Toward widening participation in higher education in Serbia: case of students with special educational needs


Tokom poslednje decenije sistem visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji je prošao kroz relativno intenzivan proces transformacije. jedan od pratećih fenomena ovog procesa je trend porasta procentualnog učešća mladih starosti izmedju 20 i 24 godine u visokom obrazovanju. Primera radi 2007. godine procentualno učešće studenata unutar ove starosne kohorte unutar opšte populacije bilo je 29%, da bi u 2010. godini ono porasla na čak 39,4%. Iako na prvi pogled, ovi relativni brojevi ukazuju na trend proširivanja mogućnosti za učešće u visokom obrazovanju za pripadnike različitih marginalizovanih grupa, empirijski podaci o strukturi aktuelne studentske populacije (podaci za školsku 2010/2011. godinu) nude dramatično drugačiju sliku. Prema podacima zvanične statistike za školsku 2010/2011. godinu visoko obrazovanje u Srbiji upisalo je samo 1197 studenata koji spadaju u kategoriju studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama (na svim nivoima visokog obrazovanja i godinama studija unutar njih), odnosno svega 0,5% od ukupne studentske populacije. U tom smislu ovaj rad pokušava da istraži i analizira aktuelno stanje i primenjivost koncepta proširene participacije u uslovima visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji kroz analizu položaja studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama u okviru aktuelnog sistema visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Ovaj rad pokušava da skrene pažnju na problem socio-strukturnog zatvaranja oblasti visokog obrazovanja za pripadnike različitih marginalizovanih grupa, i medju njima posebno studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama. Analiza se zasniva na podacima zvanične statistike (podaci koji se prikupljaju pomoću ŠV20 obrazaca, čije popunjavanje je deo zvanične upisne procedure za svakog pojedinačnog studenta na svim nivoima studija i godinama studija), i alternativnih podataka i evidencija Udruženja studenata sa hendikepom iz Beograda, Kragujevca, Niša i Novog Sada. Ovi alternativni podaci su zanimljivi ne zato što oni nude kompletniju sliku stanja u visokom obrazovanju po ovom pitanju, već zato što otvaraju zanimljiva pitanja u vezi sa definisanjem pojma studenata sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama.During the /ast decade higher education system in Serbia has undergone relatively intense process of transformation. One of the phenomena accompanying this process is the increasing trend of percentage share in higher education of the specific age cohort (20-24 years). Far example in 2007 the share of student popu/ation in general popu/ation age cohort 20-24 years were 29% and in 2010 39.4%. Although at firstglance these relative numbers indicate the trend of expanding opportunities far participation in university education far the members of diverse marginalized groups, the empirical data related to the structure of current student population (datafor schoolyear 2010/2011) offered a dramatically different picture. According to official statistical data in schoolyear 2010/2011 highereducation in Serbia enrolled only 1197 students (at al/ levels of highereducation) or only 0.5% of student popu/ation. In that sense the presented analysis will explore and challenge the concept of widening participation in HE through the analysis of the position of students with special educational needs within higher education system in Serbia, trying to draw attention to the problem of socio-structura/ inaccessibility of higher education to members of diverse marginalized groups, especially students with special educational needs. The analysis was based on the data provided by official statistics (the data collected using the SV 20 questionnaire. SV20 questionnaire is the instrument that each student needs to fili in as a pa rt of official procedure of enrollment of each academic year in higher education institutions and at ali three levels of studies), and alternative data and records of the Association of Students with Disabilities in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Sad. These alternative data are interesting nat because they are offering a more complete picture of the situation in higher education in this matter, but because they open up interesting questions related to defining who the students with special educational needs are

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