8 research outputs found

    Sosial inclusion of children behaving violently into school culture

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    Nasilno ponaÅ”enje dece u Å”kolskom okruženju iz perspek- tive institucije predstavlja jedan od oblika ponaÅ”anja koji onemogućava uspeÅ”nu socijalnu integraciju u Å”kolsku kulturu. Socijalna inkluzija dece koja se nasilno ponaÅ”aju zahteva dublje razumevanje uzroka problema kako bi ovaj druÅ”tveni projekat postao efikasan i održiv. Razni oblici druÅ”tvene i institu- cionalne nebrige i zanemarivanja dece i mladih u dužem vremen- skom periodu pokazatelj su nepostojanja druÅ”tveno artikuli- sanog odgovora i odsustva strategije koja bi ponudila izlaz iz narastajućeg problema nasilnog ponaÅ”anja dece u druÅ”tvu Srbije. Polazeći od J. Galtungove (Galtung) definicije nasilja kao ob- lika socijalnog odnosa rad nastoji da rekonstruiÅ”e aktuelne odnose između različitih socijalnih aktera koji interreaguju i utiču jedni na druge unutar zadatih institucionalnih koor- dinata Å”kolskog sistema u Srbiji, s ciljem da ponudi kritički osvrt, mapira postojeće probleme unutar Å”kolskog konteksta koji doprinose perpetuiranju nasilnih oblika ponaÅ”anja i ukaže na moguće pravce njihovog dekonstruisanja poÅ”tujući principe socijalne pravde, ljudskih prava i sloboda. U suprotnom, programi socijalne inkluzije bili bi samo joÅ” jedan projekat opravdavanja i učvrŔćivanja postojećih druÅ”tvenih nejednakosti i nepravdi.Violent behavior of children in the school social context from the perspective of institutions is a form of behavior that prevents successful social integration into the school culture. Social inclusion of children who are acting violently requires a deeper understanding of the causes, in order to make this social project an efficient and sustainable. Various forms of social and institutional neglect of children and young people over a longer period of time are an indication of the lack of socialy articulated response and the absence of strategy that would offer a way out of the growing problem of violent behavior among children in Serbian society. Starting from J. Galtungā€™s definition of violence as a form of social relation. the paper tries to reconstruct the current relations between different social actors that interact within a given institutional coordinates of the school system in Serbia, aiming to offer a critical insight, to mapp the existing problems within the school context that contribute to the perpetuation of violent forms of behavior and to point out possible directions of their deconstruction respecting the principles of social justice, human rights and personal freedoms. Otherwise, the social inclusion programs would be just another project of justifying and reinforcing existing social inequalities and injustices

    Pokazatelji kvalitete e-učenja: poslovanje naspram obrazovanja

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    Nowadays, the technological revolution brings significant changes in all spheres of society, including learning in both the business and education environments. Consequently, the quality and usefulness of e-learning systems are gaining importance in the contemporary competitive market. In order to enhance usersā€™ satisfaction, organizations have to put more effort into identifying and understanding significant influential factors. This study strives to establish quality indicators as factors that affect e-learning user satisfaction by comparing business and education contexts. The results gathered through 1350 valid questionnaires are evaluated using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The conceptual model is developed and consists of six quality indicators: Individual Impact, Cooperation Quality, Information Quality, System Quality, Usefulness, and Satisfaction. By considering relationships between Information Quality and System Quality according to the Usefulness of e-learning, findings indicate important differences between education and business usersā€™ perceptions. This research contributes to the dual observation of the expectations and attitudes of the observed groups of respondents.U danaÅ”nje vrijeme tehnoloÅ”ka revolucija donosi značajne promjene u svim sferama druÅ”tva uključujući učenje u poslovnom i obrazovnom okružju. Posljedično, kvaliteta i korisnost sustava za e-učenje dobivaju važnost u suvremenom konkurentnom tržiÅ”tu. Kako bi se povećalo zadovoljstvo korisnika, organizacije moraju uložiti viÅ”e napora u identificiranje i razumijevanje značajnih utjecajnih čimbenika. Ovo istraživanje nastoji uspostaviti pokazatelje kvalitete kao čimbenike koji utječu na zadovoljstvo korisnika e-učenja uspoređujući poslovni i obrazovni kontekst. Rezultati prikupljeni putem 1350 važećih upitnika procjenjuju se koriÅ”tenjem modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM). Konceptualni jemodel razvijen i sastoji se od Å”est pokazatelja kvalitete: individualni učinak, kvaliteta suradnje, kvaliteta informacija, kvaliteta sustava, korisnost i zadovoljstvo. Razmatrajući odnose između kvalitete informacija i kvalitete sustava prema korisnosti e-učenja, nalazi ukazuju na važne razlike između obrazovanja i percepcije poslovnih korisnika. Ovo istraživanje doprinosi dualnom promatranju očekivanja i stavova promatranih skupina ispitanika.

