564 research outputs found

    La configuration des pratiques d'information selon la logique des situations.

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    International audienceHow are information practices distributed around successive uses of different media? In this article the author posits that the selection of information sources cannot be explained only in terms of the cultural legitimacy of that information or of individuals' socio-demographic profiles. He argues that the selection of media, and the uses to which they are put, are also based on opportunities in everyday situations. Through several paradigmatic examples, he describes how these opportunities correspond to local affordances, whether in the general environment consisting mainly of the media and ICT, or in the possibility of using a medium in the presence of other people and simultaneously doing something else.Comment s'opĂšre la distribution des pratiques d'information autour des usages successifs de diffĂ©rents supports mĂ©diatiques ? Dans cet article, nous dĂ©veloppons l'hypothĂšse selon laquelle la sĂ©lection des sources d'information ne peut pas ĂȘtre uniquement expliquĂ©e Ă  partir de leur lĂ©gitimitĂ© culturelle et des profils sociodĂ©mographiques des individus. Nous avançons l'idĂ©e que cette sĂ©lection des supports d'information, et les usages qui en sont faits, prennent Ă©galement appui sur des opportunitĂ©s puisĂ©es dans les situations quotidiennes. A travers plusieurs exemples paradigmatiques, nous tentons de dĂ©crire comment ces opportunitĂ©s rĂ©pondent Ă  des prises situĂ©es localement : que ce soit l'environnement ambiant, formĂ© notamment par les mĂ©dias et les TIC Ă  disposition, ou que ce soit la possibilitĂ© d'utiliser un support en prĂ©sence d'autres personnes et en conduisant d'autres activitĂ©s

    Faire l’histoire des sens

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    ECF FARMSYSTEMS: a Circular Economy Business Model Case

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    ECF is a very Small-and-Medium sized Enterprise which operates an aquaponic urban farm o Aquaponic food production is an industrial symbiosis within its own operations, exchanging material flows between the aquaculture and the hydroponic one. This may be considered as a co-product recovery business model pattern § The circularity is retained within ECF’s own operations and there is little value exchange among parties other than commercial ones o Socio-demographic factors such as growing population, growing urbanisation, alongside environmental ones such as competition for arable land, biodiversity loss, over-fishing, agro-chemicals in food production and others are the contextual drivers for aquaponics as a successful CEBM. o Characteristics of ECF’s industrial symbiosis/co-product recovery CEBM pattern: § Enables ECF to deliver its value proposition, namely to offer resource-efficient food on a B2B basis as an urban farm as well as a high level of transparency through story-telling around sourcing for its customers § Technology and know-how play a role in achieving the symbiosis § A significant socio-environmental impact is achieved through displacement of food miles and inherent resource-efficiency of aquaponics § Fish feed faces its own sustainability challenges; to be answered if ECF is to aspire to greater circularity § ECF as a successful pioneer of aquaponic farms is leveraging its know-how to design, plan and build turnkey farms for 3rd parties, thereby demonstrating the replicability of the CEBM. o Support for traditional (unsustainable) farming and fishing (including fuel subsidies) is impacting the competitiveness of aquaponics, as is the lack of transparency on ‘food miles’. o Whereas urban communities wish to become greener, urban farming such as aquaponics faces many planning and permissioning hurdles, despite growing demand from B2B and B2C consumer

    REHAU AG + CO (& POLYSECURE GMBH): A Circular Economy Business Model Case

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    This report looks into the Circular Economy Business Model (CEBM) of Rehau AG’s window solutions division. This is, within the Rehau group, the business unit which manufactures PVC profiles which are used, later by their customers, to frame window glass in domestic and commercial buildings. The case-study has examined internal and external operations related to PVC profile production, usage and recycling; interviews with relevant managers took place. Given sustainability and cost considerations surrounding PVC, Rehau practices a circular sourcing CEBM involving the whole value-chain in particular downstream actors such as customers and recyclers. o PVC profiles are delivered to its customers, the window manufacturers, from whom it recovers the cuttings (the “post-industrial” waste / resource). This is financially incentivised and enables Rehau to melt, re-granulate and re-extrude, i.e. use as a secondary raw material in a circular sourcing process. o Due to a long-standing landfill ban in Germany of PVC, the recovery and recycling of “post-consumer” waste, is a well-organised business, in which, take-back of end-oflife PVC window frames, is financially incentivised. The recycler shreds, melts and regranulates this resource into a PVC-recyclate, i.e. a secondary raw material. Rehau, and other PVC extruders, are keen to purchase this recyclate since it is some 20% cheaper than virgin PVC. Apart from mild discolouring, properties of virgin PVC are practically maintained in the recyclate. o Rehau has innovated by introducing glass-fibre to reinforce PVC and thereby dispense with steel content in window profiles. Such glass-fibre PVC (GF-PVC) window profiles present a number of advantages in terms of lightness, thermal insulation and cost of installation. To recover this new type of PVC, a specific tracing and sorting technology has been implemented in cooperation with a technology provider. Indeed, Polysecure GmbH’s tracer-based sorting approach is an enabling technology which, thanks to a micrometric marker powder, is physically bonded to the raw material on a permanent basis, and enables identification and sorting at End-of-Life. Thus a glass-fibre PVC recyclate can be generated as a new pure segregated secondary raw material fractio

