939 research outputs found

    Molecule Formation in Optical Lattice Wells by Resonantly Modulated Magnetic Fields

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    We present a theoretical model for formation of molecules in an optical lattice well where a resonant coupling of atomic and molecular states is provided by small oscillations of a magnetic field in the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance. As opposed to an adiabatic sweep over the full resonance, this provides a coherent coupling with a frequency that can be tuned to meet resonance conditions in the system. The effective Rabi frequencies for this coupling are calculated and simulations show perfect Rabi oscillations. Robust production of molecules with an adiabatic sweep of the modulation frequency is demonstrated. For very large oscillation amplitudes, the Rabi oscillations are distorted but still effective and fast association is possible.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Estimating Photometric Redshifts Using Support Vector Machines

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    We present a new approach to obtaining photometric redshifts using a kernel learning technique called Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Unlike traditional spectral energy distribution fitting, this technique requires a large and representative training set. When one is available, however, it is likely to produce results that are comparable to the best obtained using template fitting and artificial neural networks. Additional photometric parameters such as morphology, size and surface brightness can be easily incorporated. The technique is demonstrated using samples of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2 and the hybrid galaxy formation code GalICS. The RMS error in redshift estimation is <0.03<0.03 for both samples. The strengths and limitations of the technique are assessed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the PASP, minor typos fixed to make consistent with published versio

    Flow probe of symmetry energy in relativistic heavy-ion reactions

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    Flow observables in heavy-ion reactions at incident energies up to about 1 GeV per nucleon have been shown to be very useful for investigating the reaction dynamics and for determining the parameters of reaction models based on transport theory. In particular, the elliptic flow in collisions of neutron-rich heavy-ion systems emerges as an observable sensitive to the strength of the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities. The comparison of ratios or differences of neutron and proton flows or neutron and hydrogen flows with predictions of transport models favors an approximately linear density dependence, consistent with ab-initio nuclear-matter theories. Extensive parameter searches have shown that the model dependence is comparable to the uncertainties of existing experimental data. Comprehensive new flow data of high accuracy, partly also through providing stronger constraints on model parameters, can thus be expected to improve our knowledge of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures, review to appear in EPJA special volume on nuclear symmetry energ

    Coherent and incoherent bands in La and Rh doped Sr3Ir2O7

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    In Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7, correlations, magnetism and spin-orbit coupling compete on similar energy scales, creating a new context to study metal-insulator transitions (MIT). We use here Angle-Resolved photoemission to investigate the MIT as a function of hole and electron doping in Sr3Ir2O7, obtained respectively by Ir/Rh and Sr/La substitutions. We show that there is a clear reduction as a function of doping of the gap between a lower and upper band on both sides of the Fermi level, from 0.2eV to 0.05eV. Although these two bands have a counterpart in band structure calculations, they are characterized by a very different degree of coherence. The upper band exhibits clear quasiparticle peaks, while the lower band is very broad and loses weight as a function of doping. Moreover, their ARPES spectral weights obey different periodicities, reinforcing the idea of their different nature. We argue that a very similar situation occurs in Sr2IrO4 and conclude that the physics of the two families is essentially the same

    Angle-resolved photoemission study of the role of nesting and orbital orderings in the antiferromagnetic phase of BaFe2As2

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    We present a detailed comparison of the electronic structure of BaFe2As2 in its paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases, through angle-resolved photoemission studies. Using different experimental geometries, we resolve the full elliptic shape of the electron pockets, including parts of dxy symmetry along its major axis that are usually missing. This allows us to define precisely how the hole and electron pockets are nested and how the different orbitals evolve at the transition. We conclude that the imperfect nesting between hole and electron pockets explains rather well the formation of gaps and residual metallic droplets in the AFM phase, provided the relative parity of the different bands is taken into account. Beyond this nesting picture, we observe shifts and splittings of numerous bands at the transition. We show that the splittings are surface sensitive and probably not a reliable signature of the magnetic order. On the other hand, the shifts indicate a significant redistribution of the orbital occupations at the transition, especially within the dxz/dyz system, which we discuss

