269 research outputs found

    Effects of sunrise/sunset lighting on corticosterone levels in Coturnix quail (Coturnix coturnix)

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    Both genetics and environment play an important role in the growth, performance and overall welfare of poultry species. Current commercial production practices typically do not mimic the natural environmental conditions of ancestral poultry species, specifically lighting requirements. In nature, poultry species are subjected to natural day length and the slow rising and setting of the sun. This is compared to commercial conditions in which lights are sudden on/off, not mimicking the natural trajectory of the sun in terms of light intensity and exposure. The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of genetics and the effect of sunrise/sunset lighting on the stress response of 4 genetic lines of coturnix quail. The 4 lines utilized in this study include a high stress (H), low stress (L), stress control (R), and Arkansas randombred (A) quail lines. Day old chicks from the lines were placed in one of two environmentally controlled rooms. All conditions were kept similar between the rooms until week 4. At week 4, half of the quail in each room were relocated to the other room and the experimental conditions began. One room was subjected to sudden on/off lighting while the other room was subjected to a 1-hour long sunrise/sunset treatment. At 8 weeks of age, blood was collected from each line of quail at 5 time points: before lights on, 3 points during sunrise lighting, and after lights on at full intensity. The subsequent serum samples were then evaluated for their respective corticosterone levels. The results of this study show that the sunrise/sunset lighting room shows lower corticosterone levels overall and transferred quail have had elevated corticosterone levels, indicating they were under stress. These results lead to the conclusion that sunrise/sunset lighting has the potential to improve overall production, regardless of genetic line

    Functional improvement of stem cell derived hepatocyte-like cells after targeted FXR gene regulatory network manipulation

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    Primary human hepatocytes (PHH) are important for clinical therapy as well as for studies in pharmacology and toxicology. Hepatocyte-like cells (HLC) derived from pluripotent stem cells offer the perspective of an unlimited supply of PHH, however, genome- and proteome-wide analyses demonstrated that HLC still show major differences compared to PHH. More recently it was shown that, HLC express hepatocyte- and non-hepatocyte-associated genes within the same cells, indicating that HLC reside in a hybrid state that can be targeted by bioinformatics-guided intervention [1]. In this context, it remains to be clarified whether cell line or differentiation protocol-specific differences lead to comparable hybrid states and if the reported hybrid state is a common feature among HLC. In this thesis, HLC obtained by two different protocols from three different induced pluripotent stem cell lines (iPSC) were compared using genome-wide transcriptomics. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that interventions to improve HLC differentiation by targeting the FXR gene regulatory network (GRN) increased the expression of hepatocyte-associated genes and suppressed undesired non-liver genes in HLC, thereby increasing their similarity to PHH. However, this has yet only been shown on the transcriptomic level. Here, functional assays of bile acid secretion and lipid droplet formation were performed to confirm that an FXR targeting intervention strategy does indeed increase the similarity of HLC to PHH

    Comics and human rights: thinking about us – queer inclusion in comics

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    MJ Feuerborn is an American queer activist, freelance journalist, and comics enthusiast. She writes for Women Write About Comics and Comicosity. Her comics and culture commentary can be found on her blog or on Twitter at @mjfeuerbor

    Are We Out of the Woods Yet? How Democrats and Progressives Need to Rethink their Message Framework

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    The aftermath of the election revealed that the Democratic Party made critical errors and had structural issues that made executing our messaging more difficult. The Democratic Party needs to return to a set of principles that prioritizes all people and their wellbeing to win elections. What do Democrats and progressives need to fix so they can deliver better messages? To better understand the dynamics that impact the Democratic Party’s capacity to create messaging I believe one must look at the relationship between the Democratic Party as an institution and the art of political messaging. The research of this paper focuses on how we measure voter sentiment, how we identify who our voters are and how our organizing philosophy impacts our message. The Democratic party and candidates need to commit to long term investments in technology and staff, a different organizing strategy, broad representation in candidates and leadership. We will be a stronger party, capable of enacting a progressive policy agenda if we can learn from the past, correct our mistakes and commit to a new operational and structural changes to our party

    Challenges in CCP Management in Europe

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    Building a Bridge for Batten Disease

