898 research outputs found

    Developing a “values teaching responsibility perception scale” for prospective teachers

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    In this study a measurement device that could be used to determine the values teaching responsibility perceptions of prospective teachers was aimed to be developed. For this purpose, literature on values teaching was investigated and the views of prospective teachers were taken and a 46 itemed item pool was prepared. The items were reorganized according to expert views and 46 item preliminary form was prepared. This preliminary form was applied to 274 prospective teachers 206 of whom were female and 62 were male studying in different grades and departments of Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education in 2018-2019 academic year Autumn semester. Validity and reliability analyses were conducted on the data set obtained from the application. The data set was applied first Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for construct validity and then Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied on a different group of 352 prospective teachers 278 of whom were female and 80 male. At the end of exploratory factor analysis, a scale form consisting of 35 items and 4 sub-dimensions was obtained. The four factor structure about the scale explains the 61.46% of the total variance. According to the reliability analysis Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient for the overall scale is .97, for sub-dimensions respectively as .93, .93, .88 and .84. The model fit indices for the scale at the end of the confirmatory factor analysis are determined as RMSEA, .064; χ2/df=2.1; SRMR=.06; IFI=.90; CFI=.90. Values obtained from this shows that the scale construct is validated

    The Effects of Intensive Ski Training on Postural Balance of Athletes

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    Abstract The objective of this study is to observe the effects of intensive ski training as a new set of skills on dynamic and static balance of male and female athletes who receive regular and formal sports education. Athletes who have never skied before but received education at similar sports activities volunteered (Ski training group;12 males, aged: 23,752,13 years; 8 females, aged: 22,370,91 years, Control group; 11 males, aged : 23,752,13 years and 9 females, aged :22,370,91 years

    Increased serum procalcitonin levels in pregnant patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria

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    Background: Among the pregnancy urinary tract infections, asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is the most common one. Untreated ASB can progress to pyelonephritis in 30-50% of the patients and can also result in prematurity in 27% of the pregnancy so it needs immediate diagnosis and treatment. In this study, we wanted to evaluate procalcitonin levels, compared to other inflammatory in pregnant women with ASB.Methods: The study was designed between the period of January 2012 and February 2013 at Sakarya University School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. The study population included 30 pregnant patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria and 39 healthy pregnant controls.Results: Mean age was 28 (SD, 5.5) of the study population; mean maternal weight was 70 (SD, 8) kilogram. There were no statically significant differences between the groups according to the routine biochemical parameters, but gestational age was significantly lower in the ASB group compared to the controls (20.4 vs 28.6, respectively; p 0.05 ng/ml and 21(70%) patients had negative procalcitonin levels (Chi-squrae, p < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of procalcitonin assay for ASB was calculated as 30% and 100%, respectively. The positive predictive value was 100% and the negative predictive value was 65%. The most frequent microorganisms in the urine culture were Escherichia coli (26 patients, 87%), Proteus mirabilis (3 patients, 10%) and Klebsiella (1 patient, 3%) in the ASB group. We experienced four (44%) recurrences among nine positive procalcitonin in ASB patients after completion of treatment of the first ASB diagnosis.Discussion: Procalcitonin levels were significantly higher in ASB group than the control group and serum procalcitonin levels were higher in pregnant women with recurrent ASB. This finding is an important result revealed that high procalcitonin level can predict the further urinary tract infection risk. Finally, serum procalcitonin levels were normal in healthy pregnant women while other inflammatory markers such as WBC, ESR and CRP levels were higher. © 2013 Bilir et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Spinal cord stimulation in failed back surgery

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    Objective: Spinal cord stimulation is used for treating failed back surgery syndrome, chronic arachnoiditis, peripheral neuropathies, postamputation phantom pain, complex regional pain syndrome and pain secondary to spinal cord injury. In this study we present 7 cases with intractable neuropathic radicular pain which developed following spine surgery. Material and Methods: Spinal cord stimulation was applied to 7 (3male/4 female) patients who had failed back surgery syndrome and pain resistant to medical and invasive methods, with the council decision, which included neurosurgery, neurology, and psychiatry. One week stimulation trial was applied to all cases. Results:The mean age of the patients was 54.85±7.64 years. The mean of pain intensity in Visual Analog Scale was 8.71±0.74 at preoperative status and post operative pain intensity was 2.27±0.67 at 6 months. Pain intensity significantly decreases after spinal cord stimulation (p=0.000). One of the three cases who had unsuccessful trial period received morphine pump implantation, and percutaneous lumbar sympathectomy was applied to another one. One case who received permanent implantation was replaced to another location due to skin erosion. There was no morbidity. Conclusion: Spinal cord stimulation is an effective tool in reducing pain, in patients who have unsuccessful lower back surgery with the correct indications

