783 research outputs found
Environmental awareness and tourism in the Caparica coast and Setubal Peninsul, Portugal
Portugal is a country with a population of around 10 million and can be regarded as
one of Europe's poorest nations. Similarly to other Mediterranean countries, tourism
is an economic activity of prime· relevance to Portugal and of a vital aspect of its
economy. The relevance of tourism is particularly conspicuous in Caparica Coast and
Setubal Peninsul, an area located approximately 30 km south of Lisbon, the country's
capital. With a 40 km long coastline which extends itself from the City of Trafaira to
Setubal, the area of Setubal Peninsul is visited by hundreds of thousand of Portuguese
and foreign tourists. This paper presents the experience gathered through a survey on
the levels of awareness regarding the environmental impact of tourism seen in the
areas of Caparica Coast and Setubal Peninsul in Portugal. The study involved a
sample of school children from local schools. It identified the fact that there are
significant problems in the ways children perceive the local environment, and that the
degree of awareness and perception about some of the environmental problems caused
by tourism is sometimes relatively low. Recommendations on how to address the
problems identified in this study, including information materials prepared with a
view to addressing the information needs identified in the survey, are presented.peer-reviewe
River basin planning in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) has always been a complex, yet important topic, which has gained a new momentum with the approval of EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) in December 2000. The ultimate goal of WFD is to achieve a good ecological status/potential of all water bodies before 2015. Together with the implementation of WFD also principles of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are to be applied and national expansions of Natura 2000 networks are in progress.There are many elements which are important in river basin planning systems. In the Baltic Sea region for example, the pressures posed by economic activities including increasing tourism and port activities have to be considered in land and river basin planning. These matters are dealt with in the context of the Watersketch project, a scheme supported by the Interreg IIIB programme of the European Union. The project aims at producing an extensive planning system and a working scheme that accounts for the various, complex and opposing tasks currently subjected to water usage. The main goal is to produce and describe processes, that aid planning and decision making also in areas with limited resources to meet the diverse requirements concerning water. In addition, the project intends to:1) analyse and synthesize the different directives and conventions focused on use of water courses.2) demonstrate the major alternatives of river basin planning with a wide set of case studies ranging from southern tip of Baltic Sea (Poland) to northernmost corner of it (Norway).3) provide a Water Planning Decision Support System for spatial planners, which takes into account all main components needed for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable use of water courses.Raise capacity to promote the sustainable development in river basins by means of an information exchange platform, training workshops and the dissemination of the information needed for sustainable use of river basins by means of a handbook.By a combined approach where planning is complemented by training and information exchange, this project will provide a long-term contribution towards addressing the problem, at the same time that it links itself with other similar projects, achieving synergy and avoiding duplications
O sistema báltico de disseminação de informação ambiental: o uso de informática ambiental como uma ferramenta para o desenvolvimento sustentável na região do Mar Báltico
O atual desenvolvimento econômico da Comunidade Européia, bem como a região C&E Européia, tem levado a um uso intenso de muitos recursos naturais e a um reconhecimento de problemas ambientais. A falta de uma ampla consciência por parte daqueles que atuam em vários setores (indústria, administração pública, usuários) as vezes inibe a implementação de legislação já disponível, como também a implementação de novas tecnologias provenientes, por exemplo, da pesquisa marinha. Um exemplo deste estado de fato ser visto em relação a implementação das recomendações saídas do "Baltic 21" e VASAB 2010, que ilustram as vantagens de um mecanismo aberto, trans-setorial para a disseminação de informação ambiental na região. Hoje estão presentes várias organizações que atuam como fornecedoras de informação ambiental na região do Mar Báltico. Entretanto, apenas algumas, ou nenhuma são provedoras conscientes com os vários modos em que a informação a respeito de desenvolvimento sustentável está sendo utilizada pelos vários grupos e audiências. O estado atual da questão torna necessário impulsionar os mecanismos existentes em seu lugar, de tal forma a propiciar que o amplo espectro de informação ambiental disponível hoje nas áreas tais como a pesquisa marinha, sejam utilizadas com mais intensidade. É igualmente importante que o potencial didático e educacional de tais informações sejam exploradas, de tal forma a não só informar, mas também educar vários grupos e o público em geral, sobre matérias relacionadas com o ambiente em mares europeus