2,644 research outputs found

    Separation of Powers, Line Item Veto and the Tax Level: Evidence from the American States Draft 1

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    Line item veto, a feature present in most American States, gives the governor the power to veto single appropriation items from the budget. Its effects on the tax level, however, are still controversial in the empirical and theoretical literature (cf. Holtz-Eakins (1988) and Besley and Case (2003)). Line item veto is mostly a time invariant feature and to asses its effects previous studies have interacted it with political control variables such as a divided government. The endogenity problems that arise from using a political variable to explain a policy variable, however, have not been dealt with in these studies. We use three empirical approaches to tackle the problem and show that line item veto does have a significant negative effect on the tax rate in the States: diffs-in-diffs estimation with instrumental variables (election results in lower offices at the state level), regression discontinuity design, and a dynamic panel. Our prior on its effects comes from adapting the separation of powers model by Persson, Roland and Tabellini (2000) to the American States setup: we add line item veto and an executive. Our model delivers a clear prediction on the tax level, on the amount of public good, and on the importance of group specific transfers.

    Political Parties and the Tax Level in the American states: Two Regression Discontinuity Designs

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    Do parties matter? Yes, but not in the usual way we tend to think of them: big government Democrats and small government Republicans. Our first regression discontinuity design shows that whether the majority in the House of Representatives is Republican or Democratic does not affect the tax level. This surprising result goes against the recent literature in political economy. We then perform another regression discontinuity design in which we find that whether a government is aligned (both the Governor and the majority in the state House belong to the same party) or divided (they belong to different parties) does have an effect on the tax level. Taxes are higher when the government is aligned.Regression discontinuity design, Democrats, Republicans, divided government, line item veto, tax level.

    Separation of Powers or Ideology? What Determines the Tax Level? Theory and Evidence from the US States.

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    We find the surprising result that the tax level is negatively correlated with the size of the Democratic majority in the interval in which the Democrats hold between 50 and 66% of the seats in the state Legislatures. This negative relationship suggests the failure of a simple ideological model that had found some support in the literature, that the main determinant of the tax level is the extent of partisan control over the Legislature. We compare this model with an alternative: a separation-of-powers model in which ideology plays no role in determining the tax level. The driving force of our model is the overlap between the supporters of the Governor and the supporters of the legislative majority. The tax level at first rises and then decreases as the size of the ruling majority increases above 50% of the seats, whether the legislative majority is of the same party as the Governor or from the opposition. This non-monotonic relationship is observed in the data and explained by our model.Separation of powers, divided government, line-item veto, tax level, semiparametric.

    Budgetary Separation of Powers in the American States and the Tax Level: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis

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    A political regime has budgetary separation of powers if the power with the prerogative to raise taxes is not the full residual claimant of a tax increase. In the American states two conditions are needed: the governor must have the line item veto, and the political interests of the legislative majority and the governor must not be perfectly aligned. Political alignment between the executive and the legislative depends on the numbers of seats the governor's party controls in the state legislature; it changes discontinuously as we move from a unifed to a divided government. We use regression discontinuity design to establish a causal relation between a divided government and lower tax rates in states with line item veto. In states with block veto such relation is not present. We estimate the jump in the tax level at the discontinuity semiparametrically.Separation of powers, line item veto, tax level, regression discontinuity, semiparametric.

    Budgetary Separation of Powers in the American States and the Tax Level: A Regression Discontinuity Design

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    Should the Federal government and the remaining American states adopt the line item veto? What are its effects? We use regression discontinuity design to claim that in states with the line item veto, divided government has a causal negative effect on the tax level. By investigating a panel of 38 American states from 1960 to 2006, we estimate a significant discontinuous increase of 13% in the tax level as the party affiliated with the Governor in the state Legislature switches from being the minority party to being the majority. In the nine states that have block veto, we find no significant discontinuity in the tax level. We also find little evidence to suggest that the partisan identity of the majority party in the Legislature has a causal effect on the state tax level.Separation of powers, line item veto, tax level, regression discontinuity, nonparametric

    An empirical exploration of geographic heterogeneities in labor markets informality and minimum wage effects

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    Fil: Ferrero,Lucas. National University of the Northeast. School of Economics; Argentina.Fil: Hisgen, Matías. National University of the Northeast. School of Economics; Argentina.Dual labor markets, defined by the existence or not of a formal labor contract, are a widespread feature in developing countries. Part of this duality results from marked asymmetries between relevant groups and categories, given one-size-fits-all regulation. This article proposes an exploration of the relationship between informality and the minimum wage as a potential source of variation for the identification heterogeneous effects between regions in Argentina. The results obtained support the existence of heterogeneities in policy effects between the central and peripheral regions. The distribution of wages and the level of compliance with the associated minimum wage regulations are the main variables of interest; both exhibit differential effects across regions, stronger northern agglomerations. These are robust to various specifications and controls associated with interregional differences (educational levels, size of companies, sectoral differences, among others). Results have important implications given persistent regional backwardness, and heterogeneities in terms of the workings of both markets and related policies

