11 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengukuran Induktansi, Resistansi serta kapasitansi dengan Maxwell Inductance, Maxwell and Anderson Bridge Disertai Pembuatan Rangkaian Bridge pada Laboratorium Listrik dan Otomasi Sistem Perkapalan

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    A series of bridges is a type of electrical circuit in which two branches of circuits normally arranged in parallel to each other are bridged by a third branch connected between the first two branches at various midpoints along the circuit. In the test conducted this time the method used is maxwell inductance used to measure the value of resistance and unknown inductance of an electrical equipment, maxwell wien bridge circuit is used to measure the value of inductance and capsitansi an electrical equipment. Whereas the anderson bridge circuit is used to measure the inductance value. The way of testing with this circuit is by assembling the bridged bridge circuit to be used, collecting data several times with the variation of the resistance on one arm, and proving whether the bridge will be used in accordance with the theoretically described specifications. In the test results obtained inductance values with varying results, as well as percentage mismatch (error) between the bridge circuit and LCR meter, as a comparison. In the test using maxwell inductance obtained value of inductance measurement L= 0,288 H, 0,042 H, 0,02 H, 0,022 H, 4,02 H, 0,005 H. On maxwell circuit wien measurement of inductance, for L= 0,297 H, 0,042 H, 0,020 H, 1,00 H, dan 0,0049 H, whereas in the test using anderson circuit, the result of inductance measurement, L= 0,054 H, 0,030 H, 0,023 H, 0,041 H, dan 0,0059 H. After testing the measurement of inductance value using three types of bridge, obtained result that maxwell inductance can be used as motor measurement with power 1PK-30 PK, maxwell wien bridge used in motor measurement in medium scale , Whereas anderson can only be used on motor measurements that have small to medium power

    Kegunaan Sistem Informasi Kementrian Sekretariat Negara

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    One area where improvement cannot be halted is technology. Every new technology has the potential to alter how businesses operate and how people live. Utilizing technology is essential for a business to endure and prosper. A management information system has a significant influence and is crucial to management when it is utilized to operate a ministry or agency. Basically, the development inside the Ministry of State Secretariat becomes heavily dependent on the information system. As a result, the goal of this study is to evaluate the information system's use inside the ministry of state secretariat. Researchers' strategy involves speaking with employees of the Ministry of State Secretariat. The findings demonstrate that the Ministry of State's information systems' usefulness has an effect on how well the government performs. The ministry of state secretariat uses hardware, including servers, storage, switches, routers, access points, and virus detection systems, as well as software that is centered on the website, www.sektneg.go.id, to secure data. Systems for managing information play a part in making it simple to take the right action


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    The use of air transportation from year to year has increased. Population growth and short travel times make air transportation more popular. This increase spurred airports in Indonesia to improve and develop facilities as well as improve the quality and quantity of airports. Likewise with Fatmawati Soekarno airport. This airport is located in Bengkulu Province. At this time Fatmawati Soekarno airport serves flights of Boeing 737 Series Classic aircraft or Boeing Next Generation types. This study aims to evaluate the runway pavement design at Fatmawati Soekarno airport. This study uses the FAA method with  FAARFIELD software. The data used include field CBR data and flight traffic data for one year. Current field pavement thickness data at STA 0+000 – 1+800 is 105 cm and STA 1+800 – 2+250 is 107.5 cm. The results of the analysis using FAARFIELD obtained that the thickness of the pavement is 85.89 cm, so the current pavement is in a good category

    The Effect of Capacitors on Frequency Response Amplifier IC TDA2030 as Band-Pass Filter

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    Amplifier is used as an input waveform amplifier by increasing the voltage using an IC power supply. TDA2030 is an amplifier IC with an Output Transformer Less (OTL) type. The amplifier can operate with a voltage of 12 Volt, 1.5 Ampere. The circuit design process uses Proteus software with a universal reference to the TDA2030 datasheet. Proteus experimental results can be seen by simulating the frequency response. Frequency response tests were carried out to obtain filter used for assemble the circuit to produce an ideal Band-pass filter. Then using Digital Oscilloscope, we can observe difference between waves getting emphasis and those they are not. The objective of this study is to determine the value of capacitor C3 with a good  (frequency cut low). Changing value of C3 can produce the desired BPF output. In the experiment, capacitor C3 0.1uf obtained emphasizes low frequencies between 0-250 Hz. Values of C3 with good BPF 47uf and 100uf because the output produced good bass frequency and is suitable for use because the emphasis occurs between 0-5 Hz. On the amplifier IC TDA2030 has made, capacitor C3 with values 47uf and 100uf ideal to be used as BPF because the filter works in a balanced way


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    Rendahnya kemampuan literasi budaya siswa di UPT SDN Paterman 2 Modung, salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh keterbatasan kemampun guru dalam mendesain pembelajaran aktif yang terintegrasi budaya lokal setempat. Pelaksanaan Program Abdimas ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan terstruktur kepada guru melalui program pembelajaran active learning yang mengkolaborasikan budaya lokal tanean lanjhang dan Rokat Tase’ kedalam media pembelajaran digital. Selain itu, pelatihan bagi siswa dilakukan dengan menerapkan media pembelajaran digital berbasis budaya lokal, guna menumbuhkan kecakapan siswa akan liteasi budaya. Program abdimas ini dilaksanakan SDN Patereman 2 Modung. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan, respon guru sangat baik dilihat dari efektivitas program, kemenarikan program maupun keberlanjutan program. Sedangkan pembelajaran yang dilakukan kepada siswa mampu meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar siswa mencapai 78% tuntas secara klasikal. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan jika program abdimas yang dilakukan dengan subjek sasaran siswa dan guru di UPTD SDN Patereman 2 efektif diterapkan


