178 research outputs found


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    NUR ISNAENI: "Hubungan Sikap Siswa Terhadap Kompetensi Profesional Guru Biologi dengan Motivasi Belajar di Kelas XI IPA MA Salafiyah Kabupaten Cirebon Layanan pendidikan yang baik dan bermutu dapat menentukan rendah atau tingginya perolehan hasil belajar siswa, guru merupakan komponen pendidikan yang memiliki peran penting dalam memberikan pelayanan meksimal kepada siswanya. guru dituntut memiliki kompetensi profesonal yaitu kemampuan yang berkaitan dengan penguasaan materi pembelajaran yang diampu secara luas dan mendalam. Pada dasarnya kompetensi profesional guru dapat tercermin dalam proses pembelajaran, dalam hal ini kemampuannya dalam menciptakan dan merancang program pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, kreatif dan inovatif, yang pada akhirnya dapat membangkitkan semangat dan motivasi siswa untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu, siswa akan dapat merespon atau menentukan sikap pada kompetensi yang tercermin pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung. Hasil belajar siswa juga dipengaruhi oleh seberapa besar siswa memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam proses belajar. Keinginan yang kuat serta keterlibatan aktif dalam proses belajar menunjukkan kadar atau kondisi motivasi belajar yang dimiliki siswa. Dengan demikian disadari atau tidak, terdapat hubungan antara sikap siswa terhadap kompetensi profesional guru biologi dengan motivasi belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap siswa terhadap kompetensi profesional guru biologi dengan motivasi belajar di kelas XI IPA MA Salafiyah Bode Plumbon. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan memberikan beberapa pertanyaan dan pernyataan kepada siswa mengenai kompetensi profesional guru biologi dan motivasi belajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah metode deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh peneliti sendiri dengan melakukan wawancara dan penyebaran angket. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA MA Salafiyah Bode Plumbon yang dianggap sudah dapat menentukan sikap. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan sikap siswa terhadap kompetensi profesioal guru biologi sebanyak 23 siswa menjawab kuat dan selebihnya sangat kuat. Demikian juga terhadap hasil mengenai motivasi belajar yaitu sebanyak 19 siswa memiliki motivasi belajar yang kuat dan selebihnya sangat kuat. Perhitungan koefisien korelasi Kendall's tau yang didapat sebesar 0,401 termasuk ke dalam kategori sedang. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa guru terdapat hubungan sedanag antara sikap siswa terhadap kompetensi profesional guru biologi dengan motivasi belajar. Selebihnya motivasi belajar siswa dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata kunci: Kompetensi profesional, Motivasi belaja

    "At straffis paa deris hals". Kriminalitetsutviklingen i Vardøhus len mellom 1610 og 1660

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    Dette er den første undersøkelsen av kriminalitetsutviklingen i Vardøhus len på 1600-tallet. Formålet med undersøkelsen er kartlegging av kriminaliteten i Vardøhus len samt vise endringer i kriminalitetsbildet i løpet av en periode på 50 år. Undersøkelsen bygger på tingbøker og sakefallslister fra lensregnskapet. Dette er et unikt kildemateriale som ikke har vært mye brukt i historiske undersøkelse

    Dynamic expression of VDR and 1-­alpha-­hydroxylase in differentiated and re-­differentiated human articular chondrocytes

