17 research outputs found

    Radar XS: a newscast under a veil of contradiction

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    Neste artigo, o telejornal infantil da RTP, Radar XS, lançado em setembro de 2019 e dirigido a crianças entre os oito e os 12 anos de idade, é analisado a partir das lentes da Semiótica Social e da Análise Crítica do Discurso. Tendo em conta nomeadamente o contexto em que este telejornal é produzido, bem como os signos visuais, plásticos e linguísticos presentes, procurou-se compreender qual a conceção de criança que está subjacente à sua produção, acedendo a camadas de significação escondidas no discurso. Pierre Bourdieu afirma que a figura do camponês só pode ser compreendida tendo em conta a sua relação com o citadino e com a vida urbana. Acreditamos que o mesmo acontece com a criança e com a sua relação com o adulto e o mundo adulto. Daí que o Radar XS seja analisado tendo implícita uma comparação com os telejornais dos adultos. Resgatámos, ainda, de Bourdieu, o seu entendimento do espaço de comunicação como mercado simbólico, atendendo às relações de poder que se manifestam no ato comunicativo: quem fala? Que legitimidade tem para falar? Que ideologia está implícita à mensagem? Que espaço é dado ao interlocutor? Concluímos que o Radar XS é um objeto antagónico que, por um lado, veicula uma visão da criança como sujeito de direitos limitados, mas, por outro, a empodera.In this paper, RTP's children's newscast, Radar XS, which was launched in September 2019 and is aimed at children of ages between eight and 12, is analysed through the lens of Social Semiotics and Critical Discourse Analysis. Bearing in mind the context in which the newscast is produced, as well as the visual, plastic and linguistic signs which are present in the programme, we have tried to understand the conception of a child underlying its production, and have looked for layers of meaning which may be hidden in the discourse. Pierre Bourdieu argues that the notion of a peasant can only be understood by taking into account its relationship with the city and the urban life. We believe the same happens with the child and his/her relationship with the adult and the adult world. Thus, Radar XS is analysed departing from a comparison with adults newscasts. We also revisited from Bourdieu’s understanding of the field of communication as a symbolic market, by taking into account the power relations that exist in the communicative act: who speaks? What legitimacy does he/she have to speak? What ideology is behind the message? What space is given to the interlocutor? We concluded that Radar XS is an antagonistic object that, on one hand, conveys a view of the child as a subject with limited rights, but, on the other, empowers him/her.Este estudo foi realizado no âmbito do projeto de doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação, na Universidade do Minho, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia através da bolsa com a referência BD/139388/2018

    The Youtubers Phenomenon: What Makes Youtube Stars so Popular for Young People?

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    This paper aims to explore and to analyse the channels and the five most viewed videos published in May 2017 by two YouTubers – the Portuguese Wuant and the Swede PewDiePie. These YouTube stars were highlighted by a sample of Portuguese teenagers during the fieldwork of the European research project Transmedia Literacy. Based on these two cases, the article intends to identify the main distinctive traits of their productions, focusing on contents, performances and aesthetics, seeking to understand what characteristics make these YouTubers so popular among the young generation. The video analysis reveals complex, hybrid characters whose merit of attracting millions of fans cannot be denied. Their eccentric body language, the preference for easy jokes, the recurrence of slang, and a certain civic apathy are some of the very distinguishing features of these YouTubers.Este artículo tiene como objetivo explorar y analizar los canales y los cinco videos más vistos publicados en mayo de 2017 por dos YouTubers: el portugués Wuant y el sueco PewDiePie. Estas estrellas de YouTube fueron destacadas por una muestra de adolescentes portugueses durante el trabajo de campo del proyecto de investigación europeo Transmedia Literacy. Con base en estos dos casos, el artículo intenta identificar los principales rasgos distintivos de sus producciones, centrándose en los contenidos, la interpretación y la estética, buscando comprender qué características hacen que estos YouTubers sean tan populares entre los jóvenes. El análisis de los videos revela personajes complejos y híbridos, cuyo mérito de atraer a millones de fans no puede ser negado. Su excéntrico lenguaje corporal, la preferencia por los chistes fáciles, la recurrencia de la jerga y una cierta apatía cívica son algunas de sus características distintivas

