4,225 research outputs found

    An action plan for the European leaders

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    At the extraordinary EU Council of 21 July European leaders have to accomplish a triple-mission. First, they should pave the way to restoring solvency in Greece by initiating debt reduction. Softening the Greek debt burden implies i) reducing the interest rate on official lending, ii) requesting from the EFSF support for an immediate bond buy-back programme, and iii) asking the ESRB for an immediate evaluation of the risks to financial stability involved in a future restructuring of the sovereign debts in the euro area. Second, they should promote immediate growth-enhancing measures to be financed through unused EU structural funds and EIB loans (â?¬16bn). The available funds shall be used to i) raise the quality of higher education, ii) finance wage subsidies in manufacturing and tourism so as to generate an internal devaluation at contained domestic-demand costs; and ii) create research laboratories (i.e. lighthouse innovation projects) that would support an upgrading of the Greek value chain. Third, they should address risks to financial stability in the euro zone by breaking the vicious circle between sovereign debt and banking risk. The EFSF should be able to guarantee national deposit insurance schemes; at the same time, the European Banking Authority should assume stronger supervisory powers. This is an immediate action plans but of course more ambitious reforms are necessary down the road.

    "Any lady can do this without much trouble ...": class and gender in The dining room (1878)

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    Macmillan's "Art at Home" series (1876–83) was a collection of domestic advice manuals. Mentioned in every study of the late-nineteenth-century domestic interior, they have often been interpreted, alongside contemporary publications such as Charles Eastlake's Hints on Household Taste (1868), as indicators of late 1870s home furnishing styles. Mrs Loftie's The Dining Room (1878) was the series' fifth book and it considers one of the home's principal (and traditionally masculine) domestic spaces. Recent research on middle-class cultural practices surrounding food has placed The Dining Room within the tradition of Mrs Beeton's Household Management (1861); however, it is not a cookery book and hardly mentions dinners. Drawing upon unpublished archival sources, this paper charts the production and reception of The Dining Room, aiming to unravel its relationships with other contemporary texts and to highlight the difficulties of using it as historical evidence. While it offers fascinating insights into contemporary taste, class and gender, this paper suggests that, as an example of domestic design advice literature, it reveals far more about the often expedient world of nineteenth-century publishing practices

    An evaluation of IMF surveillance of the euro area

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    The euro-area crisis has exposed deep deficiencies in the governance of European Economic and Monetary Union. However, crisis prevention in, and surveillance of, the euro area are not only the responsibility of European authorities. As members of the International Monetary Fund, all euro-areacountries are also subject to regular bilateral IMF surveillance. The currency union as a whole is also subject to regular IMF surveillance.This report analyses the IMFâ??s surveillance of the euro area. We find that it suffered from severe shortcomings in the run-up to the financial crisis, but after the start of the crisis in 2008, IMF surveillance of the euro area greatly improved, with the IMF correctly proposing measures to counter depression risks and warning about banking sector problems. By the time the sovereign-debt crisis hit the currency union in early 2010, the IMF was ready to play aninfluential role. The slow European response meant this was indispensable.

    Combining virtual simulation and physical vehicle test data to optimize automotive durability testing.

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    This thesis describes a project to model a vehicle on a computer with a multibody dynamics simulation software package and to combine that work with physical laboratory tests for the purposes of optimizing durability testing. The intention was to mirror as closely as possible the behavior of a physical vehicle on a road test simulator to assist in determining its durability characteristics under varying road conditions. This modeling work is important because, if done with sufficient fidelity, it can be used to assess vehicle responses using different suspension configurations or payloads. Also, problems associated with changes to a vehicle\u27s payload, structure and suspension systems can be observed on a computer without performing physical tests. The process has the potential to improve greatly automobile quality and durability, while dramatically reducing product development time and costs. The virtual dynamic vehicle model was assembled using computer aided drafting (CAD) models and ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems) software packages. Inputs to the virtual model were forces and displacements acquired from the responses of a physical vehicle and a road test simulator (RTS) during a durability testing cycle. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Dept. of Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2002 .F47. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-05, page: 1763. Adviser: Peter R. Frise. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Materials interactions between the thermoelectric converter and the 5kwe reactor system