    Toward widening participation in higher education in Serbia: case of students with special educational needs

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    Tokom poslednje decenije sistem visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji je proÅ”ao kroz relativno intenzivan proces transformacije. jedan od pratećih fenomena ovog procesa je trend porasta procentualnog učeŔća mladih starosti izmedju 20 i 24 godine u visokom obrazovanju. Primera radi 2007. godine procentualno učeŔće studenata unutar ove starosne kohorte unutar opÅ”te populacije bilo je 29%, da bi u 2010. godini ono porasla na čak 39,4%. Iako na prvi pogled, ovi relativni brojevi ukazuju na trend proÅ”irivanja mogućnosti za učeŔće u visokom obrazovanju za pripadnike različitih marginalizovanih grupa, empirijski podaci o strukturi aktuelne studentske populacije (podaci za Å”kolsku 2010/2011. godinu) nude dramatično drugačiju sliku. Prema podacima zvanične statistike za Å”kolsku 2010/2011. godinu visoko obrazovanje u Srbiji upisalo je samo 1197 studenata koji spadaju u kategoriju studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama (na svim nivoima visokog obrazovanja i godinama studija unutar njih), odnosno svega 0,5% od ukupne studentske populacije. U tom smislu ovaj rad pokuÅ”ava da istraži i analizira aktuelno stanje i primenjivost koncepta proÅ”irene participacije u uslovima visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji kroz analizu položaja studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama u okviru aktuelnog sistema visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Ovaj rad pokuÅ”ava da skrene pažnju na problem socio-strukturnog zatvaranja oblasti visokog obrazovanja za pripadnike različitih marginalizovanih grupa, i medju njima posebno studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama. Analiza se zasniva na podacima zvanične statistike (podaci koji se prikupljaju pomoću Å V20 obrazaca, čije popunjavanje je deo zvanične upisne procedure za svakog pojedinačnog studenta na svim nivoima studija i godinama studija), i alternativnih podataka i evidencija Udruženja studenata sa hendikepom iz Beograda, Kragujevca, NiÅ”a i Novog Sada. Ovi alternativni podaci su zanimljivi ne zato Å”to oni nude kompletniju sliku stanja u visokom obrazovanju po ovom pitanju, već zato Å”to otvaraju zanimljiva pitanja u vezi sa definisanjem pojma studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama.During the /ast decade higher education system in Serbia has undergone relatively intense process of transformation. One of the phenomena accompanying this process is the increasing trend of percentage share in higher education of the specific age cohort (20-24 years). Far example in 2007 the share of student popu/ation in general popu/ation age cohort 20-24 years were 29% and in 2010 39.4%. Although at firstglance these relative numbers indicate the trend of expanding opportunities far participation in university education far the members of diverse marginalized groups, the empirical data related to the structure of current student population (datafor schoolyear 2010/2011) offered a dramatically different picture. According to official statistical data in schoolyear 2010/2011 highereducation in Serbia enrolled only 1197 students (at al/ levels of highereducation) or only 0.5% of student popu/ation. In that sense the presented analysis will explore and challenge the concept of widening participation in HE through the analysis of the position of students with special educational needs within higher education system in Serbia, trying to draw attention to the problem of socio-structura/ inaccessibility of higher education to members of diverse marginalized groups, especially students with special educational needs. The analysis was based on the data provided by official statistics (the data collected using the SV 20 questionnaire. SV20 questionnaire is the instrument that each student needs to fili in as a pa rt of official procedure of enrollment of each academic year in higher education institutions and at ali three levels of studies), and alternative data and records of the Association of Students with Disabilities in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Sad. These alternative data are interesting nat because they are offering a more complete picture of the situation in higher education in this matter, but because they open up interesting questions related to defining who the students with special educational needs are