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    Background. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, or Batten disease, is a neurodegenerative disorder that results in seizures, vision loss, vegetative state, and premature death. This project aims to understand the value of disease organizations in the management of Batten disease progression. Methods. Seven semi-structured interviews with caregivers of children with Batten disease were conducted at a national family conference. Also, five semi-structured telephone interviews with disease organizations were conducted, two of which were Batten disease specific. Results. Most caregiver participants reported difficulties in getting a diagnosis. All participants reported significant benefit from involvement in the Batten Disease Support and Research Association (BDSRA) and associated family conference. Some of the most challenging aspects of care centered around a lack of in-home aid, medical equipment, and the education system. The disease advocacy organizations included Rare KC, the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), Global Genes, Noah’s Hope, and Taylor’s Tale. Disease organizations encourage rare disease families to thrive by providing the bridge that connects patients, physicians, and researchers. A central organization implements an avenue for individuals to share information and meet people in the rare disease community. Conclusions. The participants provided clear examples of the benefits families received from being involved in a rare disease organization

    Abnahme und Ablieferung von DV-Anlagen

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    Im Anschluss an den Beitrag über die Abnahme technischer Anlagen in CR 1991, 1-6 soll eine Auswahl der Rechtsprechung zur Abnahme und Ablieferung von DV-Anlagen untersucht werden. Dabei wird die Tendenz erkennbar, den Zeitpunkt der Abnehme gem. § 640 BGB als Auslöser der Zahlungspflicht und Verjährungsbeginn der Gewährleistungsrechte möglichst weit hinauszuschieben. Bedenklich erscheint diese Ausdehnung des Schutzes dort, wo die für die werkvertragliche Abnahme entwickelten Kriterien auf die kaufrechtliche Ablieferung übertragen werden, auf die sie wegen der andersartigen Ausgestaltung des Kaufvertrages jedoch nicht passen. Auch bei der vertraglichen Ausgestaltung des Abnahmeverfahrens ist auf §§ 10 Nr. 1 und 5 AGBG und die hierzu von der Rechtsprechung entwickelten Grundsätze Rücksicht zu nehmen, wie anhand einer Auswahl von Vertragsmustern gezeigt werden soll

    Deforestation and Environmental Justice in Indigenous Bolivia: A Gender-Based Approach to Risk Assessment and Mitigation Efforts in the Chiquitano Forest

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    xx pagesThe proliferation of environmental disruptions and extractive industries in the Bolivian Amazon are having drastic effects on the forested ecosystems of the region, putting additional pressures on an already disadvantaged indigenous population to negotiate dwindling resources. Industrial agriculture and cattle ranching, natural gas extraction and mining are some of the environmental pressures impacting the size and wellbeing of the Chiquitano forest, which is home to a range of indigenous groups. Indigenous women of the Chiquitano forest face the brunt of environmental challenges due to existing gender dynamics and community structures that make them responsible for resource collection and reliant on the resources most threatened in order to fulfill their community roles. Climate change only compounds this effect as drought makes forests more susceptible to fires growing out of control and more challenging for plant life and freshwater sources to survive. Through the firsthand testimony of Chiquitano indigenous members and sourced literary review, this paper seeks to examine the ways in which gender roles in Chiquitano culture uniquely positions women to bear the brunt of human-driven environmental degradation, and identifies potential solutions to both lessen such harm and more evenly distribute attention to such issues

    Effects of sunrise/sunset lighting on corticosterone levels in Coturnix quail (Coturnix coturnix)

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    Both genetics and environment play important roles in the growth, performance, and overall welfare of poultry species. Current commercial production practices typically do not mimic the natural environmental conditions of ancestral poultry species, specifically lighting. The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of genetics and the effect of sunrise/sunset lighting on the stress response of 4 genetic lines of Coturnix quail. The 4 lines utilized in this study included high stress (H), low stress (L), stress control (R), and Arkansas randombred (A) quail lines. Day old chicks from these lines were placed in one of two environmentally controlled rooms. All conditions were kept similar between the rooms until week 4. At week 4, half of the quail in each room were relocated to the other room and the experimental conditions began. One room was subjected to sudden on/off lighting while the other room was subjected to a 1-hour long sunrise/sunset treatment. At 8 weeks of age, blood was collected from one bird in each line of quail at 5 time points: before lights on, 3 points during sunrise lighting, and after lights were on at full intensity. The subsequent plasma samples were evaluated for their corticosterone concentrations. Quail housed in the sunrise/sunset lighting room had numerically lower corticosterone concentrations overall and transferred quail had numerically elevated corticosterone concentrations. In conclusion, sunrise/sunset lighting has the potential to improve overall production, regardless of genetic line
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