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    The integration of a compact thermoelectric converter with a 5-kwe reactor system is described. Material interaction uncertainties study is also presented. This includes degradation of the required austenitic - refractory metal transition joint during operation at high temperatures; loss of corrosion resistance; embrittlement by the presence of hydrogen; and loss of design margin by transport of interstitial elements. Analysis and limited experimental evidence indicate that these potential materials interactions can be adequately controlled. Group 5-2 refractory metals can be utilized without unacceptable adverse effect on system reliability

    Studi Karakteristik Hasil Pengelasan MIG Pada Material Aluminium 5083

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    Proses pengelasan dilakukan dengan sebuah alat bantu pengelasan MIG, sehingga kecepatan pengelasan dan penetrasi yang diharapkan menjadi konstan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil pengelasan pengaruh variasi kecepatan terhadap cacat las yang terjadi, pengaruh variasi kecepatan pengelasan terhadap hasil uji tarik, dan mencari kecepatan pengelasan yang paling optimum. Penelitian ini menggunakan menggunakan material aluminium alloy 5083, mesin las MIG dengan alat bantu pengelasan, filler rod AWS5356, dia. 1,2 mm, arus 135 A dan kecepatan wire feeder 8 m/menit dengan proses pendinginan alami. Variasi kecepatan pengelasan diberikan 250 mm/menit, 350 mm/menit, 450 mm/menit, 550 mm/menit, 650 mm/menit. Metode Non Destructive Test (NDT) dye penetrant untuk melihat cacat yang terjadi pada permukaan hasil pengelasan. Kemudian pengujian Destructive Test (DT) dengan melakukan uji tarik untuk mengetahui hasil kekuatan tarik.Cacat yang terjadi, yaitu pin hole dan crack. Ultimate Total Load tertinggi dihasilkan oleh pengelasan MIG menggunakan kecepatan 550 mm/menit dengan nilai 7938,41 kgf, sedangkan Ultimate Total Load terendah dihasilkan pada kecepatan 250 mm/menit dengan nilai 2629,35 kgf. Tensile Strenght terendah ada pada spesimen 250 mm/menit dengan nilai 6,83 kgf/mm² , sedangkan untuk nilai Tensile Strength tertinggi ada pada spesimen 550 mm/menit dengan nilai 20,43 kgf/mm².Kecepatan optimum berdasarkan pengujian tarik yaitu pada kecepatan 550 mm/menit

    Peningkatan Kondisi Area Bahan Laboratorium Produksi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kondisi area bahan pada Laboratorium Produksi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik UNJ dengan menambah kapasitas rak bahan dan menerapkan salah satu 5S pada area bahan. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan gambar kerja. Apabila gambar kerja telah dibuat maka dilakukan penambahan kapasitas rak sesuai dengan gambar kerja, dan kemudian dilakukan penataan pada area bahan berdasarkan salah satu prinsip Kaizen (dalam hal ini Seiton). Setelah dilakukan salah satu langkah 5S berupa seiton atau penataan bahan-bahan praktik yang terdapat di lantai area bahan Laboratorium Produksi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik UNJ dapat diletakkan di rak sehingga kondisi area bahan menjadi lebih rapi yang ditunjukkan dengan penempatan bahan praktik sesuai dengan jenisnya masing-masing

    Karakteristik Sifat Mekanis Antara Tiga Produk Manufaktur Elektroda E6013

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    The type of electrode used in the SMAW process has many types, such as E 6010, E 6011, E 6012, E 6013, E 6020, E6027. In this case the type E 6013 is the most widely used. Certainly the type E 6013 is produced by different manufacturers as well. From penelurusan researchers of this type have different prices in accordance with companies that sell it. For that reason researchers are interested to compare the three manufacturing outputs for the type E 6013 in terms of its mechanical properties. Making a specimen welding electrode cut material to be used. then sandpaper the material that has been cut so that no remaining pieces are still attached. The next step to do the welding process with three types of E6013 elekroda. The welding is carried out until it reaches the layer layer 10 mm thickness, then the bottom plate is discarded and the weld deposit deposits only The impact strength and surface hardness value are inversely proportional. For the impact test, the E1 electrode sample specimen has the highest impact strength value and the E3 electrode sample specimen has the lowest impact strength value. While on the hardness test specimen E3 electrode sample has the highest hardness value and sample specimen E1 electrode has the lowest hardness value. This can prove that the harder the object is the more brittle the object