143 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of the Indian monsoon variability and its environmental impacts over the northwestern Arabian Sea and its surrounding continents since the Last Glacial Maximum : multi-proxy study of a marine core in the Gulf of Aden

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    La carotte MD92-1002 prĂ©levĂ©e dans le Golfe d’Aden (12°01’32 N- 44°19’02E -1327 m de profondeur) fournit un enregistrement palĂ©oenvironnemental et palĂ©oclimatique unique permettant de discuter l’évolution des milieux continentaux et ocĂ©aniques depuis 20 000 ans BP. J’ai effectuĂ© l'analyse des palynomorphes continentaux (grains de pollen, spores, champignons, charbons et algues d'eau douces) et marins (kystes de dinoflagellĂ©s, Ɠufs de copĂ©podes) et j’ai combinĂ© ces donnĂ©es Ă  des paramĂštres gĂ©ochimiques (ÎŽÂč⁞O, analyses Ă©lĂ©mentaires par Fluorescence X) et sĂ©dimentaires (taux de sĂ©dimentation, teneurs en carbone organique). Les grains de pollen rĂ©vĂšlent des conditions rĂ©gionales hyper-arides pendant la pĂ©riode glaciaire caractĂ©risĂ©e par une vĂ©gĂ©tation clairsemĂ©e d’origine Saharo-Sindienne. L'abondance des taxons steppiques associĂ©s aux microparticules de charbon suggĂšre une activitĂ© Ă©olienne Ă©levĂ©e. Les marqueurs d’humiditĂ© augmentent dĂšs 14 900 ans BP et atteignent leur maximum entre 9 000 et 7 500 ans BP, au moment oĂč se dĂ©veloppe une mangrove Ă  Rhizophora dans le Golfe d’Aden reflĂ©tant des conditions tropicales avec une saison pluvieuse d’étĂ©. La chronologie des Ă©vĂ©nements Ă©laborĂ©e Ă  partir des rĂ©sultats polliniques et des enregistrements continentaux tels les tĂ©moins des lacs et marĂ©cages et les spĂ©lĂ©othĂšmes de Socotra et d’Oman documente la progression vers le Nord et l’Ouest de la limite estivale de la Zone de Convergence Inter-Tropicale (ITCZ) au cours de la transition glaciaire-interglaciaire, au moment de la mise en place de la PĂ©riode Humide HolocĂšne (PHH). L'ITCZ est localisĂ©e au Sud de l'Ethiopie Ă  19 000 ans BP puis migre vers le Nord pour atteindre Socotra Ă  14 510 ans BP, Qunf Ă  10 400 ans BP et Hoti Ă  10 000 ans BP. Les mouvements de l'ITCZ vers l'Ouest sont documentĂ©s par le dĂ©veloppement de la mangrove Ă  Rhizophora Ă  partir de 12 600 ans BP. La carotte MD 92-1002 permet Ă©galement de documenter la fin de la PHH qui dĂ©bute trĂšs tĂŽt comparativement Ă  ce qui est observĂ© en Afrique nord tropicale, en deux Ă©tapes successivement datĂ©es de 7500 et 4000 BP. Les assemblages de dinoflagellĂ©s montrent que la pĂ©riode glaciaire est caractĂ©risĂ©e par de faibles upwellings et des eaux profondes bien ventilĂ©es. La productivitĂ© primaire marine dans le Golfe d’Aden augmente Ă  partir de 14 500 ans BP et atteint un maximum pendant la transition glaciaire/interglaciaire, entre 12 600 et 10 800 ans BP. Il survient ~ 3 000 ans avant le pic d’intensitĂ© des upwellings de la marge d’Oman associĂ© au maximum des vents de la mousson du S-O. Cette singularitĂ© pourrait s’expliquer par les conditions trĂšs particuliĂšres du Golfe d’Aden qui est situĂ© Ă  l’intersection de deux systĂšmes de vents orthogonaux pendant l’étĂ© borĂ©al (des vents du S-O Ă  l’Est du golfe et des vents orientĂ©s du N-O en provenance de la Mer Rouge). La courbe de COT rĂ©vĂšle une nette variabilitĂ© Glaciaire/Interglaciaire, largement dĂ©couplĂ©e des variations des assemblages de dinoflagellĂ©s. Cela suggĂšre que la teneur en matiĂšre organique est essentiellement contrĂŽlĂ©e par la prĂ©servation sur le fond marin.Core MD92-1002 retrieved from the Gulf of Aden (12°01’32 N- 44°19’02E -1327 m of water depth) provides a unique paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic record to study the evolution of continental and marine environments since 20 ka. I performed palynological analyses (pollen grains, spores, fungi, charcoal, freshwater algae, dinoflagellate cysts, copepod eggs) and combined those data with geochemical (ÎŽÂč⁞O, X-Ray Fluorescence) and sedimentological parameters (e.g. sedimentation rates, Total Organic Carbon (TOC)). Pollen grains reveal regional hyper-arid conditions during the glacial period, characterized by sparse vegetation cover of Saharo-Sindian origin. The abundance of steppic taxa associated with charcoal fragments suggests strong wind activity. Humidity tracers increased from 14.9 ka and reached their maximum between 9 and 7.5 ka. This maximum is characterized by the development of the tropical mangrove Rhizophora in the Gulf of Aden, reflecting tropical conditions with summer monsoon rains. The timing of events deduced from palynological records and continental data such as lacustrine and palustrine deposits and speleothems from Socotra and Oman, reveals a northward and westward shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) summer position at the onset of the Holocene Humid Period (HHP). The ITCZ was located in southern Ethiopia at 19 ka, then migrated northward to reach Socotra at 14.51 ka, Qunf at 10.4 ka and Hoti at 10 ka. Westward shift of ITCZ is suggested by the development of mangrove (Rhizophora) from 12.5 ka. Core MD 92-1002 reveals that HHP termination took place earlier than over tropical North Africa, in two main steps dated at 7.5 and 4 ka, respectively. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages suggest that the glacial period was characterized by weakened upwellings and well-ventilated bottom water. Primary productivity in the Gulf of Aden increased from 14.5 ka and reached its maximum during the glacial/interglacial transition between 12.6 and 10.8 ka. It took place about ~ 3 ka earlier than the peak intensity of upwellings off the Oman margin, which is associated with the maximum of SW monsoonal winds. This singularity could be explained by the landlocked position of the gulf, at the junction between two orthogonal wind regimes during the boreal summer season (SW monsoon winds prevailing to the East of the Gulf, while NW winds blow along the main axis of the Red Sea to the west). TOC analysis reveals a Glacial-Interglacial variability that is largely decoupled from our reconstruction of surface productivity, suggesting that organic content is mainly controlled by preservation at the sea floor

