54 research outputs found

    Advances in the Physics of Magnetic Skyrmions and Perspective for Technology

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    Magnetic skyrmions are small swirling topological defects in the magnetization texture stabilized by the protection due to their topology. In most cases they are induced by chiral interactions between atomic spins existing in non-centrosymmetric magnetic compounds or in thin films in which inversion symmetry is broken by the presence of an interface. The skyrmions can be extremely small with diameters in the nanometer range and, importantly, they behave as particles that can be moved, created or annihilated, making them suitable for abacus-type applications in information storage, logic or neuro-inspired technologies. Up to the last years skyrmions were observed only at low temperature (and in most cases under large applied fields) but important efforts of research has been recently devoted to find thin film and multilayered structures in which skyrmions are stabilized above room temperature and manipulated by current. This article focuses on these recent advances on the route to devices prototypes.Comment: Published online 13 June 2017 : 17 pages, 8 figures and 2 boxe

    Electrical signature of individual magnetic skyrmions in multilayered systems

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    Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected whirling spin textures that can be stabilized in magnetic materials in which a chiral interaction is present. Their limited size together with their robustness against the external perturbations promote them as the ultimate magnetic storage bit in a novel generation of memory and logic devices. Despite many examples of the signature of magnetic skyrmions in the electrical signal, only low temperature measurements, mainly in magnetic materials with B20 crystal structure, have demonstrated the skyrmions contribution to the electrical transport properties. Using the combination of Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) and Hall resistivity measurements, we demonstrate the electrical detection of sub-100 nm skyrmions in multilayered thin film at room temperature (RT). We furthermore analyse the room temperature Hall signal of a single skyrmion which contribution is mainly dominated by anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Electrical control of magnetism by electric field and current-induced torques

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    While early magnetic memory designs relied on magnetization switching by locally generated magnetic fields, key insights in condensed matter physics later suggested the possibility to do it electrically. In the 1990s, Slonczewzki and Berger formulated the concept of current-induced spin torques in magnetic multilayers through which a spin-polarized current may switch the magnetization of a ferromagnet. This discovery drove the development of spin-transfer-torque magnetic random-access memories (STT-MRAMs). More recent research unveiled spin-orbit-torques (SOTs) and will lead to a new generation of devices including SOT-MRAMs. Parallel to these advances, multiferroics and their magnetoelectric coupling experienced a renaissance, leading to novel device concepts for information and communication technology such as the MESO transistor. The story of the electrical control of magnetization is that of a dance between fundamental research (in spintronics, condensed matter physics, and materials science) and technology (MRAMs, MESO, microwave emitters, spin-diodes, skyrmion-based devices, components for neuromorphics, etc). This pas de deux led to major breakthroughs over the last decades (pure spin currents, magnetic skyrmions, spin-charge interconversion, etc). As a result, this field has propelled MRAMs into consumer electronics products but also fueled discoveries in adjacent research areas such as ferroelectrics or magnonics. Here, we cover recent advances in the control of magnetism by electric fields and by current-induced torques. We first review fundamental concepts in these two directions, then discuss their combination, and finally present various families of devices harnessing the electrical control of magnetic properties for various application fields. We conclude by giving perspectives in terms of both emerging fundamental physics concepts and new directions in materials science.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Hybrid chiral domain walls and skyrmions in magnetic multilayers

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    Noncollinear spin textures in ferromagnetic ultrathin films are currently the subject of renewed interest since the discovery of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). This antisymmetric exchange interaction selects a given chirality for the spin textures and allows stabilising configurations with nontrivial topology. Moreover, it has many crucial consequences on the dynamical properties of these topological structures, including chiral domain walls (DWs) and magnetic skyrmions. In the recent years the study of noncollinear spin textures has been extended from single ultrathin layers to magnetic multilayers with broken inversion symmetry. This extension of the structures in the vertical dimension allows very efficient current-induced motion and room-temperature stability for both N\'eel DWs and skyrmions. Here we show how in such multilayered systems the interlayer interactions can actually lead to more complex, hybrid chiral magnetisation arrangements. The described thickness-dependent reorientation of DWs is experimentally confirmed by studying demagnetised multilayers through circular dichroism in x-ray resonant magnetic scattering. We also demonstrate a simple yet reliable method for determining the magnitude of the DMI from static domains measurements even in the presence of these hybrid chiral structures, by taking into account the actual profile of the DWs. The advent of these novel hybrid chiral textures has far-reaching implications on how to stabilise and manipulate DWs as well as skymionic structures in magnetic multilayers.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Spin-Torque Diode Measurements of MgO-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Asymmetric Electrodes

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    We present a detailed study of the spin-torque diode effect in CoFeB/MgO/CoFe/NiFe magnetic tunnel junctions. From the evolution of the resonance frequency with magnetic field at different angles, we clearly identify the free-layer mode and find an excellent agreement with simulations by taking into account several terms for magnetic anisotropy. Moreover, we demonstrate the large contribution of the out-of-plane torque in our junctions with asymmetric electrodes compared to the in-plane torque. Consequently, we provide a way to enhance the sensitivity of these devices for the detection of microwave frequency

    Driving skyrmions in flow regime in synthetic ferrimagnets

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    Despite significant advances in the last decade regarding the room temperature stabilization of skyrmions or their current induced dynamics, the impact of local material inhomogeneities still remains an important issue that impedes to reach the regime of steady state motion of these spin textures. Here, we study the spin-torque driven motion of skyrmions in synthetic ferrimagnetic multilayers with the aim of achieving high mobility and reduced skyrmion Hall effect. We consider Pt|Co|Tb multilayers of various thicknesses with antiferromagnetic coupling between the Co and Tb magnetization. The increase of Tb thickness in the multilayers allows to reduce the total magnetic moment and increases the spin-orbit torques allowing to reach velocities up to 400 m.s-1 for skyrmions with diameters of about 160 nm. We demonstrate that due to reduced skyrmion Hall effect, combined with the edge repulsion of the magnetic track making the skyrmions moving along the track without any transverse deflection. Further, by comparing the field-induced domain wall motion and current-induced skyrmion motion, we demonstrate that the skyrmions at the largest current densities present all the characteristics of a dynamical flow regime.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Frequency converter based on nanoscale MgO magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We observe both dc voltage rectification and frequency conversion that occur when a reference microwave current is injected to a MgO based magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). The rectification that is spin-transfer torque dependent is observed when the frequency of the input microwave current coincides with the resonance frequency of the magnetization of the active layer. In addition, we demonstrate that frequency conversion is the result of amplitude modulation between the reference signal and the resistance of the MTJ that is fluctuating at the resonance frequency of the magnetization of the active layer.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    High domain wall velocity at zero magnetic field induced by low current densities in spin-valve nanostripes

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    Current-induced magnetic domain wall motion at zero magnetic field is observed in the permalloy layer of a spin-valve-based nanostripe using photoemission electron microscopy. The domain wall movement is hampered by pinning sites, but in between them high domain wall velocities (exceeding 150 m/s) are obtained for current densities well below 10^{12} \unit{A/m^2}, suggesting that these trilayer systems are promising for applications in domain wall devices in case of well controlled pinning positions. Vertical spin currents in these structures provide a potential explanation for the increase in domain wall velocity at low current densities.Comment: Published version, Applied Physics Express 2, 023003 (2009) http://dx.doi.org/10.1143/APEX.2.02300