    The Canada-UK Deep Sub-Millimeter Survey II: First identifications, redshifts and implications for galaxy evolution

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    Identifications are sought for 12 sub-mm sources detected by Eales et al (1998). Six are securely identified, two have probable identifications and four remain unidentified with I_AB > 25. Spectroscopic and estimated photometric redshifts indicate that four of the sources have z < 1, and four have 1 < z < 3, with the remaining four empty field sources probably lying at z > 3. The spectral energy distributions of the identifications are consistent with those of high extinction starbursts such as Arp 220. The far-IR luminosities of the sources at z > 0.5 are of order 3 x 10^12 h_50^-2 L_sun, i.e. slightly larger than that of Arp 220. Based on this small sample, the cumulative bolometric luminosity function shows strong evolution to z ~ 1, but weaker or possibly even negative evolution beyond. The redshift dependence of the far-IR luminosity density does not appear, at this early stage, to be inconsistent with that seen in the ultraviolet luminosity density. Assuming that the energy source in the far-IR is massive stars, the total luminous output from star-formation in the Universe is probably dominated by the far-IR emission. The detected systems have individual star-formation rates (exceeding 300 h_50^-2 M_O yr^-1) that are much higher than seen in the ultraviolet selected samples, and which are sufficient to form substantial stellar populations on dynamical timescales of 10^8 yr. The association with merger-like morphologies and the obvious presence of dust makes it attractive to identify these systems as forming the metal-rich spheroid population, in which case we would infer that much of this activity has occurred relatively recently, at z ~ 2.Comment: 17 pages text + 14 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Gzipped tar file contains one text.ps file for text and tables, one Fig2.jpg file for Fig 2, and 13 Fig*.ps files for the remaining figure

    Spitzer bright, UltraVISTA faint sources in COSMOS: the contribution to the overall population of massive galaxies at z=3-7

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    We have analysed a sample of 574 Spitzer 4.5 micron-selected galaxies with [4.5]24 (AB) over the UltraVISTA ultra-deep COSMOS field. Our aim is to investigate whether these mid-IR bright, near-IR faint sources contribute significantly to the overall population of massive galaxies at redshifts z>=3. By performing a spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis using up to 30 photometric bands, we have determined that the redshift distribution of our sample peaks at redshifts z~2.5-3.0, and ~32% of the galaxies lie at z>=3. We have studied the contribution of these sources to the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) at high redshifts. We found that the [4.5]24 galaxies produce a negligible change to the GSMF previously determined for Ks_auto<24 sources at 3=<z<4, but their contribution is more important at 4=~50% of the galaxies with stellar masses Mst>~6 x 10^10 Msun. We also constrained the GSMF at the highest-mass end (Mst>~2 x 10^11 Msun) at z>=5. From their presence at 5=<z<6, and virtual absence at higher redshifts, we can pinpoint quite precisely the moment of appearance of the first most massive galaxies as taking place in the ~0.2 Gyr of elapsed time between z~6 and z~5. Alternatively, if very massive galaxies existed earlier in cosmic time, they should have been significantly dust-obscured to lie beyond the detection limits of current, large-area, deep near-IR surveys.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Updated to match version in press at the Ap

    The Dwarf Irregular Galaxy UGC 7636 Exposed: Stripping At Work In The Virgo Cluster

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    We present the results of optical spectroscopy of a newly discovered H II region residing in the H I gas cloud located between the dwarf irregular galaxy UGC 7636 and the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4472 in the Virgo Cluster. By comparing UGC 7636 with dwarf irregular galaxies in the field, we show that the H I cloud must have originated from UGC 7636 because (1) the oxygen abundance of the cloud agrees with that expected for a galaxy with the blue luminosity of UGC 7636, and (2) M_{H I}/L_B for UGC 7636 becomes consistent with the measured oxygen abundance of the cloud if the H I mass of the cloud is added back into UGC 7636. It is likely that tides from NGC 4472 first loosened the H I gas, after which ram-pressure stripping removed the gas from UGC 7636.Comment: 12 pages, 2 eps figures (AASTeX 5.0); accepted for publication in ApJ Letter