fechados, e dar informações para planejadores e políticos para preparação de decisões. Para levar em conta estas necessidades, o projeto "Sistema Báltico de Disseminação de Informação Báltica (BEIDS)" foi colocado em movimento. BEIDS tem se aproveitado das tecnologias mais modernas de informação e atua com um ponto focal para a circulação de informação inteligente sobre aspectos do ambiente marinho, e também dando ênfase à áreas correlatas como as do transporte e desenvolvimento sustentável, entre uma amostra de seis países bálticos: Dinamarca, Finlândia, Alemanha, Suécia (EU), Lituânia e Polônia (não-EU), contribuindo para uma troca de "know-how" em rede, complementando esforços para uma cooperação transregional no planejamento espacial sustentável, dentro das bases do "Baltic 21". Os resultados obtidos até o momento incluem: uma consciência ampliada sobre matérias relacionadas ao desenvolvimento sustentável dentro dos seis países participantes; troca de informações ampliadas e estabelecimento de redes entre as nações; fluxo melhorado de informações e um aumento na participação de eventos, atividades e programas que envolvem a região do Mar Báltico. BEIDS é um excelente exemplo de viabilidade do uso de informática ambiental como uma ferramenta para o desenvolvimento sustentável.The on-going economic development of EU-countries as well of the countries in the C&E European region has been leading to a significant use of a great deal of natural resources as well as to noticeable environmental problems. The lack of a wide-spread environmental awareness from the side of those acting in various sectors (industry, public administration, users) sometimes inhibit the implementation of legislation already available as well as the introduction of new technologies deriving, from example, from marine research. An example of this state of affairs is seen in respect of the implementation of the recommendations deriving from Baltic 21 and VASAB 2010, which illustrate the advantages from a cross-sectorial, open mechanism for the dissemination of environmental information in the region. There are various organisations today which act as suppliers of environmental information in the Baltic Sea Region. However, few, if any, are providers concerned with the various ways in which information on matters related to sustainable development is being used by various groups and audiences. This state of affairs makes it necessary to enhance the current mechanisms and approaches in place, so as to enable the wide-range of environmental information available today from areas such as marine research, to be more widely used. It is equally important that the didactic or educational potential of such information be exploited, so as to not only inform, but also to educate various groups and the general public on matters concerned with the environment in European closed seas and give information to planners and politicians to prepare decisions. In order to address such needs, the project "Baltic Environmental Information Dissemination System (BEIDS)" was set in motion. BEIDS has been taking advantage of the most modern information technologies and has been acting as a focal point for the circulation of intelligent information on aspects of the marine environment, but also emphasising related areas such as transport and sustainable development issues, among a sample of six BSR countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden (EU) and Lithuania and Poland (non-EU), contributing to networking and know-how exchange, complementing efforts towards transregional cooperation in sustainable spatial planning on the basis of Baltic 21. The results reached to date include: increased awareness of matters related to sustainable development in the six participant countries; enhanced communication exchange and networking among the sample nations; improved information flow and increased participation in events, activities and programmes across the Baltic Sea Region. BEIDS is a prime example of the feasibility of using environmental informatics as a tool for sustainable development
Teaching education for sustainable development : implications on learning programmes at higher education
This paper considers the basic elements associated with teaching education for
sustainable development and outlines the implications on learning programmes
at higher education institutions. In particular, the paper considers the extent to
which the formation of educators influences this process, and defends the view
that an emphasis on the long-term pre-service and in-service training of
educators should be a top priority.peer-reviewe
Education for sustainable development : current discourses and practices and their relevance to technology education
Technology education is a well-established field of knowledge whose applications
have many ramifications. For example, technology education may be used as a tool
in meeting the challenges of sustainable development. However, the usefulness of technology
education to the sustainability debate as a whole and to education for sustainable
development in particular, has largely been overlooked in the past. Indeed, there is a
paucity of academic studies which examine the contribution technology education may
provide to education for sustainable development. On the basis of the need to address this
knowledge gap, this paper reviews the state of affairs in relation to education for sustainable
development and considers its links and appropriateness to technology education.
A further objective of this paper is to present examples of initiatives and existing practices
around the world, drawing partly from the results of the 1st European Conference on
Education for Sustainable Development held in Greece in October 2007, as well as from
other initiatives undertaken in Europe and North America. Finally, some measures that
may be adopted in order to enhance the contribution of technology education to education
for sustainable development are outlined.peer-reviewe
Smallholder Farmers’ Perception of the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Rain-fed Agricultural Practices in Semi-arid and Sub-humid Regions of Kenya
Despite the widespread scientific debate concerning the impacts of climate change and variability (CC & V), not much is known about rural farming households’ perceptions of these impacts on their agricultural practices. This is especially so in Africa. In order to address this pressing research need, this study documents those perceptions using data from household interviews at four sites in Kenya selected using a temperature analogue approach. A pair of sites was selected with a semi-arid climate (Katumani and Kambi ya Mawe) and a second pair selected with a sub-humid climate (Kabete and Muguga). Within each pair, sites have similar rainfall totals and patterns but have mean annual temperature differences of between 1.5 and 300C. Thus the warm sites (Kambi ya Mawe and Kabete) are expected to be representative of the cool sites after global warming. Eight agricultural practices that influence productivity were selected for analysis. Significantly, more farmers at the drier sites reported having perceived more changes in the past 30 years than in the past 10 years in nearly all the selected agricultural practices (X² =147.68, Cramér's V=0.52, p<=0.001 df=7 for 30 years and X² =135.95, Cramér's V=0.187, p<=0.021 df=7 for 10 years). In addition, there was a strong association between the perceived changes and the regions (semi-arid and sub-humid) for the last 30 years (X² =147.68, Cramér's V=0.52, p<=0.001 df=7). The study also showed that there was significant association between the observed changes in agricultural practices and household gender (X² =43.51; p <= 0.001). Interestingly, female-headed households observed changes in 62.5% of the selected agricultural practices in all the regions. These perceived changes could be classified as adaptation strategies for the changing climatic conditions. However, successful implementation of farming technologies and methods that are adapted to climate change will require a gendered approach and agro-ecological sensitive strategies for different regions. Keywords: Agricultural practices, Climate change, Perceived changes, Smallholder farming
Atenção à saúde bucal de escolares de 3 a 5 anos que estudam na Creche Apolônia de Carvalho no Município de Antônio Almeida - PI
A atenção odontológica em idades precoces torna-se uma importante estratégia na redução dos problemas bucais mais comuns e do custo de seus tratamentos. Considerando esta perspectiva o objetivo do presente estudo foi melhorar a atenção à Saúde bucal das crianças que estudam na creche Apolônia de Carvalho, no município de Antônio Almeida – PI. A intervenção ocorreu no período de seis de outubro de 2014 ate o dia 23 de Dezembro de 2014. A população alvo foram às crianças da creche Apolônia de Carvalho, com idade de três a seis anos. O projeto tem a aprovação do Comitê de Ética em pesquisa sob o número 15/12. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram à ficha espelho e a ficha individual de cada aluno com necessidade de tratamento posteriormente os dados foram inseridos na planilha eletrônica exel. Realizaram-se ações em quatro eixos: monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica. Os resultados evidenciaram que conseguimos atingir as metas em 100% da população alvo, á exemplo de 100% dos escolares com orientação sobre dieta, escovação e higiene bucal, escovação supervisionada e aplicação tópica de fluor, conseguimos também marcar primeira consulta odontológica programática para os escolares classificados como alto risco e concluir o tratamento odontológico de 100% das crianças. Conclui-se que o grande mérito do trabalho coube em mudar a visão presente da Odontologia na cidade, antes estritamente curativa, para a preventiva, através de consultas, visitas, palestras e orientações, favorecendo assim e relação multidisciplinar com a comunidade
Integrative Approaches to Environmental Sustainability at Universities: an overview of challenges and priorities
The principles of sustainable development are becoming extremely relevant for organisations. In the case of universities, these institutions can act as agents in promoting these principles within society. The literature contains a wide range of studies which show how universities may play a critical role in disseminating sustainability principles on the one hand, and their translation into practice, on the other. At present, many Higher Education Institutions are becoming more aware of their impact on the environment, and trying to understand the environmental needs and implications of their operations. Going further, some universities are incorporating sustainability principles into their activities. One of the questions that universities are now facing is how education for sustainable development can be translated into practice so that it can be effective in transforming society. This paper will discuss the need for and the usefulness of integrative approaches to implement sustainable development in higher education. In addition to a theoretical review of the state of the art, the paper will use case studies from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Bournemouth University (UK), to illustrate the effectiveness of integration of sustainable development principles in university research and teaching activities, and the many benefits integrative approaches may bring about
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