303 research outputs found

    Educational tourism mobilities. The example of exchange students' experiences in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region

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    This study presents findings from the interpretive study of students who completed an academic exchange program within the cooperation between Universities in the Barents region. Empirically this study aims to illuminate exchange student’s perspective in their academic mobilities practices. Through the analyses of the whole students’ experiences (before, during and after) of educational exchange. Theoretically, this research examines the relationship between mobility, tourism and exchange students’ practices. This study conducted by using qualitative way of internet-based in-depth interview technic as an instrument to collect data. The findings from the research illustrate how international exchange students’ experiences conceptualized in relation to tourist experiences theorized in existing tourism literature

    Crustal Architecture of the Northwestern and Central Gulf of Mexico from Integrated Geophysical Analysis

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    The tectonic history of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is a subject for ongoing debate. The nature of the crust in the northwestern and central parts of the basin remains poorly understood. Joined interpretation of two 2D seismic cross sections—GUMBO1 and GUMBO2—with potential fields (gravity and magnetics) constrained with available well data allows testing various hypotheses about the subsurface structures and crustal architecture in the study area. In the northwestern GOM, two contradicting hypotheses about the nature of the crust were tested—exhumed mantle versus a thinned and intruded continental crust resulted from magma-rich rifting. The nature of the crust was also investigated in the central GOM, where the disagreement in the location of the ocean-continent boundary (OCB) from various published tectonic models reaches 140 km (87 mi). The results suggest that the crust in the study area is stretched continental with multiple magmatic additions represented by dense and highly magnetic bodies with fast seismic velocities, presumably introduced during the magma-assisted rifting of the GOM. The contact between oceanic and continental domains, i.e., the OCB, is interpreted to be near the Sigsbee Escarpment for both modeled lines. The analysis does not support the presence of thick presalt sediments in the study area. This result questions the currently accepted tectonic reconstructions of the GOM as thick presalt deposits are imaged confidently by various seismic surveys along the western Yucatan margin, which is believed to be a conjugate for the study area. This apparent mismatch in distribution of the presalt sediments requires further investigation

    Subsurface Structures along Western Yucatan from Integrated Geophysical Analysis

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    Integration of seismic, gravity, and magnetic data revealed variations in crustal architecture along the Yucatan passive continental margin. The crust beneath the Yucatan salt basin is ~10 km thick and is primarily a lower continental crust. In contrast, the crust beneath the Campeche salt basin is thicker and comprises both the upper and the lower crustal layers. These variations in crustal architecture explain the strikingly different tectonic histories of these basins outlined by previous authors. The rifting of the Yucatan margin was associated with extensive magmatism expressed as voluminous igneous intrusions in the lower crust, one of which is manifested as the Campeche magnetic anomaly. The zone of extrusive volcanic flows is also interpreted in the northern Yucatan coincident with the Seaward Dipping Reflectors (SDR) in seismic data. Integrated analysis of potential fields and seismic data demands high density and magnetic susceptibility for the rocks of the SDR zone. The presalt sedimentary basin with up to 5 km of sediments overlies the stretched and intruded continental crust adjacent to the Ocean-Continent boundary (OCB). This pre-salt basin is up to 100 km wide and pinches out at the northeastern tip of the Yucatan peninsula. It appears to be compartmentalized with the width of individual segments up to 100 km. All the tectonic elements, namely OCB, SDR, pre-salt sedimentary basin, and magmatic intrusions within the stretched continental crust, have their counterparts in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and therefore represent important constraints for the prebreakup locations of individual crustal blocks

    Processing Seismic, Gravity And Magnetic Data Over Diebold Knoll On Juan De Fuca Plate

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    The Juan de Fuca plate is subducting beneath the North American plate along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The CSZ is associated with multiple earthquakes, although compared to other subduction zones, it is less active. Many studies suggest that subduction will cause major mega thrust earthquake in near future, while others oppose this view. This project is focused on the Diebold Knoll on the JdF plate Various geophysical methods will be integrated to determine its origin and tectonic history