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    Abstract of a presentation at a conference of the International Cartilage Repair Society.Purpose: The goal was to investigate potential roles played by vitamin D in the regulation of joint cartilage biology. We studied the expression of two central elements of vitamin D metabolism, namely the vitamin D receptor and its converting enzyme 1­α­hydroxylase in human knee cartilage and chondrocytes. Methods and Materials: Expression of receptor and enzyme was determined by immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence, reversetranscriptase PCR and western blot on differentiated, de­differentiated and re­differentiated chondrocytes. Cartilage was harvested from a macroscopically healthy looking area of the lateral femoral condyle during knee replacement surgery in 4 otherwise healthy patients aged 50­70. Suspension cultures of differentiated chondrocytes were established by short enzymatic digestion of cartilage using Collagenase XI and further incubation in non­adherent vessels. De­differentiated cells were the result of serial expansion of chondrocytes during 4 weeks after isolation in monolayers cultures. Chondrocyte re­differentiation was achieved by propagating cell pellets for 3 weeks in the presence of chondro­inductive morphogens. Results: Both protein and gene expression of vitamin D receptor appear to be very low or undetectable in native cartilage and/or differentiated chondrocytes. In contrast, receptor expression was upregulated in dedifferentiated cells after monolayer expansion, however, this upregulation was lost when cells regained chondrogenic phenotype in 3D pellets. The expression of 1­α­hydroxylase was observed on the superficial layer of chondrocytes in native cartilage, which correlated with weak but detectable outcomes by PCR and western blot on differentiated cultures. Similarly, levels of the enzyme were increased after cell expansion in monolayers and decreased in 3D pellet cultures. Conclusion: Our study uncover a previously unknown regulation of vitamin D receptor between differentiated and redifferentiated phenotypes in cartilage cells. Furthermore, this study is pioneering on investigating the expression of 1­α­hydroxylase in cartilage tissue and chondrocytes. Further work is needed to ascertain if receptor and enzyme expression is regulated in disease conditions or affected by inflammatory environments

    Utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse i generasjoner. En sammenligning mellom forelder og barn med utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse, og hvordan deres vansker arter seg i hverdagslivet.

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    Denne studien omhandler språkvansker, og bakgrunnen for studiens fokus er egen interesse for temaet, kombinert med det jeg har opplevd som manglende fellesforståelse og ulik bruk av terminologien spesifikke språkvansker/utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse. I 2017 presenterte en ekspertgruppe bestående av anerkjente, internasjonale forskere et forslag om at den gamle terminologien spesifikke språkvansker burde byttes ut med utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse. Tanken bak den nye terminologien var at alle på fagfeltet skulle ha en fellesforståelse av hva som inngikk i diagnosen og hvilke kriterier som lå til grunn for å få diagnosen utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse. Ekspertgruppens anbefalinger viste at det var et behov for økt kompetanse på dette området, og med utgangspunkt i den nye forskningen fra 2017 er det interessant å undersøke noen sider ved det nye terminologiforslaget. Formålet i denne studien har vært å sammenligne språkkartlegginger hos en forelder og et barn som har utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse, samt å få forelderens historie om hvordan det er å leve med utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse. Studiens problemstilling er derfor: ”Hvilke sammenheng finnes i testresultater mellom forelder og barn med diagnosen DLD, og hvordan arter deres vansker seg i hverdagslivet?” Studien har et mixed method design der et kvalitativt forskningsintervju kombineres med kvantitative testdata. Den kvalitative delen av studien vil være dominerende, og denne delen bygger på en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk metodetilnærming. Funn i denne studien viste at det var flere sammenhenger mellom forelderen og barnets språkvansker. Blant annet at begge hadde god språkforståelse, men på grunn av hvordan vanskene artet seg i hverdagslivet hadde de vansker med å formidle ønsket budskap. Studiens funn viste også at forelderen og barnets minnefunksjon var langsommere enn normalt, og i tillegg kunne begge færre ord enn normalt. Funnene belyste også hvordan forelderen opplevde begrensninger hos seg selv og barnet knyttet til kommunikasjon bestående av flere personer. Her hadde de vansker med å finne de rette ordene og ytringene, og forelderen brukte gjerne så lang tid på å tenke ut et svar at samtaleemnet var gått videre når de ønskede ordene var funnet. Resultatene fra forelderen og barnets testresultater er forenelig med kriteriene for diagnosen i det nye terminologiforslaget. Implikasjoner fra denne studien er at utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse får mer oppmerksomhet og blir tatt på alvor, samt at man i fagmiljøet utvikler en felles definisjon som anvendes på samme måte. Det er av avgjørende betydning at opplæringa kan tilpasses barnet, og at det tidligst mulig kan settes i gang tiltak som bidrar til optimale positive prognoser for personens utviklingsmessig språkforstyrrelse

    En statlig organisasjon – Kalibreres ledernes kompass? - En studie av bedriftens mellomledere

