42 research outputs found

    European Union Democracy Promotion and its impact on Civil Society in Central Asia

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    After a period of relatively small activity in this region, in 2007, the European Union offered a strategy for Central Asia. This strategy addressed many issues, including democratic deficit and human rights violations. The main obstacles to the implementation of the strategy are autocratic tendencies and corruption, the influence of neighbors strongly leaning towards autocracy and the post-Soviet legacy. Additionally, the EU’s activity is overshadowed by the US and has minimal capacity for pursuing its own policy toward Central Asia. Another problem is the fact that after implementing this EU strategy toward Central Asia there are no new initiatives which contribute to more visible European activity in that region

    Present and potential factors destabilizing Central Asia as a challenge to the European Union

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    Azja Centralna boryka się z różnymi wyzwaniami od konfliktów o wodę, po na tle etnicznym, religijnym. Kolejnym czynnikiem destabilizacyjnym jest rosnąca rywalizacja w regionie pomiędzy Rosją, Chinami i USA. O ile Rosja chce utrzymać swoją strefę wpływów, o tyle Chiny chcą zbudować swoją. Aktywność USA związana jest przede wszystkim ze stabilizacją Afganistanu. Na tym tle oraz wobec różnych problemów i wyzwań, aktywność UE jest niewielka. Przeważają instrumenty miękkie, ale działania UE nie są spójne, bowiem brakuje szerszej i długofalowej strategii wobec Azji Centralnej, która przedefiniowałaby zaangażowanie unijne wobec tego regionu.Central Asia is struggling with various challenges ranging from conflicts over water to ethnic and religious conflicts. Another factor destabilizing the situation is the mounting regional competition between Russia, China and the USA. While Russia is trying to maintain its zone of influence, China wants to build its own zone. US activities are mainly related to stabilization in Afghanistan. Given this background and the different problems and challenges, the EU’s activities in this region are negligible. Soft instruments prevail, but EU activities are anything but coherent, as the EU lacks a broad, long-term strategy of relations with Central Asia that could redefine EU involvement in the region

    Justyna Zając, Role Unii Europejskiej w regionie Afryki Północnej i Bliskiego Wschodu, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2010, ss. 353.

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    Justyna Zając, Role Unii Europejskiej w regionie Afryki Północnej i Bliskiego Wschodu, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2010, ss. 353

    Hard power dismisses soft power - the United States’ relations with the Iranian Islamie Republic in the shadow of the nuclear program

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    W artykule wskazano na korelację pomiędzy twardą i miękką siłą w relacjach amerykańsko-irańskich. Negatywne doświadczenia dominują we wzajemnych stosunkach pomiędzy nimi takie jak: amerykański interwencjonizm w sprawy wewnątrzirańskie, kryzys z zakładnikami amerykańskimi, terroryzm czy ostatnio irański program atomowy. Waszyngton od dłuższego czasu zajmuje stanowisko, że wobec Teheranu należy stosować twardą siłę m.in. poprzez nakładanie wielu sankcji, co jak się okazuje, nie doprowadziło do pożądanej zmiany w polityce Iranu. lak dowiedziono w artykule, miękka siła i nie wykorzystywanie tego typu instrumentu w relacjach USA z Iranem mogłoby przynieść znacznie więcej pozytywnych efektów, aniżeli poleganie na twardej sile.In the paper a correlation between hard and soft policy in relations between Iran and US is shown. These two states share a negative heritage (hostage crisis, US interference in Iranian politics, terrorism and nuclear program). Washington has decided to use hard policy methods against Iran, through numerous sanctions, without any effect in changing Iranian behaviour. The ignored sphere of soft policy is presented in the article, upon which America and Iran could achieve much more

    Polityka USA wobec Egiptu – ciągłość mimo wszystko

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    Searching for a Nuclear Settlement. European Union Nuclear Settlement With Iran

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    In the article is analyzed European Union crisis diplomacy with Iran, which finally brought to the final settlements. Beside the nuclear issues, in EU and Iran relations are visible other issues, as such as: human rights, security, energy and trade. In the 90’s and 2000’s EU proposed the formula critical and comprehensive dialogue. Now after nuclear settlement, crisis diplomacy with Iran is essential, due to the problems and challenges related with internal Iranian politics and its regional policy

    Beyond the Non-Proliferation Treaty. A Case Study of India, Pakistan and North Korea

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    The main aim of the article is the presentation of important premises which were considered by these three states in conducting their military nuclear program. In the article both internal factors, such as political consolidation and strong society support, and external factors, such as deterrence and prestige were emphasised. For North Korea, nuclear weapons also became an attribute for gaining more international aid. The motives of India, North Korea and Pakistan for being a nuclear state are worrisome examples, because these three governments decided on nuclear weapons,,, despite the significant costs, such as sanctions, a risk of nuclear war or unstoppable arms race and the undermining of the non-proliferation regime

    From corporationism to cooperationism: reversed globalization, cooperative politics and expanding online communication in post-pandemic time

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    In post-pandemic time a redefinition of politics and globalization is more than possible. There are a lot of possible scenarios - one of them is the cooperative model as an antidote to the polarized politics and corporative driven globalization. The aim of this short discussion paper is to present the proposal of the shift from corporationisim to cooperationism as a functional model in addressing challenges locally and globally