205 research outputs found

    Vibration behavior of fuel-element vibration suppressors for the advanced power reactor

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    Preliminary shock and vibration tests were performed on vibration suppressors for the advanced power reactor for space application. These suppressors position the fuel pellets in a pin type fuel element. The test determined the effect of varying axial clearance on the behavior of the suppressors when subjected to shock and vibratory loading. The full-size suppressor was tested in a mockup model of fuel and clad which required scaling of test conditions. The test data were correlated with theoretical predictions for suppressor failure. Good agreement was obtained. The maximum difference with damping neglected was about 30 percent. Neglecting damping would result in a conservative design

    Calculation of radiation induced swelling of uranium mononitride using the digital computer program CYGRO 2

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    Fuel volume swelling and clad diametral creep strains were calculated for five fuel pins, clad with either T-111 (Ta-8W-2.4Hf) or PWC-11 (Nb-1Zr-0.1C). The fuel pins were irradiated to burnups between 2.7 and 4.6%. Clad temperatures were between 1750 and 2400 F (1228 and 1589 K). The maximum percentage difference between calculated and experimentally measured values of volumetric fuel swelling is 60%

    Berens River Ojibwa text

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    Smith MS 36: A Study in Fifteenth Century Manuscript Illumination

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    A Book of Hours written in Dutch was donated to the Syracuse Public Library by J. William Smith in 1908, but received little publicity until 1974, when it was included in an exhibition of medieval art at the Everson Museum, entitled Medieval Art in Upstate New York. Briefly described in the catalog of that exhibition, and briefly loaned to the George Arents Research Library at Syracuse University, this manuscript, coded Smith 36, bears close consideration for two reasons. First, the style of the historieur, the artist who painted the miniatures, can be detected in at least three additional Books of Hours, thus permitting an all too rare reconstruction of the activity of a single artist, as well as a stylistic grouping that provides a basis of conjecture concerning the date and origin of the Smith miniatures. Secondly, and perhaps more intriguing, the appearance of unique compositional variations in some of the Smith miniatures suggests the artist\u27s familiarity with an important group of grisaille miniatures that appears repeatedly in North Netherlandish book production of the fifteenth century

    Pengaruh Experience Marketing, Nilai Pelanggan Dan Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Go-Jek Di Surakarta

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    The research aims to find out and describe the influence of either simultaneously or partialexperiential marketing, customer value, consumer satisfaction on GO-JEK customer loyalty inSurakarta.This research using quantitative descriptive research design. The population is allconsumers who use GO-JEK services in Surakarta infinity people. The number of samples wasdetermined by the formula Hair et al and the results were 100 respondents. The sampling techniqueusing a purposive sampling method. The questionnaire is used for data retrieval. Data analysistechnique used was statistic analysis.The results showed that the experiential marketing F test,customer value, customer satisfaction simultaneously and significantly influenced the GO-JEKcustomer loyalty in Surakarta. The results of the t test show that experiential marketing has a positiveand significant effect on GO-JEK customer loyalty in Surakarta. Customer value does not have apositive and significant effect on GO-JEK customer loyalty in Surakarta. Consumer satisfaction has apositive and significant effect on GO-JEK customer loyalty in Surakarta. The regression model in thisstudy is Y = 9,407 + 0,251X_ (1) + (-0,081X_2) + 0,434X_3 + e. The results of the determination ofthe coefficientindicates experiential marketing, customer value, and consumer satisfaction have aninfluence of 19.4%. towards GO-JEK customer loyalty in SurakartaKeyword: Customer Loyalty, Experiental Marketing, Customer Value, Consumer Satisfatio