    Reconstitution de la variabilité de la mousson indienne et ses impacts environnementaux sur le Nord-Ouest de la Mer d'Arabie et ses bordures continentales depuis le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire : étude multi-proxy d'une carotte marine dans le Golfe d'Aden

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    Core MD92-1002 retrieved from the Gulf of Aden (12°01’32 N- 44°19’02E -1327 m of water depth) provides a unique paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic record to study the evolution of continental and marine environments since 20 ka. I performed palynological analyses (pollen grains, spores, fungi, charcoal, freshwater algae, dinoflagellate cysts, copepod eggs) and combined those data with geochemical (ÎŽÂč⁞O, X-Ray Fluorescence) and sedimentological parameters (e.g. sedimentation rates, Total Organic Carbon (TOC)). Pollen grains reveal regional hyper-arid conditions during the glacial period, characterized by sparse vegetation cover of Saharo-Sindian origin. The abundance of steppic taxa associated with charcoal fragments suggests strong wind activity. Humidity tracers increased from 14.9 ka and reached their maximum between 9 and 7.5 ka. This maximum is characterized by the development of the tropical mangrove Rhizophora in the Gulf of Aden, reflecting tropical conditions with summer monsoon rains. The timing of events deduced from palynological records and continental data such as lacustrine and palustrine deposits and speleothems from Socotra and Oman, reveals a northward and westward shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) summer position at the onset of the Holocene Humid Period (HHP). The ITCZ was located in southern Ethiopia at 19 ka, then migrated northward to reach Socotra at 14.51 ka, Qunf at 10.4 ka and Hoti at 10 ka. Westward shift of ITCZ is suggested by the development of mangrove (Rhizophora) from 12.5 ka. Core MD 92-1002 reveals that HHP termination took place earlier than over tropical North Africa, in two main steps dated at 7.5 and 4 ka, respectively. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages suggest that the glacial period was characterized by weakened upwellings and well-ventilated bottom water. Primary productivity in the Gulf of Aden increased from 14.5 ka and reached its maximum during the glacial/interglacial transition between 12.6 and 10.8 ka. It took place about ~ 3 ka earlier than the peak intensity of upwellings off the Oman margin, which is associated with the maximum of SW monsoonal winds. This singularity could be explained by the landlocked position of the gulf, at the junction between two orthogonal wind regimes during the boreal summer season (SW monsoon winds prevailing to the East of the Gulf, while NW winds blow along the main axis of the Red Sea to the west). TOC analysis reveals a Glacial-Interglacial variability that is largely decoupled from our reconstruction of surface productivity, suggesting that organic content is mainly controlled by preservation at the sea floor.La carotte MD92-1002 prĂ©levĂ©e dans le Golfe d’Aden (12°01’32 N- 44°19’02E -1327 m de profondeur) fournit un enregistrement palĂ©oenvironnemental et palĂ©oclimatique unique permettant de discuter l’évolution des milieux continentaux et ocĂ©aniques depuis 20 000 ans BP. J’ai effectuĂ© l'analyse des palynomorphes continentaux (grains de pollen, spores, champignons, charbons et algues d'eau douces) et marins (kystes de dinoflagellĂ©s, Ɠufs de copĂ©podes) et j’ai combinĂ© ces donnĂ©es Ă  des paramĂštres gĂ©ochimiques (ÎŽÂč⁞O, analyses Ă©lĂ©mentaires par Fluorescence X) et sĂ©dimentaires (taux de sĂ©dimentation, teneurs en carbone organique). Les grains de pollen rĂ©vĂšlent des conditions rĂ©gionales hyper-arides pendant la pĂ©riode glaciaire caractĂ©risĂ©e par une vĂ©gĂ©tation clairsemĂ©e d’origine Saharo-Sindienne. L'abondance des taxons steppiques associĂ©s aux microparticules de charbon suggĂšre une activitĂ© Ă©olienne Ă©levĂ©e. Les marqueurs d’humiditĂ© augmentent dĂšs 14 900 ans BP et atteignent leur maximum entre 9 000 et 7 500 ans BP, au moment oĂč se dĂ©veloppe une mangrove Ă  Rhizophora dans le Golfe d’Aden reflĂ©tant des conditions tropicales avec une saison pluvieuse d’étĂ©. La chronologie des Ă©vĂ©nements Ă©laborĂ©e Ă  partir des rĂ©sultats polliniques et des enregistrements continentaux tels les tĂ©moins des lacs et marĂ©cages et les spĂ©lĂ©othĂšmes de Socotra et d’Oman documente la progression vers le Nord et l’Ouest de la limite estivale de la Zone de Convergence Inter-Tropicale (ITCZ) au cours de la transition glaciaire-interglaciaire, au moment de la mise en place de la PĂ©riode Humide HolocĂšne (PHH). L'ITCZ est localisĂ©e au Sud de l'Ethiopie Ă  19 000 ans BP puis migre vers le Nord pour atteindre Socotra Ă  14 510 ans BP, Qunf Ă  10 400 ans BP et Hoti Ă  10 000 ans BP. Les mouvements de l'ITCZ vers l'Ouest sont documentĂ©s par le dĂ©veloppement de la mangrove Ă  Rhizophora Ă  partir de 12 600 ans BP. La carotte MD 92-1002 permet Ă©galement de documenter la fin de la PHH qui dĂ©bute trĂšs tĂŽt comparativement Ă  ce qui est observĂ© en Afrique nord tropicale, en deux Ă©tapes successivement datĂ©es de 7500 et 4000 BP. Les assemblages de dinoflagellĂ©s montrent que la pĂ©riode glaciaire est caractĂ©risĂ©e par de faibles upwellings et des eaux profondes bien ventilĂ©es. La productivitĂ© primaire marine dans le Golfe d’Aden augmente Ă  partir de 14 500 ans BP et atteint un maximum pendant la transition glaciaire/interglaciaire, entre 12 600 et 10 800 ans BP. Il survient ~ 3 000 ans avant le pic d’intensitĂ© des upwellings de la marge d’Oman associĂ© au maximum des vents de la mousson du S-O. Cette singularitĂ© pourrait s’expliquer par les conditions trĂšs particuliĂšres du Golfe d’Aden qui est situĂ© Ă  l’intersection de deux systĂšmes de vents orthogonaux pendant l’étĂ© borĂ©al (des vents du S-O Ă  l’Est du golfe et des vents orientĂ©s du N-O en provenance de la Mer Rouge). La courbe de COT rĂ©vĂšle une nette variabilitĂ© Glaciaire/Interglaciaire, largement dĂ©couplĂ©e des variations des assemblages de dinoflagellĂ©s. Cela suggĂšre que la teneur en matiĂšre organique est essentiellement contrĂŽlĂ©e par la prĂ©servation sur le fond marin