    La gestión del conocimiento en estudiantes de magisterio

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    Introducción: La gestión del conocimiento se ha revelado como una potente herramienta para conocer el propio modelo de aprendizaje y conocimiento. Dentro de las Tecnologías existen diversas aproximaciones a la medida de la gestión del conocimiento en función de los objetivos que se persigan, de las categorías evaluadas, de la dimensión (empresarial, educativa, escolar) del nivel de complejidad y otros. En nuestro caso entendemos que el conocimiento necesita cuatro componentes básicos: datos, información, personas y contexto. En este sentido, el movimiento de la Gestión del Conocimiento conduce de manera diferente la visión de la gestión admitiendo que el conocimiento no se puede gestionar como otros recursos. MÉTODO Se ha usado metodología descritivo-interpretativa y expost-facto. Se ha usado muestreo no probabilístico en la selección de una conhorte de estudiantes de Grado de Magisterio que ascienden a 75. El instrumento ha sido un cuestionario realizado en base a diversos instrumentos y modelos de gestión del conocimiento que han sido validados por cinco expertos. La fiabilidad obtenida mediante el alfa de Cronbach asciende a 0,87. También se ha realizado un análisis factorial para determinar los elementos clave en la gestión del conocimiento de los estudiantes del Grado de Magisterio. Los RESULTADOS muestran una deficitaria gestión del conocimiento en estos estudiantes en todos los componentes básicos estudiadosThis paper reports the findings of a research study reviewing the one hand , models of knowledge management , conceptualization and processes and on the other , the results obtained through the application of ICT , one tool support necessary for successful implementation of knowledge management . For this to be achieved , the university must flexible and adapt to new rules imposed Knowledge Management regarding new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICT ), penetrating the Knowledge Society through tangible actions, incorporating methodological and curricular changes that facilitate the flow of knowledge and active involvement of students in order to make known that knowledge production and in turn can be used in the progress of science in different fields of research . This is a qualitative and quantitative research using an interpretive ex -post - facto descriptive study. The sampling technique corresponds to a non-probability sampling. We used the survey and applied a questionnaire to students who were in third grade of primary school in the year 2012-201

    La gestión del conocimiento en revistas de educación

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    El objetivo de este artículo es examinar las publicaciones en revistas sobre gestión del conocimiento desde el año 2006 hasta el 2015. Para ello, del listado de revistas temáticas, se han seleccionado las que tienen por objeto de estudio la educación en general, la didáctica y la organización. Como categorías investigadas, se han escogido cuatro y se ha confeccionado la tabla de frecuencias de las mismas en cada una de las categorías, por años y por revistas. Se han analizado cuatro apartados: gestión de la información, transformación de la información en conocimiento, gestión del aprendizaje resultante y satisfacción por el saber generado. Los resultados muestran que la tasa de frecuencia por años tiene forma de campana de Gauss: se puede observar un despunte entre 2006 y 2009; se instaura y se fortalece de 2010 a 2013, con la cota más alta en este último año, y decae a niveles del comienzo durante 2014 y 2015, aunque esta última fecha no es muy representativa, a causa de su proximidad temporal con el momento presente. Por categorías, las más tratadas tienen que ver con las dos que son centrales: la transformación de la información en conocimiento (almacenamiento, estructuración, asimilación) y la gestión del aprendizaje resultante (transferencia, uso, aplicación y lecciones aprendidas del nuevo conocimiento).L'objectiu d'aquest article és examinar les publicacions en revistes sobre gestió del coneixement des de l'any 2006 fins al 2015. Per aquest motiu, de la llista de revistes temàtiques, se n'han seleccionat les que tenen per objecte d'estudi l'educació en general, la didàctica i l'organització. Com a categories investigades, se n'han triat quatre i se n'ha confeccionat la taula de freqüències en cadascuna de les categories, per anys i per publicacions. Se n'han analitzat quatre apartats: gestió de la informació, transformació de la informació en coneixement, gestió de l'aprenentatge resultant i satisfacció pel saber generat. Els resultats mostren que la taxa de freqüència durant anys té forma de campana de Gauss: n'hi ha un despuntament durant el període 2006-2009; s'estableix i s'enforteix del 2010 al 2013, amb la cota més alta en aquest darrer, i decau a nivells del començament durant els anys 2014 i 2015, tot i que aquest últim no és gaire representatiu, atesa la data en què ens trobem actualment. Per categories, les més tractades tenen a veure amb les dues que són centrals: la transformació de la informació en coneixement (emmagatzematge, estructuració, assimilació) i la gestió de l'aprenentatge resultant (transferència, ús, implantació i lliçons apreses sobre els nous coneixements).The aim of this research was to review journal publications on knowledge management from 2006 to 2015. The publications were selected from the list of thematic journals on general education, teaching and organization. Four categories were selected for purposes of analysis and a frequency table was developed for each of the categories by year and journal. Four sections were analyzed: information management, transformation of information into knowledge, management of resultant learning and satisfaction with the knowledge generated. The results show that the frequency rate per year has a bell-shaped curve which increases over the period 2006-2009; becomes more marked from 2010 to 2013 until reaching a peak in 2013 and falls again to the initial levels in 2014 and 2015, although this last year is not very representative due to the proximity with the current date. The two central categories are the most frequent: transformation of information into knowledge (storage, structure, assimilation) and management of resultant learning (transfer, use, application and lessons learned from the new knowledge)

