80 research outputs found

    Factors that affect inpatients' quality of sleep

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    The aim of this study was to identify factors that interfere with the sleep quality of patients admitted to a university hospital in a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. This was an exploratory, crosssectional study using non-probability sampling. Participants were 117 patients (59% men, mean age 48.0 years, standard deviation 16.9) hospitalized for at least 72 hours in stable clinical condition. The data were collected with an identification questionnaire and the Factors Affecting Sleep Quality (FASQ) questionnaire. Data processing was performed with descriptive statistics; each item of the FASQ underwent a test and a retest. The factors most often reported were waking up early (55.6%), disrupted sleep (52.1%), excessive lighting (34.2%), receipt of care by nursing staff (33.3%) and organic disorders such as pain and fatigue (26.5%). It is suggested that nurses should plan interventions to modify factors that require intense noise and lighting at night in order to reduce disruption and, consequently, sleep deprivation among patients.Este estudo objetivou identificar fatores que interferem na qualidade do sono de pacientes internados em hospital universitário do interior de São Paulo. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, de corte transversal, com amostragem não probabilística. Participaram 117 pacientes (59% homens, idade média de 48 anos, desvio padrão 16,9) internados há pelo menos 72 horas, em condições clínicas estáveis. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionário de identificação e Fatores Intervenientes na Qualidade do Sono (FIQS). O tratamento dos dados foi feito com estatística descritiva e cada item do FIQS foi submetido a teste e reteste. Os fatores apontados com maior frequência foram: acordar cedo (55,6%), sono interrompido (52,1%), iluminação excessiva (34,2%), recebimento de cuidados pela equipe de enfermagem (33,3%) e distúrbios orgânicos como dor e fadiga (26,5%). Sugere-se que os enfermeiros planejem intervenções buscando modificar fatores que propiciam ruídos e iluminação intensos à noite, visando reduzir interrupções e, consequentemente, a privação de sono.Se objetivó identificar factores que interfieren en la calidad del sueño de pacientes internados en un hospital universitario del interior de São Paulo. Estudio exploratorio, transversal, con muestra no probabilística. Participaron 117 pacientes (59% masculinos, media etaria 48,0 años, desvío estándar 16,9) internados al menos hace 72 horas, en condiciones clínicas estables. Se utilizaron los instrumentos: cuestionario de identificación y Factores Intervinientes en la Calidad del Sueño (FIQS). Los datos se analizaron según la estadística descriptiva, cada ítem del FIQS fue sometido a prueba y contraprueba. Los factores señalados como más frecuentes fueron: despertar temprano (55,6%), sueño interrumpido (52,1%), iluminación excesiva (32,4%), recepción de cuidados de enfermería (33,3%) y disturbios orgánicos, como dolor y fatiga (26,5%). Se sugiere que los enfermeros planifiquen intervenciones buscando modificar factores generadores de ruidos e iluminación intensa por la noche, apuntando a reducir interrupciones y consecuentes privaciones en el sueño.465

    Missão Polyedros: um diálogo entre a arte analógica e a digital e o ensino de geometria espacial através de atividades gamificadas

