966 research outputs found

    Numbering same-sex couples in censuses and population registers

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    The recommendations recently issued by the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) for the next round of population and housing censuses underline for the first time that some countries might find it in their interest to enumerate same-sex couples. Many pitfalls can be expected when such a sensitive topic is newly included in a census. The experience of the few western countries that have already taken initiatives in this direction helps identify difficulties to be faced and suggest "good practices" to be adopted. Coverage is extended to countries which rely on permanent registers rather than periodic censuses to enumerate their population.censuses, population registers, same-sex couples

    Spectral interferometric polarised coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy

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    We have developed an interferometric implementation of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) which enables broadband coherent Raman spectroscopy free from non-resonant background (NRB), with a signal strength proportional to concentration. Spectra encode mode symmetry information into the amplitude response which can be directly compared to polarised spontaneous Raman spectra. The method requires only passive polarisation optics and is suitable for a wide range of laser linewidths and pulse durationsComment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR


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    Abstrak Penelitian pre eksperimental design ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah media Tali PAS (Play and Study) berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan mengenal kosakata Bahasa Inggris anak usia 4-5 Tahun di KB-TK AL-Hikmah Kebraon Surabaya. Populasi penelitian adalah anak usia 4-5 tahun dengan sampel berjumlah 21 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji wilcoxon match pair test dibantu dengan software IBM SPSS 20. Dari hasil pengolahan data diperoleh nilai Z yang didapat -4,051 atau 4,051 dengan taraf signifikan 5% yaitu 1,645. Nilai p value (Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed) signifikansi atau Thitung sebesar 0,000 dimana nilai tersebut kurang dari batas kritis penelitian 0,05 (p<0,05), hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan uraian diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media Tali PAS (Play and Study) berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan mengenal kosakata Bahasa Inggris anak usia 4-5 Tahun di KB-TK Al-Hikmah Kebraon Surabaya. Kata Kunci : Media Tali PAS, kosakata Bahasa Inggris      Abstract This experimental pre design research aims to prove whether PAS (Play and Study) media has an effect on the ability to recognize the English language vocabulary of children aged 4-5 years in KB-Kindergarten Al-Hikmah Kebraon Surabaya. The study population is children aged 4-5 years with a sample of 21 children. Technique of collecting data using observation and documentation. Technique data analysis used is test wilcoxon match pair test assisted by software of SPSS 20. The result obtained Z value obtained -4,051 or 4,051 with 5% significant level that is 1,645. The value of p value (Asymp Sig. 2-tailed) is significant or Thitung of 0,000 where the value is less than the critical limit of the study 0.05 (p <0.05), it indicates that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Based on the above test, it can be concluded that Tali PAS (Play and Study) media have an effect on the ability to recognize the English language vocabulary of 4-5 years old children in KB-TK Al-Hikmah Kebraon Surabaya. Keywords: Media Tali PAS, English vocabular

    Komunikasi Politik dan Branding Pemimpin Politik Melalui Media Sosial: A Conceptual Paper

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    The presence of digital media, such as social media allows us to connect without any limitations of space and time. Consumption of social media brings changes in various aspects of life, including the habits of communicating and interacting in today's network society. In the political field, social media creates opportunities for political leaders to carry out political communication. As a strategic political communication channel, social media plays a role in receiving and responding to public aspirations. In fact, the use of social media for campaigns by political leaders shows a trend of increasing popularity and electability due to the influence of branding on social media. The use of social media by political leaders in building specific branding is at the core of this article. Political leaders optimize their personal social media accounts for political communication. The positive perception of the public allows for an increase in popularity and electability which brings to the national political stage. This article is a conceptual paper that analyzes the concept of branding in politics in the era of digital political communication by utilizing social media. The author uses relevant literature reviews from previous studies. This article reveals that several political leaders that have been studied have optimized social media to carry out political communication to their citizens. They display digital content to gain public support and trust, and display branding as a populist, professional, humanist, and responsible political leader

