238 research outputs found

    Deep seawater cooling and desalination: Combining seawater air conditioning and desalination

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    In tropical climates, the energy consumed by heating, ventilation and air conditioning can exceed 50% of the total energy consumption of a building. The demand for cooling is rising steadily, driven by global warming and rapidly increasing living standards in developing economies. In addition, there is a rise in water demand due to population increase, life quality, and global warming. Coastal areas with narrow continental shelves are the perfect site for implementing Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC), a renewable and low CO2 emission cooling process. This article proposes the combination of SWAC and reverse osmosis (RO) desalination with the objective of providing desalinated cold water for integrated water supply and cooling services. This combination was named Deep Seawater Cooling and Desalination (DSCD). It was found that DSCD can supply 49 MWt of cooling and 1 m3/s of water simultaneously with an electricity consumption of 12 MWe. DSCD has several benefits compared to SWAC and RO individually, such as in how the cooling service and water supply are delivered together, reducing distribution costs. A case study was performed in Malé, Maldives. It shows that the technology has substantial potential to contribute to the sustainable development of tropical islands

    Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology: An energy storage solution for islands, coastal regions, offshore wind power and hydrogen compression

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    The world is undergoing a substantial energy transition with an increasing share of intermittent sources of energy on the grid such as wind and solar. These variable renewable energy sources require an energy storage solution to allow a smooth integration of these sources. Batteries can provide short-term storage solutions. However, there is still a need for technologies that can provide weekly energy storage at locations without potential for pumped hydro storage. This paper presents innovative solutions for energy storage based on “buoyancy energy storage” in the deep ocean. The ocean has large depths where potential energy can be stored in gravitational based energy storage systems. The deeper the system, the greater the amount of stored energy. The cost of Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology (BEST) is estimated to vary from 50 to 100 USD/kWh of stored electric energy and 4,000 to 8,000 USD/kW of installed capacity. BES could be a feasible option to complement batteries, providing weekly storage cycles. As well as from storing energy, the system can also be used to compress hydrogen efficiently

    Isothermal Deep Ocean Compressed Air Energy Storage: An Affordable Solution for Seasonal Energy Storage

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    There is a significant energy transition in progress globally. This is mainly driven by the insertion of variable sources of energy, such as wind and solar power. To guarantee that the supply of energy meets its demand, energy storage technologies will play an important role in integrating these intermittent energy sources. Daily energy storage can be provided by batteries. However, there is still no technology that can provide weekly, monthly and seasonal energy storage services where pumped hydro storage is not a viable solution. Herein, we introduce an innovative energy storage proposal based on isothermal air compression/decompression and storage of the compressed air in the deep sea. Isothermal deep ocean compressed air energy storage (IDO-CAES) is estimated to cost from 1500 to 3000 USD/kW for installed capacity and 1 to 10 USD/kWh for energy storage. IDO-CAES should complement batteries, providing weekly, monthly and seasonal energy storage cycles in future sustainable energy grids, particularly in coastal areas, islands and offshore and floating wind power plants, as well as deep-sea mining activities

    Effects of environment on quality of tomato transplanting plants

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    Com a finalidade de verificar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada e intensidade luminosa sobre a qualidade das mudas de tomateiro cv Roma VF, foi instalado um experimento em con dições de estufa de vidro, no Setor de Horticultura da ESALQ, Piracicaba (SP). Os tratamentos consistiram em plantas sombreadas, com e sem adubação. Foram observados a altura, diâmetro do caule, e desenvolvimento do sistema radicular das mudas após 32 dias de germinação e os níveis de carboidratos e nitrato no caule. Dos resultados concluiu-se que a adubação nitrogenada na fase de muda é muito importante para se obter plantas sadias e fortes e em condições sombreadas, com adubação nitrogenada, as mudas são maiores, com alto teor de nitrato, enquanto que em condições de pleno sol e adubada, elas possuem maior diâmetro e sistema radicular mais desenvolvido.In order to study the effects of shading and unshading combined with N fertilizing on tomato transplanting plants, an experiment in greenhouse conditions was carried on. It was concluded that N is important to produce healthy and strong plants. Under shading plus N fertilization, plants are taller and have high nitrate contents, while under unshading plus N fertilization, plants have higher diameter and more developed root system

    Perpetual motion electric truck, transporting cargo with zero fuel costs

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    The transportation sector is going through a rapid transition to electric vehicles to minimize our reliance on fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions. This is also happening in the cargo transport sector, with a rapid deployment of electric trucks. This paper proposes that the replacement of diesel trucks with electric trucks should first happen on routes where cargo is delivered from a location with a higher altitude to a location with a lower altitude. This way, the regenerative braking system of the truck can completely recharge the truck's battery. This paper investigates scenarios where electric trucks could operate indefinitely without grid electricity to charge their batteries. This concept was named perpetual motion electric truck (PMET). Results show that with an average road slope of 5 %, 60 km/h speed, the weight of the cargo should be at least 1.32 times the weight of the truck, PMET can be achieved. PMET is an interesting alternative to reduce electricity demand and increase the sustainability of the transport sector

    Underground Gravity Energy Storage: A Solution for Long-Term Energy Storage

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    Low-carbon energy transitions taking place worldwide are primarily driven by the integration of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. These variable renewable energy (VRE) sources require energy storage options to match energy demand reliably at different time scales. This article suggests using a gravitational-based energy storage method by making use of decommissioned underground mines as storage reservoirs, using a vertical shaft and electric motor/generators for lifting and dumping large volumes of sand. The proposed technology, called Underground Gravity Energy Storage (UGES), can discharge electricity by lowering large volumes of sand into an underground mine through the mine shaft. When there is excess electrical energy in the grid, UGES can store electricity by elevating sand from the mine and depositing it in upper storage sites on top of the mine. Unlike battery energy storage, the energy storage medium of UGES is sand, which means the self-discharge rate of the system is zero, enabling ultra-long energy storage times. Furthermore, the use of sand as storage media alleviates any risk for contaminating underground water resources as opposed to an underground pumped hydro storage alternative. UGES offers weekly to pluriannual energy storage cycles with energy storage investment costs of about 1 to 10 USD/kWh. The technology is estimated to have a global energy storage potential of 7 to 70 TWh and can support sustainable development, mainly by providing seasonal energy storage services

    The Role of Planning in Implementing Sustainable Development in a Higher Education Context

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    The implementation of sustainable development in higher education is an important goal, and one which requires much planning. The many recurring problems and barriers that hinder the attainment of sustainable development objectives at universities are either directly or indirectly related to deficiencies in planning which pose a significant barrier to the implementation of sustainable development. There is therefore a perceived need to foster a better understanding of how planning may help higher education institutions to become more successful in implementing sustainable development. Based on this need, this paper describes the role of planning as a tool for improved knowledge and sound decision-making towards a better understanding of sustainability in a science and technology context, and the motivation towards transformation. In particular, it reports on a survey in the context of which some of the major obstacles for planning and implementing sustainable development at universities are outlined. The study identified the fact that many universities are yet to have fully developed plans to take into account matters related to sustainable development, and describes some the elements which could be considered in attempts to give a greater emphasis to sustainability to planning in a higher education context