HAC & SIGHT Project

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) is one of the drivers of development and the Indonesian economy. In the midst of the Covid19 pandemic, MSMEs are challenged to exist and survive all forms of existing threats. Starting from the decline in people's purchasing power to result in the fall of MSMEs due to this uncertain condition. In addition, health threats are also not spared MSME players serve and transact with buyers, physical contact is one of the causes of transmission of the Covid19 virus. The formulation of the problem of community service is how MSME actors can market their products during a pandemic and can take advantage of platforms or technology so that there is no need to make direct contact with buyers. The purpose of this community service is to provide continuous coaching in an integrated manner with the help of recommended technology (Halosis, Canva, Web lantera-umkm.com).   Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu penggerak pembangunan dan perekonomian Indonesia. Di tengah kondisi pandemi Covid19 UMKM ditantang untuk dapat eksis dan bertahan menghadapi segala bentuk ancaman yang ada. Mulai dari merosotnya daya beli masyarakat hingga berakibat jatuhnya UMKM karena kondisi yang tidak pasti ini. Selain itu ancaman kesehatan juga tidak luput. Pelaku UMKM melayani dan bertransaksi dengan pembeli, adanya kontak fisik menjadi salah satu penyebab penularan virus Covid19. Rumusan masalah dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah bagaimana pelaku UMKM dapat memasarkan produknya di masa pandemi dan dapat memanfaatkan platform atau teknologi sehingga tidak perlu melakukan kontak langsung dengan pembeli. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan   pembinaan terus menerus secara terpadu dengan bantuan teknologi yang direkomendasikan (Halosis, Canva, Web lentera-umkm.com)

    Effects of warm-up before stretching on flexibility and torque development in elderly

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of warm up exercises on flexibility and torque development of elderly subjects submitted to a protocol of hamstring muscles stretching. 28 subjects (9 men and 19 women), aged 66.4±6 years, volunteered for this study. Subjects were randomly divided into 2 protocols: a stretching protocol (group A) and a warm up and stretching protocol (group B). Both groups received the intervention for 4 weeks, with three sessions per week, consisting of 6 bouts of active stretching lasting 30 seconds. Subjects were evaluated on selection (T1), immediately before the intervention (T2), immediately after (T3) and a month after (T4) the intervention period for measures of knee extension range of motion (ROM) and angle with a goniometer and for active and passive peak torque (Nm s-1) at 60°/s and 2°/s respectively using a isokinetic dynamometer. Anova Two-Way and a post hoc analysis using the Tukey’s test were applied to test the differences between and within groups. Both groups presented reduction of the knee extension range of motion deficit (p=0.001), increase of the active peak torque flexor in eccentric (p=0.003) and concentric (p=0.015) phases, and reduction of the peak torque angle of the knee flexors in the eccentric phase (p=0.046) when comparing T3 with T2 for both groups, without significant difference between groups. The passive peak torque did not vary significantly (p\u3e0.05) between the evaluations. The pre-exercise warm up was unable to elicit differences in flexibility and torque development of the hamstrings in elderly subjects

    Mengkaji Perbandingan Pola Perilaku Konsumen di Pasar Modern (Retail) dan di Pasar Tradisional

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    The purposes of this study were to explain the behavior patterns of consumers in traditional and modern markets. The sampling criteria were: women, minimum age 17 years, and had shopped at the Surabaya traditional market or modern market. The result show that factors influence consumer to purchase in the traditional market were low price and strategic location and in the modern market were comfortable, good layout and discounted price. The factors that affect consumers reluctant to shop in the traditional market were uncomfortable, unguaranty quality product, bad infrastructure and in the modern market were high price and no bargaining price

    Magnetization Reversal by Electric-Field Decoupling of Magnetic and Ferroelectric Domains Walls in Multiferroic-Based Heterostructures

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    We demonstrate that the magnetization of a ferromagnet in contact with an antiferromagnetic multiferroic (LuMnO3) can be speedily reversed by electric field pulsing, and the sign of the magnetic exchange bias can switch and recover isothermally. As LuMnO3 is not ferroelastic, our data conclusively show that this switching is not mediated by strain effects but is a unique electric-field driven decoupling of the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic domains walls. Their distinct dynamics are essential for the observed magnetic switching

    Dielectric characterization of multiferroic magnetoelectric double-perovskite Y(Ni0.5Mn0.5)O3 thin films

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    We report on functional properties of Y(Ni0.5Mn0.5)O3 epitaxial thin films, growth by pulsed laser deposition, observing clear features of its ferroelectric and ferromagnetic nature at cryogenic temperature. Temperature-dependent complex impedance spectroscopy (IS) characterization has shown a dielectric anomaly around the ferromagnetic Curie temperature ( 100 K) indicative of coupling between magnetic and electric orders
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