379 research outputs found

    Peletes de Acácia dealbata: uma oportunidade bioenergética?

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    Com as exigências financeiras que Portugal tem de enfrentar, a redução da importação de recursos energéticos é um dos imperativos do ponto de vista económico e energético. Pode também encarar-se como uma oportunidade de valorização de recursos com pouca aplicação, desenvolvendo novas fontes energéticas e comerciais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a criação de peletes de biomassa utilizando espécies com conotação de infestantes como a Acácia dealbata e as cascas de frutos secos. Existem características importantes e que têm de se assegurar nos peletes. Assim, as características do material de base que interferem na qualidade dos peletes são a humidade, a força aplicada, a composição e a distribuição de partículas. Para os peletes, como matéria com interesse comercial, o importante é a humidade, a durabilidade mecânica e o quociente entre o comprimento e o diâmetro. Para testar a Acácia dealbata e as cascas de frutos secos, várias misturas foram criadas. Os peletes obtidos, são testados de forma a obter-se valores referentes à durabilidade mecânica, humidade e quociente entre o comprimento e o diâmetro. Os resultados obtidos apresentam um valor que permite a valorização industrial dos peletes produzidos. No entanto, estas matérias-primas podem ser mais estudadas posteriormente, desenvolvendo uma composição que permita a produção de peletes para uso doméstico

    Estudo comparativo de evaporadores de tubos e lamelas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia QuímicaNeste trabalho estudam-se os principais equipamentos existentes, presentemente, nas áreas de evaporação inseridas numa unidade indústrial de produção de pasta pelo processo Kraft, discutindo-se a sua construção em lamelares e e tubulares. O trabalho compreende a identificação e caracterização dos evaporadores e da instalação de evaporação, discussão dos vários tipos de evaporadores, seu dimensionamento e uma análise económica do investimento. ABSTRACT: This work intends to study the main existing equipment in the evaporation area, within a Kraft pulp mill, considering different types of equipments. The work includes the identification and characterization of the battery of evaporators, the discussion of different types of equipment, the design and an economical analysis of the investment

    Impact of Gamification on Subject Engagement and Data Quality in Health-care Surveys on Mobile Applications

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    Gamification can be described as using video-game mechanics and elements in non-game contexts to improve user engagement by using not only playfulness and fun, but also pride and competi- tiveness. The usage of gamification is not limited to a particular discipline; it is applicable in fields related to education, workplace, business, sport, software and health care. Health-care studies may rely on surveys to collect data from subjects. The traditional methods have been phone interviews or paper surveys. These have the disadvantages of being very time and staff consuming, alongside with the afterwards digitalisation burden. With the ongoing easier and cheaper access to mobile computing and wireless communica- tions, new approaches arise based on this paradigm. The surveys can be delivered inside mobile apps to be filled out by the subjects more conveniently. This alternative overcomes all the previ- ously mentioned method's disadvantages and brings easiness and practicability in filling out the survey. In pain-related surveys specifically, this is even more prominent because the survey filling out moment isn't bound with a medical consultation or a pre-determined phone call. Instead, it's done when the user feels more suitable. This can lead to registers being made temporarily close to the facts, increasing data quality and accuracy. On the other hand, the users are left to participate in the study at their own leisure, and there's no pressure to fill out and finish the survey. Applying gamification features to health-care surveys can increase subject engagement. This will improve the data quality and, therefore, helps establish this mobile-based survey design with more confidence. This could lead to a speeding-up of the studies' preparation phase and to a mitigation of the data handling burden, which can increase the number of studies published and knowledge produced. The "Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto" (ISPUP), is developing a health- care cohort study about chronic pain in adolescents. The data will be collected in a mobile appli- cation, and gamification features will be added to engage users and assure data quality. To measure the impact of the gamification techniques, the mobile application will be made available in a pilot survey to a restricted number of users, without any gamification elements. Then the selected gamification elements will be implemented, and the resulting mobile application will be used to collect data in the ISPUP project to measure chronic pain. The usability metrics for these two moments will be measured and compared. The results to be analysed will be the login behaviour, the time taken to finish each section of a questionnaire and the whole questionnaire, and the subject interaction with the gamification elements