    Extended Durability of a Cloth-Covered Star-Edwards Caged Ball Prosthesis in Aortic Position

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    The Starr-Edwards caged ball valve is one of the oldest cardiac valve prosthesis and was widely used all around the world in the past decades. Despite the long-term results that have been reported there are only a few cases reported that exceed 30 years of durability. Here in, we report a 53-year-old patient with a well-functioning 35-year-old aortic Starr-Edwards caged ball prosthesis

    Phase-sensitive plasmonic biosensor using a portable and large field-of-view interferometric microarray imager

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    Nanophotonics, and more specifically plasmonics, provides a rich toolbox for biomolecular sensing, since the engineered metasurfaces can enhance light–matter interactions to unprecedented levels. So far, biosensing associated with high-quality factor plasmonic resonances has almost exclusively relied on detection of spectral shifts and their associated intensity changes. However, the phase response of the plasmonic resonances have rarely been exploited, mainly because this requires a more sophisticated optical arrangement. Here we present a new phase-sensitive platform for high-throughput and label-free biosensing enhanced by plasmonics. It employs specifically designed Au nanohole arrays and a large field-of-view interferometric lens-free imaging reader operating in a collinear optical path configuration. This unique combination allows the detection of atomically thin (angstrom-level) topographical features over large areas, enabling simultaneous reading of thousands of microarray elements. As the plasmonic chips are fabricated using scalable techniques and the imaging reader is built with low-cost off-the-shelf consumer electronic and optical components, the proposed platform is ideal for point-of-care ultrasensitive biomarker detection from small sample volumes. Our research opens new horizons for on-site disease diagnostics and remote health monitoring.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    X-ray and multi-epoch optical/UV investigations of BAL to non-BAL quasar transformations

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    We report on an X-ray and optical/UV study of eight Broad Absorption Line (BAL) to non-BAL transforming quasars at zz\,\approx\,1.7-2.2 over 0.29-4.95 rest-frame years with at least three spectroscopic epochs for each quasar from the SDSS, BOSS, GeminiGemini, and ARC 3.5-m telescopes. New ChandraChandra observations obtained for these objects show their values of αox\alpha_{\rm ox} and Δαox\Delta{\alpha}_{\rm ox}, as well as their spectral energy distributions, are consistent with those of non-BAL quasars. Moreover, our targets have X-ray spectral shapes that are, on average, consistent with weakened absorption with an effective power-law photon index of Γeff=1.690.25+0.25\Gamma_{\rm eff}\,=\,1.69^{+0.25}_{-0.25}. The newer GeminiGemini and ARC 3.5-m spectra reveal that the BAL troughs have remained absent since the BOSS observations where the BAL disappearance was discovered. The X-ray and optical/UV results in tandem are consistent with at least the X-ray absorbing material moving out of the line-of-sight, leaving an X-ray unabsorbed non-BAL quasar. The UV absorber might have become more highly ionized (in a shielding-gas scenario) or also moved out of the line-of-sight (in a wind-clumping scenario).Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spectrophotometric Simultaneous Determination of Caffeine and Paracetamol in Commercial Pharmaceutical by Principal Component Regression, Partial Least Squares and Artificial Neural Networks Chemometric Methods

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    Three multivariate calibration-prediction techniques, principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares (PLS) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were applied to the spectrometric multicomponent analysis of the drug containing paracetamol (PCT) and caffeine (CAF) without any separation step. The selection of variables was studied. A series of synthetic solution containing different concentrations of PCT and CAF were used to check the prediction ability of the PCR, PLS and ANN. The results obtained in this investigation strongly encourage us to apply these techniques for a routine analysis and quality con-trol of the drug.(doi: 10.5562/cca2214

    Effect of dual-permeability structure in a porous media on heat and mass transfer by natural convection