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    As tecnologias digitais, sobretudo os games, são importantes ferramentas para o estímulo de habilidades e competências artísticas, culturais e curriculares que, quando aliadas ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem, resultam em inúmeros benefícios para alunos e professores de um modo geral. O problema está no fato de que muitos docentes ainda não têm formação adequada para utilizar artefatos digitais, e muitos dos softwares e games educacionais existentes ainda são insuficientes e carentes de interfaces gráficas, funcionalidades, recursos, entre outros parâmetros, quando comparados com os comerciais. O objetivo é de apresentar um estudo sobre o ensino de geometria espacial, através de atividades gamificadas, estabelecendo diálogos entre a arte analógica e a digital, e o ensino de Geometria espacial com alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública. Dos resultados obtidos, destacam-se o comportamento participativo e o engajamento dos discentes, que se mostraram interessados em compreender o que estava sendo ministrado, graças às mecânicas de jogo empregadas. Os resultados mostraram que, quando aliada à utilização das Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) ou a materiais concretos, a gamificação emerge como uma alternativa com grande potencial. Entretanto, por si só, ela não transforma a sala de aula nem garante o sucesso na execução de atividades, razão pela qual é necessária uma boa metodologia e o controle de turma por parte do professor, assim como a colaboração dos alunos para que haja uma aprendizagem tranquila e eficaz.Digital technologies are important tools to motivate artistic, cultural and curricular skills. When added to the teaching and learning process, they result in many benefits for teachers and students. Many teachers, however, still do have not the appropriate instruction to use digital artifacts, and most of the educational software and games are still insufficient and have poor graphical interfaces, resources and others parameters when compared to the commercial ones. The goal of this article is to present a study about spatial geometry’s teaching, through gamified activities, establishing dialogues between analogue and digital arts, in the teaching of third grade high school students from a public school. The results prove the participative behavior and the engagement of students, who have showed interest in understanding what was being taught, thanks to the game mechanics used. The results also show that when allied to Digital Technologies of Information and Comunication (TDIC), or other concrete materials, the gamification process emerges as an alternative with strong potential. However, by itself, it does not transform the classroom nor guarantees the success of the activities. For these reasons, a good methodology and classroom control by the teacher, as well as the collaboration of students, for a quiet and effective learning, is mandatory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multilayered interface in Ti/Macor (R) machinable glass-ceramic joints

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    Macor® machinable glass-ceramic and commercially pure (cp.) titanium were joined by active metal brazing, using a 64Ag–34.5Cu–1.5Ti (wt.%) filler alloy. The influence of the brazing temperature and holding stage on the microstructure and hardness profile of the interface, as well as on the shear strength of the joint, were assessed. Brazing was performed in a high vacuum furnace at 850, 890 and 930°C for 10 and 30 min. The reaction between the braze alloy and both materials led to the formation of a multilayered interface. The interfacial microstructure was analysed in a scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and the composition of each reaction layer was investigated by energy dispersive X-ray scans (EDS). The interfacial hardness profile was determined by a series of microhardness tests on each reaction layer. The mechanical strength of the joint was assessed from shear tests conducted at room temperature. Brazing at 850°C with a 10 min holding stage produced stronger joints, with an average shear strength of more than 85% of the glass-ceramic bulk strength

    The effect of brazing temperature on the titanium/glass-ceramic bonding

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    The aim of this work is to study the effect of time and brazing temperature on the interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of the joint obtained by active metal brazing between c.p. titanium and a fluorosilicate machinable ceramic±glass using a 64Ag-34.5Cu-1.5Ti (wt%) brazing alloy. The reaction between the brazing alloy and the two materials leads to the formation of several interfacial reaction layers with different compositions, morphologies and extensions. These layers are constituted by various reaction products that ensure chemical bonding between the two materials, their stability and capability to accommodate the discontinuity of properties across the interface determining the success of the joining. The interfacial microstructure was analysed by SEM and the composition of each reaction layer was investigated by EDS. Microhardness tests were performed across the interfacial zone and the global interfacial mechanical behaviour was evaluated by means of shear tests

    Joining Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb with a Ti/(Cu,Ni)/Ti clad-laminated braze alloy

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    The joining of Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb using Ti-15Cu-15Ni (wt.%) as braze alloy was investigated. Experiments were conducted at 980 and 1000ºC for 10 min. The microstructure and the chemical composition of the interfaces were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), respectively. For both processing conditions the reaction between the gamma-TiAl alloy and the braze alloy produced layered interfaces, which are essentially composed of apha2-Ti3Al and of Ti-Ni-Cu-Al and Ti-Ni-Cu intermetallic compounds. Microhardness tests showed that all reaction layers are harder than either the gamma or the (alpha2 + gamma) lamellar grains of the intermetallic alloy