    How To Revitalize Avenida Dos Aliados In Porto As A Luxury Shopping Destination? - the case of local residents

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    The goal of the following recommendation consists of developing a solid branding strategy for Avenida dos Aliados by communicating its value attract luxury customers. After analyzing the concepts of place branding and its approaches, brand image and brand identity, a theoretical branding approach B2C was developed. Considering the importance of the local community to successfully achieve the branding’s goal, it was recommended a new brand identity for Aliados as well a luxury positioning, resorting to a strong communication enhancing its heritage, authenticity and savoir-faire

    DNA polymerase proofreading: active site switching catalyzed by the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase

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    DNA polymerases achieve high-fidelity DNA replication in part by checking the accuracy of each nucleotide that is incorporated and, if a mistake is made, the incorrect nucleotide is removed before further primer extension takes place. In order to proofread, the primer-end must be separated from the template strand and transferred from the polymerase to the exonuclease active center where the excision reaction takes place; then the trimmed primer-end is returned to the polymerase active center. Thus, proofreading requires polymerase-to-exonuclease and exonuclease-to-polymerase active site switching. We have used a fluorescence assay that uses differences in the fluorescence intensity of 2-aminopurine (2AP) to measure the rates of active site switching for the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. There are three findings: (i) the rate of return of the trimmed primer-end from the exonuclease to the polymerase active center is rapid, >500 s−1; (ii) T4 DNA polymerase can remove two incorrect nucleotides under single turnover conditions, which includes presumed exonuclease-to-polymerase and polymerase-to-exonuclease active site switching steps and (iii) proofreading reactions that initiate in the polymerase active center are not intrinsically processive


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    According to Kant, happiness [Glückseligkeit] is defined as “the condition of a rational being in the world when everything goes according to its wish and will” (KpV, AA 05: 124). As Kant suggests, no human being will ever be able to determine, with certainty, what would truly make him happy (cf. GMS, AA 04: 418). The author points to the distinction between the doctrine of happiness (related to empirical principles) and moral doctrine, stating that “it is not my happiness but the preservation of my moral integrity that is my end and also my duty” (MS-TL, AA 06: 388). Despite this distinction, there is no opposition between them, including Kant the concept of self-contentment [Selbstzufriedenheit]. Many questions have arisen in the contemporary debate on these topics, such as the importance, or not, of the concept of happiness itself in Kantian ethics, the existence of two concept of happiness in his ethics, the parallelism between Kant’s position and those of classical authors, the relationship between freedom and happiness, the consideration of the happiness of others as a duty or the relationship between the concept of justice and the right of the human being to claim the connection between virtue and happiness. Recebido / Received: 3.11.2019.Aprovado / Approved: 27.11.2019.According to Kant, happiness [Glückseligkeit] is defined as “the condition of a rational being in the world when everything goes according to its wish and will” (KpV, AA 05: 124). As Kant suggests, no human being will ever be able to determine, with certainty, what would truly make him happy (cf. GMS, AA 04: 418). The author points to the distinction between the doctrine of happiness (related to empirical principles) and moral doctrine, stating that “it is not my happiness but the preservation of my moral integrity that is my end and also my duty” (MS-TL, AA 06: 388). Despite this distinction, there is no opposition between them, including Kant the concept of self-contentment [Selbstzufriedenheit]. Many questions have arisen in the contemporary debate on these topics, such as the importance, or not, of the concept of happiness itself in Kantian ethics, the existence of two concept of happiness in his ethics, the parallelism between Kant’s position and those of classical authors, the relationship between freedom and happiness, the consideration of the happiness of others as a duty or the relationship between the concept of justice and the right of the human being to claim the connection between virtue and happiness. Recebido / Received: 3.11.2019.Aprovado / Approved: 27.11.2019

    Teologia moral.