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    Bu &ccedil;alışmanın amacı, i&ccedil;erisinde ısı ve k&uuml;tle &uuml;retimi olan ve ge&ccedil;irgenliğin tekt&uuml;rel olmadığı g&ouml;zenekli ortamda doğal taşınımla ısı ve k&uuml;tle ge&ccedil;işini Darcy-Brinkmam modeli kullanarak incelemektir. İki boyutlu akışkana doymuş g&ouml;zenekli ortamdaki akış i&ccedil;in Soret ve Dufour etkisi ihmal edilmiş ve yoğunluk i&ccedil;in Boussinesq yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen boyutsuz korunum denklemleri h&uuml;cre merkezli sonlu hacimler y&ouml;ntemi ile ayrıklaştırılmıştır. Boyutsuz akım fonksiyonları &ldquo;Succesive Over Relaxation&rdquo;; boyutsuz derişiklik, enerji ve &ccedil;evrinti taşınım denklemleri &ldquo;Alternating Direction Implicit&rdquo; y&ouml;ntemleri ile &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;lm&uuml;şt&uuml;r. Farklı ge&ccedil;irgenliğe sahip b&ouml;lgelerin g&ouml;zenekli ortamdaki ısı ve k&uuml;tle ge&ccedil;işine etkisini incelemek i&ccedil;in iki farklı ge&ccedil;irgenli yapıyı temsil edecek altı farklı model oluşturulmuştur. Bu modellerin ge&ccedil;irgenlik değerleri 10-7ve 10-4 olmak &uuml;zere iki farklı Darcy sayısı (Da) ile temsil edilmiştir. Yapılan sayısal &ccedil;alışmalarda g&ouml;zeneklilik (&epsilon;=0.4), Prandtl sayısı (Pr=0.7), boyut oranı (A=1), Lewis sayısı (Le=10), y&uuml;zd&uuml;rme oranı (N=2) sabit tutulmuştur. Farklı Rayleigh sayıları (Ra) kullanılarak yapılan incelemenin sonu&ccedil;ları, akım fonksiyonu, eşderişiklik ve eşsıcaklık eğrileri kullanılarak sunulmuştur. Sonu&ccedil;lar, ayrıca Nusselt (Nu), Sherwood (Sh) sayılarının ve normalize edilmiş derişiklik değerlerinin değişimi dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. &Ccedil;alışmada, ikili ge&ccedil;irgenli yapı ile oluşturulan modellerin ısı ve k&uuml;tle ge&ccedil;işi &uuml;zerindeki etkilerinin y&uuml;ksek Rayleigh sayıları i&ccedil;in farklılaştığı sonucuna varılmış. Ayrıca, d&uuml;şey eksen boyunca oluşturulan ikili ge&ccedil;irgenli yapı, yatay eksen boyunca oluşturulan ikili ge&ccedil;irgenli yapıdan daha etkili olmuştur. Bunun sebebi ge&ccedil;irgen kısmın tamamının y&uuml;ksek Darcy sayısına sahip olmasıdır. &nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Doğal taşınım, g&ouml;zenekli ortam, Darcy-Brinkman modeli, ge&ccedil;irgenlik, Darcy sayısı, Rayleigh sayısı.The main objective of this work is to investigate the effect of the structure of double permeability on double diffusive natural convection. The permeability, K, is the measure of the flow conductance of the porous medium. In this study, two main cases are taken into account. In the first main case, the cavity has homogenous permability in everywhere and in the other main case; the cavity has two regions with different permeability values. The permeability of the porous medium can be represented by Darcy number, since Darcy number depends on the permeability, directly (Da=K/L2). Therefore, Darcy number is used instead of the permeability for all cases. The natural convective flow with heat and mass transfer for porous media, saturated with two dimensional fluid, having heat and mass production in solid phase was investigated by using Darcy-Brinkman model. The fluid is assumed to be a normal Boussinesq fluid that is the density variations upon temperature and