    Comparing Satellite vs Marine Potential Fields Data Over the Bathymetrists Seamounts

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    The Bathymetrists Seamounts (BSM) are located north of the Sierra Leone Rise (SLR) in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. The seamounts reside on oceanic crust that is 105 to 45 million years old. However, dredging over the Bathymetrists Seamounts dated rocks at ~40 Myr. The general trend of the seamounts contradicts the eastward motion of the African tectonic plate. The origin and tectonic history of the Bathymetrists Seamounts remains debated in literature. Potential fields (gravity and magnetic) data can provide important insight into the formation and evolution of the seamounts. The purpose of this study is to compare available gravity and magnetic data acquired by two different methods, satellite and marine. Satellite gravity and magnetic data over the Bathymetrists Seamounts and Sierra Leone Rise are publicly available for analysis. However, this data has a relatively low resolution. In contrast, recently acquired marine data from the University of Hamburg-Germany is higher resolution, but limited to a number of 2-D profiles. Comparing satellite and marine data revealed that each provide advantages and disadvantages for geological analysis. Marine data is useful for 2-D modeling, while satellite data is better for spatial analysis. Combining both data sets will be beneficial for investigating the origin and history of the Bathymetrists Seamounts


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    Aeromagnetic surveys are conducted by geoscientists to study subsurface geologic structures, such as faults. This type of survey uses a magnetometer mounted upon an airborne vehicle to collect magnetic field data. Magnetic anomalies are caused by variations in subsurface geology, namely in magnetic properties of subsurface rocks. Jacobson and Filina (2019) reported on the development of a new low cost drone, based magnetic field surveying system by the UNL Geophysics Team. This drone-based magnetic system is capable of collecting high resolution data at low speeds and low altitudes. The current study focuses on testing this system by conducting two flights over a known subsurface fault near Venice, NE in fall 2019. 1) FAA part 107 small unmanned aircraft license obtained to operate the drone. 2) The fault is visible from the processed data, but has a different trend with respect to previously published one. 3) Statistical analysis of the magnetic data in 20 crossing points shows an average difference of 2.1 nT. 4) Collected magnetic data generally agreed with the USGS’s published data. There is an average offset of 30 nT

    Process management as an instrument of effective functioning of trade consumer cooperation enterprises

