265 research outputs found


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    La revista Digithum publica el seu setzè número, que aquest cop es dedica al tema «Els nous parlants de llengües minoritàries: pertinences i legitimitats», sota la coordinació de la Dra. Maite Puigdevall (UOC). El monogràfic consta d’una introducció a càrrec de la coordinadora i de quatre articles. El primer, signat per Fernando Ramallo i Bernadette O'Rourke, porta el títol de «Perfils de neoparlants de gallec». John Walsh i la mateixa Bernadette O'Rourke n’aporten el segon, que es titula «La conversió en nous parlants d’irlandès: les mudes lingüístiques al llarg del cicle vital». El tercer article, original de Tulay Martínez, se centra en «La construcció de desigualtats en espais bilingües: l’ensenyament del català a dones immigrants», mentre que el quart i últim article el signen les investigadores Ane Ortega, Estibaliz Amorrortu, Jone Goirigolzarri, Jacqueline Urla i Belen Uranga, i tracta sobre «Nous parlants de basc:  identitat i legitimitat».The journal Digithum has published its sixteenth issue, which on this occasion is devoted to “New Speakers of Minority Languages: Belonging and Legitimacy” and coordinated by Dr Maite Puigdevall from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. The dossier has an introductory piece written by the coordinator and four articles. The first, by Fernando Ramallo and Bernadette O'Rourke, is entitled “Profiles of New Speakers of Galician”. The second, by John Walsh and Bernadette O'Rourke, again, is entitled “Becoming a New Speaker of Irish: Linguistic Mudes Throughout the Life Cycle”. The third, by Tulay Martínez, is entitled “Constructing Inequalities in Bilingual Spaces: Teaching Catalan to Female Immigrants”. The fourth and final article is by the researchers Ane Ortega, Estibaliz Amorrortu, Jone Goirigolzarri, Jacqueline Urla and Belen Uranga and is entitled “New Basque speakers: linguistic identity and legitimacy”.La revista Digithum publica su número 16, dedicado en esta ocasión al tema «Los nuevos hablantes de lenguas minoritarias: pertenencias y legitimidades», bajo la coordinación de la Dra. Maite Puigdevall (UOC). El monográfico consta de una introducción a cargo de la coordinadora y de cuatro artículos. El primero, firmado por Fernando Ramallo y Bernadette O'Rourke, lleva por título «Perfiles de neohablantes de gallego». John Walsh y la propia Bernadette O'Rourke aportan el segundo, que se titula «La conversión en nuevos hablantes de irlandés: las mudas lingüísticas a lo largo del ciclo vital». El tercer artículo, original de Tulay Martínez, se centra en «La construcción de desigualdades en espacios bilingües: la enseñanza del catalán a mujeres inmigrantes», mientras que el cuarto y último artículo lo firman las investigadoras Ane Ortega, Estibaliz Amorrortu, Jone Goirigolzarri, Jacqueline Urla y Belen Uranga, y trata sobre «Nuevos hablantes de euskera: identidad y legitimidad»

    Legislación de la cetrería en España y Cataluña

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    Descripció del recurs: 13 abril 2011.Treball presentat a la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Aplicació de la biotecnologia a l'aqüicultura

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    L'aqüicultura és cada cop més important en el proveïment de proteïna d'origen aquàtic en un món en què la pesca ha tocat sostre en el nombre de captures anuals a causa de la sobreexplotació dels oceans. A més, hi ha un augment continuat tant de la població humana com del requeriment d'aquesta proteïna d'aliments d'origen marí. En aquest context, l'aqüicultura esdevé un procés de producció d'aliments fortament tecnificat i industrialitzat. La contribució de la biotecnologia a aquest sector de l'alimentació és encara incipient però molt prometedora. Aquí es repassen les aplicacions de la biotecnologia a l'aqüicultura, algunes ja en explotació, altres encara en fase experimental. Aquestes aplicacions inclouen el control de la reproducció —selecció del sexe, producció de poliploides i línies clonals i xenotrasplantaments de la línia germinal—; el control del creixement —producció d'animals transgènics de ràpid creixement o adaptats a ambients extrems—; la prevenció de malalties —vacunes de DNA i detecció de la presència de patògens—; i el proveïment d'unes condicions de cria òptimes –monitorització de l'estat d'estrès i de les variables ambientals. Aquestes aplicacions han d'assegurar el benestar dels animals i la qualitat del producte que s'espera, tot en un context de producció sostenible i respectuosa amb el medi ambient.Aquaculture is increasingly becoming more relevant for the supply of animal protein of aquatic origin in a world where capture fisheries has reached an all-time maximum in annual landings due to overfishing of the oceans. Furthermore, there is a sustained increase in both the human population and the requirement of this population for food supplies of aquatic origin. In this context, aquaculture is becoming a food sector increasingly technified and industrialized. The contribution of biotechnology to aquaculture is still incipient but it holds a great deal of promise. Here, several applications of biotechnology to aquaculture are reviewed, some of them already being applied commercially, others still in the development phase. These applications include the control of reproduction –sex control, production of polyploids and clonal lines, and xenotransplantation of the germinal line; growth control—production of transgenics for superior growth or adapted to extreme environments—; disease prevention—DNA vaccines and pathogen detection—; and the providing of optimal growth conditions—stress and environment monitoring. These applications must ensure the welfare of the farmed animals and the quality products that one expects from aquaculture, all in a context of sustainable production respectful with the environment

    Effect of electron correlation in the decomposition of core level binding energy shifts into initial and final state contributions

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    The influence of electron correlation into the decomposition of core level binding energy shifts, measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), into initial and final effects is analysed for a series of molecules where these effects are noticeable. Moreover, the series of molecules is chosen in such a way that electron delocalization and increasing number of electrons may provide a large screening of the core hole. A detailed analysis shows that the Hartree-Fock decomposition is biased whereas a physically meaningful decomposition is obtained when electron correlation effects are taken into account. The results show that in this case, trends in core level binding energy shifts are driven by initial state effects thus providing further support to the use of these observable quantities to interpret changes in the chemical bond in the neutral molecule rather than on the core ionized cation. Consequences for the theoretical interpretation of XPS data in materials and surface science are discussed

    Papel de CXCR4 en la diseminación hematógena y intraperitoneal en el cáncer de ovario

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    El término cáncer de ovario se utiliza para definir todas aquellas neoplasias malignas que crecen en el ovario. Debido a esta definición meramente por su localización, este tipo de cáncer engloba a diferentes tipos de tumores, con características fisiopatológicas y moleculares muy dispares. El 90% de los tumores de ovario tienen un origen epitelial (EOC) y se clasifican siguiendo criterios histológicos y genéticos en cinco grandes grupos: serosos de alto grado (80% de los diagnósticos y de características más agresivas, responsables del 80% de las muertes debidas al cáncer de ovario), serosos de bajo grado (<5%), endometroides (15%), mucinosos (<5%) y tumores de célula clara (<5%)(Bast, 2009; Bowtell 2010)

    Boosting the activity of transition metal carbides towards methane activation by nanostructuring

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    The interaction of methane with pristine surfaces of bulk MoC and Mo2C is known to be weak. In contrast, a series of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments, combined with thermal desorption mass spectroscopy (TDS), for MoCy (y = 0.5-1.3) nanoparticles supported on Au(111)¿which is completely inert towards CH4¿show that these systems adsorb and dissociate CH4 at room temperature and low CH4 partial pressure. This industrially-relevant finding has been further investigated with accurate density functional theory (DFT) based calculations on a variety of MoCy supported model systems. The DFT calculations reveal that the MoCy/Au(111) systems can feature low C-H bond scission energy barriers, smaller than the CH4 adsorption energy. Our theoretical results for bulk surfaces of Mo2C and MoC show that a simple Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) relationship holds for C-H bond scission on these systems. However, this is not the case for methane activation on the MoCy nanoparticles as a consequence of their unique electronic and chemical properties. The discovery that supported molybdenum carbide nanoparticles are able to activate methane at room temperature paves the road towards the design of a new family of active carbide catalysts for methane activation and valorisation, with important implications in climate change mitigation and carbon cycle closure

    Correcting flaws in the assignment of nitrogen chemical environments in N-doped graphene

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    X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) applied to N-doped graphene leads to a rather broad N(1s) core level signal that, based on different sources available in the literature, is most often interpreted by fitting the experimental spectra to three peaks. The resulting N(1s) features are assigned to graphitic, pyrrolic, and pyridinic nitrogen, even if these are far from being uniquely defined in the literature. This broadly accepted interpretation has been questioned by recent accurate Hartree-Fock calculations concluding that graphitic and pyrrolic N(1s) core level binding energies are too close to be distinguished. Consideration of models with N in other so far unexplored environments such as N dimers or N at defects show some variations in the calculated core level binding energies. However, these are not large enough to justify a third peak and suggest that the usual three peaks interpretation of the N(1s) XPS in N-doped graphene may be an artefact caused by the fitting procedure. New measurements have been carried out for samples of N-doped graphene and the obtained N(1s) spectra fitted to two or three peaks. It turns out that the spectra can be equally fitted using two or three peaks but only the former is consistent with the results of the unbiased ab initio calculations which calls for a revision of the usual assignment