    Explicar o mundo às crianças: análise de espaços noticiosos dirigidos ao público infantojuvenil

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    [Excerto] O estudo da relação das crianças com as notícias tem captado a atenção de investigadores de diferentes áreas, tendo proliferado nos últimos anos as pesquisas centradas nesta problemática (CARTER et al., 2009; LEMISH; PICK-ALONY, 2013; DELORME, 2013; BRITES, 2013; CONDEZA et al., 2014; ALON-TIROSH; LEMISH, 2014). Destes estudos sobressaem dois ângulos de abordagem principais: (1) a receção das notícias pelas crianças, procurando estudar as suas perceções e representações, as suas reações emocionais e o impacto na socialização política e no envolvimento cívico; (2) a produção e oferta de espaços e de conteúdos noticiosos para o público mais novo. Num outro ângulo de abordagem, podemos ainda registar as pesquisas sobre a representação das crianças e da infância nas notícias, mais especificamente, na imprensa e na televisão (DROTNER, 2013; OLSON; RAMPAUL, 2013; MARÔPO, 2013; RAMOS et al., 2013; PONTE, 2005 e 2009; FEILITZEN, 2002) (...)

    Children, young people and the news: a systematic literature review based on Communication Abstracts

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    Apesar de terem a sua raiz na Medicina e de serem mais frequentes nas Ciências Naturais, as revisões sistemáticas da literatura podem revestir-se de grande utilidade, também, nas Ciências Sociais, nomeadamente quando se pretende empreender um estudo que identifique e mapeie o que foi alvo de interesse por parte dos cientistas num determinado campo. Neste artigo, a técnica de revisão sistemática de literatura foi aplicada à principal base de dados no campo da Comunicação, a Communication Abstracts, com o intuito de perceber quem, quando e onde tem estudado a relação entre crianças e/ou jovens e notícias e qual tem sido o ângulo privilegiado pela investigação. Uma amostra de 146 títulos e resumos de artigos foi analisada. Os resultados revelam que os estudos de receção e de representação dominam a investigação no tema em apreço, sendo pouco expressivos os estudos sobre a produção e praticamente residuais aqueles que se debruçam sobre a mediação parental e as preocupações éticas dos jornalistas quando cobrem acontecimentos que envolvem crianças e jovens.Despite having their roots in Medicine and being more frequently used in Natural Sciences, systematic reviews can also be extremely useful when it comes to the Social Sciences, namely when the aim is to conduct a study that identifies and maps the subject of interest of scientists in a given area. In this paper, a systematic literature review has been applied to the main database in the field of Communication, Communication Abstracts, as to try and understand who studied the relationship between children and/or young people and the news, when and where that happened, as well as the angle of the investigation. A sample of 146 titles and abstracts was reviewed. The findings show that most of them were reception and representation studies, whereas production studies were in much smaller number; studies on parental mediation and journalists’ ethical concerns when covering events involving children and young people were practically residual.Este estudo foi realizado no âmbito do projeto de doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação, na Universidade do Minho, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia através da bolsa com a referência BD/139388/2018. Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/00736/2020. O Financiamento Plurianual do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (UIDB/00736/2020) apoiou a tradução do artig

    Crianças, jovens e notícias: uma revisão sistemática da literatura a partir da Communication Abstracts