    Assessing the influence of heat treatments on γ-TiAl joints

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    The heat treatment of γ-TiAl alloy (Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb (at.%)) diffusion brazed joints was investigated. Joining was performed using a Ti/Ni/Ti clad-laminated braze alloy foil at 1050 and 1150ºC with a dwell time of 10 minutes. The joints were subsequently heat treated at 1250 and 1350ºC for 240 and 30 minutes, respectively. The microstructure and the chemical composition of the interfaces were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), respectively. Microhardness tests performed across the interface were used to roughly predict the mechanical behaviour of the as-diffusion brazed and of the heat treated joints. Diffusion brazing produced interfaces with two distinct layers essentially composed of α2-Ti3Al and of TiNiAl; γ-TiAl was also detected for joining at 1150ºC. After heat treating, the as-diffusion brazed microstructure of the interface was completely replaced by a mixture essentially composed of γ-TiAl and α2–Ti3Al single phase grains and of (α2 + γ) lamellar grains. Microhardness tests showed that the hardness of the as-diffusion brazed interfaces, which ranges from 567 to 844 HV (15 gf), is significantly higher than that of the titanium aluminide alloy (272 HV). All post-joining heat treatments lowered substantially the hardness of the interface, as the hardness of the main phases detected at the interfacial zone after heat treating the joints is comprised between 296 and 414 HV.(undefined

    Retrogression and re-ageing of 7075 aluminium alloy : microstructural characterization

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    Industrial Summary: The 7075 aluminium alloy presents a low stress corrosion cracking strength when aged to achieve maximum mechanical strength, T6 temper; high stress corrosion cracking strength is attained with overageing, T7 temper; but with loss of mechanical strength. Retrogression and re-ageing treatments improves the stress corrosion behaviour of the alloy whilst maintaining the mechanical resistance of the T6 temper. The microstructures produced by the retrogression and re-ageing treatments were characterized in this study by transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The precipitation is extremely Æne and distributed homogeneously inside the grains, being slightly denser and more stable than that resulting from the T6 temper; whilst the grain boundary precipitation is quite different from that resulting from T6 treatment, the particles being coarser, and much closer to the precipitation resulting from T7 temper. The retrogression temperature is the main property controlling factor; a higher retrogression temperature, increasing the dissolution degree, promotes the formation of more stable precipitates on re-ageing

    Characterization of Ni-CNTs Nanocomposites Produced by Ball-Milling

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    This research focuses on the characterization of a metal matrix nanocomposite (MMNC) comprised of a nickel matrix reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The aim of this study was to characterize Ni-CNTs nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy using ball-milling. CNTs were initially untangled using ultrasonication followed by mixture/dispersion with Ni powder by ball-milling for 60, 180, or 300 min. The mixtures were cold-pressed and then pressureless sintered at 950 degrees C for 120 min under vacuum. Their microstructural characterization was mainly performed by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The mechanical properties were evaluated by Vickers microhardness. The results indicate that combining ultrasonication and ball-milling can successfully produce Ni-CNTs nanocomposites. The ball-milling time has a significant effect on both the CNT dispersion and the final nanocomposite microstructure

    EBSD Analysis of Metal Matrix Nanocomposite Microstructure Produced by Powder Metallurgy

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    The development of metal nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) remains a focus of the scientific community due to the growing need to produce lightweight advanced materials with unique mechanical properties. However, for the successful production of these nanocomposites, there is a need to consolidate knowledge about how reinforcement influences the matrix microstructure and which are the strengthening mechanisms promoting the best properties. In this context, this investigation focuses on the study of the reinforcement effect on the microstructure of an Ni-CNT nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy. The microstructural evolution was analysed by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). The EBSD results revealed that the dispersion/mixing and pressing processes induce plastic deformation in the as-received powders. The dislocation structures produced in those initial steps are partially eliminated in the sintering process due to the activation of recovery and recrystallization mechanisms. However, the presence of CNTs in the matrix has a significant effect on the dislocation annihilation, thus reducing the recovery of the dislocation structures

    Posturas municipais portuguesas (séculos XIV-XVIII)

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    Numa cronologia alargada (séculos XIV-XVIII), este volume reúne vários estudos sobre posturas municipais e edita um dos principais testemunhos deste tipo de fontes históricas existente na Península Ibérica, o Livro de posturas antigas de Évora, composto no século XV