Sosial inclusion of children behaving violently into school culture


Nasilno ponašenje dece u školskom okruženju iz perspek- tive institucije predstavlja jedan od oblika ponašanja koji onemogućava uspešnu socijalnu integraciju u školsku kulturu. Socijalna inkluzija dece koja se nasilno ponašaju zahteva dublje razumevanje uzroka problema kako bi ovaj društveni projekat postao efikasan i održiv. Razni oblici društvene i institu- cionalne nebrige i zanemarivanja dece i mladih u dužem vremen- skom periodu pokazatelj su nepostojanja društveno artikuli- sanog odgovora i odsustva strategije koja bi ponudila izlaz iz narastajućeg problema nasilnog ponašanja dece u društvu Srbije. Polazeći od J. Galtungove (Galtung) definicije nasilja kao ob- lika socijalnog odnosa rad nastoji da rekonstruiše aktuelne odnose između različitih socijalnih aktera koji interreaguju i utiču jedni na druge unutar zadatih institucionalnih koor- dinata školskog sistema u Srbiji, s ciljem da ponudi kritički osvrt, mapira postojeće probleme unutar školskog konteksta koji doprinose perpetuiranju nasilnih oblika ponašanja i ukaže na moguće pravce njihovog dekonstruisanja poštujući principe socijalne pravde, ljudskih prava i sloboda. U suprotnom, programi socijalne inkluzije bili bi samo još jedan projekat opravdavanja i učvršćivanja postojećih društvenih nejednakosti i nepravdi.Violent behavior of children in the school social context from the perspective of institutions is a form of behavior that prevents successful social integration into the school culture. Social inclusion of children who are acting violently requires a deeper understanding of the causes, in order to make this social project an efficient and sustainable. Various forms of social and institutional neglect of children and young people over a longer period of time are an indication of the lack of socialy articulated response and the absence of strategy that would offer a way out of the growing problem of violent behavior among children in Serbian society. Starting from J. Galtung’s definition of violence as a form of social relation. the paper tries to reconstruct the current relations between different social actors that interact within a given institutional coordinates of the school system in Serbia, aiming to offer a critical insight, to mapp the existing problems within the school context that contribute to the perpetuation of violent forms of behavior and to point out possible directions of their deconstruction respecting the principles of social justice, human rights and personal freedoms. Otherwise, the social inclusion programs would be just another project of justifying and reinforcing existing social inequalities and injustices

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