concentration at constant pressure. Soret and Dufour effects on heat and mass diffusion were neglected. The cavity is cooled from all the walls, where as the right wall is partially permeable and other boundaries are impermeable. The double-diffusive natural convection in a porous cavity with partially permeable wall is analyzed by solving mass, momentum, vorticity, energy and concentration balance equations, using the Brinkman extension of the classical Darcy equation. A cell-centered finite volume scheme is applied to solve the governing equations. The stream function field is calculated by using a Successive Over Relaxation method (SOR). The grid layout was arranged by utilizing collocated grid procedure, while the power law-differencing scheme was adopted for heat, mass fluxes and vorticity transfer in the fluid domain. The iterative procedure is performed with the Alternating Direction Implicit method (ADI). For benchmarking purpose, the accuracy of the numerical code was checked in the case of double diffusive convection within a differentially heating square porous enclosure subject to a concentration difference, C, and a temperature difference, T in the horizontal direction using the results reported in Goyeau et al. (1996). The results concern mass transfer due to purely thermal natural convection (N=0) for Darcy model (Da=10-7). When the Darcy number is small enough (Da 10-7) the numerical results obtained with the Brinkman model are in agreement with Darcy's law (Bennacer et al., 2001). The average Nu and Sh numbers are in good agreement with those published in the references. The grid was selected as a trade off between numerical accuracy, stability, and computational time. A non-uniform grid (64x64) was used in all calculations. Heat and mass transfer characteristics as isoconcentration lines, streamlines, isotherms, average Sherwood numbers and Nusselt numbers were studied for different values of Rayleigh number and the structures of double permeability. The main findings of this investigation are as follow: The concentration gradients in all cases are larger according to the medium with (Da 10-7) homogenous permeability. On the other hand, the temperature gradients in all cases are smaller according to the medium with (Da 10-7) homogenous permeability. In case 3 and case 6, the Darcy number of the medium is 10-7 in 75 %. Therefore heat and mass transfer characteristics as isoconcentration lines, streamlines, isotherms, average Sherwood numbers and Nusselt numbers were expected  to be  similar, but  not seen any similarities between case 3 and case 6. There are similarities only between case 6 and case 0 for the concentration gradients and the average Sherwood numbers. The average Nusselt numbers for six cases are nearly similar. Also, the average Nusselt number increases as the Rayleigh number increases for all cases. The maximum changing of Nusselt number is seen at case 5, the minimum changing is case 0. As the Rayleigh number increases, the amount of the leakage from the cavity also increases. As a result, the leakage from the cavity has higher values in the double permeability cases that the Darcy number of the bottom region of the cavity is 10-7 in 75 % (case 6). Keywords: Natural convection, porous medium, permeability, Darcy number, Rayleigh number, Darcy-Brinkman model.

