295 research outputs found

    Partition function of the trigonometric SOS model with reflecting end

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    We compute the partition function of the trigonometric SOS model with one reflecting end and domain wall type boundary conditions. We show that in this case, instead of a sum of determinants obtained by Rosengren for the SOS model on a square lattice without reflection, the partition function can be represented as a single Izergin determinant. This result is crucial for the study of the Bethe vectors of the spin chains with non-diagonal boundary terms.Comment: 13 pages, improved versio

    Phase diagrams of site diluted semi infinite ferromagnetic film

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    The magnetic susceptibility of a semi-infinite ferromagnetic films with a simple cubic lattice and the face centered cubic lattice is investigated by the method of exact high-temperature series expansions (HTSE) extrapolated with the Padé approximants method for Heisenberg, XY and Ising models. The magnetic phase diagrams in (tc (ν), c) plane are obtained. The value of the percolation threshold Xp is obtained. The Xp is defined at which tc= 0.The magnetic susceptibility of a semi-infinite ferromagnetic films with a simple cubic lattice and the face centered cubic lattice is investigated by the method of exact high-temperature series expansions (HTSE) extrapolated with the Padé approximants method for Heisenberg, XY and Ising models. The magnetic phase diagrams in (tc (ν), c) plane are obtained. The value of the percolation threshold Xp is obtained. The Xp is defined at which tc= 0

    Drinfeld twist and symmetric Bethe vectors of the open XYZ chain with non-diagonal boundary terms

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    With the help of the Drinfeld twist or factorizing F-matrix for the eight-vertex solid-on-solid (SOS) model, we find that in the F-basis provided by the twist the two sets of pseudo-particle creation operators simultaneously take completely symmetric and polarization free form. This allows us to obtain the explicit and completely symmetric expressions of the two sets of Bethe states of the model.Comment: Latex file, 25 page

    Privation de nourriture et métabolisme de base chez le dromadaire

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    Five female camels were used in this study. They were totally deprived of food for 5 days. Their body weight decreased by 9.3% when compared to the control. Body temperature and respiratory rate declined with progressive starvation suggesting a reduced metabolism. Heat production decreased by 25% on the second day of food deprivation and regained the control value afterrefeeding. Plasma Thyroidhormones, T4 and T3, decreased by 80% and 60% respectively after 2 days of starvation. On the fifth day, when the camels were heat-stressed in an ambiance of 40-42°C, thermoregulatory responses were suppressed and body temperature increased with the time of heat exposure. Body temperature was shifted by 1°C lower than the control. These results suggest that the reduction in metabolism is one important strategy used by the camel to endure food deprivation.Cinq chamelles ont été privées de nourriture pendant 5 jours. Leur poids corporel a diminué de 9.3% par rapport à la période témoin. La température corporelle et la fréquence respiratoire ont diminué progressivement avec le jeûne suggérant une réduction du métabolisme. La production de chaleur a diminué de 25% à partir du 2ème jour et retrouve la valeur témoin après alimentation. Les hormones thyoidiennes, T4 et T3 ont diminué de 80 et 60% respectivement après 2 jours de privation de nourriture. Quand les animaux ont été stressés par la chaleur (40-42°C), les réponses thermorégulatrices ont été supprimées et la température corporelle a augmenté avec le temps d'exposition. Cette température est restée inférieure de 1°C par rapport au temoin. Ces resultats suggèrent que la réduction du métabolisme est une stratégie importante utilisée par le dromadaire pour supporter le jeûne

    Structure and rheological properties of model microemulsion networks filled with nanoparticles

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    Model microemulsion networks of oil droplets stabilized by non ionic surfactant and telechelic polymer C18-PEO(10k)-C18 have been studied for two droplet-to-polymer size ratios. The rheological properties of the networks have been measured as a function of network connectivity and can be described in terms of simple percolation laws. The network structure has been characterised by Small Angle Neutron Scattering. A Reverse Monte Carlo approach is used to demonstrate the interplay of attraction and repulsion induced by the copolymer. These model networks are then used as matrix for the incorporation of silica nanoparticles (R=10nm), individual dispersion being checked by scattering. A strong impact on the rheological properties is found for silica volume fractions up to 9%

    The Efficiency of Best-so-far ABC Algorithm Versus Analytical Methods for Schottky Diode Parameters Extraction

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    In this work, we investigate the forward current-voltage characteristics of p-type Ti/Au/Al0.29Ga0.71As Schottky diode, which were measured over a range of temperatures from 260 to 400 K. The experimental current-voltage characteristics are used to extract the Schottky diode main electrical parameters such as ideality factor, saturation current, height barrier, and series resistance. The parameters extraction has been reached using the best-so-far Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm. ABC is an optimization technique, which is used in finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. The efficiency of this method has been assessed using current-voltage characteristics obtained over wide range of temperatures. The accuracy of the best-so-far ABC algorithm is compared to two well-known analytical methods called Cheung and standard. Extracted diode parameters from different methods show that best results are obtained by the suggested method
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