    Pemilihan karir siswa ditinjau dari pengaruh teman sebaya dan tuntutan orang tua

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh teman sebaya dan tuntutan orang tua dalam pemilihan karir siswa. Sample dalam penelitian ini adalah 140 siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Slahung. Teknik pengambilan sampling menggunakan teknik purposionate random sampling. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan angket berbentuk skala, yaitu Skala Pemilihan Karir Siswa, Skala Pengaruh Teman Sebaya, dan Skala Tuntutan Orang Tua. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengajukan 3 hipotesis, yaitu: 1) Hipotesis minor yang pertama berbunyi: Pengaruh Teman Sebaya Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Pemilihan Karir Siswa. 2) Hipotesis minor yang kedua berbunyi: Tuntutan Orang Tua Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Pemilihan Karir Siswa. 3) Hipotesis mayor yang berbunyi: Pengaruh Teman Sebaya dan Tuntutan Orang Tua Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Pemilihan Karir Siswa. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teknik regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1) Model persamaan garis regresi Ỳ = 49,597 + 0,379 X₁ + 0,207 X₂. 2) Analisis korelasi memiliki keeratan kuat dengan R sebesar 0,453. 3) koefesien determinasi (R Square) sebesar 0,205 berarti Pengaruh Teman Sebaya dan Tuntutan Orang Tua memiliki pengaruh sebesar 20,5% terhadap pemilihan karir siswa SMA Negeri 1 Slahung. 4) Hipotesis “Pengaruh Teman Sebaya Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Pemilihan Karir Siswa”, diterima karena nilai t hitung > t tabel = (3,871 > 1.656). 5) Hipotesis “Tuntutan Orang Tua Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Pemilihan Karir Siswa”, diterima karena nilai t hitung > t tabel = (3,410 > 1.656). 6) Hipotesis “Pengaruh Teman Sebaya dan Tuntutan Orang Tua Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Pemilihan Karir Siswa”, diterima karena F hitung > f tabel = (17,461 > 3.06

    Ground water flow systems of central Nevada

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    The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission has been evaluating a large area of central Nevada in order to define a supplemental test site for the underground testing of high-yield nuclear devices. Safety considerations involving the radiocontamination of the ground water in the vicinity of the test site necessitated that research be conducted to determine the direction and rate of flow of the ground water. This investigation defines the ground water flow systems in eighteen valleys comprising 12,000 square miles of central Nevada. The definition of the systems was made following a compilation of existing hydrologic and geologic data for the area. Extensive field work was conducted to field check the data and to compile additional data. Fifteen deep test holes were drilled in the region by the A.E.C. and data from hydraulic tests in these exploratory holes were incorporated in this study. The flow systems of the region were delineated by an analysis of the regional hydrostratigraphic units, water levels, vertical distribution of head, recharge-discharge relationships, hydrologic budgets, thermal springs, and chemistry of the ground water. Examples of flow systems in geologic units of varying permeabilities are described, and comparisons made with theoretical analyses of ground water flow. It is concluded that the flow systems of the valleys in this area are generally coterminous with the topographic valleys. The high mountains separating the valleys receive large volumes of precipitation and consequently develop recharge mounds which generally prevent the interbasin transfer of ground water. These mountains are composed predominantly of Tertiary volcanics with some Paleozoic eugeosynclinal assemblages and are generally of low transmissivity. Some interbasin movement has been quantified, particularly in the eastern pasrt of the area, where divides are topographically low and where Paleozoic carbonates in the subsurface have high transmissivities


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    This study aimed to determine tax evasion dynamics under the risk perception of using tax information technology. The study also investigated perceived risk as a moderating variable in the relation between information technology (IT) and tax evasion. One hundred questionnaires were collected from individual taxpayers and analysed using Partial Least Squares (PLS). The result showed that IT could reduce tax evasion. The moderating test result also discovered that taxpayers risk perception could increase IT usage to reduce tax evasion. These results highlighted that societys acceptance of information technology is more of an effort to do taxation duties that would help them avoid tax inspection and penalty. Risk is believed to be attached to IT, and so eases review and detection of tax fraud, consideration by the taxpayer when tax evasion. That signifies tax authorities success in modernizing tax administration to minimize tax evasion while increasing tax service quality by optimizing information technology usage. Therefore, these findings serve as a reference for the tax authorities to enact reforms in sustainable information technology to simplify tax administration, improve taxpayers services and law enforcement

    The Grizzly, November 8, 2001

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    Construction on Campus Continues as Scheduled • UC Leadership Scholars Attend Annual Halloween Concert • An Evening with Alice Parker a Musical Success • Peace Corps and City Year Representatives Speak About Careers in Common Good • Anthrax Vaccine at Center of Controversy • Opinions: Closed Courses and Wait Lists: Nightmares of Registration; Pop Goes the Quiz! • Gospel Choir Sings out for Peace, Prayer and Healing; Concert a Great Success • Judy Chicago is Coming! World-famous Artist to Visit Ursinus • Influenza Season is Upon Us • Comparative Prices on Museums • Self Protection Facts: What You Need to Know • Power of Dance • Rushing Season Begins Again • Gettysburg Becomes New CC Men\u27s Soccer Champion • UC Women\u27s Rugby Fighting the Good Fight • NCAA Volleyball Semi-finals • UC Downs FDUhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1500/thumbnail.jp