    Design optimization by employing thermal distrıbution in 3-phase induction motors

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    Basit ve sağlam yapıları nedeniyle asenkron motorlar, end&uuml;striyel uygulamalarda en yaygın elektrik motorlarıdır. Artan malzeme maliyetleri, elektrikli otomobiller ve beyaz eşya sekt&ouml;r&uuml; gibi alanlarda kompakt yapıda elektrik motorlarına duyulan ihtiya&ccedil; ve değişken hızlı tahriklerin yaygın kullanımı nedeniyle makinanın &ccedil;eşitli kısımlarındaki sıcaklık artışının belirlenmesi b&uuml;y&uuml;k &ouml;nem taşımaktadır. Bu &ccedil;alışmada, asenkron motorlarda s&uuml;rekli halde sıcaklık dağılımını ve ısıl ge&ccedil;ici rejimi belirlemek &uuml;zere akım kaynaklı elektriksel devre benzeşimine dayanan bir ısıl model oluşturulmuştur. Isıl modeli oluşturmakta kullanılan kritik parametreler belirlenmiş ve bu parametrelerin hesabı incelenmiştir. Farklı y&uuml;kleme durumları i&ccedil;in elde edilen sonu&ccedil;lar deneysel yolla elde edilen verilerle kıyaslanarak modelin doğruluğu g&ouml;sterilmiştir. Asenkron motorun s&uuml;rekli rejimdeki işletme b&uuml;y&uuml;kl&uuml;klerini hesaplayan bir tasarım programı yazılmıştır. Gerek imalat&ccedil;ı, gerek kullanıcı a&ccedil;ısından motor performansının iyileştirilmesi ve maliyetin d&uuml;ş&uuml;r&uuml;lmesi b&uuml;y&uuml;k &ouml;nem taşımaktadır. İşletme maliyetinin toplam maliyetin b&uuml;y&uuml;k bir kısmını oluşturması nedeniyle, işletme maliyetinin, motorda kullanılan aktif malzemelerin iyileştirilmesi ve motor tasarım değişkenlerinin optimizasyonu yoluyla azaltılması b&uuml;y&uuml;k &ouml;nem taşır. Isıl model, asenkron motor tasarım programıyla birleştirilerek motor tasarım optimizasyonu i&ccedil;in kullanılmıştır. Sabit g&uuml;&ccedil;te, mevcut tasarıma g&ouml;re daha y&uuml;ksek verimli, kompakt ve sıcaklık artışı minimumlaştırılmış bir motor tasarımı ger&ccedil;ekleştirilmiştir. Optimizasyon y&ouml;ntemi olarak ısıl işlem benzeşimi kullanılmış ve asenkron motorun &ccedil;ok ama&ccedil;lı tasarım optimizasyonu i&ccedil;in basit ve verimli bir yapay ısıl işlem algoritması geliştirilmiştir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Isıl modelleme, yapay ısıl işlem benzeşimi, tasarım optimizasyonu, &ccedil;ok ama&ccedil;lı optimizasyon.Induction motors are most common electric motors for industrial application due to their simple construction and robustness.  Because of increased material costs, need of compactnes for many applications and extensive use of variable speed drives, the temperature rise should be investigated in various part of an induction motor. An useful method of thermal analysis is to use an equivalent electrical  circuit. By electro-thermal analogy  based on well-known Poison and Laplace  equations, thermal behaviour of induction motor could represented through electrical elements, such as resistors, capacitors and independenet current sources. Induction motor can be geometrically divided to eight components which are connected to each other via thermal resistances. Each part has a bulk thermal storage. In the network, a node connotes the mean temperature of the component. All network parameters are derived from dimensional information of motor components, thermal properties of materials used in motor construction and several thermal constants such as thermal conduction and convection coefficents. Different operating power losses of motor form the current sources which represent the heat sources. The overall network can be represented as a linear set of 8 equations. A thermal model for estimating the steady-state temperature distribution and transient thermal behaviour of a 3-phase induction motor was developed in this study.  Critical parameters of the model such as convection film coefficents of air gap, end cap air and frame, frame-stator yoke thermal contact coefficent were determined and their computations and experimental methods were discussed. The accuracy of the model for both steady state and transient cases was proven by comparing the  calculated results that obtained from various load conditions with those of the experimental results. The temperatures at different points of motor stator and body were obtained using thermocuple sensors and infrared thermometer. The results were also verified by comparing a  2D finite element model. To show the sensivity of the model to its component, a sensivity analaysis was conducted. It is important to improve the performance and to reduce the cost of the machine from the both manufacturers and custormers point of view. Operating cost is the main part of the total cost. It is achieved by increasing motor efficiency through improving the materials  and optimizing the motor design variable. The thermal model integrated with design program was used for induction motor design optimization. The aim of design optimization is to several  objective functions F(x) reach their optimum values while keeping others in their acceptable limits. Si-mulated annealing was choosen as optimization method. This process is based on an analogy from thermodynamics where a system is slowly cooled in order to achieve its lowest energ state. Simulated annealing is an hill climbing iterative search in which sometimes the points corresponding to worse objective function values can be accepted in order to avoiding to trapped in a local minima. The algorithm employs a random search, which not only accepts changes that decrease objective function, f, but also some changes that increase it. The latter are accepted with a probability, where  is the decrease in F and T is an independent control parameter that simulates the impact of thermodynamic temperature in physical annealing.  A simple and efficient simulated annealing algorithm was developed to obtain multi-objective design optimization of the induction motor. The accuracy of algorithm was proven by optimizing some well-known optimization test functions. The algorithm was also tested by comparing it with the well known methods such as pattern search and adaptive simulated annealing. Some of the the selected objective functions are temperature, efficiency and weights of active parts such as stator and rotor magnetic circuits and windings. These objectives were optimized under several constraints such as start-up torque and current, nominal and pull off torques, magnetizing current, and power factor. The induction motor's steady state performance was calculated by a design program which was written as a part of this study. Only dominated solutions were accepted. A more efficient, more compact motor design with minimum temperature rise was achieved for constant power. Keywords: Thermal modelling, simulated annealing, design optimization, multi-objective optimization