14 research outputs found

    Discurso econômico e política colonial no império Luso-Brasileiro (1750-1808)

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    O artigo reflete sobre a ação política do marquês de Pombal e de Dom Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho, comparando o conjunto de suas orientações no campo econômico e colocando em perspectiva a questão geral do reformismo ilustrado no mundo ibérico. A ambição geral é a discussão de diferentes percursos no plano da história das ideias no século XVIII, mapeando o quadro de influências ao discurso econômico e político dedicado à concepção e execução das reformas, com destaque para a preocupação com o papel das colônias (o Brasil, essencialmente) na dinâmica econômica portuguesa ao longo da segunda metade do século XVIII

    Pratique sportive pendant la grossesse : information et accompagnement des femmes sportives: Étude descriptive et informative sur entretiens

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    Background : Today, the number of pregnancies among the high-level sportswomen is increasing. However, the pregnancy remains a period when the physical activity decreases strongly. The main brakes in this practice would be the lack of information and support (accompaniment).Objective: Describe the real-life experience of the pregnancy among the sports women, in terms of information and support as for sport during pregnancy.Method : It’s a qualitative study, according to a descriptive and interpretative approach. Semi-managed interviews were realized with nine sports women (who participate in competitions before their pregnancy). A thematic analysis of the content was realized.Results and discussion : Six main themes were highlighted. The women spoke about their type of practice during the pregnancy, about brakes at the pursuit of the sport, about their wishes, about the received information, about of the support and the men's predominance in the sport sector.Conclusion : Benefits and risks of physical activities during pregnancy are well known, yet, the care of sports women during pregnancy is still badly mastered by the healthcare professionals. The main brake in pursuit of sport during pregnancy is the lack of information of the women as for their sports practice.Introduction : Aujourd’hui, le nombre de grossesses chez les sportives de haut niveau est en augmentation. Cependant, la grossesse reste une période où l’activité physique diminue fortement. Les freins principaux à cette pratique seraient le manque d’informations et d’accompagnement.Objectif : Décrire le vécu de la grossesse chez les femmes sportives, en termes d’information et d’accompagnement quant à la pratique du sport pendant la grossesse.Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude qualitative, selon une approche descriptive et interprétative. Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés chez neuf femmes sportives en compétition avant leur grossesse. Une analyse de thématique de contenu a été réalisée.Résultats et discussion : Six thèmes principaux ont été mis en évidence. Les femmes ont parlé de leur type de pratique pendant la grossesse, des freins à la poursuite du sport, de leurs volontés, de l’information reçue, de l’accompagnement et de la prédominance d’hommes dans le domaine sportif.Conclusion : Les bienfaits et les risques d’une pratique d’activités physique pendant la grossesse sont bien connus, pourtant, la prise en charge des femmes sportives pendant la grossesse est encore mal maitrisée par les professionnels de santé. Le principal frein à la poursuite de sport pendant la grossesse est le manque d’information des femmes quant à leur pratique sportive pendant la grossesse

    Un tragique cinquantenaire:Le massacre des Armenies en Turquie

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 77/A- Ermenilerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Avaliação do software usado pelo Consórcio Brasileiro de Acreditação nas avaliações externas educativas.

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o grau de satisfação dos colaboradores do Consórcio Brasileiro de Acreditação (CBA), com a versão atual do sistema SAvE

    A concorrĂŞncia na arte de partejar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre 1835 e 1900

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    Resumo Este artigo discute a concorrência entre parteiras e médicos na oferta dos serviços de partos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre 1835 e 1900. Foram analisadas as atas da congregação, os livros do curso de partos e de termos de exames de verificação de médicos, cirurgiões, boticários e parteiras da Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro, além de anúncios e propagandas de médicos e parteiras nas colunas “Anúncios” e “Indicações Úteis” do Jornal do Commercio . Observa-se como o aumento do número de médicos-parteiros e seus discursos científicos contribuíram para que as parteiras se vissem obrigadas a diversificar a clientela, instalando-se e atendendo em áreas populares e inóspitas

    Formação Continuada – A Visão de Professores Docentes do Projeto Novaeja da Rede Estadual de Ensino Sobre os Cursos da Fundação Cecierj

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    O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma avaliação centrada no usuário sobre o grau de satisfação de professores de Língua Portuguesa e Matemática regentes do segmento de Jovens e Adultos realizada para o Curso de Formação Continuada oferecido pela Fundação CECIERJ em parceria com a SEEDUC/RJ. O estudo faz parte de um projeto de avaliação desenvolvido pela extensão da Fundação CECIERJ, abordando as seguintes categorias avaliativas: organização didático-pedagógica; mediação pedagógica, material didático; ambiente virtual; e avaliação da aprendizagem. Os resultados revelaram que os professores se mostraram bastante satisfeitos, embora tenham apontado fragilidades tanto na localização dos polos quanto nas instalações físicas das escolas selecionadas para encontros presenciais

    Competition in the arts of midwifery in the city of Rio de Janeiro from 1835 to 1900

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    <p></p><p>Abstract The article discusses competition between midwives and doctors offering birth-related services in the city of Rio de Janeiro from 1835 to 1900. The research analyzed minutes from meetings, textbooks on births, and terms from qualification examinations for physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, and midwives at the Rio de Janeiro Medical School (Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro), as well as announcements by and advertisements for doctors and midwives in columns featuring advertisements and useful recommendations in the Jornal do Commercio newspaper. An increase in the number of delivery physicians, and their scientific discourses led midwives to feel an obligation to diversify their clientele, consequently establishing themselves and working in lower-class and inhospitable areas.</p><p></p

    “A People Forgotten by History”: Soviet Studies of the Kurds

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    The Russian/Soviet experience raises complex general questions concerning orientalism, conceptual hegemony, and the politics of (post-)colonial knowledge. Russia was not an empire in Said's sense, and drew much of its orientalist categories from non-imperialist German sources; the Soviet Union was explicitly anti-imperialist, and was dedicated to the emancipation of subaltern classes and nationalities. Yet Soviet orientalism in part reproduced hegemonic categories of "bourgeois" knowledge, notably concerning language and national identity. This becomes especially clear in the case of Soviet studies of Kurdish, a language subaltern with respect to Persian, Arabic, and, increasingly, Turkish. In the 1920s and early 1930s, native scholars like ErebĂŞ Shemo, QanatĂŞ Kurdo, and HeciyĂŞ CindĂ® pioneered the creation of both an alphabet and a literature in Kurdish and of scholarly linguistic studies. Their work was shaped (and encouraged) by Nikolaj Marr's rejection of the idea of genetic links between Indo-Persian languages, and of the reification of "national characters." Marr's "japhetic" linguistics dovetailed with Stalin's nationality policies in the 1920s and 1930s; it is rightly rejected as unscientific, but it did have positive emancipatory effects. It criticized ethnocentric and racist assumptions in contemporary Indo-European linguistics, and emphasized the value of spoken subaltern vernaculars like Ossetian and Kurdish against hegemonic written languages like Sanskrit and Persian. It also had the paradoxical effect of both countering bourgeois nationalism and encouraging national consciousness. The article concludes with a discussion of how the Soviet experience may affect our view of the Gramscian concept of hegemony and of the linguistic turn in later postcolonial studies