    Past productivity variations and organic carbon burial in the Gulf of Aden since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    International audienceNous avons reconstruit l'évolution de la productivité marine primaire dans le Golfe d'Aden depuis le dernier maximum glaciaire à partir de données micro-paléontologiques et sédimentaires de la carotte MD92-1002. L'analyse des kystes de dinoflagellés suggÚre que la période glaciaire est caractérisée par une activité réduite des upwellings et par des eaux profondes bien oxygénées. La productivité primaire augmente (et l'oxygénation des eaux profondes se réduit) à partir de 14,5 ka et atteint son maximum entre 12,6 et 10,8 ka, pour diminuer ensuite pendant l'HolocÚne. Dans le Golfe d'Aden, la productivité primaire aurait ainsi atteint son maximum vers 3 ka avant le pic d'intensité de l'upwelling le long de la marge d'Oman correspondant au maximum d'insolation de l'été boréal. Les variations du Brome (Br), du Carbone Organique Total (COT) et de la concentration en micro-organismes planctoniques sont fortement corrélées entre elles dans la carotte MD92-1002. Ces paramÚtres montrent un fort signal Glaciaire/ Interglaciaire qui est donc largement découplé de la productivité de surface. Nos données suggÚrent donc que la teneur en matiÚre organique totale dans la carotte MD92-1002 est essentiellement contrÎlée par la préservation sur le fond marin.We reconstructed the evolution of marine primary productivity across the last deglaciation in the Gulf of Aden based on micro-paleontological and sedimentological data from marine core MD92-1002. Dinoflagellate cysts analysis suggests that the glacial period was characterized by weakened upwellings and well ventilated bottom water. Primary productivity increased from 14.5 ka with a maximum between 12.6 and 10.8 ka, then declined during the Holocene. Maximum of primary productivity in the Gulf of Aden took place about 3 ka earlier than the maximum of upwelling intensity off the Oman margin, and was not phase-locked with the maximum of boreal summer insolation. XRF-derived bromine contents mimic the variations of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in core MD92-1002. Both records show a strong glacial/interglacial signal that is largely decoupled from our reconstruction of surface productivity, suggesting that total organic content in core MD92-1002 is mainly controlled by preservation at the sea floor

    Hydro-climate changes over southwestern Arabia and the Horn of Africa during the last glacial–interglacial transition: A pollen record from the Gulf of Aden

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    International audienceWe studied a marine sedimentary section deposited at a high sedimentation rate in the Gulf of Aden (core MD92-1002) to document environmental and hydrological changes since the end of the last glacial periodand better understand the onset and decay of the Holocene Humid Period (HHP). Pollen analysis reveals that the period from the LGM to 13.5 ka was hyper arid with sparse vegetation cover characterized by xerophitic taxa from the Saharo-Sindian phyto-geographical region. Humidity increased since 14.9 ka to reach a maximumbetween ~ 9 and 7.5 ka, as revealed by peak abundances of the tropical mangrove Rhizophora and high values of a pollen-based humidity index.The HHP ended up gradually, starting to decline as soon as 7.5 ka and collapsing definitively at 4ka. This decline is characterized by the appearance of Mediterranean taxa and the return of arid conditions, comparable to that of today. Comparison of our pollen record with three speleothem records from the Arabian Peninsula makes it possible to reconstruct a northward and westward shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone at the onset of the HHP

    Imprint of seasonality changes on fluvio-glacial dynamics across Heinrich Stadial 1 (NE Atlantic Ocean)

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    International audienceThe northern Bay of Biscay has previously proven its great potential for recording the ‘Fleuve Manche’ paleoriver (i.e., the largest Pleistocene river in Europe) fluvio-glacial activity. In this study, new dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) analyses have been carried out at sub-centennial resolution in core MD13–3438 to reconstruct the deglacial history of the ‘Fleuve Manche’ paleoriver runoff coupled with European Ice Sheets (EIS) fluctuations across Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1: 18.2–14.6 ka BP), a key extreme climatic event of the last glacial period. Prior to Heinrich Event (HE) 1 (16.7–14.6 ka BP), the onset of HS1 (18.2–16.7 ka BP) appears here marked by enhanced ‘Fleuve Manche’ paleoriver runoff, materialized by laminated deposits. Our work suggests a novel sub-centennial scale subdivision of the early HS1 (laminated) interval into 5 sub-phases when episodes of substantial fluvio-glacial delivery concomitant with warm summers alternate with episodes of moderate runoff associated with extended cold winters. We argue that multidecadal seasonal changes played a key role in the hydrological regime of western Europe during this HS1 interval, with the retreat of the southern limb of the EIS, and associated influx of meltwater and fluvio-glacial delivery, which were strongly influenced by those multidecadal changes in seasonality. Interestingly, our paleoclimatic record not only evidences the crucial role of seasonality in controlling climate and hydrological variations during HS1 but also shows a remarkable echo with reconstructions from the western Mediterranean Basin, highlighting common climate forcings at regional scale during the last deglaciatio