    Komunikasi Politik dan Branding Pemimpin Politik Melalui Media Sosial: A Conceptual Paper

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    The presence of digital media, such as social media allows us to connect without any limitations of space and time. Consumption of social media brings changes in various aspects of life, including the habits of communicating and interacting in today's network society. In the political field, social media creates opportunities for political leaders to carry out political communication. As a strategic political communication channel, social media plays a role in receiving and responding to public aspirations. In fact, the use of social media for campaigns by political leaders shows a trend of increasing popularity and electability due to the influence of branding on social media. The use of social media by political leaders in building specific branding is at the core of this article. Political leaders optimize their personal social media accounts for political communication. The positive perception of the public allows for an increase in popularity and electability which brings to the national political stage. This article is a conceptual paper that analyzes the concept of branding in politics in the era of digital political communication by utilizing social media. The author uses relevant literature reviews from previous studies. This article reveals that several political leaders that have been studied have optimized social media to carry out political communication to their citizens. They display digital content to gain public support and trust, and display branding as a populist, professional, humanist, and responsible political leader

    Multimodal optical characterisation of collagen photodegradation by femtosecond infrared laser ablation.

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    Collagen is a structural component of the human body, as a connective tissue it can become altered as a result of pathophysiological conditions. Although the collagen degradation mechanism is not fully understood, it plays an important role in ageing, disease progression and applications in therapeutic laser treatments. To fully understand the mechanism of collagen alteration, in our study photo-disruptive effects were induced in collagen I matrix by point-irradiation with a femtosecond Ti-sapphire laser under controlled laser ablation settings. This was followed by multi-modal imaging of the irradiated and surrounding areas to analyse the degradation mechanism. Our multi-modal methodology was based on second harmonic generation (SHG), scanning electron microscope (SEM), autofluorescence (AF) average intensities and the average fluorescence lifetime. This allowed us to quantitatively characterise the degraded area into four distinct zones: (1) depolymerised zone in the laser focal spot as indicated by the loss of SHG signal, (2) enhanced crosslinking zone in the inner boundary of the laser induced cavity as represented by the high fluorescence ring, (3) reduced crosslinking zone formed the outer boundary of the cavity as marked by the increased SHG signal and (4) native collagen. These identified distinct zones were in good agreement with the expected photochemical changes shown using Raman spectroscopy. In addition, imaging using polarisation-resolved SHG (p-SHG) revealed both a high degree of fibre re-orientation and a SHG change in tensor ratios around the irradiation spot. Our multi-modal optical imaging approach can provide a new methodology for defining distinct zones that can be used in a clinical setting to determine suitable thresholds for applying safe laser treatments without affecting the surrounding tissues. Furthermore this technique can be extended to address challenges observed in collagen based tissue engineering and used as a minimally invasive diagnostic tool to characterise diseased and non-diseased collagen rich tissues


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    The research carried out aims to describe the validity of the Congklak game on solar system material for seventh grade junior high school students. This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Pungging with a total of 24 students. This research is a development research that is using the ADDIE development model. The resulting data instrument was in the form of a study sheet and a validation sheet. The results of the research on the validity of the Congklak game can be reviewed from the results of the validation sheet and the study sheet that has been filled in by expert lecturers and science subject teachers. Analysis of the results on the validation sheet is obtained an average mode value of 4. The conclusion of this study is the validity of the developed Congklak game consists of several aspects namely the content aspect, linguistic aspects, media presentation aspects, and aspects of the game function get a very decent category used with a feasibility mode value of 4