    Winners and losers of the pandemic in the province of Chaco based on administrative data

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    Este trabajo se concentra en aspectos de la dinámica de empleo y empresarial para la provincia del Chaco, a partir de bases de datos administrativas de autoridades fiscales y previsionales originales. Las bases se forman a partir de distintas fuentes, incluyendo el Sistema Integrado Previsional Argentino, los montos imponibles del impuesto a los ingresos brutos a nivel de empresa-actividad en la provincia, y bases de datos y categorizaciones complementarias. Esta es una contribución en sí misma, tanto por el potencial de aplicaciones como por el trabajo insumido en su elaboración. A partir de estas bases, se ilustran indicadores agregados, grados variables de desagregación, a efectos de ilustrar segmentaciones relevantes. La aplicación incluye el período 2016-2021, con particular énfasis en los efectos del shock pandémico. Se realiza un análisis de incidencia del crecimiento, ilustrando casos de segmentación por tamaño. Luego se analiza la dinámica de entradas y salidas, transiciones, y segmentaciones asociadas a categorías tributarias y sectoriales. En cuanto al empleo se ilustra los efectos asimétricos por cohortes etarios, con mayor incidencia de contracción en los jóvenes. En cuanto a la empresa-actividad, se utiliza la base para identificar segmentos en función de categorías tributarias y radicación, actividad, exposición a medidas de cierre, entre otros criterios. Los segmentos de mayor escala a nivel de categorías tributarias y con menor facilidad para eludir tributos, en promedio, se contrajeron a nivel local y se expandieron segmentos con actividades interprovinciales. Las mayores expansiones se producen en empresas con domicilio fiscal en otras jurisdicciones. Algunas actividades locales, como las asociadas a servicios de logística y comercio electrónico, muestran expansiones en ingresos por ventas y empleo; en cambio, se observan contracciones en empleo en actividades comerciales minoristas, alquileres, entre otras. La metodología presentada es exploratoria.This document focuses on aspects of employment and business dynamics for the province of Chaco, based on original tax and social security administrative databases. Data are formed from different sources, including the Argentine Integrated Pension System, administrative filings of the gross income tax (sales tax) at the company 5-digit activity level in the province, and complementary databases and classifications. This is a contribution in itself, both for the potential of applications and burden involved in its preparation. Based on these data, I illustrate dynamic heterogeneities based on aggregate sectoral and group indicators, moving to varying degrees of disaggregation and interactions, in order to illustrate relevant segmentations. The application covers the period 2016- 2021 with particular emphasis on the effects of the pandemic shock. I carry out the analysis in steps. First, I apply growth incidence analysis by firm size (gross sales and number of employees) and fiscal categories. Then, I explore the dynamics of firm entries and exits, transitions, based on tax and sector categories. Regarding employment, the asymmetric effects by age cohorts are illustrated, with a higher contraction in young cohorts. Regarding firm-activity, I present heterogeneous adjustments patters based on categories associated with location and firm scopes. Segments that group largest scales, vulnerable activities, and formal categories with more constraints to evade taxes, on average, contracted most; those segments with interprovincial activities expanded. The largest expansions occurred in companies with main fiscal location in other jurisdictions. Some local activities, such as those associated with logistics services and electronic commerce, show expansions in sales income and employment; instead, contractions in employment are observed in retail business activities, rentals, among others. The methodology presented is exploratory.Red SIMELInstituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociale

    Identidad Profesional Docente

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    [ES] Reseña del libro Identidad profesional docente. En resumen, este libro pretende responder a la pregunta: ¿Qué es un profesor hoy en día?, en relación a la experiencia, las expectativas y las competencias de los docentes sobre su identidad profesional. Para darle respuesta se plantea desde sistemas escolares y sociales dentro del marco internacional; ya que estamos ante un proceso complejo que requiere volver a definir las tareas docentes y su autorreflexión.De Lucas, EF. (2018). Identidad Profesional Docente. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 16(2):295-297. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.10384SWORD29529716