    Toward widening participation in higher education in Serbia: case of students with special educational needs

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    Tokom poslednje decenije sistem visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji je proÅ”ao kroz relativno intenzivan proces transformacije. jedan od pratećih fenomena ovog procesa je trend porasta procentualnog učeŔća mladih starosti izmedju 20 i 24 godine u visokom obrazovanju. Primera radi 2007. godine procentualno učeŔće studenata unutar ove starosne kohorte unutar opÅ”te populacije bilo je 29%, da bi u 2010. godini ono porasla na čak 39,4%. Iako na prvi pogled, ovi relativni brojevi ukazuju na trend proÅ”irivanja mogućnosti za učeŔće u visokom obrazovanju za pripadnike različitih marginalizovanih grupa, empirijski podaci o strukturi aktuelne studentske populacije (podaci za Å”kolsku 2010/2011. godinu) nude dramatično drugačiju sliku. Prema podacima zvanične statistike za Å”kolsku 2010/2011. godinu visoko obrazovanje u Srbiji upisalo je samo 1197 studenata koji spadaju u kategoriju studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama (na svim nivoima visokog obrazovanja i godinama studija unutar njih), odnosno svega 0,5% od ukupne studentske populacije. U tom smislu ovaj rad pokuÅ”ava da istraži i analizira aktuelno stanje i primenjivost koncepta proÅ”irene participacije u uslovima visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji kroz analizu položaja studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama u okviru aktuelnog sistema visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Ovaj rad pokuÅ”ava da skrene pažnju na problem socio-strukturnog zatvaranja oblasti visokog obrazovanja za pripadnike različitih marginalizovanih grupa, i medju njima posebno studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama. Analiza se zasniva na podacima zvanične statistike (podaci koji se prikupljaju pomoću Å V20 obrazaca, čije popunjavanje je deo zvanične upisne procedure za svakog pojedinačnog studenta na svim nivoima studija i godinama studija), i alternativnih podataka i evidencija Udruženja studenata sa hendikepom iz Beograda, Kragujevca, NiÅ”a i Novog Sada. Ovi alternativni podaci su zanimljivi ne zato Å”to oni nude kompletniju sliku stanja u visokom obrazovanju po ovom pitanju, već zato Å”to otvaraju zanimljiva pitanja u vezi sa definisanjem pojma studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama.During the /ast decade higher education system in Serbia has undergone relatively intense process of transformation. One of the phenomena accompanying this process is the increasing trend of percentage share in higher education of the specific age cohort (20-24 years). Far example in 2007 the share of student popu/ation in general popu/ation age cohort 20-24 years were 29% and in 2010 39.4%. Although at firstglance these relative numbers indicate the trend of expanding opportunities far participation in university education far the members of diverse marginalized groups, the empirical data related to the structure of current student population (datafor schoolyear 2010/2011) offered a dramatically different picture. According to official statistical data in schoolyear 2010/2011 highereducation in Serbia enrolled only 1197 students (at al/ levels of highereducation) or only 0.5% of student popu/ation. In that sense the presented analysis will explore and challenge the concept of widening participation in HE through the analysis of the position of students with special educational needs within higher education system in Serbia, trying to draw attention to the problem of socio-structura/ inaccessibility of higher education to members of diverse marginalized groups, especially students with special educational needs. The analysis was based on the data provided by official statistics (the data collected using the SV 20 questionnaire. SV20 questionnaire is the instrument that each student needs to fili in as a pa rt of official procedure of enrollment of each academic year in higher education institutions and at ali three levels of studies), and alternative data and records of the Association of Students with Disabilities in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Sad. These alternative data are interesting nat because they are offering a more complete picture of the situation in higher education in this matter, but because they open up interesting questions related to defining who the students with special educational needs are