    Les formes d'inscription des usages de la TV sur mobile dans les déplacements quotidiens

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    Cette Ă©tude dĂ©crit les usages de la Mobile TV en situation de mobilitĂ©. Elle montre comment les participants articulent ces usages pionniers avec leurs pratiques mĂ©diatiques prĂ©existantes, dĂ©veloppĂ©es autour de la presse Ă©crite, pour palier aux contraintes d'utilisation : problĂšmes de la rĂ©ceptivitĂ© du rĂ©seau 3G, faible autonomie des batteries, intrusivitĂ© de l'Ă©coute, postures de rĂ©ception inconfortables, etc. Ils dĂ©veloppent ainsi des arts de faire opportunistes consistant Ă  contourner les contraintes d'usage en bifurquant d'un support mĂ©diatique Ă  l'autre pour dĂ©velopper des usages les plus en phase possibles avec leurs goĂ»ts mĂ©diatiques. Le statut particulier des tĂ©lĂ©phones multimĂ©dias, dans cette Ă©conomie de leurs pratiques, tient au fait qu'ils constituent des opportunitĂ©s de divertissement qui peuvent ĂȘtre exploitĂ©es sans prĂ©mĂ©ditation puisqu'ils Ă©quipent continuellement leurs dĂ©placements

    : Les mises en scĂšne audiovisuelles des fusillades dans les Ă©coles

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    International audienceLe présent article décrit la façon dont les auteurs de fusillades dans les écoles ont pu diffuser des vidéos, avant de passer à l'acte, grùce aux ressources des médias participatifs. Ces personnes tentent de « préméditer » leur tuerie en proposant aux entreprises de presse des scénarisations audiovisuelles de leur identité et de leur projet meurtrier. L'analyse détaillée de ces scénarisations révÚle comment elles exploitent les ressorts performatifs de slogans ou de référents culturels pour conférer une portée politique à leur passage à l'acte dans la « violence expressive »

    La commémoration des "mauvais morts" au sein des sanctuaires spontanés numériques

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    International audienceCette contribution montre comment les internautes investissent les mĂ©dias participatifs, durant le traitement mĂ©diatique des tueries dans les Ă©coles, pour publier des montages audiovisuels et des commentaires en hommage aux " mauvais morts ", aux innocents tuĂ©s sans raison. L'effervescence participative suscitĂ©e par ces Ă©vĂ©nements se traduit par la publication de milliers de commĂ©morations audiovisuelles qui agencent, par exemple au sein de YouTube, une forme de sanctuaire spontanĂ© qui peut ĂȘtre qualifiĂ©e de numĂ©rique. Nous montrons comment l'agencement de ces sanctuaires, grĂące aux ressources de la folksonomie, renouvĂšle les rituels funĂ©raires, notamment les rituels mĂ©diatiques grĂące auxquels la mĂ©moire des victimes est commĂ©morĂ©e

    MPAgenomics : An R package for multi-patients analysis of genomic markers

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    MPAgenomics, standing for multi-patients analysis (MPA) of genomic markers, is an R-package devoted to: (i) efficient segmentation, and (ii) genomic marker selection from multi-patient copy number and SNP data profiles. It provides wrappers from commonly used packages to facilitate their repeated (sometimes difficult) use, offering an easy-to-use pipeline for beginners in R. The segmentation of successive multiple profiles (finding losses and gains) is based on a new automatic choice of influential parameters since default ones were misleading in the original packages. Considering multiple profiles in the same time, MPAgenomics wraps efficient penalized regression methods to select relevant markers associated with a given response