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    Досліджено внутрішні проблеми розвитку менеджменту підприємств споживчої кооперації, які зумовлені необхідністю реалізації практичних заходів до побудови механізму управління торговельними підприємствами споживчої кооперації. Визначено роль процесного менеджменту як фактора підвищення ефективного функціонування торговельних підприємств споживчої кооперації за рахунок досконалої реалізації його базових функцій. На основі узагальнення результатів досліджень сучасних учених та змісту основного законодавчого акта визначено, що на внутрішні проблеми розвитку підприємств споживчої кооперації впливає неспроможність пристосуватися до змін ринку та забезпечити свій конкурентоспроможний розвиток через неефективний менеджмент. Досліджено процесний менеджмент, основна парадигма та головний ефект якого полягає в максимальній гнучкості та швидкій адаптації до загроз, що надходять із зовнішнього середовища, тому що в рамках цього підходу до управління переважно використовуються горизонтальні структури взаємодії та практично немає ієрархії. Надано рекомендації щодо ефективного функціонування підприємств споживчої кооперації на засадах процесного менеджменту, серед яких є зміна способу мислення, зокрема усвідомлення діяльності підприємства у розрізі бізнес-процесів, що є домінуючими для торговельних підприємств. Визначено переваги процесного менеджменту, серед яких його спрямованість на кінцеві результати ефективної діяльності в рамках кожного бізнес-процесу й ефективне забезпечення підприємством процесу задоволення потреб споживачів. Доведено, що впровадження процесного менеджменту – основне управлінське завдання, вирішення якого сприяє визначенню механізмів реалізації бізнес-процесів, що забезпечують оптимізацію тривалості циклу постачання та продажу товарів і надання якісних торговельних послуг, що підвищить ефективність управління та діяльності торговельних підприємств.The objective of the paper is to investigate the internal problems of management development of consumer cooperation enterprises, which are caused by the need to implement the practical measures concerning the development of the mechanism for managing trade consumer cooperation enterprises. The role of process management as a factor of increasing the effective functioning of trade consumer cooperative enterprises, due to the perfect implementation of its basic functions is defined in this paper. Based on the generalization of the investigation results by modern scientists and the content of the basic legislative act, it is determined that the internal problems of the development of consumer cooperation enterprises are affected by the inability to adapt to the market changes and to ensure their competitive development through inefficient management. Process management, the main paradigm and the main effect of maximum flexibility and rapid adaptation to the threats of the external environment is investigated, as horizontal management structures are used mainly in this management approach and there is practically no hierarchy. Recommendations concerning the effective functioning of consumer cooperation enterprises on the basis of process management including the change in the way of thinking, particularly, awareness of the enterprise activity in terms of business processes that are dominant for trade enterprises are given. The advantages of process management, including its focus on the final results of effective activity within each business process and effective provision of the enterprise with the process of meeting the needs of consumers are identified. It is proved that implementation of process management is the main management task, the solution of which contributes to the determination of the business processes implementation mechanisms providing optimization of the duration of delivery cycle and sale of goods and quality trade services provision, which will increase the trading enterprises management efficiency and activity

    Evidence of Ridge Propagation in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico from Integrated Analysis of Potential Fields and Seismic Data

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    Integrated analysis of gravity, magnetic, and seismic data reveals two phases of spreading in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) including two distinct spreading centers, suggesting a major ridge reorganization during the opening of the eastern part of the GOM. Ridge propagation between the two spreading episodes explains the following observations: (1) the drastic asymmetry in the oceanic domain of northeastern GOM, (2) the presence of two distinct crustal zones with dramatically different thickness and physical properties, and (3) the observed seismicity within the oceanic domain that is not aligned with any known tectonic structure. The initial Late Jurassic spreading center (~160 Ma) resulted in a thin (~5 km) and uniform oceanic crust with a fast compressional velocity (7 km/s). Based on our analysis, the estimated full spreading rate of this older spreading event is less than 1 cm/yr. The spreading regime changed in Early Cretaceous around 150 Ma, resulting in a propagation (i.e., jump) of the spreading center. The new spreading episode was characterized by a change in spreading direction and increased magma supply as it produced thicker (up to 9 km) oceanic crust with a typical two-layered structure. Despite the increase in magmatic material, the full rate of this younger spreading event estimated from our analysis is only slightly faster (1.1 cm/yr assuming that spreading ceased at 137 Ma). The later conclusion is consistent with the morphology of the spreading centers mapped by seismic data. Our analysis shows that recent deep crustal earthquakes in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico are aligned with the boundary between the two identified distinct oceanic zones, referred to here as a pseudofault

    Customer Satisfaction in the Field of Comprehensive Service of Refrigerated Containers in Seaports

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    The article analyzes the issues concerning customer satisfaction survey with the complexity of handling refrigerated containers at the seaports' container terminals. It aims to determine the criteria to evaluate the port comprehensive service and to examine the opinion of chosen seaports terminals on customer satisfaction with the complexity of handling refrigerated containers. Evaluation criteria of comprehensive service of refrigerated containers in seaports were identified and examined. The analysis of ports opinions on customer satisfaction with the service of refrigerated containers was based on surveys, which covered 5 container terminals located in the Polish cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin. The research revealed that according to the ports, complex service primarily affects the high-level customer satisfaction and shorter service time, while implementation of this service regards a good level of customer service and price