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    Apesar de terem a sua raiz na Medicina e de serem mais frequentes nas Ciências Naturais, as revisões sistemáticas da literatura podem revestir-se de grande utilidade, também, nas Ciências Sociais, nomeadamente quando se pretende empreender um estudo que identifique e mapeie o que foi alvo de interesse por parte dos cientistas num determinado campo. Neste artigo, a técnica de revisão sistemática de literatura foi aplicada à principal base de dados no campo da Comunicação, a Communication Abstracts, com o intuito de perceber quem, quando e onde tem estudado a relação entre crianças e/ou jovens e notícias e qual tem sido o ângulo privilegiado pela investigação. Uma amostra de 146 títulos e resumos de artigos foi analisada. Os resultados revelam que os estudos de receção e de representação dominam a investigação no tema em apreço, sendo pouco expressivos os estudos sobre a produção e praticamente residuais aqueles que se debruçam sobre a mediação parental e as preocupações éticas dos jornalistas quando cobrem acontecimentos que envolvem crianças e jovens.Despite having their roots in Medicine and being more frequently used in Natural Sciences, systematic reviews can also be extremely useful when it comes to the Social Sciences, namely when the aim is to conduct a study that identifies and maps the subject of interest of scientists in a given area. In this paper, a systematic literature review has been applied to the main database in the field of Communication, Communication Abstracts, as to try and understand who studied the relationship between children and/or young people and the news, when and where that happened, as well as the angle of the investigation. A sample of 146 titles and abstracts was reviewed. The findings show that most of them were reception and representation studies, whereas production studies were in much smaller number; studies on parental mediation and journalists’ ethical concerns when covering events involving children and young people were practically residual

    Levar os media para a escola: agenda de atividades de transliteracia

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    [Excerto] Esta é a quarta Agenda de uma coleção que pretende propor um conjunto de atividades que permita ou inspire a promoção da Literacia para os Media em instituições de aprendizagem, formal ou não formal. Esta publicação em particular surge no âmbito de um projeto europeu intitulado TRANSLITERACY – TRANSMEDIA LITERACY: Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education (GA 645238 / Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Actions). Trata-se de um estudo que envolve oito países, entre os quais Portugal, e que na Universidade do Minho foi desenvolvido no Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade. Tendo por base uma metodologia mista, mas apostando sobretudo em métodos qualitativos, o projeto procurou estudar, analisar e compreender as competências que os adolescentes adquirem fora da escola, sobretudo com e através dos media, e produzir um kit de atividades dirigido a professores de modo a incentivar a integração dessas aprendizagens informais em contextos formais de aprendizagem. É neste quadro que surge esta Agenda, com 15 atividades e vários recursos para ‘Levar os Media para a Escola' [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El fenómeno de los YouTubers: ¿qué hace que las estrellas de YouTube sean tan populares entre los jóvenes?

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    This paper aims to explore and to analyse the channels and the five most viewed videos published in May 2017 by two YouTubers – the Portuguese Wuant and the Swede PewDiePie. These YouTube stars were highlighted by a sample of Portuguese teenagers during the fieldwork of the European research project Transmedia Literacy. Based on these two cases, the article intends to identify the main distinctive traits of their productions, focusing on con-tents, performances and aesthetics, seeking to understand what characteristics make these YouTubers so popular among the young generation. The video analysis reveals complex, hybrid characters whose merit of attracting mil-lions of fans cannot be denied. Their eccentric body language, the preference for easy jokes, the recurrence of slang, and a certain civic apathy are some of the very distinguishing features of these YouTubers.Este artículo tiene como objetivo explorar y analizar los canales y los cinco videos más vistos publicados en mayo de 2017 por dos YouTubers: el portugués Wuant y el sueco PewDiePie. Estas estrellas de YouTube fueron destacadas por una muestra de adolescentes portugueses durante el trabajo de campo del proyecto de investigación europeo Transmedia Literacy. Con base en estos dos casos, el artículo intenta identificar los principales rasgos distintivos de sus producciones, centrándose en los contenidos, la interpretación y la estética, buscando comprender qué caracte-rísticas hacen que estos YouTubers sean tan populares entre los jóvenes. El análisis de los videos revela personajes complejos y híbridos, cuyo mérito de atraer a millones de fans no puede ser negado. Su excéntrico lenguaje corporal, la preferencia por los chistes fáciles, la recurrencia de la jerga y una cierta apatía cívica son algunas de sus característi-cas distintivas.This paper draws on a European research project entitled Transmedia Literacy. Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 645238 (TRANSLITERACY - 645238 / H2020 - Research and Innovation actions).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Young people learning from digital media outside of school: The informal meets the formal

