1,277 research outputs found

    Possibilities of correction of lipid-phospholipid disorders in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis against obesity and pathology of the biliary tract.

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    High priority in the pathogenesis and treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is given to disorders of lipid-phospholipid fractions, which are directly related to the functioning of hepatocytes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of various complex treatment regimens on lipid-phospholipid fractions in patients with NASH in combination with obesity (OB) and pathology of the biliary tract (BT) according to a 6-month follow-up. 52 patients with NASH in combination with OB and BT pathology were examined. The control group consisted of 20 practically healthy individuals. The effect of complex treatment (preventive and therapeutic measures) on the indicators of lipid-phospholipid fractions in patients with NASH in combination with obesity and pathology of the biliary tract was studied. Changes in the indicators of serum lipid-phospholipid fractions were detected before treatment in all observation groups, which were accompanied by decrease in phospholipids (PL), phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin content and a significant increase in PL lysoforms – lysophosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, triglycerides, cholesterol esters (from p<0.05 to p<0.001). Combination therapy with the inclusion in the standard treatment of ursodeoxycholic acid and arginine glutamate in the comorbid course of NASH can be considered as a promising direction in the treatment of this category of patients, this allows to improve indicators of lipid-phospholipid fractions and stabilize the hepatocytes’ membrane (from p<0.05 to p<0.001)

    Studying temporal variability of GRS1739-278 during the 2014 outburst

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    We report a discovery of low-frequency quasi periodic oscillation at 0.3-0.7 Hz in the power spectra of the accreting black hole GRS1739-278 in the hard-intermediate state during its 2014 outburst based on the NuSTAR{\it NuSTAR} and Swift/XRT data. The QPO frequency strongly evolved with the source flux during the NuSTAR observation. The source spectrum became softer with rising QPO frequency and simultaneous increasing of the power-law index and decreasing of the cut-off energy. In the power spectrum, a prominent harmonic is clearly seen together with the main QPO peak. The fluxes in the soft and the hard X-ray bands are coherent, however, the coherence drops for the energy bands separated by larger gaps. The phase-lags are generally positive (hard) in the 0.1-3 Hz frequency range, and negative below 0.1 Hz. The accretion disc inner radius estimated with the relativistic reflection spectral model appears to be Rin<7.3RgR_{\rm in} < 7.3 R_{\rm g}. In the framework of the relativistic precession model, in order to satisfy the constraints from the observed QPO frequency and the accretion disc truncation radius, a massive black hole with MBH100M_{\rm BH} \approx 100M_\odot is required.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Dynamical vector-valued optimization of complex adaptive control of retail unit of a commercial bank

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    In this article discusses current issues of optimizing the management of the retail unit of a commercial bank in order to improve the economic efficiency and competitiveness of the bank. The article presents the method of solving a multi-step dynamical problem of complex adaptive control of the number of employees and sales of the Bank's Retail Unit with a vector quality criterion for the control process under consideration. For the organization of optimal adaptive terminal control of the system under study, a recurrent algorithm is proposed, which reduces the initial multi-step problem to the realization of a finite sequence of tasks for an optimal program terminal control. On the basis of the developed computer simulation system and the results of computer simulation, the choice of the optimal solution for the optimization problem under consideration was made. The proposed approach allows us to develop management solutions based on the availability of current information support, that is, using the feedback principle, aimed at creating the optimal number of employees and the sales system of the Bank's Retail Unit, which helps optimize profits and gain competitive advantages for the bank. © 2019 Author(s).Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 17-01-00315, 18-01-00544This work was supported by the Russian Basic Research Foundation, projects no. 17-01-00315, and no. 18-01-00544

    Application of dynamic economic-mathematical modeling in optimization problems in banking

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    The topical issues of optimizing the management of banking in order to increase the economic efficiency and competitiveness of the bank are discussed. To solve the problem of optimizing the management of the number of employees and sales of the Bank's Retail Unit, it is proposed to use dynamic economic and mathematical modeling that takes into account the presence of control actions and a vector quality criterion. The criterion of quality is the indicator Cost Income Ratio (CIR) - the ratio of operating costs to operating income. CIR is actively used around the world to assess the effectiveness of the bank by investors, shareholders, rating agencies. The report presents the main stages in the development of the considered dynamic model. An algorithm for solving the posed optimization problem is proposed. Based on the developed computer modeling system and the results of computer modeling, the optimal solution for the optimization problem under consideration was chosen. The paper illustrates all the results obtained and analyzes them. The developed model and method for solving the problem of optimizing the management of the number of employees and sales of the Bank's Retail Unit can serve as a basis for the development, creation and application of appropriate computer information systems to support the adoption of managerial decisions in banking. © 2018 Author(s).This work was supported by the Russian Basic Research Foundation, projects no. 17-01-00315, and no. 18-01-00544

    Non-alcoholic and alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients suffering from biliary tract pathology and obesity: clinical and functional aspects

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    Fatty liver disease of different genesis is very often accompanied by biliary tract pathology and obesity. Clinical and functional characteristics of the fatty liver disease with accompanying biliary tract and obesity pathology include intensity of clinical manifestation and a disease course with a predominance of asthenic, dyspeptic, abdominal pain syndromes, cholestatic syndrome, hepatomegalia, obesity against the background of mild and moderate manifestations of cytolysis and mesenchymal inflammation

    Spectral analysis of X-ray pulsars with the INTEGRAL observatory

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    We studied spectra for 34 accretion-powered X-ray and one millisecond pulsars that were within the field of view of the INTEGRAL observatory over two years (December 2002 - January 2005) of its in-orbit operation and that were detected by its instruments at a statistically significant level (>8 sigma in the energy range 18-60 keV). There are seven recently discovered objects of this class among the pulsars studied: 2RXP J130159.6-635806, IGR/AX J16320-4751, IGR J16358-4726, AX J163904-4642, IGR J16465-4507, SAX/IGR J18027-2017 and AX J1841.0-0535. We analyze the evolution of spectral parameters as a function of the intensity of the sources and compare these with the results of previous studies

    AX J1749.1-2733 and AX J1749.2-2725 - the close pair of X-ray pulsars behind the Galactic Center: an optical identification

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    Two faint X-ray pulsars, AX J1749.2-2725 and AX J1749.1-2733, located in the direction to the Galactic Center, were studied in detail using data of INTEGRAL, XMM-Newton and Chandra observatories in X-rays, the SOFI/NTT instrument in infrared and the RTT150 telescope in optics. X-ray positions of both sources were determined with the uncertainty better than ~1 arcsec, that allowed us to identify their infrared counterparts. From the subsequent analysis of infrared and optical data we conclude that counterparts of both pulsars are likely massive stars of B0-B3 classes located behind the Galactic Center at distances of 12-20 kpc, depending on the type, probably in further parts of galactic spiral arms. In addition, we investigated the extinction law towards the galactic bulge and found that it is significantly different from standard one.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, will be published in MNRA