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    Sammendrag Formål Bakgrunnen med vårt studiet er å undersøke hva som kjennetegner en organisasjons strategi for opplæring og utvikling av ledere. Vi utforsker dette ut i fra 4 hovedteorier, en lærende organisasjon, organisasjonskultur, læringskultur og kompetanse og kompetanseutvikling. Til vår problemstilling har vi utarbeidet fire hypoteser. Bedriften som vi har tatt for oss er en statlig organisasjon med tilhørende avdelinger. Vi har valgt å se på følgende problemstilling: “Hva kjennetegner organisasjonens strategi for opplæring og utvikling av ledere?”. Metode Vi har i dette studiet hovedsakelig valgt en kvalitativ tilnærming for å undersøke vår problemstilling. Vi har benyttet intervju og hentet empirisk data fra mellomledere i organisasjonen. Data ble tatt opp digitalt og transkribert etter de var gjennomført. Systematiserte empirisk data i skjema før vi analyserte de. For å styrke våre funn i studiets kvalitative metode har vi også dratt inn subjektive observasjoner. Disse er igjen kvalitetssikret ved hjelp av kvantitative statistiske data hentet direkte fra organisasjonens HR register. Funn Det vi har erfart fra denne oppgaven er at organisasjonen har en strategi for opplæring og utvikling av ledere, men denne kommer i svært liten grad til syne blant lederne. Dette skyldes i stor grad mangel på kommunikasjon og informasjon av bedriftens mål. Respondentenes tilbakemelding, våre subjektive observasjoner og bedriftens statistiske data underbygger dette. Vi fant at flere drev med kompetanseheving, men ingen i studiet gjorde dette som følge av en overordnet strategi. Konklusjon Med utgangspunkt i våre funn kan vi konkludere med at organisasjonen har en strategi for opplæring og utvikling av ledere, men at det er svakheter som kommer til syne når vi tester hypotesene. Kommunikasjonen og informasjonsdelingen knyttet til læringskulturen i bedriften er ikke på et tilfredsstillende nivå. Det er videre ikke en felles forståelse hva som menes med læring, kunnskap og kompetanse. Dette kommer tydelig frem med at det ikke eksisterer klare mål for bedriften innenfor området. Det er lagt vekt på uformell læring i form av praktisk arbeid, men ikke tilstrekkelig struktur på det som går på læringskultur. Man ser også at det ikke avsettes tilfredsstillende med tid eller ressurser for opplæring i organisasjone

    Evaluation of the Medical Student Research Programme in Norwegian medical schools. A survey of students and supervisors

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    Background: The Medical Student Research Programme is a national education and grant scheme for medical students who wish to carry out research in parallel with their studies. The purpose of the programme is to increase recruitment of people with a standard medical degree to medical research. The Research Programme was established in 2002 and underwent a thorough evaluation during the spring of 2007. The evaluation should investigate if the programme had fulfilled its objectives of increased recruitment to medical research, in addition to the students' and supervisors' satisfaction of the programme, and unwanted differences between the universities. Methods: Data was collected from students, supervisors and administrative staff via web-based questionnaires. Information about admission, implementation, results achieved and satisfaction was analysed and compared between the four Norwegian medical schools. In addition, the position of the scheme in relation to the national Quality Reform of Higher Education was analysed. Results: At the end of 2006, the Medical Student Research Programme had recruited 265 medical students to research. These consisted of 214 active students, 35 who had completed their studies and only 17 who had dropped out. Both students and supervisors were generally very satisfied with the scheme, including the curriculum, the results achieved and the administrative service. The majority of students wanted to continue their research towards a PhD and, of those who had completed the Medical Student Research Programme, practically all had published one or several scientific papers. The survey showed only small differences between the four medical schools, despite their choice of somewhat different solutions in terms of administration and organisation. The Medical Student Research Programme satisfies the majority of the demands of the Quality Reform, however as an integrated research programme aimed at a PhD it presupposes access to PhD courses before the completion of medical studies, as well as the ability to include undergraduate scientific work in a PhD thesis. Conclusion: The Medical Student Research Programme has led to an increase in the recruitment of graduated physicians to medical research in Norway. It will only be possible to evaluate whether this in turn will result in a larger number of PhDs in 3–5 years; this will also depend on the access to grants and fellowships.publishedVersio