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    Kant’s doctrine of moral theology is mainly explored, though not exclusively, in the “Doctrine of the method” in the Critique of Judgment, concerning the faculty of teleological judgment. This doctrine is closely related to his concept of final end <Endweck>. According to Kant, only the human being is considered final end, an “end that requires no other end as a condition of its possibility” (KU, §84, AA 05: 396). In order to things can exist in conformity with this end, Kant introduces in this context the admission, not only of an intelligent being as the author of the world, but also a moral being who is both regent and moral legislator. Many questions have arisen in the contemporary debate on these topics, such as the parallelism between Kant’s approach of the final end in the second part of the Critique of Judgment and Religion, the collective character of the concepts of God and highest good, the relationship between the concept of final end - related to the concepts of moral world, kingdom of ends, ethical community – and political community, or the questions that arise from the cosmopolitan conception of the human nature. Recebido / Received: 17.11.2019.Aprovado / Approved: 2.12.2019.Kant’s doctrine of moral theology is mainly explored, though not exclusively, in the “Doctrine of the method” in the Critique of Judgment, concerning the faculty of teleological judgment. This doctrine is closely related to his concept of final end <Endweck>. According to Kant, only the human being is considered final end, an “end that requires no other end as a condition of its possibility” (KU, §84, AA 05: 396). In order to things can exist in conformity with this end, Kant introduces in this context the admission, not only of an intelligent being as the author of the world, but also a moral being who is both regent and moral legislator. Many questions have arisen in the contemporary debate on these topics, such as the parallelism between Kant’s approach of the final end in the second part of the Critique of Judgment and Religion, the collective character of the concepts of God and highest good, the relationship between the concept of final end - related to the concepts of moral world, kingdom of ends, ethical community – and political community, or the questions that arise from the cosmopolitan conception of the human nature. Recebido / Received: 17.11.2019.Aprovado / Approved: 2.12.2019


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    A Noção de Responsabilidade na Filosofia Moral Kantiana

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    O presente artigo tem como objectivo investigar as principais considerações kantianas sobre a noção de responsabilidade na sua filosofia moral. O artigo é constituído por três momentos, cujos objectivos são os seguintes: 1) apresentar as principais objecções de Hegel à ética kantiana, presentes nos seus Princípios da filosofia do direito, especialmente no que concerne ao conceito principal a investigar; 2) evidenciar que, ao contrário do que Hegel sugere, a responsabilidade pelos nossos actos tem lugar na ética kantiana, nomeadamente por meio das noções de imputação e de consciência moral (aqui partir-se-á de três aspectos principais: a) todo o agente moral possui consciência; b) a consciência é vista como tribunal interno ao homem; c) como tribunal, a consciência dita uma sentença que irá absolver ou condenar o homem); 3) evidenciar o modo como Kant não só considera a responsabilidade perante nós próprios - tal como o ponto anterior sugere - como também perante Deus

    Performance de inovação: Caso de estudo da SIBS

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    Inovar é uma competência imprescindível para qualquer empresa que queira marcar a diferença no mercado. A Sociedade Interbancária de Serviços (SIBS), detentora do MB Way e do Multibanco, é uma das mais relevantes empresas em Portugal. Esta tese desenvolve-se tendo como principal caso de estudo a empresa portuguesa e pretende avaliar a Performance de Inovação e os tipos de Inovação aplicados na mesma. Para tal, são utilizadas ferramentas como o Scoreboard, elaborado com base nos dados da tabela de avaliação de investimento em Investigação e Desenvolvimento (I&D), produzida pela Comissão Europeia. Assim, é possível comparar o desempenho das empresas com os seus melhores concorrentes no mesmo setor e, posteriormente, posicionar a SIBS no espectro da Inovação. Aliada ao método anterior, é realizada uma entrevista ao CTO da empresa, com o propósito de conhecer melhor a instituição e identificar quais os tipos de Inovação praticados na mesma.Innovating is an essential feature for any company that wishes to make a difference in the business market. Interbank Services Society (SIBS), the owner of the MB Way and Multibanco, is one of the most relevant companies in Portugal. This thesis has as a case study the abovementioned Portuguese company and it intends to assess the Innovation Performance and the types of Innovation performed in it. To this end, tools such as a Scoreboard are used. This one is based on data gathered from the Investment Assessment in Research and Development (R&D) table, produced by the European Commission. It is then possible to compare the performance of different companies and, lastly, to position SIBS in the Innovation spectrum. In addition to the previous method, an interview is carried out with the company's CTO. The main purpose is to get to know the institution and identify the types of innovation involved in it