13 research outputs found

    Representations of depression and schizophrenia in the community: The role of illness and risk perceptions on help-seeking intentions

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    Objective: Illness perceptions (IPs) are important in understanding human reactions to illnesses, including mental health disorders. They influence risk perceptions and several variables relevant to the adjustment to a disorder, treatment seeking, and health outcomes. This study sought to compare IP, risk perception, and help-seeking intention for depression and schizophrenia in a community sample and to assess the mediating role of risk perception in the relationship between IP and help-seeking intention. Materials and methods: A total of 380 adults participated in this study and filled out self-report measures of IPs, risk perceptions, and help-seeking intention. The previous diagnosis of depression was used to control the comparisons between the two disorders. A structural equation model (SEM) was used to test the mediation relationship. Results: Perceived consequences, expected timeline, lack of personal control, and symptom identity were higher for schizophrenia, while lack of treatment control and concern were higher for depression. An interaction occurred with a previous diagnosis of depression for several dimensions of IP. Concerning the SEM, a valid model was obtained for depression, explaining 15.5% of helpseeking intentions, but not for schizophrenia. Conclusion: The results show that the general population represents depression and schizophrenia differently. These representations are influenced by having experienced depression, and that illness and risk perceptions contribute to explaining the intention to seek help. Considering these illness representations makes it possible to understand the general population’s emotional and cognitive reactions to mental health disorders.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How Do Healthy Women Perceive the Risk of Breast Cancer? The Role of Illness Perceptions and Compared Risk between Portugal and the U.A.E

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    (1) Background: Breast cancer (BC) shows significant epidemiological differences between Eastern and Western countries. These may arise from socio-cultural factors influencing how healthy young women perceive this condition, their risk of getting cancer, and the implications for preventive screening behaviors. In this study, the illness perceptions, individual risk perception, compared risk, and beliefs about preventive behaviors for BC of female university students were compared using an anonymous online survey between a European country (Portugal) and the United Arab Emirates. (2) Method: A structural equation model (SEM) was developed to investigate the hypothetical relationship between illness perceptions and compared risk as predictors of perceived risk for BC. (3) Results: There were significant differences between the study variables. The SEM was invariant, but the differences between regression coefficients in both countries were highly statistically significant. Mediation analyses revealed a significant indirect effect of compared risk on individual risk and a significantly stronger direct effect for the Emirati sample. (4) Conclusions: These findings suggest that cultural research may help to explain factors that may shape social comparison of individual risk characteristics and influence perceived risk. Moreover, providing culturally appropriate strategies to be designed and implemented can promote early detection behaviors for BC

    Prospeção geoquímica e avaliação do impacto ambiental no setor português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica

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    ABSTRACT: This work intends to briefly report the history and application of geochemical exploration techniques in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB). The use of geochemistry in IPB for exploration purposes started in 1950’s. Together with geophysics, the soil geochemical exploration surveys performed over several decades were responsible for important discoveries such as Carrasco and Feitais ore-bodies. However, the continuous development of analytical methods and the progress in data processing/modelling led to significant changes in the planning of sampling surveys, and their specific objectives, as well as in the accuracy of geochemical anomalies definition and corresponding interpretation. As a consequence, the number of samples involved in each survey was significantly reduced, but the chemical elements analysed with improved detection limits were considerably extended; additionally, geochemical anomalies were better resolved. Notwithstanding this evolution, data obtained in early soil geochemical surveys (notably by the Serviço de Fomento Mineiro) are still useful in the development of preliminary approaches at a regional scale. Over the years, many studies were made for exploration and environmental assessments, the most relevant of them reported in this chapter. Natural distributions of chemical elements were also identified in these studies as background (if pristine conditions are present) or baseline (depending how disturbed is the area covered by the sampling survey) values. Large part of IPB was, and still is, subjected to poly-metallic mineral exploration or mining, being also the focus of environmental evaluation and/or remediation projects on particular areas that, being the target of long-lasting human intervention, represent paradigmatic case-study examples. The exploration and exploitation works carried out by national and foreign private companies were, and still are, very important for innovative achievements in IPB along with copious contributions from the Portuguese R&D public institutions. Presently, LNEG possesses a vast quantity of geochemical data that can be provided for companies that wish to start their activity in the IPB; some of these datasets are compiled to a unique integrative map also presented in this work. Stream-sediments geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry and lithogeochemistry (of outcropping rock and drill-core samples) represent also important sources of geochemical data in regional or detailed studies over specific target areas in the IPB. However, these techniques are beyond the scope of the present paper which aimed at providing a general overview of the importance of soil geochemistry studies in the current knowledge of the IPB.RESUMO: A geoquímica é aqui abordada através da história da sua utilização na Faixa Piritosa Ibérica (FPI) e correspondente influência na evolução do conhecimento sobre os recursos minerais, distribuição natural dos elementos químicos e avaliação ambiental desta importante província metalogenética. Ao longo do tempo usaram-se na FPI técnicas analíticas cada vez mais precisas para determinar a concentração de um número crescente de elementos químicos. As campanhas de prospecção geoquímica tornaram-se assim progressivamente mais dispendiosas, levando à redução do número de amostras colhidas e analisadas em cada expedição. Consequentemente, no início da década de 1990, foi abandonado o uso de redes densas de amostragem de solos, muitas vezes elaboradas segundo uma esquadria retangular, como prática de rotina em campanhas de prospeção estratégica e tática, desenvolvidas pelos serviços do Estado vocacionados para este tipo de estudos, nomeadamente o Serviço de Fomento Mineiro (SFM). Reconhece-se, no entanto, que mesmo com um número reduzido de elementos químicos e baixa resolução analítica, a elevada densidade de amostragem combinada com diversas técnicas de geofísica desempenhou papel crucial na descoberta de jazigos de sulfuretos maciços na FPI, como são exemplo as massas Carrasco e Feitais em Aljustrel. Presentemente, as atividades de prospeção são maioritariamente desenvolvidas por empresas mineiras com contratos de pesquisa outorgados pelo Estado Português. O Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG) é o atual depositário de uma vasta informação de estudos geoquímicos, com destaque para um grande volume de dados produzido pelo SFM e por empresas. As bases de dados do LNEG são frequentemente requisitadas para efeitos de reavaliação de setores estratégicos da província e, em alguns casos, para reprocessamento de dados e reanálise de amostras físicas existentes em arquivo. Estudos geoquímicos desenvolvidos em áreas específicas da FPI são apresentados sumariamente neste artigo, abordando a importância do mapeamento geostatístico multivariado e multifractal de dados de geoquímica, para além de contribuir para a definição dos fundos (concentrações) naturais dos elementos metálicos com interesse económico; isto é, procurando identificar critérios objetivos úteis à separação entre o fundo geoquímico, o nível de referência e a anomalia. Todos estes estudos revelam que as formações constituintes do Complexo Vulcano Sedimentar (CVS - Devónico Superior – Carbónico Inferior) são fontes de metais como o Cu, Zn e Pb, podendo haver ainda alguma contribuição das sequências de metassedimentos pertencentes ao Grupo Filito-Quartzítico (Devónico Médio - Devónico Superior) e ao Grupo do Chança (Devónico Superior). Após um período de intensa prospeção e pesquisa mineral até finais dos anos 90 seguiu-se cerca de uma década e meia de abrandamento desta atividade na Europa, a qual foi, na FPI, gradualmente substituída por estudos de diagnóstico ambiental, procurando responder a novas inquietações sociais e políticas. Alguns desses estudos são também abordados de forma sumária neste capítulo, salientando os que contribuíram para a identificação e caracterização dos principais centros mineiros da FPI, geradores de grande volume de resíduos mineiros e importante drenagem ácida. Salientam-se ainda os sítios da província onde a atividade mineira decorreu por longo período de tempo (ex. S. Domingos, Aljustrel, Lousal e Caveira), em épocas em que o impacto ambiental não fazia parte das preocupações sociais, políticas e económicas das empresas mineiras e das entidades reguladoras. Nestes mesmos locais, e muito recentemente, como resposta à necessidade conjunta de tratamento/valorização de resíduos e salvaguarda da segurança de abastecimento de matérias-primas minerais na Europa (reduzindo a sua dependência externa e fomentando o seu crescimento económico), outros estudos geoquímicos têm vindo a ser realizados. Estes visam a identificação de novas oportunidades e mercados para os resíduos mineiros históricos, considerando-os como recursos secundários de matéria-prima que, por vezes, contêm quantidades acessórias de metais escassos e valiosos, alguns especialmente importantes na manufactura de componentes da “alta tecnologia”. A prospecção geoquímica não se restringe à geoquímica de solos, muito embora o presente artigo lhe seja inteiramente dedicado por a mesma representar uma abordagem geral dos trabalhos desenvolvidos na FPI, ao longo de mais de meio século.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How do healthy women perceive the risk of breast cancer? The role of Illness perceptions and compared risk between Portugal and the U.A.E

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    (1) Background: Breast cancer (BC) shows significant epidemiological differences between Eastern and Western countries. These may arise from socio-cultural factors influencing how healthy young women perceive this condition, their risk of getting cancer, and the implications for preventive screening behaviors. In this study, the illness perceptions, individual risk perception, compared risk, and beliefs about preventive behaviors for BC of female university students were compared using an anonymous online survey between a European country (Portugal) and the United Arab Emirates. (2) Method: A structural equation model (SEM) was developed to investigate the hypothetical relationship between illness perceptions and compared risk as predictors of perceived risk for BC. (3) Results: There were significant differences between the study variables. The SEM was invariant, but the differences between regression coefficients in both countries were highly statistically significant. Mediation analyses revealed a significant indirect effect of compared risk on individual risk and a significantly stronger direct effect for the Emirati sample. (4) Conclusions: These findings suggest that cultural research may help to explain factors that may shape social comparison of individual risk characteristics and influence perceived risk. Moreover, providing culturally appropriate strategies to be designed and implemented can promote early detection behaviors for BC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lay views about medicines: The influence of the illness label for the use of generic versus brand

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate how different types of prescriptions using different illness labels may influence lay views about the use of generic or brand medicines. The participants were 882 Portuguese (both sexes) recruited from the general population, who completed a self-administered questionnaire. A vignette methodology was used in which different prescriptions (generic versus brand) were given for the same label (flu, hypertension, asthma and angina pectoris). The dependent variables were for each illness label: (a) the level of agreement with the prescription, (b) beliefs about the efficacy of a medicine and (c) beliefs about the relief of symptoms. There were main effects of the label and the type of prescription upon beliefs about the use of medicines. There were interactions between illness label and type of medicines. Labels which were perceived as more serious were associated with a lower belief in generic medicines. These results raise important questions concerning the need to consider illness perceptions of lay people (including perceived severity) and its relationship with perceptions of treatment for different conditions. Furthermore, these results may have implications for healthrelated behaviour in general, and in particular for communication between lay people and health professionals, prescribing behaviour, health costs and adherence to treatment

    Impact of economic crisis on the social representation of mental health: Analysis of a decade of newspaper coverage

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    Mass media plays a fundamental role in how communities understand mental health and its treatment. However, the effect of major events such as economic crises on the depiction of mental health is still unclear.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is my risk lower than yours? The role of compared risk, illness perceptions, and self-efficacy as determinants of perceived risk for COVID-19

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    Risk perception is a psychological construct influenced by the available information about specific illnesses or conditions and several psychosocial variables. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to understand people´s perceptions about the illness and their subsequent behaviour. In the present study we aimed to assess risk and illness perceptions about COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic in a community sample and to assess whether illness perception dimensions, dispositional optimism, compared risk and perceived self-efficacy are predictors of individual risk perception for COVID-19. The participants were 549 Portuguese adults not infected by COVID-19 who completed an online survey. Our findings showed that individual and compared risk perceptions about COVID-19 were high as well as concern, negative emotional representation, and perceived consequences. The predictive model showed that 54% of the variance of the perceived individual risk was explained by compared risk, followed by concern, emotional representation, and self-efficacy. These findings highlight the importance of comparative risk (unrealistic comparative optimism) in the formation of individual risk perception. Social comparison can be an important factor for risk perception and the adoption of protective behaviours for COVID-19.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Definition and Characteristics of Behavioral Medicine, and Main Tasks and Goals of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine : an International Delphi Study

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    Background: In the past decades, behavioral medicine has attained global recognition. Due to its global reach, a critical need has emerged to consider whether the original definition of behavioral medicine is still valid, comprehensive, and inclusive, and to reconsider the main tasks and goals of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), as the umbrella organization in the field. The purpose of the present study was to (i) update the definition and scope of behavioral medicine and its defining characteristics; and (ii) develop a proposal on ISBM's main tasks and goals. Method: Our study used the Delphi method. A core group prepared a discussion paper. An international Delphi panel rated questions and provided comments. The panel intended to reach an a priori defined level of consensus (i.e., 70%). Results: The international panel reached consensus on an updated definition and scope of behavioral medicine as a field of research and practice that builds on collaboration among multiple disciplines. These disciplines are concerned with development and application of behavioral and biomedical evidence across the disease continuum in clinical and public health domains. Consensus was reached on a proposal for ISBM's main tasks and goals focused on supporting communication and collaboration across disciplines and participating organizations; stimulating research, education, and practice; and supporting individuals and organizations in the field. Conclusion: The consensus on definition and scope of behavioral medicine and ISBM's tasks and goals provides a foundational step toward achieving these goals