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    The dissonance between what teenagers learn in classrooms and their everyday lives is not a recent phenomenon, but it is increasingly relevant as school systems are unable to follow the evolution of media and society beyond traditional concerns regarding the protection of young people. An overly scholarly view of learning continues to prevail in our society, which seems to marginalize the knowledge that young people develop with and through media and digital platforms. Based on questionnaires, workshops, and interviews conducted with Portuguese teenagers, aged 12 to 16 years old (N=78), attending an urban and a rural school in the North of the country, this paper aims to understand how these teens are learning to use the media, what motivates them, and if their media practices contribute to the acquisition of skills and competencies useful to their lives inside and outside school. The research main results confirm the existence of a gap between formal and informal education. Informal education is mainly motivated by their needs and peer influence. Colleagues and family, alongside the Internet and self-discovery, appear as important sources of knowledge. Another important conclusion is that informal learning strategies contribute to the development of skills and competencies that are useful from a school viewpoint

    Young people learning from digital media outside of school: The informal meets the formal

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    The dissonance between what teenagers learn in classrooms and their everyday lives is not a recent phenomenon, but it is increasingly relevant as school systems are unable to follow the evolution of media and society beyond traditional concerns regarding the protection of young people. An overly scholarly view of learning continues to prevail in our society, which seems to marginalize the knowledge that young people develop with and through media and digital platforms. Based on questionnaires, workshops, and interviews conducted with Portuguese teenagers, aged 12 to 16 years old (N=78), attending an urban and a rural school in the North of the country, this paper aims to understand how these teens are learning to use the media, what motivates them, and if their media practices contribute to the acquisition of skills and competencies useful to their lives inside and outside school. The research main results confirm the existence of a gap between formal and informal education. Informal education is mainly motivated by their needs and peer influence. Colleagues and family, alongside the Internet and self-discovery, appear as important sources of knowledge. Another important conclusion is that informal learning strategies contribute to the development of skills and competencies that are useful from a school viewpoint

    Developing human biomonitoring as a 21st century toolbox within the European exposure science strategy 2020-2030

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    Human biomonitoring (HBM) is a crucial approach for exposure assessment, as emphasised in the European Commission’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS). HBM can help to improve chemical policies in five major key areas: (1) assessing internal and aggregate exposure in different target populations; 2) assessing exposure to chemicals across life stages; (3) assessing combined exposure to multiple chemicals (mixtures); (4) bridging regulatory silos on aggregate exposure; and (5) enhancing the effectiveness of risk management measures. In this strategy paper we propose a vision and a strategy for the use of HBM in chemical regulations and public health policy in Europe and beyond. We outline six strategic objectives and a roadmap to further strengthen HBM approaches and increase their implementation in the regulatory risk assessment of chemicals to enhance our understanding of exposure and health impacts, enabling timely and targeted policy interventions and risk management. These strategic objectives are: 1) further development of sampling strategies and sample preparation; 2) further development of chemical-analytical HBM methods; 3) improving harmonisation throughout the HBM research life cycle; 4) further development of quality control / quality assurance throughout the HBM research life cycle; 5) obtain sustained funding and reinforcement by legislation; and 6) extend target-specific communication with scientists, policymakers, citizens and other stakeholders. HBM approaches are essential in risk assessment to address scientific, regulatory and societal challenges. HBM requires full and strong support from the scientific and regulatory domain to reach its full potential in public and occupational health assessment and in regulatory decision-making.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio