2,066 research outputs found

    Kinetic of dry matter ruminal degradation of stem, root, aerial part hay and ureatreated-cassava root silage (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

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    O experimento foi conduzido na UESB, com o objetivo de se determinar a cinética da degradação ruminal da matéria seca, de alimentos obtidos da mandioca. Foram utilizadas duas vacas fistuladas no rúmen, incubando-se as amostras em sacolas de náilon por 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas, por quatro rodadas seqüenciais, dentro de um delineamento em blocos inteiramente cazualizados. Os alimentos testados foram a raiz (T1), a silagem de raízes tratada com 3% de uréia (T2), o feno da parte aérea da mandioca obtido aos 5 meses (T3) ou 14 meses após o plantio (T4) e as hastes de plantas de mandioca, colhidas aos 14 meses, plantadas em espaçamento contínuo (T5) ou de 0,6 metros entre plantas (T6). Os resultados dos percentuais de degradabilidade no rúmen (P), foram ajustados ao modelo matemático "P = a + b (1 - e-ct)". Os valores médios percentuais dos resultados encontrados foram comparados pelo teste de Student-Newman-Keuls, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, como se segue para os tratamentos de 1 a 6, respectivamente: fração solúvel (74,8b; 80,9ª; 26,3c; 23,6d; 22,4d; 22,3d), degradabilidade efetiva (90,7b; 92,0ª; 65,4c; 62,4d; 41,8e; 40,9e), degradabilidade potencial (99,1ª; 99,4ª; 74,4b; 73,4b; 49,2c; 46,8d) e tempo de colonização em horas (0,4cb; 0,1c; 1,5ba; 1,5ba; 1,6ba; 1,8ª). Os resultados indicam uma alta taxa de solubilidade ruminal da silagem de raiz de mandioca tratada com uréia e uma maior taxa de degradabilidade efetiva do feno obtido aos 5 meses em relação ao obtido aos 14 meses após o plantio.This experiment was carried out at the Southwestern State University of Bahia (UESB), Bahia, Brazil, in order to verify the kinetic of dry matter ruminal degradation of cassava byproducts. Two cows, fistulated in the rumen, were used to incubate samples in nylon bags for 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, in a completely randomized block design, resulting in four incubation periods for each sample. Tested feedstuffs were cassava root (T1), cassava root silage treated with 3% of urea (T2), cassava aereal part hay (CLH) harvested at 5 (T3) or 14 months of age (T4) and the stems of cassava plants, harvested at 14 months, planted in continuous rows (T5) or 0,6 meters between plants (T6) along the planting line. Percentual results of feed rumen degradabilities (P), were adjusted to the mathematical model "P = a + b (1 - e-ct)". Average percent results found in the treatments were compared using Student-Newman-Keuls test, at the level of 5% of probability. Results for treatments 1 to 6, were respectively: soluble fraction (74,8b; 80,9ª; 26,3c; 23,6d; 22,4d; 22,3d), effective degradability (90,7b; 92,0ª; 65,4c; 62,4d; 41,8e ; 40,9e), potential degradability (99,1ª; 99,4ª; 74,4b; 73,4b; 49,2c; 46,8d) and lag time in hours (0,4cb; 0,1c; 1,5ba; 1,5ba; 1,6ba; 1,8ª). These results indicate a high level of ruminal solubility of cassava root silage treated with urea and a higher degradation rate of CH harvested at 5 months compared to CH harvested at 14 months of age

    Acidez total titulável, pH e tempo de redução do azul de metileno no fluido ruminal de caprinos mantidos em pastagens artificiais, exclusiva de gramíneas, ou em caatinga

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    A completely randomized trial was conducted in order to evaluate the hydrogen ion concentration (pH), total titratable acidity and methylene blue reduction time test in rumen fluid of cross bred and raced goats, grazing on grasslands and rangelands of semi arid regions of Brazil, during rainy and dry season of the year. A 2³ factorial arrangement was used to analyse the experiment (two types of bread, pasture and season). Significant effects were obtained for type of pasture on total titratable acidity. The pH was influenced by season and type of pasture. The microbial activity, mensured through methylene blue reduction time, was more intensive on rainy season and rangelands than dry season and grasslands, respectively. In the interpretation of the results of these tests for goats, should be considered mainly the season and type of pasture, without despising the breed.O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de determinar a concentração hidrogeniônica (pH), acidez total titulável e tempo de redução do azul de metileno no fluido ruminal de caprinos com ou sem raça definida, mantidos em pastagens artificiais, exclusivas de gramíneas, ou em caatinga, durante as épocas chuvosa e seca do ano. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo analisado em esquema fatorial 2³ (animais com e sem raça definida, pastagens artificiais e em caatinga, épocas chuvosa e seca do ano). O tipo de pastagem influenciou significativamente (p < 0,05) os valores encontrados para acidez total titulável. Em relação ao pH, o tipo de pastagem e época do ano foram significativamente (p < 0,05) os fatores mais incisivos. A atividade microbiana, avaliada através dos parâmetros estudados, foi mais intensa na época das águas e na caatinga em relação à da seca e pastagens artificiais, respectivamente. Na avaliação dos resultados desses testes, deve-se sempre levar em consideração principalmente a época do ano e o tipo de pastagem, sem, no entanto, desprezar o fator raça

    Three-month vs. one-year detraining effects after multicomponent exercise program in hypertensive older women

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    Background: Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in older women. Physical exercise training programs promote beneficial effects for health and quality of life. However, exercise interruption periods may be detrimental for the hemodynamic and lipidic profiles of hypertensive older women with dyslipidemia. Methods: Nineteen hypertensive older women with dyslipidemia (exercise group: 67.5 ± 5.4 years, 1.53 ± 3.42 m, 71.84 ± 7.45 kg) performed a supervised multicomponent exercise training program (METP) during nine months, followed by a one-year detraining period (DT), while fourteen hypertensive older women (control group: 66.4 ± 5.2 years, 1.56 ± 3.10 m, 69.38 ± 5.24 kg) with dyslipidemia kept their continued daily routine without exercise. For both groups, hemodynamic and lipidic profiles and functional capacities (FCs) were assessed four times: before and after the METP and after 3 and 12 months of DT (no exercise was carried out). Results: The METP improved hemodynamic and lipidic profiles (p < 0.05), while three months of DT decreased all (p < 0.05) parameters, with the exception of diastolic blood pressure (DBP). One year of DT significantly (p < 0.01) decreased systolic blood pressure (7.85%), DBP (2.29%), resting heart rate (7.95%), blood glucose (19.14%), total cholesterol (10.27%), triglycerides (6.92%) and FC—agility (4.24%), lower- (−12.75%) and upper-body strength (−12.17%), cardiorespiratory capacity (−4.81%) and lower- (−16.16%) and upper-body flexibility (−11.11%). Conclusion: Nine months of the exercise program significantly improved the hemodynamic and lipid profiles as well as the functional capacities of hypertensive older women with dyslipidemia. Although a detraining period is detrimental to these benefits, it seems that the first three months are more prominent in these alterations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Small-scale distribution of the mesozooplankton in a tropical insular system

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    Neste presente trabalho, são apresentadas as flutuações espacial e sazonal da abundância e diversidade do mesozooplâncton, com especial atenção para assembleia de copépodes da área costeira do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha (AFN) (3°50'24''S and 32°24'48''W). A amostragem foi realizada durante as estações seca e chuvosa de dois anos consecutivos (julho e dezembro de 2013) e (junho e novembro de 2014). Um total de 37 taxa do mesozooplâncton foram registrados, sendo os copépodes o grupo mais diversificado (15 taxa). A Subclasse Copepoda dominou em ambos os períodos amostrados, com valores de abundância relativa equivalentes a 53% e 86%, respectivamente, nas estações seca e chuvosa. As espécies consideradas abundantes foram: Calanopia americana, Undinula vulgaris, Oithona plumifera e Corycaeus speciosus. A estação chuvosa favoreceu um aumento significativo na abundância do mesozooplâncton e copépodes. No entanto, um baixo valor do índice de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener foi observado para este mesmo período sazonal. Isso foi explicado pelo domínio das espécies C. americana e U. vulgaris na área estudada. Diferença espacial não foi verificada. A assembleia de copépodes apresentou um maior número de espécies consideradas carnívoro-predador de grande importância na teia trófica pelágica, indicadoras de condições oligotróficas e componente de grande porção dos itens alimentares dos peixes. Assim, sugerimos que a área costeira do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha é caracterizada por uma comunidade do mesozooplâncton espacialmente homogênea, onde as mudanças observadas estão principalmente relacionadas ao fator sazonal.In the present work, spatial and seasonal fluctuations of the abundance and diversity of mesozooplankton are presented, with special attention being given to copepod assemblages from coastal area of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (FNA) (3°50'24''S and 32°24'48''W). Sampling was carried out during the dry and rainy seasons of two consecutive years (July and December 2013) and (June and November 2014). A total of 37 mesozooplankton taxa were recorded, being the copepods the most diversified group (15 taxa). The Subclass Copepoda dominated in both periods sampled, comprising 53% and 86% of the total abundance in the dry and rainy season respectively. The species considered abundant were: Calanopia americana, Undinula vulgaris, Oithona plumifera and Corycaeus speciosus. The rainy season favored a significant increase in the abundance of mesozooplankton and copepods. However, a low value of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index was observed in this same seasonal period. This was explained by the dominance of the species C. americana and U. vulgaris in the studied area. Spatial differences have not been verified. The copepod assemblages was composed mostly by species considered as predator-carnivours of greater importance on the pelagic trophic web, indicators of oligotrophic conditions and components of a major portion of fish food items. Thus, we suggest that a spatially homogeneous mesozooplankton community characterizes the coastal area of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago with variations related mainly to the seasonal factor

    Consenso brasileiro sobre bronquiectasias não fibrocísticas

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    Bronchiectasis is a condition that has been increasingly diagnosed by chest HRCT. In the literature, bronchiectasis is divided into bronchiectasis secondary to cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis not associated with cystic fibrosis, which is termed non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. Many causes can lead to the development of bronchiectasis, and patients usually have chronic airway symptoms, recurrent infections, and CT abnormalities consistent with the condition. The first international guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis was published in 2010. In Brazil, this is the first review document aimed at systematizing the knowledge that has been accumulated on the subject to date. Because there is insufficient evidence on which to base recommendations for various treatment topics, here the decision was made to prepare an expert consensus document. The Brazilian Thoracic Association Committee on Respiratory Infections summoned 10 pulmonologists with expertise in bronchiectasis in Brazil to conduct a critical assessment of the available scientific evidence and international guidelines, as well as to identify aspects that are relevant to the understanding of the heterogeneity of bronchiectasis and to its diagnostic and therapeutic management. Five broad topics were established (pathophysiology, diagnosis, monitoring of stable patients, treatment of stable patients, and management of exacerbations). After this subdivision, the topics were distributed among the authors, who conducted a nonsystematic review of the literature, giving priority to major publications in the specific areas, including original articles, review articles, and systematic reviews. The authors reviewed and commented on all topics, producing a single final document that was approved by consensus.Bronquiectasias têm se mostrado uma condição cada vez mais diagnosticada com a utilização da TCAR de tórax. Na literatura, a terminologia utilizada separa as bronquiectasias entre secundárias à fibrose cística e aquelas não associadas à fibrose cística, denominadas bronquiectasias não fibrocísticas neste documento. Muitas causas podem levar ao desenvolvimento de bronquiectasias, e o paciente geralmente tem sintomas crônicos de vias aéreas, infecções recorrentes e alterações tomográficas compatíveis com a condição. Em 2010, foi publicada a primeira diretriz internacional sobre diagnóstico e tratamento das bronquiectasias não fibrocísticas. No Brasil, este é o primeiro documento de revisão com o objetivo de sistematizar o conhecimento acumulado sobre o assunto até o momento. Como para vários tópicos do tratamento não há evidências suficientes para recomendações, optou-se aqui pela construção de um documento de consenso entre especialistas. A Comissão de Infecções Respiratórias da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia reuniu 10 pneumologistas com expertise em bronquiectasias no Brasil para avaliar criticamente as evidências científicas e diretrizes internacionais, assim como identificar aspectos relevantes à compreensão da heterogeneidade da doença bronquiectásica e a seu manejo diagnóstico e terapêutico. Foram determinados cinco grandes tópicos (fisiopatologia; diagnóstico; monitorização do paciente estável; tratamento do paciente estável; e manejo das exacerbações). Após essa subdivisão, os tópicos foram distribuídos entre os autores, que realizaram uma revisão não sistemática da literatura, priorizando as principais publicações nas áreas específicas, incluindo artigos originais e de revisão, assim como revisões sistemáticas. Os autores revisaram e opinaram sobre todos os tópicos, formando um documento único final que foi aprovado por todos

    Evaluation of eleven immunochromatographic assays for SARS-CoV-2 detection: investigating the dengue cross-reaction

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    COVID-19 disease is spread worldwide and diagnostic techniques have been studied in order to contain the pandemic. Immunochromatographic (IC) assays are feasible and a low-cost alternative especially in low and middle-income countries, which lack structure to perform certain diagnostic techniques. Here we evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of eleven different IC tests in 145 serum samples from confirmed cases of COVID-19 using RT-PCR and 100 negative serum samples from blood donors collected in February 2019. We also evaluated the cross-reactivity with dengue using 20 serum samples from patients with confirmed diagnosis for dengue collected in early 2019 through four different tests. We found high sensitivity (92%), specificity (100%) and an almost perfect agreement (Kappa 0.92) of IC assay, especially when we evaluated IgG and IgM combined after 10 days from the onset of symptoms with RT-PCR. However, we detected cross-reactivity between dengue and COVID-19 mainly with IgM antibodies (5 to 20% of cross-reaction) and demonstrated the need for better studies about diagnostic techniques for these diseases

    Nutritive value of hay from sorghum-sudangrass hybrids (Sorghum sudanense vs. Sorghum bicolor) / Valor nutritivo do feno de híbridos de sorgo com capim-sudão (Sorghum sudanense vs. Sorghum bicolor)

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    This study aimed to evaluate the nutritive value of hay from ten sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. A randomized block design with ten treatments and three replicates was used. The chemical composition was analyzed 57 days after germination. Hay from hybrids BRS 810 and BRS 802 showed similar dry matter content, although it was lower compared to other genotypes (86.98; 86.47%). Ash content was highest for the hybrid BRS 810 (6.46%). The highest crude protein content was found in hybrids BRS 810, 1013020, and BRS 802 (14.01; 12.84 and 11.96%, respectively). The lowest neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations were observed in hybrids 1134029 and BRS 810, ranging from 57.72 to 58.57%. The acid detergent fiber (ADF) concentration was least in hybrids BRS 810 and 1013029 (30.30 and 30.31%). The highest lignin content was found in hybrids 1013020 and 1134023 (5.82 and 5.41%, respectively). Values of dry matter digestibility were higher than 50%. Hay from all hybrids was of good quality, but hybrids 1013020, BRS 810, BRS 802 were better in terms of nutritive value.This study aimed to evaluate the nutritive value of hay from ten sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. A randomized block design with ten treatments and three replicates was used. The chemical composition was analyzed 57 days after germination. Hay from hybrids BRS 810 and BRS 802 showed similar dry matter content, although it was lower compared to other genotypes (86.98; 86.47%). Ash content was highest for the hybrid BRS 810 (6.46%). The highest crude protein content was found in hybrids BRS 810, 1013020, and BRS 802 (14.01; 12.84 and 11.96%, respectively). The lowest neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations were observed in hybrids 1134029 and BRS 810, ranging from 57.72 to 58.57%. The acid detergent fiber (ADF) concentration was least in hybrids BRS 810 and 1013029 (30.30 and 30.31%). The highest lignin content was found in hybrids 1013020 and 1134023 (5.82 and 5.41%, respectively). Values of dry matter digestibility were higher than 50%. Hay from all hybrids was of good quality, but hybrids 1013020, BRS 810, BRS 802 were better in terms of nutritive value

    Recomendações para o manejo da pneumonia adquirida na comunidade 2018

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    A pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC) constitui a principal causa de morte no mundo. Apesar da vasta microbiota respiratória, o Streptococcus pneumoniae permanece como a bactéria de maior prevalência dentre os agentes etiológicos. Apesar da redução significativa das taxas de mortalidade por infecções do trato respiratório inferior nas últimas décadas, a PAC ocupa o terceiro lugar como causa de mortalidade em nosso meio. Desde a última publicação das Diretrizes Brasileiras sobre PAC da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT; 2009), houve importantes avanços na aplicação dos exames de imagem, na investigação etiológica, na estratificação de risco à admissão e de escores prognósticos evolutivos, no uso de biomarcadores e nas recomendações de antibioticoterapia (e sua duração) e da prevenção por vacinas. Para revisar esses tópicos, a Comissão de Infecções Respiratórias da SBPT reuniu 13 membros com reconhecida experiência em PAC no Brasil que identificaram aspectos relevantes à prática clínica que demandam atualizações frente às novas evidências epidemiológicas e científicas publicadas. Foram determinados doze tópicos envolvendo aspectos diagnósticos, prognósticos, terapêuticos e preventivos. Os tópicos foram divididos entre os autores, que realizaram uma revisão de forma não sistemática da literatura, porém priorizando as principais publicações nas áreas específicas, incluindo artigos originais, artigos de revisão e revisões sistemáticas. Todos os autores tiveram a oportunidade de revisar e opinar sobre todas as questões, criando um documento único final que foi aprovado por consenso.Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Despite the vast diversity of respiratory microbiota, Streptococcus pneumoniae remains the most prevalent pathogen among etiologic agents. Despite the significant decrease in the mortality rates for lower respiratory tract infections in recent decades, CAP ranks third as a cause of death in Brazil. Since the latest Guidelines on CAP from the Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT, Brazilian Thoracic Association) were published (2009), there have been major advances in the application of imaging tests, in etiologic investigation, in risk stratification at admission and prognostic score stratification, in the use of biomarkers, and in the recommendations for antibiotic therapy (and its duration) and prevention through vaccination. To review these topics, the SBPT Committee on Respiratory Infections summoned 13 members with recognized experience in CAP in Brazil who identified issues relevant to clinical practice that require updates given the publication of new epidemiological and scientific evidence. Twelve topics concerning diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic, and preventive issues were developed. The topics were divided among the authors, who conducted a nonsystematic review of the literature, but giving priority to major publications in the specific areas, including original articles, review articles, and systematic reviews. All authors had the opportunity to review and comment on all questions, producing a single final document that was approved by consensus

    Utilidade do coágulo sangüíneo para o isolamento de Sporothrix schenckii de gatos naturalmente infectados

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    The diagnosis of disseminated sporotrichosis is usually obtained by necropsy and the isolation of Sporothrix schenckii from blood is rare. Fungemia was shown in vivo through the isolation of S. schenckii from peripheral blood of 13 (n=38, 34.2%) cats with naturally acquired sporotrichosis. The coinfection with FIV and with FeLV found, respectively, in 6 (n=34, 17.6%) cases and 1 (n=34, 2.9%), apparently did not alter the frequency of the isolation of S. schenckii from peripheral blood. There was agreement of 84.2% comparing these results to the blood culture results simultaneously achieved. In this way, we propose the clot culture as a practical alternative method, efficient and cheap for the diagnosis of disseminated sporotrichosis in cats in vivo.O diagnóstico de esporotricose disseminada costuma ser obtido através da necrópsia e o isolamento de Sporothrix schenckii do sangue é raro. Fungemia foi demonstrada in vivo através do isolamento do S. schenckii do sangue periférico de 13 (n=38; 34,2%) gatos com esporotricose naturalmente adquirida. A coinfecção com FIV e com FeLV encontradas, respectivamente, em 6 (n=34; 17,6%) casos e 1 (n=34; 2,9%), aparentemente não alterou a freqüência do isolamento de S. schenckii do sangue periférico. Comparando estes resultados aos dos hemocultivos realizados simultaneamente houve concordância de 84,2%. Assim, propomos o cultivo do coágulo como um método alternativo prático, eficiente e econômico para o diagnóstico de esporotricose disseminada em gatos in vivo