    Tertiary lymphoid structures are associated with higher tumor grade in primary operable breast cancer patients

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    Published version, also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12885-015-1116-1Background: Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) are highly organized immune cell aggregates that develop at sites of inflammation or infection in non-lymphoid organs. Despite the described role of inflammation in tumor progression, it is still unclear whether the process of lymphoid neogenesis and biological function of ectopic lymphoid tissue in tumors are beneficial or detrimental to tumor growth. In this study we analysed if TLS are found in human breast carcinomas and its association with clinicopathological parameters. Methods: In a patient group (n = 290) who underwent primary surgery between 2011 and 2012 we assessed the interrelationship between the presence of TLS in breast tumors and clinicopathological factors. Prognostic factors were entered into a binary logistic regression model for identifying independent predictors for intratumoral TLS formation. Results: There was a positive association between the grade of immune cell infiltration within the tumor and important prognostic parameters such as hormone receptor status, tumor grade and lymph node involvement. The majority of patients with high grade infiltration of immune cells had TLS positive tumors. In addition to the degree of immune cell infiltration, the presence of TLS was associated with organized immune cell aggregates, hormone receptor status and tumor grade. Tumors with histological grade 3 were the strongest predictor for the presence of TLS in a multivariate regression model. The model also predicted that the odds for having intratumoral TLS formation were ten times higher for patients with high grade of inflammation than low grade. Conclusions: Human breast carcinomas frequently contain TLS and the presence of these structures is associated with aggressive forms of tumors. Locally generated immune response with potentially antitumor immunity may control tumorigenesis and metastasis. Thus, defining the role of TLS formation in breast carcinomas may lead to alternative therapeutic approaches targeting the immune system

    Human articular chondrocytes express ChemR23 and chemerin; ChemR23 promotes inflammatory signalling upon binding the ligand chemerin21-157

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    Chemerin is a chemotactic peptide which directs leukocytes expressing the chemokine-like receptor ChemR23 towards sites of inflammation. ChemR23 is a G protein-coupled receptor which binds several different ligands, and it is also expressed by other cell types such as adipocytes. In addition to chemotaxis, recent reports suggest that ChemR23 is capable of mediating either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects, depending on the type of ligand it binds. In the present study, we aimed to clarify whether human chondrocytes express ChemR23 and chemerin, and whether chemerin/ChemR23 signalling could affect secretion of inflammatory mediators. Tissue sections were taken from human knee joints and labelled with antibodies towards chemerin and ChemR23. Chondrocytes from cartilage tissue were isolated, cultured and assessed for chemerin and ChemR23 expression by PCR and immunolabelling. Receptor activation and intracellular signalling were studied by assessment of phosphorylated mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and phosphorylated Akt after stimulating cells with recombinant chemerin21-157. Biological effects of chemerin21-157 were investigated by measuring secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and metalloproteases in cell supernatants. Both serially cultured human articular chondrocytes and resident cells in native cartilage expressed chemerin and ChemR23. Stimulating cells with chemerin21-157 resulted in phosphorylation of p44/p42 MAPKs (ERK 1/2) and Akt (Ser 473). Also, significantly enhanced levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), and the matrix metalloproteases MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8 and MMP-13 were detected. These results demonstrate that human chondrocytes express both the receptor ChemR23 and the ligand chemerin. Chemerin21-157 stimulation engaged signal-transduction pathways that further promoted inflammatory signalling in chondrocytes, as judged by an enhanced secretion of cytokines and metalloproteases. Taken together, the previously reported chemotaxis and the present findings suggest that the receptor and its ligand may play pivotal roles in joint inflammation

    Expression and function of Leukotriene B4 receptors in human articular chondrocytes

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    Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is linked to osteoarthritis (OA) development however the expression of LTB4 receptors in cartilage cells and the physiological effects of LTB4 on cartilage tissue remain unknown. In this study we find that human articular chondrocytes express LTB4 receptors and that these receptors are functional, however, LTB4 does not seem to affect importantly some primary chondrocyte functions