    Simultaneous effects of inflectional paradigms and classes in processing of Serbian verbs

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    In this paper we show that the processing of inflected verb forms is simultaneously influenced by the distributional properties of their inflectional paradigm (all the inflected forms of the given verb) and also by their inflectional class (all the verbs that conjugate in the same manner). Thus, we generalize a finding that was previously observed with nouns. We demonstrate that a divergence of the frequency distribution within inflectional paradigm from the frequency distribution within inflectional class (operationalized as Relative entropy between the two frequency distributions) is detrimental to processing. We present the results of a visual lexical decision experiment and the results of a simulation that was ran in the Naive Discriminative Reader, a simple computational model based on basic learning principles. We show that Relative entropy between an inflectional paradigm and an inflectional class predicts both empirically observed and simulated processing latencies. By doing so, we add to the body of research that investigates processing effects of information theory based descriptions of language. We also demonstrate that the effect of Relative entropy on the processing of morphology can arise as a consequence of the principles of discriminative learning in a system that maps input cues to outcomes, with no specification of morphology per se

    Sosial inclusion of children behaving violently into school culture

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    Nasilno ponaÅ”enje dece u Å”kolskom okruženju iz perspek- tive institucije predstavlja jedan od oblika ponaÅ”anja koji onemogućava uspeÅ”nu socijalnu integraciju u Å”kolsku kulturu. Socijalna inkluzija dece koja se nasilno ponaÅ”aju zahteva dublje razumevanje uzroka problema kako bi ovaj druÅ”tveni projekat postao efikasan i održiv. Razni oblici druÅ”tvene i institu- cionalne nebrige i zanemarivanja dece i mladih u dužem vremen- skom periodu pokazatelj su nepostojanja druÅ”tveno artikuli- sanog odgovora i odsustva strategije koja bi ponudila izlaz iz narastajućeg problema nasilnog ponaÅ”anja dece u druÅ”tvu Srbije. Polazeći od J. Galtungove (Galtung) definicije nasilja kao ob- lika socijalnog odnosa rad nastoji da rekonstruiÅ”e aktuelne odnose između različitih socijalnih aktera koji interreaguju i utiču jedni na druge unutar zadatih institucionalnih koor- dinata Å”kolskog sistema u Srbiji, s ciljem da ponudi kritički osvrt, mapira postojeće probleme unutar Å”kolskog konteksta koji doprinose perpetuiranju nasilnih oblika ponaÅ”anja i ukaže na moguće pravce njihovog dekonstruisanja poÅ”tujući principe socijalne pravde, ljudskih prava i sloboda. U suprotnom, programi socijalne inkluzije bili bi samo joÅ” jedan projekat opravdavanja i učvrŔćivanja postojećih druÅ”tvenih nejednakosti i nepravdi.Violent behavior of children in the school social context from the perspective of institutions is a form of behavior that prevents successful social integration into the school culture. Social inclusion of children who are acting violently requires a deeper understanding of the causes, in order to make this social project an efficient and sustainable. Various forms of social and institutional neglect of children and young people over a longer period of time are an indication of the lack of socialy articulated response and the absence of strategy that would offer a way out of the growing problem of violent behavior among children in Serbian society. Starting from J. Galtungā€™s definition of violence as a form of social relation. the paper tries to reconstruct the current relations between different social actors that interact within a given institutional coordinates of the school system in Serbia, aiming to offer a critical insight, to mapp the existing problems within the school context that contribute to the perpetuation of violent forms of behavior and to point out possible directions of their deconstruction respecting the principles of social justice, human rights and personal freedoms. Otherwise, the social inclusion programs would be just another project of justifying and reinforcing existing social inequalities and injustices