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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat merupakan kegiatan untuk menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Kegiatan  pengabdian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengenalkan multimedia interaktif sebagai sebagai bentuk penerapan literasi digital dan literasi budaya dilaksanakan di SDN Modung 1. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan antara lain persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian yang dilakukan. &nbsp


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    Indonesia is a country with a geographical location that results in frequent earthquakes both volcanic and tectonic earthquakes. So that in the development of the use of materials needed materials that are able to withstand earthquakes. Concrete plates are one part of the construction of buildings that are vulnerable to earthquakes, this is because the plates withstand the burden of life and the burden of death on the structure of the building. Concrete plates that are light, economical, but can withstand earthquake force are achievements in research conducted. Hollow concrete plates with hollow steel light galvalume instead of shrinking reinforcement and temperature as well as forming holes in hollow concrete plates become the solution to the problem. Socialization is a method that is believed to provide maximum information to the general public. Socialization is chosen at locations that are cooperation partners both domestically and abroad. Domestic cooperation partners are Bappeda Litbang Kota Palembang because it is an agency connected to the field of research and development in Palembang City and overseas cooperation partner, Melaka Polytechnic Malaysia which is a research collaboration partner. The main purpose of this community service activity is to provide maximum information to the general public about the results of research that has been done, get more and wider cooperation partners, create technological innovations to encourage construction development in Indonesia by making modifications to floor plate materials, and providing solutions based on academic studies of the needs, challenges, or problems faced by the community, either directly or indirectly

    Akuaponik sebagai sarana pemberdayaan masyarakat Labuhbaru Barat dalam konsep urban farming

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    [Bahasa]: Kelurahan Labuhbaru Barat termasuk salah kelurahan potensial yang terletak di jantung Kota Pekanbaru, Riau. Potensi ini terlihat dari melimpahnya sumber daya alam dan manusia yang ada di kelurahan ini. Namun demikian, masyarakat Labuhbaru Barat memiliki kendala dalam pengelolaan lahan perkotaan yang sempit. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupaya untuk mengoptimalkan sumberdaya masyarakat perkotaan secara terpadu dengan konsep urban farming. Konsep ini menekankan pada kemandirian masyarakat kota dalam usaha mengembangkan pertanian. Salah satu penerapan urban farming adalah sistem akuaponik yang dapat menjadi solusi dalam pengelolaan pertanian di Kelurahan Labuhbaru Barat. Kegiatan penerapan teknologi akuaponik ini dilaksanakan oleh Tim Kukerta Balek kampong Universitas Riau pada bulan Maret-Agustus 2021 di Kelurahan Labuhbaru Barat, Kecamatan Payung Sekaki, Pekanbaru, Riau. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan teknologi akuaponik melalui pembuatan media akuaponik dan sosialisasi terhadap masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Rural Apprasial (PRA), Participatory Technology Development (PTD), dan pendekatan edukatif. Tahapan kegiatan meliputi pembuatan akuaponik, pelaksanaan budidaya akuaponik, dan sosialisasi kepada para warga Kelurahan Labuhbaru Barat. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat kota dalam budidaya ikan dan tanaman dengan teknologi akuaponik. Masyarakat menjadi lebih memahami proses pembuatan, pemeliharaan, maupun hasil yang akan diperoleh dari penerapan teknologi akuaponik khususnya dengan menggunakan komoditas lele dan kangkung. Kata kunci: akuaponik, pemberdayaan masyarakat, urban farming [English]: West  Labuhbaru village is one of the potential villages located in the heart of Pekanbaru City, Riau. This potential can be seen from the abundance of natural and human resources in the village. However, the people of West Labuhbaru have constraints in managing narrow urban land. This community service program seeks to optimize urban community resources in an integrated manner with the concept of urban farming. This concept emphasizes the independence of urban communities in developing agriculture. One application of urban farming is an aquaponics system that can be a solution in agricultural management in the West Labuhbaru Village. This aquaponic technology application activity was carried out by the Balek Village Kukerta Team, Riau University in March-August 2021 in Labuhbaru Barat Village, Payung Sekaki District, Pekanbaru, Riau. This program aims to increase the participants’ knowledge of aquaponics technology through the manufacture of aquaponics media and socialization to the community. The methods used were Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Technology Development (PTD), and an educational approach. The activity stages include making aquaponics, implementing aquaponic cultivation, and socializing with residents of West Labuhbaru Village. The results of this program show that there is an increase in the knowledge of the city community in fish and plant cultivation with aquaponic technology. The community becomes more aware of the manufacturing process, maintenance, and the results that will be obtained from the application of aquaponics technology, especially by using catfish and water spinach commodities. Keywords: aquaponics, community empowerment, urban farmin

    Liver trauma: WSES 2020 guidelines

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    Liver injuries represent one of the most frequent life-threatening injuries in trauma patients. In determining the optimal management strategy, the anatomic injury, the hemodynamic status, and the associated injuries should be taken into consideration. Liver trauma approach may require non-operative or operative management with the intent to restore the homeostasis and the normal physiology. The management of liver trauma should be multidisciplinary including trauma surgeons, interventional radiologists, and emergency and ICU physicians. The aim of this paper is to present the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) liver trauma management guidelines