    Avoiding Zoom Fatigue: The Uses and Gratifications on Social Media

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    The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has forced the government to implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) several times. As a result of this policy, it is mandatory to implement the Working From Home (WFH) policy. The company then facilitates its employee with virtual meeting applications, such as Zoom. On the other hand, WFH has a frequent impact and the length of time spent in virtual meetings causes zoom fatigue. The purpose of this study is to determine the uses and gratification of social media users to avoid zoom fatigue when working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Social media users use it as a means of fulfilling usability and satisfaction based on the media chosen. This study will describe the uses and gratification of using social media during WFH to avoid “Zoom fatigue†based on Computer-Mediated Communication Theory and Uses and Gratification Theory.The study uses a qualitative approach with an explorative method to find or formulate problems from a phenomenon.  The study uses literature studies based on scientific articles in international and national journals related to the use of social media based on the Uses and Gratification theory in the last ten years. For further exploration, the researcher conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews via email and telephone with three informants. The interview results revealed the uses and gratification for social media users to avoid zoom fatigue while undergoing WFH during the pandemic Covid-19. Social media as a source of entertainment and relaxation, a source of information, spending time, interacting and expressing opinions, and monitoring. The researcher hopes that the results of this study can fill the lack of existing research related to the uses and gratification of social media based on Computer-Mediated Communication and Uses and Gratification Theory. It can also contribute knowledge to practitioners who are content creators, marketing agencies, and online shop owners to optimize content to get high user engagement


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    Sedimentation is a natural problem that always occurs in water structures, especially dams and reservoirs. Wonorejo Reservoir as a multipurpose reservoir also experienced this. Sedimentation can affect the performance of reservoirs and dams. With the accumulation of sediment, the volume of the reservoir will change from time to time, so it is necessary to estimate the volume of sediment during the useful life of the reservoir and dam, so that they can function optimally. In addition, efforts are also needed to deal with the sedimentation. This study was conducted to estimate the volume of sediment that can occur during the useful life of reservoirs and dams, which is 50 years. Using limited data from previous studies, the study was carried out using the literature study method from other studies that have been carried out in other reservoirs and dams in Indonesia. Based on the estimation results, it is estimated that the volume of sediment in the Wonorejo Reservoir at the end of its age will reach 17.6% of the reservoir capacity volume. So it can be concluded that the reservoir can still work optimally. However, these results are not accurate enough due to the limited data available so that proper sedimentation management efforts are still needed. These countermeasures can be adopted from what has been suggested in other studies for reservoirs and dams in Indonesia

    Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Silinder Sirkular Didepan Returning Blade Turbin Angin Savonius Terhadap Performa Turbin dengan Rasio S/D = 1,6 dan d/D = 0,5

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    Studi eksperimen dilakukan dengan menggunakan Turbin Angin Savonius dengan diameter sudu turbin (D) sebesar 167 mm, tinggi turbin (H) sebesar 298 mm, lebar turbin (L) sebesar 309 mm, diameter endplate (D0) sebesar 320 mm dan diameter poros turbin (e) sebesar 19 mm. Dengan diameter silinder pengganggu (d) sebesar 83 mm, dengan tinggi (h) sebesar 500 mm. Rasio diameter silinder pengganggu dengan diameter sudu turbin angin Savonius (d/D) sebesar 0,5 dan rasio jarak pusat silinder penganggu dengan pusat turbin angin Savonius terhadap diameter sudu turbin angin Savonius (S/D) sebesar 1,6 dengan variasi kecepatan angin sebesar 3 m/s, 4 m/s, 5 m/s, 6 m/s, 7 m/s, 8 m/s, dan 9 m/s. Hasil yang dicapai pada penelitian ini yaitu pemberian silinder pengganggu didepan returning blade turbin angin Savonius dengan rasio S/D =1,6 dan d/D = 0,5 efektif dalam meningkatkan Coefficient of Power, Coefficient of Moment serta kemampuan Self-Starting. Coefficient of Power yang paling tertinggi terletak pada kecepatan angin 5 m/s dengan nilai CoP maksimum sebesar 0,1225 atau sebesar 12,25% dengan kenaikan CoP sebesar 85,3% dibandingkan dengan tanpa silinder pengganggu
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