    What happens after application of thiamine in the brain of Japanese quailstreated with chlorpyrifos

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of vitamin B1 (thiamine) following thepathohystologycalchanges in the hippocampus, cerebellum and cerebral cortex of Japanese quail (Coturnix japanica) treated with chlorpyrifos.In this study we also assessed the antioxidative activity of thiamine in the brain by monitoring the nitrite concentration(NO2-), parameter of oxidative/nitrosative stress and activities of agents of cellular detoxification such as glutathione(GSH) and glutathione S-transferase(GST). The study was conducted onforty male Japanese quails (2 controls and 2 experimental groups, n= 10), 3-4 weeks old. One controlgroup was treated only with vitamin B1, while the second one receivedpurecorn oil.CPFdissolved in corn oil was administeredto quails by gavage for 7 consecutive days at dose of 3 mg/kg BW while another groups wastreated with 10 mg/kg BWof vitamin B1 i.m. 30 min after CPF administration for 7 consecutive days. Our studies have shown that CPF has ledto increase in the concentration of NO2-,but after thiamine treatment there has been a decrease. Also CPF has led to small changes in GSH and GST levels, while groups treated with vitamin B1showedsignificantly (p< 0.0001)increased activity of these parameteres, proving very important role of thiamine in the detoxification and elimination of pesticides. In hippocampus groups that received CPF showed signs of edema with numerous damaged neurons, especially in pyramidal layer, while in groups that received vitamin B1 along with CPF, pathological changes were similar, but less prominent.In cerebellum groups that received CPF showed large number of degenerated Purkinje cells, while with vitamin B1 the reduction of degenerated neurons is present.Cerebral cortex showed degeneration with pycnotic nuclei of many neurons, edema and congestion in groups which received CPF and also similar changes were found after application of B1. Overall these results confirm that CPF causes oxidative stress and degenerative changes, but also support the hypothesis that thiamine belongs to the group of "antistress vitamins"

    Synthesis and Biological Screening of New 4-Hydroxycoumarin Derivatives and Their Palladium(II) Complexes

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    Two newly synthesized 4-hydroxycoumarin bidentate ligands (L1 and L2) and their palladium(II) complexes (C1 and C2) were screened for their biological activities, in vitro and in vivo. Structures of new compounds were established based on elemental analysis, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and IR spectroscopic techniques. The obtained compounds were tested for their antioxidative and cytotoxic activities and results pointed to selective antiradical activity of palladium(II) complexes towards ā€¢OH and -ā€¢OOH radicals and anti-ABTS (2,2ā€²-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) cation radical) activity comparable to that of ascorbate. Results indicated the effect of C1 and C2 on the enzymatic activity of the antioxidative defense system. In vitro cytotoxicity assay performed on different carcinoma cell lines (HCT166, A375, and MIA PaCa-2), and one healthy fibroblast cell line (MRC-5) showed a cytotoxic effect of both C1 and C2, expressed as a decrease in carcinoma cellsā€™ viability, mostly by induction of apoptosis. In vivo toxicity tests performed on zebrafish embryos indicated different effects of C1 and C2, ranging from adverse developmental effect to no toxicity, depending on tested concentration. According to docking studies, both complexes (C1 and C2) showed better inhibitory activity in comparison to other palladium(II) complexes